Assets according to financial statements - ekonomika ČNB
Aktualizace dat Assets according to financial statements v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB
Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data
poslední hodnoty.Insurance undertakings, total (in CZK thousands)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2016 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 <b>Total assets</b> | 484 417 438.00 | 481 502 027.00 | 0.61% | 480 506 888.00 | 0.81% |
IND2 1. Receivables for subscribed share capital | 19.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND3 2. Intangible assets | 1 790 067.00 | 1 819 427.00 | -1.61% | 1 927 592.00 | -7.13% |
IND4 2.1. Start-up costs | 8 382.00 | 8 929.00 | -6.13% | 10 569.00 | -20.69% |
IND5 2.2. Goodwill | 2 851.00 | 2 863.00 | -0.42% | 141 238.00 | -97.98% |
IND6 3. Financial placement (investments) | 344 270 188.00 | 342 997 777.00 | 0.37% | 351 946 071.00 | -2.18% |
IND7 3.1. Land and buildings (real estate) | 4 540 153.00 | 4 611 840.00 | -1.55% | 5 028 064.00 | -9.70% |
IND8 3.1.1. Real estate used in operations | 3 449 280.00 | 3 514 557.00 | -1.86% | 4 326 633.00 | -20.28% |
IND9 3.2. Financial placements in third-party companies | 23 836 341.00 | 23 609 978.00 | 0.96% | 21 104 475.00 | 12.94% |
IND10 3.2.1. Participating interests in affiliates | 20 993 578.00 | 20 881 395.00 | 0.54% | 18 649 851.00 | 12.57% |
IND11 3.2.2. Bonds and loans - affiliated companies | 1 242 846.00 | 1 144 271.00 | 8.61% | 951 647.00 | 30.60% |
IND12 3.2.3. Participating interests with substantial influence | 1 599 917.00 | 1 584 312.00 | 0.98% | 1 502 977.00 | 6.45% |
IND13 3.2.4. Bonds - companies with substantial influence | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND14 3.3. Other financial placements | 315 892 299.00 | 314 774 020.00 | 0.36% | 325 811 299.00 | -3.04% |
IND15 3.3.1. Shares and other variable-yield securities, other interests | 22 511 213.00 | 22 844 013.00 | -1.46% | 25 004 739.00 | -9.97% |
IND16 3.3.2. Bonds and other fixed-income securities | 272 618 128.00 | 270 165 900.00 | 0.91% | 280 450 078.00 | -2.79% |
IND17 3.3.3. Financial placements in investment associations | 130 803.00 | 131 027.00 | -0.17% | 112 371.00 | 16.40% |
IND18 3.3.4. Other loans | 4 848 334.00 | 6 298 338.00 | -23.02% | 3 251 371.00 | 49.12% |
IND19 3.3.5. Deposits with financial institutions | 17 295 380.00 | 17 299 542.00 | -0.02% | 19 256 558.00 | -10.18% |
IND20 3.3.6. Other financial placements | -1 511 559.00 | -1 964 797.00 | -23.07% | -2 263 818.00 | -33.23% |
IND21 3.4. Deposits with ceding undertakings | 1 394.00 | 1 939.00 | -28.11% | 2 234.00 | -37.60% |
IND22 4. Financial placements of unit-linked life assurance where policyholders bear the investment risk | 85 450 147.00 | 85 258 525.00 | 0.22% | 79 536 694.00 | 7.43% |
IND23 5. Debtors | 17 463 399.00 | 17 989 045.00 | -2.92% | 16 719 423.00 | 4.45% |
IND24 5.1. Receivables arising out of direct insurance operations | 8 050 563.00 | 8 473 198.00 | -4.99% | 7 616 634.00 | 5.70% |
IND25 5.1.1. Policyholders | 7 704 957.00 | 8 086 369.00 | -4.72% | 7 250 470.00 | 6.27% |
IND26 5.1.2. Intermediaries | 345 605.00 | 386 828.00 | -10.66% | 366 164.00 | -5.61% |
IND27 5.2. Receivables arising out of reinsurance operations | 4 129 131.00 | 3 894 175.00 | 6.03% | 3 971 579.00 | 3.97% |
IND28 5.3. Other receivables | 5 283 706.00 | 5 621 674.00 | -6.01% | 5 131 208.00 | 2.97% |
IND29 6. Other assets | 17 310 056.00 | 15 355 698.00 | 12.73% | 12 574 330.00 | 37.66% |
IND30 6.1. Long-term tangible assets other than land, buildings (real estate) and stocks | 870 066.00 | 870 857.00 | -0.09% | 916 043.00 | -5.02% |
IND31 6.2. Cash at financial institutions and cash in hand | 16 425 022.00 | 14 470 131.00 | 13.51% | 11 655 562.00 | 40.92% |
IND32 6.3. Other assets | 14 970.00 | 14 710.00 | 1.77% | 2 726.00 | 449.16% |
IND33 7. Temporary accounts of assets | 18 133 560.00 | 18 081 551.00 | 0.29% | 17 802 777.00 | 1.86% |
IND34 7.1. Interest and annuities | 5 080.00 | -1 514.00 | - 435.54% | 8 554.00 | -40.61% |
IND35 7.2. Deferred acquisition costs for insurance contracts | 11 615 741.00 | 11 799 679.00 | -1.56% | 11 895 931.00 | -2.36% |
IND36 7.2.1. in life assurance | 6 970 692.00 | 7 064 193.00 | -1.32% | 7 142 651.00 | -2.41% |
IND37 7.2.2. in non-life insurance | 4 645 049.00 | 4 735 485.00 | -1.91% | 4 753 280.00 | -2.28% |
IND38 7.3. Other temporary accounts of assets | 6 512 739.00 | 6 283 386.00 | 3.65% | 5 898 291.00 | 10.42% |
IND39 7.3.1. Estimated receivables | 1 614 685.00 | 1 560 818.00 | 3.45% | 1 808 629.00 | -10.72% |
Domestic insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2016 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 <b>Total assets</b> | 432 122 402.00 | 429 668 615.00 | 0.57% | 427 945 476.00 | 0.98% |
IND2 1. Receivables for subscribed share capital | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND3 2. Intangible assets | 1 710 484.00 | 1 729 385.00 | -1.09% | 1 856 508.00 | -7.87% |
IND4 2.1. Start-up costs | 8 382.00 | 8 929.00 | -6.13% | 10 569.00 | -20.69% |
IND5 2.2. Goodwill | 2 851.00 | 2 863.00 | -0.42% | 141 238.00 | -97.98% |
IND6 3. Financial placement (investments) | 317 717 447.00 | 316 619 478.00 | 0.35% | 323 853 111.00 | -1.89% |
IND7 3.1. Land and buildings (real estate) | 4 540 153.00 | 4 611 840.00 | -1.55% | 5 024 397.00 | -9.64% |
IND8 3.1.1. Real estate used in operations | 3 449 280.00 | 3 514 557.00 | -1.86% | 4 326 633.00 | -20.28% |
IND9 3.2. Financial placements in third-party companies | 23 836 341.00 | 23 609 978.00 | 0.96% | 21 104 475.00 | 12.94% |
IND10 3.2.1. Participating interests in affiliates | 20 993 578.00 | 20 881 395.00 | 0.54% | 18 649 851.00 | 12.57% |
IND11 3.2.2. Bonds and loans - affiliated companies | 1 242 846.00 | 1 144 271.00 | 8.61% | 951 647.00 | 30.60% |
IND12 3.2.3. Participating interests with substantial influence | 1 599 917.00 | 1 584 312.00 | 0.98% | 1 502 977.00 | 6.45% |
IND13 3.2.4. Bonds - companies with substantial influence | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND14 3.3. Other financial placements | 289 339 558.00 | 288 395 721.00 | 0.33% | 297 722 006.00 | -2.82% |
IND15 3.3.1. Shares and other variable-yield securities, other interests | 21 806 923.00 | 22 163 386.00 | -1.61% | 24 344 781.00 | -10.42% |
IND16 3.3.2. Bonds and other fixed-income securities | 248 737 238.00 | 246 377 745.00 | 0.96% | 253 874 464.00 | -2.02% |
IND17 3.3.3. Financial placements in investment associations | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND18 3.3.4. Other loans | 4 468 179.00 | 5 858 672.00 | -23.73% | 2 977 308.00 | 50.07% |
IND19 3.3.5. Deposits with financial institutions | 15 965 425.00 | 16 084 790.00 | -0.74% | 18 924 852.00 | -15.64% |
IND20 3.3.6. Other financial placements | -1 638 207.00 | -2 088 870.00 | -21.57% | -2 399 399.00 | -31.72% |
IND21 3.4. Deposits with ceding undertakings | 1 394.00 | 1 939.00 | -28.11% | 2 234.00 | -37.60% |
IND22 4. Financial placements of unit-linked life assurance where policyholders bear the investment risk | 67 316 699.00 | 67 494 658.00 | -0.26% | 62 012 170.00 | 8.55% |
IND23 5. Debtors | 15 168 529.00 | 15 585 959.00 | -2.68% | 14 709 734.00 | 3.12% |
IND24 5.1. Receivables arising out of direct insurance operations | 7 233 033.00 | 7 489 708.00 | -3.43% | 6 796 023.00 | 6.43% |
IND25 5.1.1. Policyholders | 7 046 768.00 | 7 272 804.00 | -3.11% | 6 573 969.00 | 7.19% |
IND26 5.1.2. Intermediaries | 186 263.00 | 216 903.00 | -14.13% | 222 054.00 | -16.12% |
IND27 5.2. Receivables arising out of reinsurance operations | 3 717 863.00 | 3 431 964.00 | 8.33% | 3 611 154.00 | 2.95% |
IND28 5.3. Other receivables | 4 217 635.00 | 4 664 289.00 | -9.58% | 4 302 555.00 | -1.97% |
IND29 6. Other assets | 13 863 280.00 | 11 902 125.00 | 16.48% | 9 263 100.00 | 49.66% |
IND30 6.1. Long-term tangible assets other than land, buildings (real estate) and stocks | 823 211.00 | 827 585.00 | -0.53% | 861 649.00 | -4.46% |
IND31 6.2. Cash at financial institutions and cash in hand | 13 039 891.00 | 11 072 442.00 | 17.77% | 8 399 974.00 | 55.24% |
IND32 6.3. Other assets | 180.00 | 2 098.00 | -91.42% | 1 478.00 | -87.82% |
IND33 7. Temporary accounts of assets | 16 345 962.00 | 16 337 006.00 | 0.05% | 16 250 852.00 | 0.59% |
IND34 7.1. Interest and annuities | 2 358.00 | 2 242.00 | 5.17% | 3 719.00 | -36.60% |
IND35 7.2. Deferred acquisition costs for insurance contracts | 10 874 490.00 | 11 057 849.00 | -1.66% | 11 246 156.00 | -3.30% |
IND36 7.2.1. in life assurance | 6 517 126.00 | 6 611 647.00 | -1.43% | 6 707 185.00 | -2.83% |
IND37 7.2.2. in non-life insurance | 4 357 364.00 | 4 446 202.00 | -2.00% | 4 538 971.00 | -4.00% |
IND38 7.3. Other temporary accounts of assets | 5 469 114.00 | 5 276 915.00 | 3.64% | 5 000 976.00 | 9.36% |
IND39 7.3.1. Estimated receivables | 1 505 605.00 | 1 434 562.00 | 4.95% | 1 566 890.00 | -3.91% |
Branches of foreign insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
Insurance undertakings, total (in CZK thousands)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total assets | 506 316 775.00 | 487 065 658.00 | 3.95% | 501 372 711.00 | 0.99% |
IND2 1. Receivables for subscribed share capital | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 52 500.00 | - |
IND3 2. Intangible assets | 2 697 929.00 | 2 800 708.00 | -3.67% | 2 357 960.00 | 14.42% |
IND4 2.1. of which goodwill | 1 965.00 | 1 827.00 | 7.55% | 1 856.00 | 5.87% |
IND5 3. Investments | 337 330 673.00 | 326 089 475.00 | 3.45% | 342 260 418.00 | -1.44% |
IND6 3.1. Land and buildings (real estate) | 4 147 056.00 | 4 243 565.00 | -2.27% | 5 069 749.00 | -18.20% |
IND7 3.1.1. Real estate used in operations | 2 448 716.00 | 2 480 882.00 | -1.30% | 2 602 221.00 | -5.90% |
IND8 3.2. Investments in third-party companies | 31 661 276.00 | 31 517 848.00 | 0.46% | 25 597 419.00 | 23.69% |
IND9 3.2.1. Participating interests in affiliates | 27 066 101.00 | 27 109 365.00 | -0.16% | 20 943 515.00 | 29.23% |
IND10 3.2.2. Bonds and loans - affiliated companies | 4 010 448.00 | 3 954 437.00 | 1.42% | 4 125 595.00 | -2.79% |
IND11 3.2.3. Participating interests with substantial influence | 584 728.00 | 454 046.00 | 28.78% | 528 309.00 | 10.68% |
IND12 3.2.4. Bonds - companies with substantial influence | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND13 3.3. Other investments | 301 521 745.00 | 290 327 507.00 | 3.86% | 311 592 686.00 | -3.23% |
IND14 3.3.1. Shares and other variable-yield securities, other interests | 23 216 636.00 | 26 481 697.00 | -12.33% | 24 190 134.00 | -4.02% |
IND15 3.3.2. Bonds and other fixed-income securities | 239 807 732.00 | 238 910 228.00 | 0.38% | 247 181 667.00 | -2.98% |
IND16 3.3.3. Investments in investment associations | 292 240.00 | 263 697.00 | 10.82% | 210 623.00 | 38.75% |
IND17 3.3.4. Other loans | 20 869 011.00 | 9 013 721.00 | 131.52% | 22 569 927.00 | -7.54% |
IND18 3.3.5. Deposits with financial institutions | 18 758 125.00 | 14 812 328.00 | 26.64% | 17 259 815.00 | 8.68% |
IND19 3.3.6. Other investments | -1 422 002.00 | 845 836.00 | - 268.12% | 180 523.00 | - 887.71% |
IND20 3.4. Deposits with ceding undertakings | 597.00 | 555.00 | 7.57% | 563.00 | 6.04% |
IND21 4. Investments of unit-linked life insurance where policyholders bear the investment risk | 88 832 140.00 | 98 277 749.00 | -9.61% | 93 774 371.00 | -5.27% |
IND22 5. Debtors | 27 256 929.00 | 19 504 503.00 | 39.75% | 21 958 042.00 | 24.13% |
IND23 5.1. Receivables arising out of direct insurance operations | 9 565 558.00 | 8 896 001.00 | 7.53% | 12 136 742.00 | -21.19% |
IND24 5.1.1. Policyholders | 9 111 680.00 | 8 472 739.00 | 7.54% | 11 771 923.00 | -22.60% |
IND25 5.1.2. Insurance intermediaries | 453 876.00 | 423 264.00 | 7.23% | 364 819.00 | 24.41% |
IND26 5.2. Receivables arising out of reinsurance operations | 4 621 118.00 | 4 346 597.00 | 6.32% | 4 372 921.00 | 5.68% |
IND27 5.3. Other receivables | 13 070 257.00 | 6 261 906.00 | 108.73% | 5 448 377.00 | 139.89% |
IND28 6. Other assets | 23 127 466.00 | 13 655 091.00 | 69.37% | 17 440 434.00 | 32.61% |
IND29 6.1. Long-term tangible assets other than land, buildings (real estate) and stocks | 869 517.00 | 871 555.00 | -0.23% | 881 046.00 | -1.31% |
IND30 6.2. Cash at financial institutions and cash in hand | 22 252 112.00 | 12 770 410.00 | 74.25% | 16 546 619.00 | 34.48% |
IND31 6.3. Other assets | 5 836.00 | 13 124.00 | -55.53% | 12 767.00 | -54.29% |
IND32 7. Temporary accounts of assets | 27 071 639.00 | 26 738 132.00 | 1.25% | 23 528 984.00 | 15.06% |
IND33 7.1. Interest and annuities | 3 453.00 | 5 890.00 | -41.38% | 3 923.00 | -11.98% |
IND34 7.2. Deferred acquisition costs for insurance contracts | 17 816 712.00 | 17 029 108.00 | 4.62% | 15 368 691.00 | 15.93% |
IND35 7.2.1. in life insurance | 10 748 396.00 | 10 476 972.00 | 2.59% | 8 982 717.00 | 19.66% |
IND36 7.2.2. in non-life insurance | 7 068 316.00 | 6 552 134.00 | 7.88% | 6 385 973.00 | 10.69% |
IND37 7.3. Other temporary accounts of assets | 9 251 472.00 | 9 703 135.00 | -4.65% | 8 156 369.00 | 13.43% |
IND38 7.3.1. of which estimated receivables | 2 867 667.00 | 3 106 593.00 | -7.69% | 2 258 902.00 | 26.95% |
Domestic insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total assets | 440 918 707.00 | 432 856 459.00 | 1.86% | 453 547 226.00 | -2.78% |
IND2 1. Receivables for subscribed share capital | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 52 500.00 | - |
IND3 2. Intangible assets | 2 547 467.00 | 2 640 816.00 | -3.53% | 2 288 735.00 | 11.30% |
IND4 2.1. of which goodwill | 1 965.00 | 1 827.00 | 7.55% | 1 856.00 | 5.87% |
IND5 3. Investments | 310 653 229.00 | 303 275 223.00 | 2.43% | 319 549 920.00 | -2.78% |
IND6 3.1. Land and buildings (real estate) | 4 139 695.00 | 4 236 078.00 | -2.28% | 5 069 749.00 | -18.35% |
IND7 3.1.1. Real estate used in operations | 2 448 716.00 | 2 480 882.00 | -1.30% | 2 602 221.00 | -5.90% |
IND8 3.2. Investments in third-party companies | 31 661 276.00 | 31 517 848.00 | 0.46% | 25 597 419.00 | 23.69% |
IND9 3.2.1. Participating interests in affiliates | 27 066 101.00 | 27 109 365.00 | -0.16% | 20 943 515.00 | 29.23% |
IND10 3.2.2. Bonds and loans - affiliated companies | 4 010 448.00 | 3 954 437.00 | 1.42% | 4 125 595.00 | -2.79% |
IND11 3.2.3. Participating interests with substantial influence | 584 728.00 | 454 046.00 | 28.78% | 528 309.00 | 10.68% |
IND12 3.2.4. Bonds - companies with substantial influence | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND13 3.3. Other investments | 274 851 662.00 | 267 520 742.00 | 2.74% | 288 882 188.00 | -4.86% |
IND14 3.3.1. Shares and other variable-yield securities, other interests | 22 487 167.00 | 25 676 653.00 | -12.42% | 23 374 631.00 | -3.80% |
IND15 3.3.2. Bonds and other fixed-income securities | 215 030 059.00 | 218 056 582.00 | -1.39% | 226 097 751.00 | -4.89% |
IND16 3.3.3. Investments in investment associations | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND17 3.3.4. Other loans | 20 329 821.00 | 8 452 900.00 | 140.51% | 22 109 138.00 | -8.05% |
IND18 3.3.5. Deposits with financial institutions | 18 481 157.00 | 14 542 143.00 | 27.09% | 17 217 804.00 | 7.34% |
IND19 3.3.6. Other investments | -1 476 545.00 | 792 463.00 | - 286.32% | 82 867.00 | -1 881.83% |
IND20 3.4. Deposits with ceding undertakings | 597.00 | 555.00 | 7.57% | 563.00 | 6.04% |
IND21 4. Investments of unit-linked life insurance where policyholders bear the investment risk | 69 296 667.00 | 75 559 754.00 | -8.29% | 75 202 310.00 | -7.85% |
IND22 5. Debtors | 23 064 557.00 | 16 681 887.00 | 38.26% | 19 380 087.00 | 19.01% |
IND23 5.1. Receivables arising out of direct insurance operations | 7 441 361.00 | 7 965 574.00 | -6.58% | 11 233 278.00 | -33.76% |
IND24 5.1.1. Policyholders | 7 178 083.00 | 7 759 447.00 | -7.49% | 11 038 792.00 | -34.97% |
IND25 5.1.2. Insurance intermediaries | 263 277.00 | 206 129.00 | 27.72% | 194 486.00 | 35.37% |
IND26 5.2. Receivables arising out of reinsurance operations | 4 450 886.00 | 4 194 420.00 | 6.11% | 4 198 642.00 | 6.01% |
IND27 5.3. Other receivables | 11 172 313.00 | 4 521 892.00 | 147.07% | 3 948 165.00 | 182.97% |
IND28 6. Other assets | 12 286 164.00 | 11 902 047.00 | 3.23% | 15 884 595.00 | -22.65% |
IND29 6.1. Long-term tangible assets other than land, buildings (real estate) and stocks | 812 181.00 | 812 368.00 | -0.02% | 825 746.00 | -1.64% |
IND30 6.2. Cash at financial institutions and cash in hand | 11 473 347.00 | 11 089 029.00 | 3.47% | 15 055 778.00 | -23.79% |
IND31 6.3. Other assets | 635.00 | 648.00 | -2.01% | 3 069.00 | -79.31% |
IND32 7. Temporary accounts of assets | 23 070 624.00 | 22 796 733.00 | 1.20% | 21 189 078.00 | 8.88% |
IND33 7.1. Interest and annuities | 2 540.00 | 4 868.00 | -47.82% | 3 441.00 | -26.18% |
IND34 7.2. Deferred acquisition costs for insurance contracts | 14 952 451.00 | 14 317 030.00 | 4.44% | 13 961 102.00 | 7.10% |
IND35 7.2.1. in life insurance | 8 272 515.00 | 8 105 571.00 | 2.06% | 7 845 013.00 | 5.45% |
IND36 7.2.2. in non-life insurance | 6 679 936.00 | 6 211 458.00 | 7.54% | 6 116 088.00 | 9.22% |
IND37 7.3. Other temporary accounts of assets | 8 115 632.00 | 8 474 835.00 | -4.24% | 7 224 535.00 | 12.33% |
IND38 7.3.1. of which estimated receivables | 2 491 104.00 | 2 692 642.00 | -7.48% | 2 094 008.00 | 18.96% |
Branches of foreign insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total assets | 65 398 068.00 | 54 209 199.00 | 20.64% | 47 825 485.00 | 36.74% |
IND2 1. Receivables for subscribed share capital | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND3 2. Intangible assets | 150 462.00 | 159 892.00 | -5.90% | 69 225.00 | 117.35% |
IND4 2.1. of which goodwill | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND5 3. Investments | 26 677 444.00 | 22 814 252.00 | 16.93% | 22 710 498.00 | 17.47% |
IND6 3.1. Land and buildings (real estate) | 7 361.00 | 7 487.00 | -1.68% | 0.00 | - |
IND7 3.1.1. Real estate used in operations | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND8 3.2. Investments in third-party companies | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND9 3.2.1. Participating interests in affiliates | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND10 3.2.2. Bonds and loans - affiliated companies | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND11 3.2.3. Participating interests with substantial influence | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND12 3.2.4. Bonds - companies with substantial influence | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND13 3.3. Other investments | 26 670 083.00 | 22 806 765.00 | 16.94% | 22 710 498.00 | 17.43% |
IND14 3.3.1. Shares and other variable-yield securities, other interests | 729 469.00 | 805 044.00 | -9.39% | 815 503.00 | -10.55% |
IND15 3.3.2. Bonds and other fixed-income securities | 24 777 673.00 | 20 853 646.00 | 18.82% | 21 083 916.00 | 17.52% |
IND16 3.3.3. Investments in investment associations | 292 240.00 | 263 697.00 | 10.82% | 210 623.00 | 38.75% |
IND17 3.3.4. Other loans | 539 190.00 | 560 821.00 | -3.86% | 460 789.00 | 17.01% |
IND18 3.3.5. Deposits with financial institutions | 276 968.00 | 270 185.00 | 2.51% | 42 011.00 | 559.27% |
IND19 3.3.6. Other investments | 54 543.00 | 53 373.00 | 2.19% | 97 656.00 | -44.15% |
IND20 3.4. Deposits with ceding undertakings | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND21 4. Investments of unit-linked life insurance where policyholders bear the investment risk | 19 535 473.00 | 22 717 995.00 | -14.01% | 18 572 061.00 | 5.19% |
IND22 5. Debtors | 4 192 372.00 | 2 822 616.00 | 48.53% | 2 577 955.00 | 62.62% |
IND23 5.1. Receivables arising out of direct insurance operations | 2 124 197.00 | 930 427.00 | 128.30% | 903 464.00 | 135.12% |
IND24 5.1.1. Policyholders | 1 933 597.00 | 713 292.00 | 171.08% | 733 131.00 | 163.75% |
IND25 5.1.2. Insurance intermediaries | 190 599.00 | 217 135.00 | -12.22% | 170 333.00 | 11.90% |
IND26 5.2. Receivables arising out of reinsurance operations | 170 232.00 | 152 177.00 | 11.86% | 174 279.00 | -2.32% |
IND27 5.3. Other receivables | 1 897 944.00 | 1 740 014.00 | 9.08% | 1 500 212.00 | 26.51% |
IND28 6. Other assets | 10 841 302.00 | 1 753 044.00 | 518.43% | 1 555 839.00 | 596.81% |
IND29 6.1. Long-term tangible assets other than land, buildings (real estate) and stocks | 57 336.00 | 59 187.00 | -3.13% | 55 300.00 | 3.68% |
IND30 6.2. Cash at financial institutions and cash in hand | 10 778 765.00 | 1 681 381.00 | 541.07% | 1 490 841.00 | 623.00% |
IND31 6.3. Other assets | 5 201.00 | 12 476.00 | -58.31% | 9 698.00 | -46.37% |
IND32 7. Temporary accounts of assets | 4 001 015.00 | 3 941 399.00 | 1.51% | 2 339 906.00 | 70.99% |
IND33 7.1. Interest and annuities | 913.00 | 1 022.00 | -10.67% | 482.00 | 89.42% |
IND34 7.2. Deferred acquisition costs for insurance contracts | 2 864 261.00 | 2 712 078.00 | 5.61% | 1 407 589.00 | 103.49% |
IND35 7.2.1. in life insurance | 2 475 881.00 | 2 371 401.00 | 4.41% | 1 137 704.00 | 117.62% |
IND36 7.2.2. in non-life insurance | 388 380.00 | 340 676.00 | 14.00% | 269 885.00 | 43.91% |
IND37 7.3. Other temporary accounts of assets | 1 135 840.00 | 1 228 300.00 | -7.53% | 931 834.00 | 21.89% |
IND38 7.3.1. of which estimated receivables | 376 563.00 | 413 951.00 | -9.03% | 164 894.00 | 128.37% |
Podobné sestavy
Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
Assets according to financial statements (Insurance companies) |
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data) |
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank) |
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
External assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Fixed assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Remaining assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB)) |
Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD
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Assets according to financial statements
- Základní data
- Insurance undertakings, total (in CZK thousands)
- Domestic insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
- Branches of foreign insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
- Insurance undertakings, total (in CZK thousands)
- Domestic insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
- Branches of foreign insurance undertakings (in CZK thousands)
- ID 0,3520(3456)
ČNB - ekonomika, časové řady
- Mzdy - průměrná mzda
- HDP - Hrubý domácí produkt
- Inflace - meziroční změny
- Nezaměstnanost a volná pracovní místa
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úterý 11.3.2025 05:11:40