Banking sector, total (Banks»Assets) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Banking sector, total (Banks»Assets) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Banking sector, total - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total</b> 8 441 895.00 7 547 246.00 11.85% 7 765 254.00 8.71%
IND2 1. Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 338 010.00 224 332.00 50.67% 196 587.00 71.94%
IND3 2. Financial assets held for trading 204 923.00 95 695.00 114.14% 120 116.00 70.60%
IND4 2.1. Derivatives 174 153.00 81 839.00 112.80% 70 198.00 148.09%
IND5 2.2. Equity instruments 900.00 949.00 -5.16% 603.00 49.25%
IND6 2.3. Debt instruments 24 511.00 12 906.00 89.92% 27 099.00 -9.55%
IND7 2.4. Loans and advances 5 358.00 0.00 - 22 216.00 -75.88%
IND8 3. Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 12 606.00 12 442.00 1.32% 8 669.00 45.41%
IND9 3.1. Equity instruments 9 398.00 8 992.00 4.52% 7 923.00 18.62%
IND10 3.2. Debt securities 2 314.00 1 043.00 121.86% 401.00 477.06%
IND11 3.3. Loans and advances 894.00 2 407.00 -62.86% 346.00 158.38%
IND12 4. Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 2 371.00 2 438.00 -2.75% 2 020.00 17.38%
IND13 4.1. Debt securities 2 344.00 2 415.00 -2.94% 2 005.00 16.91%
IND14 4.2. Loans and advances 26.00 23.00 13.04% 15.00 73.33%
IND15 5. Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 178 659.00 167 526.00 6.65% 192 654.00 -7.26%
IND16 5.1. Equity instruments 2 359.00 2 518.00 -6.31% 3 791.00 -37.77%
IND17 5.2. Debt securities 168 396.00 155 806.00 8.08% 181 368.00 -7.15%
IND18 5.3. Loans and advances 7 904.00 9 203.00 -14.11% 7 495.00 5.46%
IND19 6. Financial assets at amortised cost 7 420 677.00 6 814 403.00 8.90% 6 999 655.00 6.01%
IND20 6.1. Debt securities 863 243.00 804 360.00 7.32% 798 403.00 8.12%
IND21 6.2. Loans and advances 6 557 433.00 6 010 043.00 9.11% 6 201 252.00 5.74%
IND22 7. Derivatives - Hedge accounting 62 055.00 32 822.00 89.07% 32 736.00 89.56%
IND23 8. Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk 15 560.00 -7 134.00 - 318.11% -4 935.00 - 415.30%
IND24 9. Investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 108 776.00 108 342.00 0.40% 97 425.00 11.65%
IND25 10. Tangible assets 43 435.00 44 477.00 -2.34% 42 502.00 2.20%
IND26 11. Intangible assets 29 903.00 29 816.00 0.29% 27 798.00 7.57%
IND27 12. Tax assets 3 223.00 3 573.00 -9.80% 4 368.00 -26.21%
IND28 13. Other assets 21 488.00 18 117.00 18.61% 45 332.00 -52.60%
IND29 14. Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale 210.00 398.00 -47.24% 327.00 -35.78%

Assets, total

31.03.2020 8 441 895.00
31.12.2019 7 547 246.00
30.09.2019 8 037 522.00
30.06.2019 7 858 717.00
31.03.2019 7 765 254.00
31.12.2018 7 279 167.00
30.09.2018 7 568 279.00
30.06.2018 7 393 325.00
31.03.2018 7 309 868.00
31.12.2017 7 001 932.00
Další »
Assets, total,Banking sector, total

Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits

31.03.2020 338 010.00
31.12.2019 224 332.00
30.09.2019 281 450.00
30.06.2019 244 322.00
31.03.2019 196 587.00
31.12.2018 270 065.00
30.09.2018 172 217.00
30.06.2018 304 799.00
31.03.2018 334 487.00
31.12.2017 664 636.00
Další »
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits,Banking sector, total

Financial assets held for trading

31.03.2020 204 923.00
31.12.2019 95 695.00
30.09.2019 134 453.00
30.06.2019 125 068.00
31.03.2019 120 116.00
31.12.2018 92 493.00
30.09.2018 134 867.00
30.06.2018 125 431.00
31.03.2018 112 370.00
31.12.2017 81 601.00
Další »
Financial assets held for trading,Banking sector, total

1. Derivatives

31.03.2020 174 153.00
31.12.2019 81 839.00
30.09.2019 94 704.00
30.06.2019 90 923.00
31.03.2019 70 198.00
31.12.2018 65 655.00
30.09.2018 74 538.00
30.06.2018 72 289.00
31.03.2018 56 974.00
31.12.2017 60 826.00
Další »
1. Derivatives,Banking sector, total

2. Equity instruments

31.03.2020 900.00
31.12.2019 949.00
30.09.2019 1 530.00
30.06.2019 1 392.00
31.03.2019 603.00
31.12.2018 839.00
30.09.2018 3 585.00
30.06.2018 2 488.00
31.03.2018 2 007.00
31.12.2017 1 474.00
Další »
2. Equity instruments,Banking sector, total

3. Debt instruments

31.03.2020 24 511.00
31.12.2019 12 906.00
30.09.2019 23 379.00
30.06.2019 21 608.00
31.03.2019 27 099.00
31.12.2018 25 998.00
30.09.2018 43 802.00
30.06.2018 49 293.00
31.03.2018 39 774.00
31.12.2017 19 300.00
Další »
3. Debt instruments,Banking sector, total

4. Loans and advances

31.03.2020 5 358.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 14 840.00
30.06.2019 11 145.00
31.03.2019 22 216.00
31.12.2018 1.00
30.09.2018 12 942.00
30.06.2018 1 362.00
31.03.2018 13 615.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
4. Loans and advances,Banking sector, total

Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss

31.03.2020 12 606.00
31.12.2019 12 442.00
30.09.2019 9 807.00
30.06.2019 9 384.00
31.03.2019 8 669.00
31.12.2018 8 431.00
30.09.2018 9 958.00
30.06.2018 6 535.00
31.03.2018 6 326.00
31.12.2017 388.00
Další »
Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss,Banking sector, total

1. Equity instruments

31.03.2020 9 398.00
31.12.2019 8 992.00
30.09.2019 8 575.00
30.06.2019 8 201.00
31.03.2019 7 923.00
31.12.2018 7 352.00
30.09.2018 7 544.00
30.06.2018 6 056.00
31.03.2018 6 204.00
31.12.2017 388.00
Další »
1. Equity instruments,Banking sector, total

2. Debt securities

31.03.2020 2 314.00
31.12.2019 1 043.00
30.09.2019 385.00
30.06.2019 422.00
31.03.2019 401.00
31.12.2018 337.00
30.09.2018 2 299.00
30.06.2018 360.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
2. Debt securities,Banking sector, total

3. Loans and advances

31.03.2020 894.00
31.12.2019 2 407.00
30.09.2019 846.00
30.06.2019 761.00
31.03.2019 346.00
31.12.2018 742.00
30.09.2018 115.00
30.06.2018 119.00
31.03.2018 122.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
3. Loans and advances,Banking sector, total

Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

31.03.2020 2 371.00
31.12.2019 2 438.00
30.09.2019 2 455.00
30.06.2019 2 128.00
31.03.2019 2 020.00
31.12.2018 1 849.00
30.09.2018 2 469.00
30.06.2018 2 527.00
31.03.2018 1 918.00
31.12.2017 4 767.00
Další »
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss,Banking sector, total

1. Debt securities

31.03.2020 2 344.00
31.12.2019 2 415.00
30.09.2019 2 430.00
30.06.2019 2 105.00
31.03.2019 2 005.00
31.12.2018 1 835.00
30.09.2018 2 454.00
30.06.2018 2 515.00
31.03.2018 1 907.00
31.12.2017 4 702.00
Další »
1. Debt securities,Banking sector, total

2. Loans and advances

31.03.2020 26.00
31.12.2019 23.00
30.09.2019 25.00
30.06.2019 23.00
31.03.2019 15.00
31.12.2018 14.00
30.09.2018 16.00
30.06.2018 12.00
31.03.2018 11.00
31.12.2017 65.00
Další »
2. Loans and advances,Banking sector, total

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

31.03.2020 178 659.00
31.12.2019 167 526.00
30.09.2019 173 362.00
30.06.2019 189 602.00
31.03.2019 192 654.00
31.12.2018 190 685.00
30.09.2018 206 436.00
30.06.2018 218 432.00
31.03.2018 224 421.00
31.12.2017 275 499.00
Další »
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income,Banking sector, total

1. Equity instruments

31.03.2020 2 359.00
31.12.2019 2 518.00
30.09.2019 4 238.00
30.06.2019 3 987.00
31.03.2019 3 791.00
31.12.2018 3 848.00
30.09.2018 4 042.00
30.06.2018 3 783.00
31.03.2018 3 372.00
31.12.2017 8 618.00
Další »
1. Equity instruments,Banking sector, total

2. Debt securities

31.03.2020 168 396.00
31.12.2019 155 806.00
30.09.2019 160 922.00
30.06.2019 178 113.00
31.03.2019 181 368.00
31.12.2018 178 734.00
30.09.2018 196 839.00
30.06.2018 206 648.00
31.03.2018 211 746.00
31.12.2017 266 872.00
Další »
2. Debt securities,Banking sector, total

3. Loans and advances

31.03.2020 7 904.00
31.12.2019 9 203.00
30.09.2019 8 203.00
30.06.2019 7 502.00
31.03.2019 7 495.00
31.12.2018 8 103.00
30.09.2018 5 555.00
30.06.2018 8 001.00
31.03.2018 9 302.00
31.12.2017 9.00
Další »
3. Loans and advances,Banking sector, total

Financial assets at amortised cost

31.03.2020 7 420 677.00
31.12.2019 6 814 403.00
30.09.2019 7 190 365.00
30.06.2019 7 034 405.00
31.03.2019 6 999 655.00
31.12.2018 6 513 055.00
30.09.2018 6 827 705.00
30.06.2018 6 519 113.00
31.03.2018 6 419 608.00
31.12.2017 5 769 594.00
Další »
Financial assets at amortised cost,Banking sector, total

1. Debt securities

31.03.2020 863 243.00
31.12.2019 804 360.00
30.09.2019 800 736.00
30.06.2019 787 347.00
31.03.2019 798 403.00
31.12.2018 782 045.00
30.09.2018 772 230.00
30.06.2018 769 064.00
31.03.2018 737 073.00
31.12.2017 657 468.00
Další »
1. Debt securities,Banking sector, total

2. Loans and advances

31.03.2020 6 557 433.00
31.12.2019 6 010 043.00
30.09.2019 6 389 630.00
30.06.2019 6 247 059.00
31.03.2019 6 201 252.00
31.12.2018 5 731 011.00
30.09.2018 6 055 474.00
30.06.2018 5 750 049.00
31.03.2018 5 682 535.00
31.12.2017 5 112 126.00
Další »
2. Loans and advances,Banking sector, total

Derivatives - Hedge accounting

31.03.2020 62 055.00
31.12.2019 32 822.00
30.09.2019 40 984.00
30.06.2019 35 203.00
31.03.2019 32 736.00
31.12.2018 33 007.00
30.09.2018 34 786.00
30.06.2018 31 571.00
31.03.2018 29 841.00
31.12.2017 31 961.00
Další »
Derivatives - Hedge accounting,Banking sector, total

Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk

31.03.2020 15 560.00
31.12.2019 -7 134.00
30.09.2019 -2 779.00
30.06.2019 -2 311.00
31.03.2019 -4 935.00
31.12.2018 -5 727.00
30.09.2018 -13 296.00
30.06.2018 -8 086.00
31.03.2018 -5 640.00
31.12.2017 -6 913.00
Další »
Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk,Banking sector, total

Investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates

31.03.2020 108 776.00
31.12.2019 108 342.00
30.09.2019 110 065.00
30.06.2019 106 562.00
31.03.2019 97 425.00
31.12.2018 97 076.00
30.09.2018 99 911.00
30.06.2018 99 296.00
31.03.2018 95 573.00
31.12.2017 95 274.00
Další »
Investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates,Banking sector, total

Tangible assets

31.03.2020 43 435.00
31.12.2019 44 477.00
30.09.2019 42 773.00
30.06.2019 42 076.00
31.03.2019 42 502.00
31.12.2018 24 800.00
30.09.2018 23 582.00
30.06.2018 24 235.00
31.03.2018 24 047.00
31.12.2017 24 924.00
Další »
Tangible assets,Banking sector, total

Intangible assets

31.03.2020 29 903.00
31.12.2019 29 816.00
30.09.2019 28 730.00
30.06.2019 28 388.00
31.03.2019 27 798.00
31.12.2018 27 562.00
30.09.2018 26 284.00
30.06.2018 25 700.00
31.03.2018 25 015.00
31.12.2017 24 765.00
Další »
Intangible assets,Banking sector, total

Tax assets

31.03.2020 3 223.00
31.12.2019 3 573.00
30.09.2019 3 039.00
30.06.2019 3 548.00
31.03.2019 4 368.00
31.12.2018 4 154.00
30.09.2018 5 657.00
30.06.2018 6 304.00
31.03.2018 6 221.00
31.12.2017 4 884.00
Další »
Tax assets,Banking sector, total

Other assets

31.03.2020 21 488.00
31.12.2019 18 117.00
30.09.2019 22 560.00
30.06.2019 40 009.00
31.03.2019 45 332.00
31.12.2018 21 433.00
30.09.2018 37 042.00
30.06.2018 36 827.00
31.03.2018 34 899.00
31.12.2017 30 133.00
Další »
Other assets,Banking sector, total

Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale

31.03.2020 210.00
31.12.2019 398.00
30.09.2019 257.00
30.06.2019 332.00
31.03.2019 327.00
31.12.2018 285.00
30.09.2018 660.00
30.06.2018 642.00
31.03.2018 783.00
31.12.2017 419.00
Další »
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale,Banking sector, total

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Banking sector, total (Assets)
Banking sector, total (Liabilities and equity)
Banking sector, total (Commitments and financial guarantees, given and received)
Banking sector, total (Debt securities, receivables and deposits by counterparty sector)
Banking sector, total (Capital structure)
Banking sector, total (Risk exposures)
Banking sector, total (Insured and covered deposits)
Banking sector, total (Interest income and expense)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Loans to residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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