Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
Date (Outstanding mortgage loans by period of interest rate fixation)
Date (Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data)
Date (1994=100, quarterly data)
Date (Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK)
Date (Selected Items of the Services in millions of CZK)
Date (Selected items of the Services in millions of USD)
Date (Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK)
Date (Outstanding mortgage loans by period of interest rate fixation)
Date (Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data)
Date (1994=100, quarterly data)
Date (Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK)
Date (Selected Items of the Services in millions of CZK)
Date (Selected items of the Services in millions of USD)
Number of shares or units as of date (Collective investment funds (in CZK thousands))
Number of shares or units as of date (UCITs (in CZK thousands))
Number of shares or units as of date (money market funds (in CZK thousands))
Number of shares or units as of date (equity funds (in CZK thousands))