Months (Balance of payments statistics (BPM 6)»Balance of Payments) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Months (Balance of payments statistics (BPM 6)»Balance of Payments) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

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- Statistika platební bilance (BPM 6)
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.09.2024 Penzijní společnosti - Závazky a vlastní kapitál: Čtvrtletní, 1.6.6. Ostatní rezervy
30.09.2024 Fondy penzijních společností - Závazky a vlastní kapitál: Čtvrtletní, Fondy celkem, 1.6.6. Ostatní rezervy
30.09.2024 Fondy penzijních společností - Závazky a vlastní kapitál: Čtvrtletní, Transformované fondy, 1.6.6. Ostatní rezervy
30.09.2024 Fondy penzijních společností - Závazky a vlastní kapitál: Čtvrtletní, Účastnické fondy, 1.6.6. Ostatní rezervy
30.06.2024 Fondy penzijních společností - Závazky a vlastní kapitál: Čtvrtletní, Důchodové fondy, 1.6.6. Ostatní rezervy
30.09.2023 Investiční fondy - Závazky a vlastní kapitál: Čtvrtletní, 1.6.6. Ostatní rezervy
30.09.2023 Investiční společnosti - Závazky a vlastní kapitál: Čtvrtletní, 1.6.6. Ostatní rezervy
30.09.2024 Pojišťovny - Aktiva: Čtvrtletní, 3.3.6. Ostatní investice
30.09.2024 Pojišťovny - Aktiva: Čtvrtletní, 6. Ostatní aktiva
30.09.2024 Pojišťovny - Aktiva: Čtvrtletní, Tuzemské pojišťovny, 6. Ostatní aktiva
30.06.2016 Pojišťovny - Finanční umístění: Čtvrtletní, 6. Nemovitosti
30.09.2024 Pojišťovny - Aktiva: Čtvrtletní, 6.3. Jiná aktiva
31.12.2017 Ceny vývozu - data ČSÚ: Měsíční, 2005, Předchozí období = 100, 6 Tržní výrobky tříděné hlavně podle materiálu
31.10.2024 Ceny vývozu - data ČSÚ: Měsíční, 2015, Předchozí období = 100, 6 Tržní výrobky tříděné hlavně podle materiálu
30.11.2024 PRIBOR: Měsíční, Mezibankovní trh depozit domácí, ke konci měsíce, 6 měsíců
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Balance of Payments in millions of CZK

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 1 - Current account - balance 1 809.60 4 239.60 -57.32% -6 995.80 - 125.87%
IND2 1 - Current account - credit 363 918.20 306 630.60 18.68% 391 911.70 -7.14%
IND3 1 - Current account - debit 362 108.60 302 391.00 19.75% 398 907.40 -9.22%
IND4 1.1 - Goods and services - balance 52 983.30 19 577.70 170.63% 36 039.00 47.02%
IND5 1.1 - Goods and services - exports 334 546.00 270 193.30 23.82% 351 645.60 -4.86%
IND6 1.1 - Goods and services - imports 281 562.70 250 615.60 12.35% 315 606.60 -10.79%
IND7 1.2 - Primary income - balance -48 538.80 -9 608.80 405.15% -47 105.50 3.04%
IND8 1.2 - Primary income - credit 20 398.70 29 176.50 -30.09% 25 260.70 -19.25%
IND9 1.2 - Primary income - debit 68 937.50 38 785.30 77.74% 72 366.20 -4.74%
IND10 1.3 - Secondary income - balance -2 635.00 -5 729.20 -54.01% 4 070.80 - 164.73%
IND11 1.3 - Secondary income - credit 8 973.50 7 260.80 23.59% 15 005.40 -40.20%
IND12 1.3 - Secondary income - debit 11 608.50 12 990.00 -10.64% 10 934.60 6.16%
IND13 2 - Capital account - balance 3 530.60 9 169.80 -61.50% 5 395.60 -34.57%
IND14 2 - Capital account - credit 3 542.60 9 169.80 -61.37% 12 880.30 -72.50%
IND15 2 - Capital account - debit 12.00 0.00 - 7 484.70 -99.84%
IND16 3 - Financial account - net -10 846.20 16 966.80 - 163.93% 11 086.30 - 197.83%
IND17 3 - Financial account - assets -37 073.60 20 292.20 - 282.70% 7 956.60 - 565.95%
IND18 3 - Financial account - liabilities -26 227.40 3 325.40 - 888.70% -3 129.80 737.99%
IND19 3.1 - Direct investment - net -17 067.30 -5 074.90 236.31% -28 205.30 -39.49%
IND20 3.1 - Direct investment - assets 1 321.80 4 024.10 -67.15% 8 365.20 -84.20%
IND21 3.1 - Direct investment - liabilities 18 389.10 9 099.00 102.10% 36 570.60 -49.72%
IND22 3.2 - Portfolio investment - net -82 455.60 44 218.10 - 286.47% - 168 017.10 -50.92%
IND23 3.2 - Portfolio investment - assets 12 685.10 12 674.70 0.08% 3 391.40 274.04%
IND24 3.2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities 95 140.70 -31 543.40 - 401.62% 171 408.50 -44.49%
IND25 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net 743.50 - 144.70 - 613.82% 3 855.10 -80.71%
IND26 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets -4 511.70 -2 597.90 73.67% -1 390.80 224.40%
IND27 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities -5 255.20 -2 453.20 114.22% -5 245.90 0.18%
IND28 3.4 - Other investment - net 95 530.70 -38 311.90 - 349.35% 189 090.40 -49.48%
IND29 3.4 - Other investment - assets -38 971.40 -10 088.90 286.28% -16 772.60 132.35%
IND30 3.4 - Other investment - liabilities - 134 502.10 28 223.00 - 576.57% - 205 863.00 -34.66%
IND31 3.5 - Reserve assets - net -7 597.50 16 280.20 - 146.67% 14 363.40 - 152.89%
IND32 3.5 - Reserve assets - assets -7 597.50 16 280.20 - 146.67% 14 363.40 - 152.89%
IND34 4.3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance 5 340.20 13 409.40 -60.18% -1 600.20 - 433.72%
IND35 4.4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net -10 846.20 16 966.80 - 163.93% 11 086.30 - 197.83%
IND36 4.5 - Net errors and omissions - net -16 186.40 3 557.30 - 555.02% 12 686.50 - 227.59%

Items of Financial Account in millions of CZK

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 3 - Financial account - net -10 846.20 16 966.80 - 163.93% 11 086.30 - 197.83%
IND2 3 - Financial account - assets -37 073.60 20 292.20 - 282.70% 7 956.60 - 565.95%
IND3 3 - Financial account - liabilities -26 227.40 3 325.40 - 888.70% -3 129.80 737.99%
IND4 3.1 - Direct investment - net -17 067.30 -5 074.90 236.31% -28 205.30 -39.49%
IND5 3.1 - Direct investment - assets 1 321.80 4 024.10 -67.15% 8 365.20 -84.20%
IND6 3.1 - Direct investment - liabilities 18 389.10 9 099.00 102.10% 36 570.60 -49.72%
IND7 - Equity other than reinvestment of earnings - net 2 123.30 8 656.30 -75.47% -12 109.50 - 117.53%
IND8 - Equity other than reinvestment of earnings - assets -1 645.20 598.70 - 374.80% 8 018.70 - 120.52%
IND9 - Equity other than reinvestment of earnings - liabilities -3 768.00 -8 058.00 -53.24% 20 128.00 - 118.72%
IND10 - Reinvestment of earnings - net -6 217.00 -6 217.00 0.00 -5 059.00 22.89%
IND11 - Reinvestment of earnings - assets 7 264.00 7 264.00 0.00 6 624.00 9.66%
IND12 - Reinvestment of earnings - liabilities 13 480.00 13 480.00 0.00 11 684.00 15.37%
IND13 3.1.2 - Debt instruments - net -12 974.00 -7 514.00 72.66% -11 037.00 17.55%
IND14 3.1.2 - Debt instruments - assets -4 297.00 -3 838.00 11.96% -6 278.00 -31.55%
IND15 3.1.2 - Debt instruments - liabilities 8 677.00 3 676.00 136.04% 4 759.00 82.33%
IND16 3.2 - Portfolio investment - net -82 456.00 44 218.00 - 286.48% - 168 017.00 -50.92%
IND17 3.2 - Portfolio investment - assets 12 685.00 12 675.00 0.08% 3 391.00 274.08%
IND18 3.2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities 95 141.00 -31 543.00 - 401.62% 171 409.00 -44.49%
IND19 3.2.1 - Equity and investment fund shares - net 10 924.00 10 083.00 8.34% 5 486.00 99.12%
IND20 3.2.1 - Equity and investment fund shares - assets 9 657.00 9 328.00 3.53% 6 119.00 57.82%
IND21 3.2.1 - Equity and investment fund shares - liabilities -1 267.00 - 755.00 67.81% 633.00 - 300.16%
IND22 3.2.2 - Debt securities - net -93 379.00 34 135.00 - 373.56% - 173 503.00 -46.18%
IND23 3.2.2 - Debt securities - assets 3 028.00 3 347.00 -9.53% -2 728.00 - 211.00%
IND24 3.2.2 - Debt securities - liabilities 96 408.00 -30 788.00 - 413.13% 170 775.00 -43.55%
IND25 - Central bank - net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 - Central bank - assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 - Central bank - liabilities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 - Deposit-taking corporations, except Central bank - net - 105 507.00 29 736.00 - 454.81% - 161 562.00 -34.70%
IND29 - Deposit-taking corporations, except Central bank - assets 515.00 1 214.00 -57.58% 630.00 -18.25%
IND30 - Deposit-taking corporations, except Central bank - liabilities 106 023.00 -28 522.00 - 471.72% 162 192.00 -34.63%
IND31 - General government - net -4 295.00 -2 996.00 43.36% -9 315.00 -53.89%
IND32 - General government - assets -26.00 10.00 - 360.00% 16.00 - 262.50%
IND33 - General government - liabilities 4 269.00 3 006.00 42.02% 9 330.00 -54.24%
IND34 - Other sectors - net 16 423.00 7 395.00 122.08% -2 626.00 - 725.40%
IND35 - Other sectors - assets 2 539.00 2 122.00 19.65% -3 374.00 - 175.25%
IND36 - Other sectors - liabilities -13 884.00 -5 272.00 163.35% - 748.00 1 756.15%
IND37 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net 744.00 - 145.00 - 613.10% 3 855.00 -80.70%
IND38 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets -4 512.00 -2 598.00 73.67% -1 391.00 224.37%
IND39 3.3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities -5 255.00 -2 453.00 114.23% -5 246.00 0.17%
IND40 3.4 - Other investment - net 95 531.00 -38 312.00 - 349.35% 189 090.00 -49.48%
IND41 3.4 - Other investment - assets -38 971.00 -10 089.00 286.27% -16 773.00 132.34%
IND42 3.4 - Other investment - liabilities - 134 502.00 28 223.00 - 576.57% - 205 863.00 -34.66%
IND43 3.5 - Reserve assets - net -7 597.00 16 280.00 - 146.66% 14 363.00 - 152.89%
IND44 3.5 - Reserve assets - assets -7 597.00 16 280.00 - 146.66% 14 363.00 - 152.89%
IND46 4.4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net -10 846.00 16 967.00 - 163.92% 11 086.00 - 197.84%

Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.07.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 1-Current account (B12)-NET - 103.10 -22 425.40 -99.54% -25 014.70 -99.59%
IND2 1-Current account (B12)-CR 334 736.80 386 221.60 -13.33% 310 327.80 7.87%
IND3 1-Current account (B12)-DB 334 839.90 408 647.00 -18.06% 335 342.50 -0.15%
IND4 1.A-CA-Goods and services (P6/P7) (B11)-NET 15 376.90 37 821.50 -59.34% 14 693.50 4.65%
IND5 1.A-CA-Goods and services (P6/P7) (B11)-CR 312 406.50 363 342.60 -14.02% 284 538.40 9.79%
IND6 1.A-CA-Goods and services (P6/P7) (B11)-DB 297 029.70 325 521.10 -8.75% 269 844.80 10.07%
IND7 1.A.a-CA-Goods (P61/P71)-NET 3 026.80 25 994.00 -88.36% 4 712.00 -35.76%
IND8 1.A.a-CA-Goods (P61/P71)-CR 258 494.30 308 558.20 -16.23% 232 665.10 11.10%
IND9 1.A.a-CA-Goods (P61/P71)-DB 255 467.50 282 564.20 -9.59% 227 953.10 12.07%
IND10 1.A.b-CA-Services (P72/P82)-NET 12 350.10 11 827.50 4.42% 9 981.60 23.73%
IND11 1.A.b-CA-Services (P72/P82)-CR 53 912.30 54 784.40 -1.59% 51 873.20 3.93%
IND12 1.A.b-CA-Services (P72/P82)-DB 41 562.20 42 956.90 -3.25% 41 891.70 -0.79%
IND13 1.B-CA-Primary income-NET -14 611.50 -54 081.00 -72.98% -35 027.80 -58.29%
IND14 1.B-CA-Primary income-CR 13 915.60 19 125.10 -27.24% 21 485.90 -35.23%
IND15 1.B-CA-Primary income-DB 28 527.10 73 206.20 -61.03% 56 513.70 -49.52%
IND16 1.B.1-CA-Primary income-Compensation of employees (D1)-NET 2 654.70 2 654.70 0.00 3 147.30 -15.65%
IND17 1.B.1-CA-Primary income-Compensation of employees (D1)-CR 5 733.30 5 733.30 0.00 5 315.00 7.87%
IND18 1.B.1-CA-Primary income-Compensation of employees (D1)-DB 3 078.70 3 078.70 0.00 2 167.70 42.03%
IND19 1.B.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-NET -16 898.70 -56 468.60 -70.07% -40 116.60 -57.88%
IND20 1.B.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-CR 8 000.60 13 096.70 -38.91% 13 563.80 -41.02%
IND21 1.B.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-DB 24 899.30 69 565.40 -64.21% 53 680.40 -53.62%
IND22 1.B.2.1-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Direct investment-NET -19 738.40 -52 999.80 -62.76% -44 692.10 -55.83%
IND23 1.B.2.1-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Direct investment-CR 4 682.00 5 807.50 -19.38% 6 897.10 -32.12%
IND24 1.B.2.1-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Direct investment-DB 24 420.40 58 807.30 -58.47% 51 589.10 -52.66%
IND25 1.B.2.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Portfolio investment-NET 594.30 -5 258.70 - 111.30% - 319.30 - 286.13%
IND26 1.B.2.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Portfolio investment-CR 594.30 3 167.40 -81.24% 741.30 -19.83%
IND27 1.B.2.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Portfolio investment-DB 0.00 8 426.10 - 1 060.60 -
IND28 1.B.2.3-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Other investment-NET 849.90 18.10 4 595.58% 1 320.10 -35.62%
IND29 1.B.2.3-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Other investment-CR 1 328.80 2 350.10 -43.46% 2 350.80 -43.47%
IND30 1.B.2.3-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Other investment-DB 478.80 2 332.00 -79.47% 1 030.70 -53.55%
IND31 1.B.3-CA-Primary income-Other primary income-NET - 367.50 - 267.10 37.59% 1 941.50 - 118.93%
IND32 1.B.3-CA-Primary income-Other primary income-CR 181.70 295.10 -38.43% 2 607.10 -93.03%
IND33 1.B.3-CA-Primary income-Other primary income-DB 549.20 562.10 -2.29% 665.60 -17.49%
IND34 1.B.2.4-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Reserve assets (Credit)-NET 1 396.00 1 772.00 -21.22% 3 575.00 -60.95%
IND35 1.B.2.4-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Reserve assets (Credit)-CR 1 396.00 1 772.00 -21.22% 3 575.00 -60.95%
IND37 1.C-CA-Secondary income-NET - 868.50 -6 165.80 -85.91% -4 680.40 -81.44%
IND38 1.C-CA-Secondary income-CR 8 414.60 3 753.80 124.16% 4 303.60 95.52%
IND39 1.C-CA-Secondary income-DB 9 283.10 9 919.70 -6.42% 8 984.00 3.33%
IND40 2-Capital account-NET 3 185.50 -3 506.70 - 190.84% 6 736.00 -52.71%
IND41 2-Capital account-CR 3 185.50 4 353.30 -26.83% 6 736.00 -52.71%
IND42 2-Capital account-DB 0.00 7 860.00 - 0.00 -
IND43 4.3-CA-Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from current and capital account) (B9)-NET 3 082.40 -25 932.10 - 111.89% -18 278.70 - 116.86%

Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 1 - Current account - balance 1 809.60 4 239.60 -57.32% -6 995.80 - 125.87%
IND2 1 - Current account - credit 363 918.20 306 630.60 18.68% 391 911.70 -7.14%
IND3 1 - Current account - debit 362 108.60 302 391.00 19.75% 398 907.40 -9.22%
IND4 1.1 - Goods and services - balance 52 983.30 19 577.70 170.63% 36 039.00 47.02%
IND5 1.1 - Goods and services - exports 334 546.00 270 193.30 23.82% 351 645.60 -4.86%
IND6 1.1 - Goods and services - imports 281 562.70 250 615.60 12.35% 315 606.60 -10.79%
IND7 1.1.1 - Goods - balance 43 129.30 8 356.50 416.12% 23 254.10 85.47%
IND8 1.1.1 - Goods - exports 295 377.30 226 357.50 30.49% 293 972.80 0.48%
IND9 1.1.1 - Goods - imports 252 248.00 218 001.10 15.71% 270 718.70 -6.82%
IND10 1.1.2 - Services - balance 9 854.00 11 221.20 -12.18% 12 784.90 -22.92%
IND11 1.1.2 - Services - exports 39 168.70 43 835.70 -10.65% 57 672.80 -32.08%
IND12 1.1.2 - Services - imports 29 314.70 32 614.50 -10.12% 44 887.90 -34.69%
IND13 1.2 - Primary income - balance -48 538.80 -9 608.80 405.15% -47 105.50 3.04%
IND14 1.2 - Primary income - credit 20 398.70 29 176.50 -30.09% 25 260.70 -19.25%
IND15 1.2 - Primary income - debit 68 937.50 38 785.30 77.74% 72 366.20 -4.74%
IND16 1.2.1 - Compensation of employees - balance 1 506.30 1 506.30 0.00 1 322.70 13.88%
IND17 1.2.1 - Compensation of employees - credit 6 365.70 6 365.70 0.00 5 495.00 15.85%
IND18 1.2.1 - Compensation of employees - debit 4 859.30 4 859.30 0.00 4 172.30 16.47%
IND19 1.2.2 - Investment income - balance -49 869.10 -17 866.20 179.13% -53 581.00 -6.93%
IND20 1.2.2 - Investment income - credit 13 627.30 15 512.00 -12.15% 14 020.90 -2.81%
IND21 1.2.2 - Investment income - debit 63 496.40 33 378.20 90.23% 67 601.90 -6.07%
IND22 - Direct investment - balance -46 444.70 -17 588.10 164.07% -52 526.40 -11.58%
IND23 - Direct investment - credit 8 135.50 8 147.10 -0.14% 8 543.20 -4.77%
IND24 - Direct investment - debit 54 580.20 25 735.30 112.08% 61 069.50 -10.63%
IND25 - Portfolio investment - balance -5 465.00 -5 051.80 8.18% -3 031.90 80.25%
IND26 - Portfolio investment - credit 1 098.10 1 643.20 -33.17% 1 218.10 -9.85%
IND27 - Portfolio investment - debit 6 563.10 6 695.10 -1.97% 4 249.90 54.43%
IND28 - Other investment - balance - 289.00 585.50 - 149.36% 219.20 - 231.84%
IND29 - Other investment - credit 2 064.10 1 533.30 34.62% 2 501.70 -17.49%
IND30 - Other investment - debit 2 353.10 947.80 148.27% 2 282.50 3.09%
IND31 - Reserve assets - balance 2 330.00 4 188.00 -44.36% 1 758.00 32.54%
IND32 - Reserve assets - credit 2 330.00 4 188.00 -44.36% 1 758.00 32.54%
IND34 1.2.3 - Other primary income - balance - 176.00 6 751.00 - 102.61% 5 152.80 - 103.42%
IND35 1.2.3 - Other primary income - credit 405.70 7 298.80 -94.44% 5 744.80 -92.94%
IND36 1.2.3 - Other primary income - debit 581.70 547.80 6.19% 592.00 -1.74%
IND37 1.3 - Secondary income - balance -2 635.00 -5 729.20 -54.01% 4 070.80 - 164.73%
IND38 1.3 - Secondary income - credit 8 973.50 7 260.80 23.59% 15 005.40 -40.20%
IND39 1.3 - Secondary income - debit 11 608.50 12 990.00 -10.64% 10 934.60 6.16%
IND40 2 - Capital account - balance 3 530.60 9 169.80 -61.50% 5 395.60 -34.57%
IND41 2 - Capital account - credit 3 542.60 9 169.80 -61.37% 12 880.30 -72.50%
IND42 2 - Capital account - debit 12.00 0.00 - 7 484.70 -99.84%
IND43 4.3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance 5 340.20 13 409.40 -60.18% -1 600.20 - 433.72%
Current Account (in milions of CZK)
Capital Account (in millions of CZK)
Current and Capital Accounts (in millions of CZK)
Current,Capital and Financial Accoounts - Total (in millions of CZK)
Net errors and omissions, valuation changes(in millions of CZK)
Current,Capital and Financial Accoounts and net errors,omissins
Change in reserves (in millions of CZK)
Current Account (in millions of USD)
Capital Account (in millions of USD)
Current and Capital Accouts Total (in millions of USD)
Current, Capital and Financial Accounts - Total (in millions of USD)
Net Errors a omissions, valuation changes (in mil USD)
Current, Capital, Financial Accounts and Net errors and omissions, valuation changes (in millions of USD)
Change in reserves (in mil USD)
Current Account (in millions of EUR)
Capital Account (in millions of EUR)
Current and Capital Accounts - Total (in millions of EUR)
Current, Capital and Financial Accounts - Total (in millions of EUR)
Net Errors and omisssions, valuation changes (in mil EUR)
Current, Capital, Financial Accounts and Net errors and omissions,valuation changes - Total (in millions of EUR)
Change in reserves (in millions of EUR)
Financial Account (in millions of CZK)
Financial Account (in millions of USD)
Financial Account (in millions EUR)
Quarter in detailed breakdown
Other services balance - credit (in millions of CZK)
Financial account, errors and omissions, change in reserves (in millions of CZK)
Other services balance - debit (in millions of CZK)
Income balance, current transfers balance and capital account (in millions of CZK)
Current account, trade balance, transportation, travel (in millions of CZK)
Current Account (in millions of CZK)
Capital Account (in millions of CZK)
Current and Capital Accounts Total (in millions of CZK)
Current, Capital and Financial Accounts -Total (in millions of CZK)
Net errors and omissinos,valuation changes (in mil CZK)
Currrent, Capital and Financial Accounts and net errors,omissins and valuation changes (in millions of CZK)
Change in reserves (in millions of CZK)
Current Account (in millions of USD)
Capital Account (in millions of USD)
Current and Capital Accounts Total (in millions of USD)
Current,Capital and Financial Accounts - Total (in millions of USD)
Net errors and omissions, valuation changes (in milions of USD)
Current,Capital and Financial Accounts an net errors and omissinos,valuation changes (in milions of USD)
Change in reserves (in millions of USD)
Current Account (in millions of EUR)
Capital Account (in millions of EUR)
Current and Capital Accounts Total (in millions of EUR)
Current, Capital and Financial Accounts Total (in millions of EUR)
Net Errors and omissions, valuation changes (in mil UER)
Current, Capital and Financial Accounts and net errors and omissions, valuation changesl (in millions of EUR)
Change in reserves (in millions of EUR)
Financal Account (in millions of USD)
Financial Account (in millions of CZK)
Financial Account (in millions of EUR)
Cumulation in detailed breakdown
Other services balance - debit (in millions of CZK)
Current account, trade balance, transportation, travel (in millions of CZK)
Income balance, current transfers balance and capital account (in millions of CZK)
Financial account, errors and omissions, change in reserves (in millions of CZK)
Other services balance - credit (in millions of CZK)
Current account
Capital account
Financial account
Financial account - direct investment
Financial account - portfolio investment
Financial account - financial derivatives
Financial account - other investment
Reserves assets
Errors and omissions
Balance of Payments in millions of CZK
1 - Current account - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Current account - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Current account - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Goods and services - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Goods and services - exports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Goods and services - imports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Primary income - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Primary income - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Primary income - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Secondary income - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Secondary income - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Secondary income - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Capital account - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Capital account - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Capital account - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial account - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial account - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial account - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Direct investment - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Direct investment - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Direct investment - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
4 - Other investment - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
4 - Other investment - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
4 - Other investment - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - liabilities
3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
5 - Net errors and omissions - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Items of Financial Account in millions of CZK
3 - Financial account - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial account - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial account - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Direct investment - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Direct investment - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Direct investment - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1.1 - Equity other than reinvestment of earnings - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1.1 - Equity other than reinvestment of earnings - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1.1 - Equity other than reinvestment of earnings - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1.2 - Reinvestment of earnings - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1.2 - Reinvestment of earnings - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1.2 - Reinvestment of earnings - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.2 - Debt instruments - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.2 - Debt instruments - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.2 - Debt instruments - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Portfolio investment - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.1 - Equity and investment fund shares - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.1 - Equity and investment fund shares - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.1 - Equity and investment fund shares - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2 - Debt securities - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2 - Debt securities - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2 - Debt securities - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.1 - Central bank - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.1 - Central bank - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.1 - Central bank - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.2 - Deposit-taking corporations, except Central bank - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.2 - Deposit-taking corporations, except Central bank - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.2 - Deposit-taking corporations, except Central bank - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.3 - General government - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.3 - General government - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.3 - General government - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.4 - Other sectors - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.4 - Other sectors - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.4 - Other sectors - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
4 - Other investment - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
4 - Other investment - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
4 - Other investment - liabilities (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - assets (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
5 - Reserve assets - liabilities
4 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - financial account - net (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK
1-Current account (B12)-NET
Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK
1-Current account (B12)-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
1-Current account (B12)-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
1-Current account (B12)-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A-CA-Goods and services (P6/P7) (B11)-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A-CA-Goods and services (P6/P7) (B11)-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A-CA-Goods and services (P6/P7) (B11)-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A.a-CA-Goods (P61/P71)-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A.a-CA-Goods (P61/P71)-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A.a-CA-Goods (P61/P71)-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A.b-CA-Services (P72/P82)-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A.b-CA-Services (P72/P82)-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
A.b-CA-Services (P72/P82)-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B-CA-Primary income-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B-CA-Primary income-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B-CA-Primary income-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.1-CA-Primary income-Compensation of employees (D1)-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.1-CA-Primary income-Compensation of employees (D1)-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.1-CA-Primary income-Compensation of employees (D1)-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.1-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Direct investment-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.1-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Direct investment-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.1-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Direct investment-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Portfolio investment-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Portfolio investment-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.2-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Portfolio investment-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.3-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Other investment-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.3-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Other investment-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.3-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Other investment-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.3-CA-Primary income-Other primary income-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.3-CA-Primary income-Other primary income-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.3-CA-Primary income-Other primary income-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.4-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Reserve assets (Credit)-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.4-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Reserve assets (Credit)-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
B.2.4-CA-Primary income-Investment income-Reserve assets (Credit)-DB
C-CA-Secondary income-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
C-CA-Secondary income-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
C-CA-Secondary income-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
2-Capital account-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
2-Capital account-CR (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
2-Capital account-DB (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
3-CA-Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from current and capital account) (B9)-NET (175 hodnot, 31.07.2018)
Items of Current Account and Capital Account in millions of CZK
1 - Current account - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Current account - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Current account - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Goods and services - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Goods and services - exports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1 - Goods and services - imports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1 - Goods - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1 - Goods - exports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.1 - Goods - imports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.2 - Services - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.2 - Services - exports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
1.2 - Services - imports (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Primary income - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Primary income - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Primary income - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.1 - Compensation of employees - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.1 - Compensation of employees - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.1 - Compensation of employees - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2 - Investment income - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2 - Investment income - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2 - Investment income - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.1 - Direct investment - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.1 - Direct investment - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.1 - Direct investment - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.2 - Portfolio investment - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.2 - Portfolio investment - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.2 - Portfolio investment - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.3 - Other investment - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.3 - Other investment - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.3 - Other investment - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.4 - Reserve assets - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.4 - Reserve assets - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.2.4 - Reserve assets - debit
2.3 - Other primary income - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.3 - Other primary income - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2.3 - Other primary income - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Secondary income - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Secondary income - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Secondary income - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Capital account - balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Capital account - credit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
2 - Capital account - debit (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
3 - Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) - current and capital account balance (198 hodnot, 30.06.2020)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Months (Balance of Payments)
Months (Main Indicators)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))
M2 - Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (flows))
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (flows))
M2 - Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (monthly growth rates) %)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (monthly growth rates) %)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (annual growth rates) %)
Original maturity over 1Y and with remaining maturity over 1Y up to 2Y with IR reset in the period from 12 to 24 months (Loans to non-financial corporations (levels) - CZK)
Original maturity over 1Y and with remaining maturity over 2Y with IR reset in the period from 12 to 24 months (Loans to non-financial corporations (levels) - CZK)
IND7 Households and NPISH (S.14+S.15) - redeemable at notice up to 3 months (Table B1.1: Bank interest rates on CZK-denominated deposits by Czech residents - new business (%))
IND8 Households and NPISH (S.14+S.15) - redeemable at notice over 3 months (Table B1.1: Bank interest rates on CZK-denominated deposits by Czech residents - new business (%))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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