Assets, main items, all foreign currencies - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Assets, main items, all foreign currencies v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Assets, main items, all foreign currencies - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.07.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Total assets, all foreign currencies 1 172 861.90 1 223 167.00 -4.11% 1 133 973.60 3.43%
IND2 Cash (in hand), all foreign currencies 7 932.00 9 327.20 -14.96% 9 107.60 -12.91%
IND3 Granted loans and placed deposits, all foreign currencies 967 540.70 1 004 824.30 -3.71% 910 361.90 6.28%
IND4 Deposit with and loans to central banks, all foreign currencies 7 302.50 4 609.50 58.42% 998.60 631.27%
IND5 Deposit with and loans to other credit institutions, all foreign currencies 223 683.30 239 949.50 -6.78% 220 041.40 1.66%
IND6 Loans to and other receivables from clients total, all foreign currencies 736 555.00 760 265.30 -3.12% 689 321.80 6.85%
IND7 Non-marketable debt securities held by bank, all foreign currencies 16 694.10 17 048.90 -2.08% 16 869.80 -1.04%
IND8 Other debt securities held by bank, all foreign currencies 100 512.60 102 839.90 -2.26% 118 898.30 -15.46%
IND9 Shares and other equity held by bank, all foreign currencies 19 422.20 19 581.70 -0.81% 19 530.60 -0.56%
IND10 Fixed assets, all foreign currencies 656.50 407.40 61.14% 330.10 98.88%
IND11 Other on-balance sheet assets, all foreign currencies 60 103.90 69 137.50 -13.07% 58 875.40 2.09%
IND12 of which: Positive fair value of derivatives, all foreign currencies 31 041.70 31 810.70 -2.42% 30 747.50 0.96%

Total assets, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 1 172 861.90
30.06.2020 1 223 167.00
31.05.2020 1 270 489.50
30.04.2020 1 296 494.30
31.03.2020 1 345 756.80
29.02.2020 1 154 680.00
31.01.2020 1 134 516.60
31.12.2019 1 102 215.40
30.11.2019 1 160 368.40
31.10.2019 1 152 592.50
Další »
Total assets, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Cash (in hand), all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 7 932.00
30.06.2020 9 327.20
31.05.2020 9 338.50
30.04.2020 10 521.10
31.03.2020 11 864.40
29.02.2020 8 423.70
31.01.2020 8 208.80
31.12.2019 9 594.50
30.11.2019 8 623.20
31.10.2019 8 946.70
Další »
Cash (in hand), all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Granted loans and placed deposits, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 967 540.70
30.06.2020 1 004 824.30
31.05.2020 1 049 564.10
30.04.2020 1 069 712.60
31.03.2020 1 105 104.00
29.02.2020 935 910.00
31.01.2020 921 748.70
31.12.2019 889 779.30
30.11.2019 940 503.70
31.10.2019 929 130.20
Další »
Granted loans and placed deposits, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Deposit with and loans to central banks, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 7 302.50
30.06.2020 4 609.50
31.05.2020 4 515.20
30.04.2020 1 791.70
31.03.2020 1 198.00
29.02.2020 3 735.70
31.01.2020 1 041.20
31.12.2019 793.30
30.11.2019 697.20
31.10.2019 851.80
Další »
Deposit with and loans to central banks, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Deposit with and loans to other credit institutions, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 223 683.30
30.06.2020 239 949.50
31.05.2020 273 975.10
30.04.2020 288 712.40
31.03.2020 315 180.20
29.02.2020 221 928.20
31.01.2020 221 647.10
31.12.2019 217 067.40
30.11.2019 235 881.90
31.10.2019 220 849.70
Další »
Deposit with and loans to other credit institutions, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Loans to and other receivables from clients total, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 736 555.00
30.06.2020 760 265.30
31.05.2020 771 073.80
30.04.2020 779 208.50
31.03.2020 788 725.80
29.02.2020 710 246.00
31.01.2020 699 060.40
31.12.2019 671 918.60
30.11.2019 703 924.70
31.10.2019 707 428.70
Další »
Loans to and other receivables from clients total, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Non-marketable debt securities held by bank, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 16 694.10
30.06.2020 17 048.90
31.05.2020 17 411.40
30.04.2020 17 873.20
31.03.2020 18 596.30
29.02.2020 17 275.50
31.01.2020 16 912.50
31.12.2019 16 061.80
30.11.2019 18 408.00
31.10.2019 16 964.10
Další »
Non-marketable debt securities held by bank, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Other debt securities held by bank, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 100 512.60
30.06.2020 102 839.90
31.05.2020 103 374.70
30.04.2020 102 231.40
31.03.2020 110 904.30
29.02.2020 110 318.50
31.01.2020 109 611.20
31.12.2019 111 424.60
30.11.2019 113 469.50
31.10.2019 116 118.30
Další »
Other debt securities held by bank, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Shares and other equity held by bank, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 19 422.20
30.06.2020 19 581.70
31.05.2020 19 169.20
30.04.2020 19 098.80
31.03.2020 19 003.80
29.02.2020 19 027.60
31.01.2020 18 769.00
31.12.2019 18 214.40
30.11.2019 19 328.90
31.10.2019 19 491.10
Další »
Shares and other equity held by bank, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Fixed assets, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 656.50
30.06.2020 407.40
31.05.2020 389.50
30.04.2020 581.60
31.03.2020 309.50
29.02.2020 272.20
31.01.2020 259.60
31.12.2019 267.00
30.11.2019 300.00
31.10.2019 296.80
Další »
Fixed assets, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Other on-balance sheet assets, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 60 103.90
30.06.2020 69 137.50
31.05.2020 71 242.10
30.04.2020 76 475.60
31.03.2020 79 974.50
29.02.2020 63 452.40
31.01.2020 59 006.80
31.12.2019 56 873.80
30.11.2019 59 735.10
31.10.2019 61 645.30
Další »
Other on-balance sheet assets, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

of which: Positive fair value of derivatives, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 31 041.70
30.06.2020 31 810.70
31.05.2020 34 710.50
30.04.2020 39 802.70
31.03.2020 49 566.50
29.02.2020 39 449.40
31.01.2020 31 106.10
31.12.2019 26 882.70
30.11.2019 28 611.50
31.10.2019 30 845.30
Další »
of which: Positive fair value of derivatives, all foreign currencies,Assets, main items, all foreign currencies

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Assets, main items, all foreign currencies (Assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
External assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Fixed assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Remaining assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB))
Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels) (Levels)
External assets (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Fixed assets (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Remaining assets (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (flows) (Flows)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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