Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
Post services (12/1993=100, quarterly data)
Post services (Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data)
Post services (y-o-y indices, annual data)
Post services (2000=100, quarterly data)
Post services (12/1999=100, annual data)
Post services (Previous period=100, monthly data)
Post services (y-o-y indices, monthly data)
Post services (1994=100, monthly data)
Post services (12/1993=100, monthly data)
Post services (y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
Balance of services - Total (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Nalance of services - credit (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services - credit- transportation (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services - credit - travel (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services- credit - other services (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services - debit (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services - debit - transportation (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services - debit - travel (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services - debit - other services (Current Account (in millions of USD))
Balance of services - Total (Current Account (in millions of EUR))