Main Indicators (Balance of Payments»Cummulation of Quarters) - ekonomika ČNB
Aktualizace dat Main Indicators (Balance of Payments»Cummulation of Quarters) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB
Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data
poslední hodnoty.ASSETS (in millions of CZK)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total | 3 357 959.70 | 3 228 524.40 | 4.01% | 2 799 720.30 | 19.94% |
IND2 Direct investment abroad | 394 106.10 | 409 234.70 | -3.70% | 382 994.70 | 2.90% |
IND3 Direct investment abroad - equity capital | 421 995.50 | 414 086.10 | 1.91% | 365 394.40 | 15.49% |
IND4 Direct investment abroad - other capital | -27 889.40 | -4 851.50 | 474.86% | 17 600.20 | - 258.46% |
IND5 Portfolio investment - total | 570 054.40 | 542 678.80 | 5.04% | 469 896.40 | 21.31% |
IND6 Portfolio investment - equity securities | 258 192.50 | 239 309.80 | 7.89% | 193 464.30 | 33.46% |
IND7 Portfolio investment - debt securities | 311 861.90 | 303 369.00 | 2.80% | 276 432.10 | 12.82% |
IND8 Financial derivatives | 67 894.00 | 58 869.70 | 15.33% | 58 838.60 | 15.39% |
IND9 Other investment - total | 1 139 636.40 | 1 073 353.90 | 6.18% | 1 022 285.20 | 11.48% |
IND10 Other investment - long-term - total | 426 958.20 | 427 639.10 | -0.16% | 371 689.50 | 14.87% |
IND11 Other investment - long-term - CNB | 4 397.70 | 4 353.30 | 1.02% | 4 177.30 | 5.28% |
IND12 Other investment - long-term - commercial banks | 378 289.90 | 378 949.60 | -0.17% | 323 982.10 | 16.76% |
IND13 Other investment - long-term -government | 30 989.30 | 31 291.10 | -0.96% | 31 941.60 | -2.98% |
IND14 Other investment - long-term - other sectors | 13 281.20 | 13 045.10 | 1.81% | 11 588.50 | 14.61% |
IND15 Other investment - short- term - total | 712 678.20 | 645 714.80 | 10.37% | 650 595.60 | 9.54% |
IND16 Other investment - short- term - CNB | 845.80 | 359.70 | 135.14% | 542.30 | 55.97% |
IND17 Other investment - short- term - commercial banks | 232 717.50 | 224 751.70 | 3.54% | 254 711.40 | -8.63% |
IND18 Other investment - short- term - comercial banks -gold and foreign exchange | 170 582.90 | 164 125.00 | 3.93% | 162 944.10 | 4.69% |
IND19 Other investment - short- term - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND20 Other investment - short- term - other sectors | 479 115.00 | 420 603.40 | 13.91% | 395 342.00 | 21.19% |
IND21 NB reserves | 1 186 268.90 | 1 144 387.30 | 3.66% | 865 705.40 | 37.03% |
IND22 NB reserves - gold | 9 090.00 | 8 873.40 | 2.44% | 8 688.30 | 4.62% |
IND23 NB reserves - SDR | 23 347.80 | 23 108.20 | 1.04% | 22 410.10 | 4.18% |
IND24 NB reserves - Reserve position in the Fund | 15 248.20 | 14 869.60 | 2.55% | 13 904.00 | 9.67% |
IND25 NB reserves - Foreign Assets | 1 031 110.00 | 1 049 354.30 | -1.74% | 750 252.20 | 37.44% |
IND26 NB reserves - Other reserve assets | 107 472.80 | 48 181.90 | 123.06% | 70 450.80 | 52.55% |
LIABILITIES (in millions of CZK)
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total | 5 018 397.00 | 4 931 770.80 | 1.76% | 4 688 625.40 | 7.03% |
IND2 Direct investment in the Czech Republic - Total | 2 760 733.10 | 2 717 663.10 | 1.58% | 2 685 347.00 | 2.81% |
IND3 Direct investment in the Czech Republic - equity capitall | 2 511 915.10 | 2 525 931.90 | -0.55% | 2 430 459.00 | 3.35% |
IND4 Direct investment in the Czech Republic - other capital | 248 818.00 | 191 731.20 | 29.77% | 254 888.00 | -2.38% |
IND5 Portfolio investment - total | 971 015.50 | 1 024 145.60 | -5.19% | 902 666.80 | 7.57% |
IND6 Portfolio investment - equity securities | 169 705.00 | 171 102.20 | -0.82% | 136 654.00 | 24.19% |
IND7 Portfolio investment - debt securities | 801 310.50 | 853 043.40 | -6.06% | 766 012.80 | 4.61% |
IND8 Financial derivatives | 74 865.40 | 84 087.10 | -10.97% | 79 483.00 | -5.81% |
IND9 Other investment - total | 1 211 783.00 | 1 105 875.00 | 9.58% | 1 021 128.60 | 18.67% |
IND10 Other investment - long-term - total | 500 656.50 | 516 403.00 | -3.05% | 507 489.40 | -1.35% |
IND11 Other investment - long-term - CNB | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND12 Other investment - long-term - commercial banks | 97 886.30 | 99 103.80 | -1.23% | 92 857.40 | 5.42% |
IND13 Other investment - long-term - government | 121 793.30 | 126 514.50 | -3.73% | 121 150.40 | 0.53% |
IND14 Other investment - long-term - other sectors | 280 976.90 | 290 784.70 | -3.37% | 293 481.60 | -4.26% |
IND15 Other investment - short - term - total | 711 126.50 | 589 472.00 | 20.64% | 513 639.20 | 38.45% |
IND16 Other investment - short - term - CNB | 715.50 | 1 546.60 | -53.74% | 4 668.90 | -84.68% |
IND17 Other investment - short - term - commercial banks | 505 631.90 | 373 049.30 | 35.54% | 320 423.50 | 57.80% |
IND18 Other investment - short - term - government | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 2 839.30 | - |
IND19 Other investment - short - term - other sectors | 204 779.10 | 214 876.10 | -4.70% | 185 707.50 | 10.27% |
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Total | -1 660 437.30 | -1 703 246.40 | -2.51% | -1 888 905.00 | -12.10% |
Balance of Payments |
Balance of Payments in millions of EUR |
Balance of Payments in millions of CZK |
Balance of Payments in millions of USD |
Items of Financial Account |
Items of Financial Account in millions of USD |
Items of Financial Account in millions of EUR |
Items of Financial Account in millions of CZK |
Total (65 hodnot, 30.06.2014) |
Podobné sestavy
Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD
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Main Indicators
ČNB - ekonomika, časové řady
- Mzdy - průměrná mzda
- HDP - Hrubý domácí produkt
- Inflace - meziroční změny
- Nezaměstnanost a volná pracovní místa
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neděle 5.1.2025 16:56:09