P&L statement (Basic indicators of the financial market»Banks) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat P&L statement (Basic indicators of the financial market»Banks) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
- Ostatní vybrané položky: Měsíční, pohledávky z finančních derivátů (netto, marked to market), CZK
- Ostatní vybrané položky: Měsíční, pohledávky z finančních derivátů (netto, marked to market), EUR
- Ostatní vybrané položky: Měsíční, pohledávky z finančních derivátů (netto, marked to market), USD
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Do 1 měsíce, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Nad 1 měsíc do 3 měsíců, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Nad 3 měsíce do 1 roku, USD
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Banking sector, total

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income and expenses</b> 44 430.00 179 179.00 -75.20% 44 217.00 0.48%
IND2 1. Interest income 39 486.00 146 646.00 -73.07% 35 394.00 11.56%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 9 415.00 34 560.00 -72.76% 8 099.00 16.25%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 6.00 9 720.00 -99.94% 1 472.00 -99.59%
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 11 159.00 44 547.00 -74.95% 10 821.00 3.12%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 2 782.00 12 495.00 -77.73% 2 801.00 -0.68%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 958.00 3 738.00 -74.37% 1 199.00 -20.10%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 3 167.00 10 545.00 -69.97% 2 690.00 17.73%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 62.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 275.00 - 109.00 - 352.29% -63.00 - 536.51%
IND12 11. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net 73.00 205.00 -64.39% - 161.00 - 145.34%
IND13 12. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net 1 152.00 8 106.00 -85.79% 3 190.00 -63.89%
IND14 13. Other operating income -2.00 329.00 - 100.61% 128.00 - 101.56%
IND15 14. Other operating expenses 942.00 4 284.00 -78.01% 1 286.00 -26.75%
IND16 15. Administrative expenses 652.00 1 777.00 -63.31% 839.00 -22.29%
IND17 15.1. Staff expenses 20 333.00 73 539.00 -72.35% 19 322.00 5.23%
IND18 15.2. Other administrative expenses 9 845.00 38 304.00 -74.30% 9 218.00 6.80%
IND19 16. Depreciation 10 488.00 35 235.00 -70.23% 10 104.00 3.80%
IND20 17. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 1 882.00 7 381.00 -74.50% 1 732.00 8.66%
IND21 18. Impairment -19.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 18.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 153.00 2 613.00 -94.14% 1 069.00 -85.69%
IND23 18.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 351.00 6 491.00 -94.59% 1 086.00 -67.68%
IND24 18.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets 388.00 4 998.00 -92.24% 941.00 -58.77%
IND25 19. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 576.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates -37.00 917.00 - 104.03% 145.00 - 125.52%
IND27 21. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.)</b> 0.00 145.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 22. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 206.00 1 031.00 -80.02% 1 141.00 -81.95%
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.)</b> 21 896.00 90 331.00 -75.76% 22 149.00 -1.14%
IND31 23. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 3 682.00 14 997.00 -75.45% 3 604.00 2.16%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.)</b> 18 215.00 75 334.00 -75.82% 18 545.00 -1.78%

Large banks

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income and expenses</b> 28 234.00 115 518.00 -75.56% 27 563.00 2.43%
IND2 1. Interest income 22 929.00 81 829.00 -71.98% 19 695.00 16.42%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 4 226.00 12 820.00 -67.04% 2 936.00 43.94%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 6.00 7 985.00 -99.92% 6.00 0.00
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 7 622.00 30 535.00 -75.04% 7 377.00 3.32%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 1 899.00 8 576.00 -77.86% 1 840.00 3.21%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 149.00 1 363.00 -89.07% 821.00 -81.85%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 2 170.00 11 337.00 -80.86% 2 884.00 -24.76%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 56.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 274.00 -81.00 - 438.27% -51.00 - 637.25%
IND12 11. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net 37.00 -34.00 - 208.82% -88.00 - 142.05%
IND13 12. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net 778.00 1 957.00 -60.25% 994.00 -21.73%
IND14 13. Other operating income 3.00 235.00 -98.72% 128.00 -97.66%
IND15 14. Other operating expenses 459.00 2 217.00 -79.30% 784.00 -41.45%
IND16 15. Administrative expenses 124.00 428.00 -71.03% 211.00 -41.23%
IND17 15.1. Staff expenses 12 901.00 46 516.00 -72.27% 12 666.00 1.86%
IND18 15.2. Other administrative expenses 6 241.00 24 905.00 -74.94% 6 037.00 3.38%
IND19 16. Depreciation 6 661.00 21 611.00 -69.18% 6 630.00 0.47%
IND20 17. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 1 199.00 4 871.00 -75.38% 1 154.00 3.90%
IND21 18. Impairment 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 18.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 288.00 1 182.00 -75.63% 418.00 -31.10%
IND23 18.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates - 362.00 71.00 - 609.86% 414.00 - 187.44%
IND24 18.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets - 324.00 25.00 -1 396.00% 269.00 - 220.45%
IND25 19. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 - 870.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates -38.00 916.00 - 104.15% 145.00 - 126.21%
IND27 21. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.)</b> 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 22. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 205.00 1 027.00 -80.04% 1 139.00 -82.00%
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.)</b> 14 414.00 63 906.00 -77.44% 14 050.00 2.59%
IND31 23. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 2 485.00 9 813.00 -74.68% 2 334.00 6.47%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.)</b> 11 929.00 54 094.00 -77.95% 11 716.00 1.82%

Medium-sized banks

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income and expenses</b> 7 877.00 34 225.00 -76.98% 9 247.00 -14.82%
IND2 1. Interest income 8 005.00 32 581.00 -75.43% 7 887.00 1.50%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 2 146.00 10 309.00 -79.18% 2 372.00 -9.53%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 1 609.00 - 1 466.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 1 721.00 6 870.00 -74.95% 1 642.00 4.81%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 302.00 1 506.00 -79.95% 325.00 -7.08%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 85.00 2 174.00 -96.09% 298.00 -71.48%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 342.00 - 488.00 - 170.08% - 117.00 - 392.31%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 2.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 11. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net -9.00 -74.00 -87.84% -59.00 -84.75%
IND13 12. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net 354.00 3 337.00 -89.39% 895.00 -60.45%
IND14 13. Other operating income -1.00 44.00 - 102.27% 0.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating expenses 92.00 416.00 -77.88% 183.00 -49.73%
IND16 15. Administrative expenses 266.00 429.00 -38.00% 251.00 5.98%
IND17 15.1. Staff expenses 3 514.00 12 110.00 -70.98% 2 979.00 17.96%
IND18 15.2. Other administrative expenses 1 732.00 6 400.00 -72.94% 1 547.00 11.96%
IND19 16. Depreciation 1 782.00 5 710.00 -68.79% 1 431.00 24.53%
IND20 17. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 309.00 1 124.00 -72.51% 244.00 26.64%
IND21 18. Impairment -9.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 18.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss -52.00 949.00 - 105.48% 509.00 - 110.22%
IND23 18.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates - 202.00 4 474.00 - 104.51% 153.00 - 232.03%
IND24 18.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets - 203.00 3 029.00 - 106.70% 153.00 - 232.68%
IND25 19. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 1 446.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 2.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 21. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.)</b> 0.00 128.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 22. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.)</b> 4 299.00 15 696.00 -72.61% 5 362.00 -19.82%
IND31 23. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 710.00 3 361.00 -78.88% 774.00 -8.27%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.)</b> 3 589.00 12 335.00 -70.90% 4 587.00 -21.76%

Small banks

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income and expenses</b> 2 517.00 9 863.00 -74.48% 2 469.00 1.94%
IND2 1. Interest income 3 046.00 11 353.00 -73.17% 2 613.00 16.57%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 970.00 3 883.00 -75.02% 909.00 6.71%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 118.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 478.00 1 976.00 -75.81% 465.00 2.80%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 218.00 811.00 -73.12% 188.00 15.96%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net -2.00 20.00 - 110.00% 35.00 - 105.71%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 224.00 1 100.00 -79.64% 318.00 -29.56%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 3.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 0.00 -28.00 - -12.00 -
IND12 11. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net 52.00 410.00 -87.32% 4.00 1 200.00%
IND13 12. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net -55.00 - 363.00 -84.85% 225.00 - 124.44%
IND14 13. Other operating income -3.00 -11.00 -72.73% 0.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating expenses 40.00 166.00 -75.90% 28.00 42.86%
IND16 15. Administrative expenses 78.00 186.00 -58.06% 110.00 -29.09%
IND17 15.1. Staff expenses 1 399.00 5 448.00 -74.32% 1 267.00 10.42%
IND18 15.2. Other administrative expenses 705.00 2 719.00 -74.07% 588.00 19.90%
IND19 16. Depreciation 694.00 2 728.00 -74.56% 679.00 2.21%
IND20 17. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 182.00 675.00 -73.04% 160.00 13.75%
IND21 18. Impairment -21.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 18.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss -99.00 391.00 - 125.32% 71.00 - 239.44%
IND23 18.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 164.00 866.00 -81.06% 316.00 -48.10%
IND24 18.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets 165.00 863.00 -80.88% 316.00 -47.78%
IND25 19. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 4.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 21. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.)</b> 0.00 15.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 22. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.)</b> 849.00 2 498.00 -66.01% 655.00 29.62%
IND31 23. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 171.00 503.00 -66.00% 104.00 64.42%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.)</b> 678.00 1 995.00 -66.02% 551.00 23.05%

Foreign bank branches

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income and expenses</b> 3 921.00 11 865.00 -66.95% 2 962.00 32.38%
IND2 1. Interest income 2 577.00 8 986.00 -71.32% 2 142.00 20.31%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 576.00 1 669.00 -65.49% 388.00 48.45%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 4.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 710.00 2 780.00 -74.46% 678.00 4.72%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 128.00 523.00 -75.53% 141.00 -9.22%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 728.00 42.00 1 633.33% 42.00 1 633.33%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 431.00 -1 404.00 - 130.70% - 396.00 - 208.84%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 11. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net -7.00 -89.00 -92.13% -18.00 -61.11%
IND13 12. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net 75.00 3 176.00 -97.64% 1 077.00 -93.04%
IND14 13. Other operating income 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating expenses 288.00 1 258.00 -77.11% 224.00 28.57%
IND16 15. Administrative expenses 179.00 696.00 -74.28% 259.00 -30.89%
IND17 15.1. Staff expenses 1 689.00 6 400.00 -73.61% 1 577.00 7.10%
IND18 15.2. Other administrative expenses 794.00 2 785.00 -71.49% 692.00 14.74%
IND19 16. Depreciation 895.00 3 615.00 -75.24% 886.00 1.02%
IND20 17. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 72.00 229.00 -68.56% 47.00 53.19%
IND21 18. Impairment 11.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 18.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss -11.00 54.00 - 120.37% 34.00 - 132.35%
IND23 18.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 802.00 785.00 2.17% 144.00 456.94%
IND24 18.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets 803.00 786.00 2.16% 144.00 457.64%
IND25 19. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 -2.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 21. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.)</b> 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 22. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 1.00 3.00 -66.67% 1.00 0.00
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.)</b> 1 382.00 4 400.00 -68.59% 1 161.00 19.04%
IND31 23. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 184.00 772.00 -76.17% 252.00 -26.98%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.)</b> 1 197.00 3 629.00 -67.02% 909.00 31.68%

Building societies

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income and expenses</b> 1 880.00 7 708.00 -75.61% 1 976.00 -4.86%
IND2 1. Interest income 2 929.00 11 897.00 -75.38% 3 057.00 -4.19%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 1 498.00 5 880.00 -74.52% 1 494.00 0.27%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 5.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 627.00 2 385.00 -73.71% 660.00 -5.00%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 235.00 1 079.00 -78.22% 307.00 -23.45%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net -1.00 139.00 - 100.72% 3.00 - 133.33%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 11. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net 0.00 -8.00 - 0.00 -
IND13 12. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net 0.00 0.00 - -1.00 -
IND14 13. Other operating income 0.00 61.00 - 0.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating expenses 64.00 226.00 -71.68% 67.00 -4.48%
IND16 15. Administrative expenses 5.00 37.00 -86.49% 9.00 -44.44%
IND17 15.1. Staff expenses 830.00 3 065.00 -72.92% 833.00 -0.36%
IND18 15.2. Other administrative expenses 373.00 1 494.00 -75.03% 355.00 5.07%
IND19 16. Depreciation 457.00 1 571.00 -70.91% 478.00 -4.39%
IND20 17. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 121.00 482.00 -74.90% 125.00 -3.20%
IND21 18. Impairment 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 18.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 28.00 36.00 -22.22% 37.00 -24.32%
IND23 18.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates -51.00 295.00 - 117.29% 58.00 - 187.93%
IND24 18.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets -52.00 295.00 - 117.63% 58.00 - 189.66%
IND25 19. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 21. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.)</b> 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 22. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.)</b> 952.00 3 831.00 -75.15% 922.00 3.25%
IND31 23. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 131.00 549.00 -76.14% 140.00 -6.43%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.)</b> 821.00 3 281.00 -74.98% 782.00 4.99%

Banking sector, total

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.)</b> 46 897.00 202 126.00 -76.80% 47 084.00 -0.40%
IND2 1. Interest income 61 057.00 225 926.00 -72.97% 53 618.00 13.87%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 22 905.00 80 179.00 -71.43% 18 029.00 27.05%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 204.00 12 310.00 -98.34% 5.00 3 980.00%
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 10 520.00 44 262.00 -76.23% 11 046.00 -4.76%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 2 840.00 11 211.00 -74.67% 2 907.00 -2.30%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 913.00 871.00 4.82% 334.00 173.35%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 2 784.00 -2 550.00 - 209.18% 533.00 422.33%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net -5.00 1 656.00 - 100.30% 393.00 - 101.27%
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 1 236.00 -1 013.00 - 222.01% - 410.00 - 401.46%
IND12 11. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 107.00 124.00 -13.71% 56.00 91.07%
IND13 12. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net -4 737.00 8 276.00 - 157.24% 1 235.00 - 483.56%
IND14 13. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net -3.00 1 023.00 - 100.29% 875.00 - 100.34%
IND15 14. Other operating income 1 093.00 4 687.00 -76.68% 1 268.00 -13.80%
IND16 15. Other operating expenses 527.00 2 056.00 -74.37% 933.00 -43.52%
IND17 16. Administrative expenses 22 599.00 77 660.00 -70.90% 20 994.00 7.64%
IND18 16.1. Staff expenses 10 878.00 43 546.00 -75.02% 10 516.00 3.44%
IND19 16.2. Other administrative expenses 11 721.00 34 113.00 -65.64% 10 478.00 11.86%
IND20 17. Depreciation 3 127.00 12 363.00 -74.71% 2 842.00 10.03%
IND21 18. Modification gains or (-) losses, net 34.00 190.00 -82.11% 73.00 -53.42%
IND22 19. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 355.00 - 707.00 - 150.21% 355.00 0.00
IND23 20. Impairment 3 186.00 3 818.00 -16.55% 879.00 262.46%
IND24 20.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 3 067.00 3 198.00 -4.10% 839.00 265.55%
IND25 20.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 113.00 501.00 -77.45% 32.00 253.12%
IND26 20.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets 7.00 120.00 -94.17% 7.00 0.00
IND27 21. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 22. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 23. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 15.00 36.00 -58.33% 1.00 1 400.00%
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.)</b> 17 679.00 109 220.00 -83.81% 22 089.00 -19.96%
IND31 24. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 3 143.00 18 100.00 -82.64% 3 750.00 -16.19%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.)</b> 14 537.00 91 121.00 -84.05% 18 339.00 -20.73%
IND33 25. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND34 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.)</b> 14 537.00 91 121.00 -84.05% 18 339.00 -20.73%

Large banks

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.)</b> 27 583.00 131 179.00 -78.97% 30 625.00 -9.93%
IND2 1. Interest income 36 208.00 136 962.00 -73.56% 32 325.00 12.01%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 13 417.00 48 535.00 -72.36% 10 584.00 26.77%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 3.00 11 494.00 -99.97% 5.00 -40.00%
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 6 986.00 30 362.00 -76.99% 7 670.00 -8.92%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 1 746.00 7 367.00 -76.30% 1 960.00 -10.92%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 421.00 489.00 -13.91% 280.00 50.36%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net -9 242.00 996.00 -1 027.91% 633.00 -1 560.03%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net 7.00 1 156.00 -99.39% 347.00 -97.98%
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 1 252.00 - 990.00 - 226.46% - 399.00 - 413.78%
IND12 11. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net - 283.00 101.00 - 380.20% 65.00 - 535.38%
IND13 12. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net 7 010.00 3 717.00 88.59% 845.00 729.59%
IND14 13. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net -6.00 1 002.00 - 100.60% 877.00 - 100.68%
IND15 14. Other operating income 483.00 2 235.00 -78.39% 624.00 -22.60%
IND16 15. Other operating expenses 93.00 441.00 -78.91% 105.00 -11.43%
IND17 16. Administrative expenses 14 302.00 47 300.00 -69.76% 13 045.00 9.64%
IND18 16.1. Staff expenses 6 821.00 27 285.00 -75.00% 6 597.00 3.40%
IND19 16.2. Other administrative expenses 7 481.00 20 015.00 -62.62% 6 448.00 16.02%
IND20 17. Depreciation 1 851.00 7 292.00 -74.62% 1 716.00 7.87%
IND21 18. Modification gains or (-) losses, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 19. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 309.00 - 620.00 - 149.84% 322.00 -4.04%
IND23 20. Impairment 1 643.00 1 941.00 -15.35% 533.00 208.26%
IND24 20.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 1 710.00 1 920.00 -10.94% 522.00 227.59%
IND25 20.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates -80.00 19.00 - 521.05% 0.00 -
IND26 20.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets 13.00 2.00 550.00% 11.00 18.18%
IND27 21. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 22. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 23. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 15.00 32.00 -53.12% 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.)</b> 9 492.00 75 296.00 -87.39% 15 010.00 -36.76%
IND31 24. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 1 766.00 11 818.00 -85.06% 2 419.00 -26.99%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.)</b> 7 725.00 63 478.00 -87.83% 12 590.00 -38.64%
IND33 25. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND34 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.)</b> 7 725.00 63 478.00 -87.83% 12 590.00 -38.64%

Medium-sized banks

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.)</b> 9 598.00 34 507.00 -72.19% 8 146.00 17.82%
IND2 1. Interest income 11 466.00 42 980.00 -73.32% 10 361.00 10.66%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 4 508.00 16 103.00 -72.01% 3 666.00 22.97%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 201.00 787.00 -74.46% 1.00 20 000.00%
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 1 757.00 6 876.00 -74.45% 1 601.00 9.74%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 396.00 1 596.00 -75.19% 317.00 24.92%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 425.00 190.00 123.68% 19.00 2 136.84%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 749.00 - 475.00 - 257.68% -20.00 -3 845.00%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net -12.00 492.00 - 102.44% 41.00 - 129.27%
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 11. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 364.00 43.00 746.51% -2.00 -18 300.00%
IND13 12. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net - 386.00 1 631.00 - 123.67% 458.00 - 184.28%
IND14 13. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net 0.00 -3.00 - -3.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating income 121.00 425.00 -71.53% 89.00 35.95%
IND16 15. Other operating expenses 183.00 741.00 -75.30% 416.00 -56.01%
IND17 16. Administrative expenses 3 762.00 12 903.00 -70.84% 3 559.00 5.70%
IND18 16.1. Staff expenses 1 842.00 7 701.00 -76.08% 1 796.00 2.56%
IND19 16.2. Other administrative expenses 1 920.00 5 203.00 -63.10% 1 763.00 8.91%
IND20 17. Depreciation 612.00 2 599.00 -76.45% 571.00 7.18%
IND21 18. Modification gains or (-) losses, net -3.00 -8.00 -62.50% 0.00 -
IND22 19. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 46.00 - 433.00 - 110.62% - 150.00 - 130.67%
IND23 20. Impairment 886.00 488.00 81.56% 78.00 1 035.90%
IND24 20.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 709.00 -14.00 -5 164.29% 49.00 1 346.94%
IND25 20.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 193.00 482.00 -59.96% 32.00 503.12%
IND26 20.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets -16.00 20.00 - 180.00% -4.00 300.00%
IND27 21. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 22. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 23. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 4.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.)</b> 4 289.00 18 948.00 -77.36% 4 088.00 4.92%
IND31 24. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 756.00 3 504.00 -78.42% 801.00 -5.62%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.)</b> 3 532.00 15 444.00 -77.13% 3 286.00 7.49%
IND33 25. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND34 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.)</b> 3 532.00 15 444.00 -77.13% 3 286.00 7.49%

Small banks

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.)</b> 3 945.00 15 174.00 -74.00% 3 409.00 15.72%
IND2 1. Interest income 6 335.00 17 968.00 -64.74% 4 121.00 53.72%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 2 615.00 5 064.00 -48.36% 1 128.00 131.83%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 20.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 519.00 2 186.00 -76.26% 496.00 4.64%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 311.00 907.00 -65.71% 224.00 38.84%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 4.00 115.00 -96.52% 39.00 -89.74%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net - 286.00 117.00 - 344.44% 99.00 - 388.89%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 8.00 - 5.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net -16.00 -22.00 -27.27% -12.00 33.33%
IND12 11. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 67.00 29.00 131.03% 16.00 318.75%
IND13 12. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net 317.00 897.00 -64.66% 103.00 207.77%
IND14 13. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net 2.00 22.00 -90.91% 0.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating income 49.00 125.00 -60.80% 44.00 11.36%
IND16 15. Other operating expenses 120.00 319.00 -62.38% 151.00 -20.53%
IND17 16. Administrative expenses 1 596.00 6 414.00 -75.12% 1 578.00 1.14%
IND18 16.1. Staff expenses 797.00 3 351.00 -76.22% 804.00 -0.87%
IND19 16.2. Other administrative expenses 800.00 3 063.00 -73.88% 774.00 3.36%
IND20 17. Depreciation 345.00 1 303.00 -73.52% 291.00 18.56%
IND21 18. Modification gains or (-) losses, net 0.00 -1.00 - -1.00 -
IND22 19. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 63.00 346.00 -81.79% 141.00 -55.32%
IND23 20. Impairment 231.00 996.00 -76.81% 134.00 72.39%
IND24 20.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 232.00 979.00 -76.30% 134.00 73.13%
IND25 20.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets -1.00 17.00 - 105.88% 0.00 -
IND27 21. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 22. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 1.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 23. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.)</b> 1 710.00 6 116.00 -72.04% 1 265.00 35.18%
IND31 24. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 260.00 1 211.00 -78.53% 262.00 -0.76%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.)</b> 1 450.00 4 904.00 -70.43% 1 003.00 44.57%
IND33 25. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND34 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.)</b> 1 450.00 4 904.00 -70.43% 1 003.00 44.57%

Foreign bank branches

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.)</b> 3 733.00 13 168.00 -71.65% 2 906.00 28.46%
IND2 1. Interest income 3 926.00 15 501.00 -74.67% 3 724.00 5.42%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 894.00 4 421.00 -79.78% 1 148.00 -22.13%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 4.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 639.00 2 624.00 -75.65% 666.00 -4.05%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 98.00 504.00 -80.56% 144.00 -31.94%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 62.00 99.00 -37.37% -4.00 -1 650.00%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 11 563.00 -3 189.00 - 462.59% - 180.00 -6 523.89%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 1.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 11. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net -28.00 -63.00 -55.56% -21.00 33.33%
IND13 12. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net -11 671.00 2 031.00 - 674.64% - 170.00 6 765.29%
IND14 13. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating income 355.00 1 612.00 -77.98% 435.00 -18.39%
IND16 15. Other operating expenses 120.00 528.00 -77.27% 254.00 -52.76%
IND17 16. Administrative expenses 2 030.00 7 858.00 -74.17% 1 948.00 4.21%
IND18 16.1. Staff expenses 1 024.00 3 597.00 -71.53% 930.00 10.11%
IND19 16.2. Other administrative expenses 1 006.00 4 261.00 -76.39% 1 018.00 -1.18%
IND20 17. Depreciation 171.00 551.00 -68.97% 105.00 62.86%
IND21 18. Modification gains or (-) losses, net 37.00 198.00 -81.31% 74.00 -50.00%
IND22 19. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions -80.00 13.00 - 715.38% 10.00 - 900.00%
IND23 20. Impairment 24.00 411.00 -94.16% 136.00 -82.35%
IND24 20.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 24.00 412.00 -94.17% 136.00 -82.35%
IND25 20.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets 0.00 -1.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 21. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 22. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 23. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.)</b> 1 626.00 4 534.00 -64.14% 782.00 107.93%
IND31 24. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 249.00 864.00 -71.18% 106.00 134.91%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.)</b> 1 377.00 3 669.00 -62.47% 676.00 103.70%
IND33 25. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND34 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.)</b> 1 377.00 3 669.00 -62.47% 676.00 103.70%

Building societes

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.)</b> 2 038.00 8 099.00 -74.84% 1 998.00 2.00%
IND2 1. Interest income 3 122.00 12 515.00 -75.05% 3 087.00 1.13%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 1 469.00 6 056.00 -75.74% 1 505.00 -2.39%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 5.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 619.00 2 214.00 -72.04% 613.00 0.98%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 289.00 838.00 -65.51% 262.00 10.31%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 -22.00 - -1.00 -
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 11. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net -12.00 15.00 - 180.00% -2.00 500.00%
IND13 12. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net -6.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 13. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net 0.00 2.00 - 1.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating income 85.00 291.00 -70.79% 76.00 11.84%
IND16 15. Other operating expenses 11.00 26.00 -57.69% 8.00 37.50%
IND17 16. Administrative expenses 908.00 3 184.00 -71.48% 864.00 5.09%
IND18 16.1. Staff expenses 394.00 1 613.00 -75.57% 389.00 1.29%
IND19 16.2. Other administrative expenses 514.00 1 571.00 -67.28% 475.00 8.21%
IND20 17. Depreciation 148.00 618.00 -76.05% 160.00 -7.50%
IND21 18. Modification gains or (-) losses, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 19. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 17.00 -13.00 - 230.77% 31.00 -45.16%
IND23 20. Impairment 402.00 -18.00 -2 333.33% -1.00 -40 300.00%
IND24 20.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss 391.00 -99.00 - 494.95% -1.00 -39 200.00%
IND25 20.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets 11.00 81.00 -86.42% 0.00 -
IND27 21. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 22. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 23. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.)</b> 563.00 4 327.00 -86.99% 944.00 -40.36%
IND31 24. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 111.00 702.00 -84.19% 161.00 -31.06%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.)</b> 452.00 3 625.00 -87.53% 783.00 -42.27%
IND33 25. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND34 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.)</b> 452.00 3 625.00 -87.53% 783.00 -42.27%
Banking sector, total
Financial & operating income and expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Dividend income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Staff expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Other administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Depreciation (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Impairment (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Large banks
Financial & operating income and expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Dividend income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Staff expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Other administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Depreciation (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Impairment (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Medium-sized banks
Financial & operating income and expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Dividend income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Staff expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Other administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Depreciation (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Impairment (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Small banks
Financial & operating income and expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Dividend income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Staff expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Other administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Depreciation (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Impairment (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Foreign bank branches
Financial & operating income and expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Dividend income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Staff expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Other administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Depreciation (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Impairment (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Building societies
Financial & operating income and expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Interest expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Dividend income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Fee and commission expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating income (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Other operating expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Staff expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Other administrative expenses (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Depreciation (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Impairment (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2018)
Banking sector, total
Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Dividend income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Staff expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Depreciation (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Modification gains or (-) losses, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Impairment (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Large banks
Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Dividend income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Staff expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Depreciation (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Modification gains or (-) losses, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Impairment (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Medium-sized banks
Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Dividend income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Staff expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Depreciation (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Modification gains or (-) losses, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Impairment (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Small banks
Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Dividend income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Staff expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Depreciation (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Modification gains or (-) losses, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Impairment (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Building societes
Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Dividend income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Staff expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Depreciation (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Modification gains or (-) losses, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Impairment (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Foreign bank branches
Financial & operating income, net (1. - 15.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Interest expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Dividend income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Fee and commission expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets other than held for sale, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating income (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other operating expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Staff expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other administrative expenses (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Depreciation (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Modification gains or (-) losses, net (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Impairment (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 23.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 24.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 25.) (49 hodnot, 31.03.2020)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
P&L statement (Banks)
P&L statement (Management companies)
P&L statement (Investment funds)
P&L statement (Funds operated by pension management companies)
P&L statement (Investment firms)
Profit and loss statement according to financial statements (Insurance companies)
P&L statement (Banks)
P&L statement (in CZK thousands) (Credit unions)
P&L statement (Management companies)
P&L statement (in CZK thousands) (Management companies)
P&L statement (Investment funds)
P&L statement (Funds operated by pension management companies)
P&L statement (in CZK thousands) (Pension management companies)
P&L statement (Investment firms)
P&L statement (in CZK thousands) (P&L statement)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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