Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Client deposits by sector (CZK)

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.10.2015 157 444.70
Min 30.04.1998 30 326.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
30.11.2015 148 998.50 157 444.70 -8 446.20 -5.36% 137 750.70 11 247.80 8.17%
31.10.2015 157 444.70 143 925.30 13 519.40 9.39% 134 650.00 22 794.70 16.93%
30.09.2015 143 925.30 118 642.50 25 282.80 21.31% 134 493.90 9 431.40 7.01%
31.08.2015 118 642.50 115 661.70 2 980.80 2.58% 135 749.80 -17 107.30 -12.60%
31.07.2015 115 661.70 112 804.90 2 856.80 2.53% 127 580.60 -11 918.90 -9.34%
30.06.2015 112 804.90 119 001.30 -6 196.40 -5.21% 127 096.70 -14 291.80 -11.24%
31.05.2015 119 001.30 122 110.50 -3 109.20 -2.55% 139 470.90 -20 469.60 -14.68%
30.04.2015 122 110.50 111 447.20 10 663.30 9.57% 149 681.90 -27 571.40 -18.42%
31.03.2015 111 447.20 117 912.40 -6 465.20 -5.48% 149 466.20 -38 019.00 -25.44%
28.02.2015 117 912.40 135 721.30 -17 808.90 -13.12% 140 127.70 -22 215.30 -15.85%
31.01.2015 135 721.30 131 930.20 3 791.10 2.87% 146 752.50 -11 031.20 -7.52%
31.12.2014 131 930.20 137 750.70 -5 820.50 -4.23% 151 664.80 -19 734.60 -13.01%
30.11.2014 137 750.70 134 650.00 3 100.70 2.30% 147 488.10 -9 737.40 -6.60%
31.10.2014 134 650.00 134 493.90 156.10 0.12% 150 220.20 -15 570.20 -10.36%
30.09.2014 134 493.90 135 749.80 -1 255.90 -0.93% 153 961.30 -19 467.40 -12.64%
31.08.2014 135 749.80 127 580.60 8 169.20 6.40% 145 400.70 -9 650.90 -6.64%
31.07.2014 127 580.60 127 096.70 483.90 0.38% 136 369.10 -8 788.50 -6.44%
30.06.2014 127 096.70 139 470.90 -12 374.20 -8.87% 131 833.90 -4 737.20 -3.59%
31.05.2014 139 470.90 149 681.90 -10 211.00 -6.82% 126 263.70 13 207.20 10.46%
30.04.2014 149 681.90 149 466.20 215.70 0.14% 128 053.90 21 628.00 16.89%
31.03.2014 149 466.20 140 127.70 9 338.50 6.66% 120 884.00 28 582.20 23.64%
28.02.2014 140 127.70 146 752.50 -6 624.80 -4.51% 124 777.20 15 350.50 12.30%
31.01.2014 146 752.50 151 664.80 -4 912.30 -3.24% 124 098.60 22 653.90 18.25%
31.12.2013 151 664.80 147 488.10 4 176.70 2.83% 122 953.10 28 711.70 23.35%
30.11.2013 147 488.10 150 220.20 -2 732.10 -1.82% 114 328.40 33 159.70 29.00%
31.10.2013 150 220.20 153 961.30 -3 741.10 -2.43% 117 928.60 32 291.60 27.38%
30.09.2013 153 961.30 145 400.70 8 560.60 5.89% 111 151.20 42 810.10 38.52%
31.08.2013 145 400.70 136 369.10 9 031.60 6.62% 105 346.00 40 054.70 38.02%
31.07.2013 136 369.10 131 833.90 4 535.20 3.44% 98 491.90 37 877.20 38.46%
30.06.2013 131 833.90 126 263.70 5 570.20 4.41% 103 684.10 28 149.80 27.15%
31.05.2013 126 263.70 128 053.90 -1 790.20 -1.40% 107 325.90 18 937.80 17.65%
30.04.2013 128 053.90 120 884.00 7 169.90 5.93% 109 779.20 18 274.70 16.65%
31.03.2013 120 884.00 124 777.20 -3 893.20 -3.12% 106 953.80 13 930.20 13.02%
28.02.2013 124 777.20 124 098.60 678.60 0.55% 110 976.50 13 800.70 12.44%
31.01.2013 124 098.60 122 953.10 1 145.50 0.93% 104 606.60 19 492.00 18.63%
31.12.2012 122 953.10 114 328.40 8 624.70 7.54% 99 967.10 22 986.00 22.99%
30.11.2012 114 328.40 117 928.60 -3 600.20 -3.05% 104 134.90 10 193.50 9.79%
31.10.2012 117 928.60 111 151.20 6 777.40 6.10% 105 752.30 12 176.30 11.51%
30.09.2012 111 151.20 105 346.00 5 805.20 5.51% 87 730.90 23 420.30 26.70%
31.08.2012 105 346.00 98 491.90 6 854.10 6.96% 86 429.30 18 916.70 21.89%
31.07.2012 98 491.90 103 684.10 -5 192.20 -5.01% 95 110.10 3 381.80 3.56%
30.06.2012 103 684.10 107 325.90 -3 641.80 -3.39% 93 403.50 10 280.60 11.01%
31.05.2012 107 325.90 109 779.20 -2 453.30 -2.23% 101 036.30 6 289.60 6.22%
30.04.2012 109 779.20 106 953.80 2 825.40 2.64% 103 702.80 6 076.40 5.86%
31.03.2012 106 953.80 110 976.50 -4 022.70 -3.62% 89 077.00 17 876.80 20.07%
29.02.2012 110 976.50 104 606.60 6 369.90 6.09% 101 801.40 9 175.10 9.01%
31.01.2012 104 606.60 99 967.10 4 639.50 4.64% 101 986.10 2 620.50 2.57%
31.12.2011 99 967.10 104 134.90 -4 167.80 -4.00% 103 588.30 -3 621.20 -3.50%
30.11.2011 104 134.90 105 752.30 -1 617.40 -1.53% 106 270.80 -2 135.90 -2.01%
31.10.2011 105 752.30 87 730.90 18 021.40 20.54% 114 688.60 -8 936.30 -7.79%
30.09.2011 87 730.90 86 429.30 1 301.60 1.51% 95 568.00 -7 837.10 -8.20%
31.08.2011 86 429.30 95 110.10 -8 680.80 -9.13% 96 256.30 -9 827.00 -10.21%
31.07.2011 95 110.10 93 403.50 1 706.60 1.83% 94 842.80 267.30 0.28%
30.06.2011 93 403.50 101 036.30 -7 632.80 -7.55% 105 166.40 -11 762.90 -11.19%
31.05.2011 101 036.30 103 702.80 -2 666.50 -2.57% 105 752.60 -4 716.30 -4.46%
30.04.2011 103 702.80 89 077.00 14 625.80 16.42% 116 529.60 -12 826.80 -11.01%
31.03.2011 89 077.00 101 801.40 -12 724.40 -12.50% 113 246.80 -24 169.80 -21.34%
28.02.2011 101 801.40 101 986.10 - 184.70 -0.18% 108 750.00 -6 948.60 -6.39%
31.01.2011 101 986.10 103 588.30 -1 602.20 -1.55% 106 405.10 -4 419.00 -4.15%
31.12.2010 103 588.30 106 270.80 -2 682.50 -2.52% 106 189.80 -2 601.50 -2.45%
30.11.2010 106 270.80 114 688.60 -8 417.80 -7.34% 111 930.30 -5 659.50 -5.06%
31.10.2010 114 688.60 95 568.00 19 120.60 20.01% 102 351.70 12 336.90 12.05%
30.09.2010 95 568.00 96 256.30 - 688.30 -0.71% 105 995.60 -10 427.60 -9.84%
31.08.2010 96 256.30 94 842.80 1 413.50 1.49% 102 757.20 -6 500.90 -6.33%
31.07.2010 94 842.80 105 166.40 -10 323.60 -9.82% 102 986.10 -8 143.30 -7.91%
30.06.2010 105 166.40 105 752.60 - 586.20 -0.55% 101 949.80 3 216.60 3.15%
31.05.2010 105 752.60 116 529.60 -10 777.00 -9.25% 101 156.00 4 596.60 4.54%
30.04.2010 116 529.60 113 246.80 3 282.80 2.90% 106 581.20 9 948.40 9.33%
31.03.2010 113 246.80 108 750.00 4 496.80 4.13% 113 369.60 - 122.80 -0.11%
28.02.2010 108 750.00 106 405.10 2 344.90 2.20% 105 326.80 3 423.20 3.25%
31.01.2010 106 405.10 106 189.80 215.30 0.20% 104 037.40 2 367.70 2.28%
31.12.2009 106 189.80 111 930.30 -5 740.50 -5.13% 96 975.40 9 214.40 9.50%
30.11.2009 111 930.30 102 351.70 9 578.60 9.36% 94 917.00 17 013.30 17.92%
31.10.2009 102 351.70 105 995.60 -3 643.90 -3.44% 101 937.90 413.80 0.41%
30.09.2009 105 995.60 102 757.20 3 238.40 3.15% 103 960.70 2 034.90 1.96%
31.08.2009 102 757.20 102 986.10 - 228.90 -0.22% 103 919.10 -1 161.90 -1.12%
31.07.2009 102 986.10 101 949.80 1 036.30 1.02% 102 429.20 556.90 0.54%
30.06.2009 101 949.80 101 156.00 793.80 0.78% 96 649.40 5 300.40 5.48%
31.05.2009 101 156.00 106 581.20 -5 425.20 -5.09% 98 041.80 3 114.20 3.18%
30.04.2009 106 581.20 113 369.60 -6 788.40 -5.99% 98 274.80 8 306.40 8.45%
31.03.2009 113 369.60 105 326.80 8 042.80 7.64% 102 392.20 10 977.40 10.72%
28.02.2009 105 326.80 104 037.40 1 289.40 1.24% 101 343.10 3 983.70 3.93%
31.01.2009 104 037.40 96 975.40 7 062.00 7.28% 94 135.50 9 901.90 10.52%
31.12.2008 96 975.40 94 917.00 2 058.40 2.17% 110 262.30 -13 286.90 -12.05%
30.11.2008 94 917.00 101 937.90 -7 020.90 -6.89% 88 745.80 6 171.20 6.95%
31.10.2008 101 937.90 103 960.70 -2 022.80 -1.95% 92 917.60 9 020.30 9.71%
30.09.2008 103 960.70 103 919.10 41.60 0.04% 99 931.70 4 029.00 4.03%
31.08.2008 103 919.10 102 429.20 1 489.90 1.45% 103 064.70 854.40 0.83%
31.07.2008 102 429.20 96 649.40 5 779.80 5.98% 96 244.70 6 184.50 6.43%
30.06.2008 96 649.40 98 041.80 -1 392.40 -1.42% 91 557.10 5 092.30 5.56%
31.05.2008 98 041.80 98 274.80 - 233.00 -0.24% 92 265.50 5 776.30 6.26%
30.04.2008 98 274.80 102 392.20 -4 117.40 -4.02% 89 324.70 8 950.10 10.02%
31.03.2008 102 392.20 101 343.10 1 049.10 1.04% 84 159.90 18 232.30 21.66%
29.02.2008 101 343.10 94 135.50 7 207.60 7.66% 84 684.90 16 658.20 19.67%
31.01.2008 94 135.50 110 262.30 -16 126.80 -14.63% 84 105.90 10 029.60 11.92%
31.12.2007 110 262.30 88 745.80 21 516.50 24.25% 79 338.90 30 923.40 38.98%
30.11.2007 88 745.80 92 917.60 -4 171.80 -4.49% 84 305.80 4 440.00 5.27%
31.10.2007 92 917.60 99 931.70 -7 014.10 -7.02% 83 465.90 9 451.70 11.32%
30.09.2007 99 931.70 103 064.70 -3 133.00 -3.04% 75 751.40 24 180.30 31.92%
31.08.2007 103 064.70 96 244.70 6 820.00 7.09% 78 261.20 24 803.50 31.69%
31.07.2007 96 244.70 91 557.10 4 687.60 5.12% 76 801.00 19 443.70 25.32%
30.06.2007 91 557.10 92 265.50 - 708.40 -0.77% 79 318.10 12 239.00 15.43%
31.05.2007 92 265.50 89 324.70 2 940.80 3.29% 76 391.90 15 873.60 20.78%
30.04.2007 89 324.70 84 159.90 5 164.80 6.14% 79 614.10 9 710.60 12.20%
31.03.2007 84 159.90 84 684.90 - 525.00 -0.62% 85 538.60 -1 378.70 -1.61%
28.02.2007 84 684.90 84 105.90 579.00 0.69% 86 868.90 -2 184.00 -2.51%
31.01.2007 84 105.90 79 338.90 4 767.00 6.01% 86 849.90 -2 744.00 -3.16%
31.12.2006 79 338.90 84 305.80 -4 966.90 -5.89% 83 716.40 -4 377.50 -5.23%
30.11.2006 84 305.80 83 465.90 839.90 1.01% 81 690.80 2 615.00 3.20%
31.10.2006 83 465.90 75 751.40 7 714.50 10.18% 80 340.10 3 125.80 3.89%
30.09.2006 75 751.40 78 261.20 -2 509.80 -3.21% 81 100.60 -5 349.20 -6.60%
31.08.2006 78 261.20 76 801.00 1 460.20 1.90% 80 578.00 -2 316.80 -2.88%
31.07.2006 76 801.00 79 318.10 -2 517.10 -3.17% 80 030.50 -3 229.50 -4.04%
30.06.2006 79 318.10 76 391.90 2 926.20 3.83% 75 754.00 3 564.10 4.70%
31.05.2006 76 391.90 79 614.10 -3 222.20 -4.05% 77 426.70 -1 034.80 -1.34%
30.04.2006 79 614.10 85 538.60 -5 924.50 -6.93% 77 582.40 2 031.70 2.62%
31.03.2006 85 538.60 86 868.90 -1 330.30 -1.53% 80 997.40 4 541.20 5.61%
28.02.2006 86 868.90 86 849.90 19.00 0.02% 76 144.90 10 724.00 14.08%
31.01.2006 86 849.90 83 716.40 3 133.50 3.74% 69 995.70 16 854.20 24.08%
31.12.2005 83 716.40 81 690.80 2 025.60 2.48% 70 599.20 13 117.20 18.58%
30.11.2005 81 690.80 80 340.10 1 350.70 1.68% 75 821.70 5 869.10 7.74%
31.10.2005 80 340.10 81 100.60 - 760.50 -0.94% 74 649.30 5 690.80 7.62%
30.09.2005 81 100.60 80 578.00 522.60 0.65% 81 329.60 - 229.00 -0.28%
31.08.2005 80 578.00 80 030.50 547.50 0.68% 76 707.60 3 870.40 5.05%
31.07.2005 80 030.50 75 754.00 4 276.50 5.65% 76 833.40 3 197.10 4.16%
30.06.2005 75 754.00 77 426.70 -1 672.70 -2.16% 79 157.80 -3 403.80 -4.30%
31.05.2005 77 426.70 77 582.40 - 155.70 -0.20% 80 015.40 -2 588.70 -3.24%
30.04.2005 77 582.40 80 997.40 -3 415.00 -4.22% 76 972.30 610.10 0.79%
31.03.2005 80 997.40 76 144.90 4 852.50 6.37% 77 772.90 3 224.50 4.15%
28.02.2005 76 144.90 69 995.70 6 149.20 8.79% 86 017.70 -9 872.80 -11.48%
31.01.2005 69 995.70 70 599.20 - 603.50 -0.85% 86 938.40 -16 942.70 -19.49%
31.12.2004 70 599.20 75 821.70 -5 222.50 -6.89% 87 606.80 -17 007.60 -19.41%
30.11.2004 75 821.70 74 649.30 1 172.40 1.57% 74 732.40 1 089.30 1.46%
31.10.2004 74 649.30 81 329.60 -6 680.30 -8.21% 70 084.80 4 564.50 6.51%
30.09.2004 81 329.60 76 707.60 4 622.00 6.03% 63 623.70 17 705.90 27.83%
31.08.2004 76 707.60 76 833.40 - 125.80 -0.16% 76 927.90 - 220.30 -0.29%
31.07.2004 76 833.40 79 157.80 -2 324.40 -2.94% 76 455.50 377.90 0.49%
30.06.2004 79 157.80 80 015.40 - 857.60 -1.07% 70 711.40 8 446.40 11.94%
31.05.2004 80 015.40 76 972.30 3 043.10 3.95% 75 105.00 4 910.40 6.54%
30.04.2004 76 972.30 77 772.90 - 800.60 -1.03% 80 617.20 -3 644.90 -4.52%
31.03.2004 77 772.90 86 017.70 -8 244.80 -9.59% 71 938.60 5 834.30 8.11%
29.02.2004 86 017.70 86 938.40 - 920.70 -1.06% 77 433.80 8 583.90 11.09%
31.01.2004 86 938.40 87 606.80 - 668.40 -0.76% 85 537.90 1 400.50 1.64%
31.12.2003 87 606.80 74 732.40 12 874.40 17.23% 82 641.40 4 965.40 6.01%
30.11.2003 74 732.40 70 084.80 4 647.60 6.63% 84 026.30 -9 293.90 -11.06%
31.10.2003 70 084.80 63 623.70 6 461.10 10.16% 86 917.70 -16 832.90 -19.37%
30.09.2003 63 623.70 76 927.90 -13 304.20 -17.29% 82 051.40 -18 427.70 -22.46%
31.08.2003 76 927.90 76 455.50 472.40 0.62% 82 038.20 -5 110.30 -6.23%
31.07.2003 76 455.50 70 711.40 5 744.10 8.12% 72 194.00 4 261.50 5.90%
30.06.2003 70 711.40 75 105.00 -4 393.60 -5.85% 67 786.40 2 925.00 4.32%
31.05.2003 75 105.00 80 617.20 -5 512.20 -6.84% 81 177.70 -6 072.70 -7.48%
30.04.2003 80 617.20 71 938.60 8 678.60 12.06% 85 738.00 -5 120.80 -5.97%
31.03.2003 71 938.60 77 433.80 -5 495.20 -7.10% 78 447.70 -6 509.10 -8.30%
28.02.2003 77 433.80 85 537.90 -8 104.10 -9.47% 73 820.00 3 613.80 4.90%
31.01.2003 85 537.90 82 641.40 2 896.50 3.50% 74 514.30 11 023.60 14.79%
31.12.2002 82 641.40 84 026.30 -1 384.90 -1.65% 63 658.90 18 982.50 29.82%
30.11.2002 84 026.30 86 917.70 -2 891.40 -3.33% 66 151.90 17 874.40 27.02%
31.10.2002 86 917.70 82 051.40 4 866.30 5.93% 65 603.10 21 314.60 32.49%
30.09.2002 82 051.40 82 038.20 13.20 0.02% 68 180.40 13 871.00 20.34%
31.08.2002 82 038.20 72 194.00 9 844.20 13.64% 71 397.20 10 641.00 14.90%
31.07.2002 72 194.00 67 786.40 4 407.60 6.50% 70 096.40 2 097.60 2.99%
30.06.2002 67 786.40 81 177.70 -13 391.30 -16.50% 59 719.00 8 067.40 13.51%
31.05.2002 81 177.70 85 738.00 -4 560.30 -5.32% 47 310.90 33 866.80 71.58%
30.04.2002 85 738.00 78 447.70 7 290.30 9.29% 52 331.00 33 407.00 63.84%
31.03.2002 78 447.70 73 820.00 4 627.70 6.27% 47 069.30 31 378.40 66.66%
28.02.2002 73 820.00 74 514.30 - 694.30 -0.93% 43 463.70 30 356.30 69.84%
31.01.2002 74 514.30 63 658.90 10 855.40 17.05% 43 590.70 30 923.60 70.94%
31.12.2001 63 658.90 66 151.90 -2 493.00 -3.77% 39 317.70 24 341.20 61.91%
30.11.2001 66 151.90 65 603.10 548.80 0.84% 44 738.50 21 413.40 47.86%
31.10.2001 65 603.10 68 180.40 -2 577.30 -3.78% 40 739.30 24 863.80 61.03%
30.09.2001 68 180.40 71 397.20 -3 216.80 -4.51% 44 148.00 24 032.40 54.44%
31.08.2001 71 397.20 70 096.40 1 300.80 1.86% 45 716.50 25 680.70 56.17%
31.07.2001 70 096.40 59 719.00 10 377.40 17.38% 43 387.70 26 708.70 61.56%
30.06.2001 59 719.00 47 310.90 12 408.10 26.23% 48 656.60 11 062.40 22.74%
31.05.2001 47 310.90 52 331.00 -5 020.10 -9.59% 49 772.90 -2 462.00 -4.95%
30.04.2001 52 331.00 47 069.30 5 261.70 11.18% 47 855.50 4 475.50 9.35%
31.03.2001 47 069.30 43 463.70 3 605.60 8.30% 58 330.60 -11 261.30 -19.31%
28.02.2001 43 463.70 43 590.70 - 127.00 -0.29% 51 297.50 -7 833.80 -15.27%
31.01.2001 43 590.70 39 317.70 4 273.00 10.87% 50 170.90 -6 580.20 -13.12%
31.12.2000 39 317.70 44 738.50 -5 420.80 -12.12% 56 141.60 -16 823.90 -29.97%
30.11.2000 44 738.50 40 739.30 3 999.20 9.82% 51 110.00 -6 371.50 -12.47%
31.10.2000 40 739.30 44 148.00 -3 408.70 -7.72% 49 931.20 -9 191.90 -18.41%
30.09.2000 44 148.00 45 716.50 -1 568.50 -3.43% 52 361.60 -8 213.60 -15.69%
31.08.2000 45 716.50 43 387.70 2 328.80 5.37% 46 650.30 - 933.80 -2.00%
31.07.2000 43 387.70 48 656.60 -5 268.90 -10.83% 49 704.40 -6 316.70 -12.71%
30.06.2000 48 656.60 49 772.90 -1 116.30 -2.24% 57 297.30 -8 640.70 -15.08%
31.05.2000 49 772.90 47 855.50 1 917.40 4.01% 55 509.00 -5 736.10 -10.33%
30.04.2000 47 855.50 58 330.60 -10 475.10 -17.96% 54 242.30 -6 386.80 -11.77%
31.03.2000 58 330.60 51 297.50 7 033.10 13.71% 51 523.10 6 807.50 13.21%
29.02.2000 51 297.50 50 170.90 1 126.60 2.25% 44 636.30 6 661.20 14.92%
31.01.2000 50 170.90 56 141.60 -5 970.70 -10.63% 45 263.10 4 907.80 10.84%
31.12.1999 56 141.60 51 110.00 5 031.60 9.84% 51 191.20 4 950.40 9.67%
30.11.1999 51 110.00 49 931.20 1 178.80 2.36% 37 335.80 13 774.20 36.89%
31.10.1999 49 931.20 52 361.60 -2 430.40 -4.64% 38 064.70 11 866.50 31.17%
30.09.1999 52 361.60 46 650.30 5 711.30 12.24% 43 842.50 8 519.10 19.43%
31.08.1999 46 650.30 49 704.40 -3 054.10 -6.14% 37 764.40 8 885.90 23.53%
31.07.1999 49 704.40 57 297.30 -7 592.90 -13.25% 37 843.40 11 861.00 31.34%
30.06.1999 57 297.30 55 509.00 1 788.30 3.22% 45 639.80 11 657.50 25.54%
31.05.1999 55 509.00 54 242.30 1 266.70 2.34% 34 763.00 20 746.00 59.68%
30.04.1999 54 242.30 51 523.10 2 719.20 5.28% 30 326.00 23 916.30 78.86%
31.03.1999 51 523.10 44 636.30 6 886.80 15.43% 46 059.70 5 463.40 11.86%
28.02.1999 44 636.30 45 263.10 - 626.80 -1.38% 35 204.90 9 431.40 26.79%
31.01.1999 45 263.10 51 191.20 -5 928.10 -11.58% 38 253.30 7 009.80 18.32%
31.12.1998 51 191.20 37 335.80 13 855.40 37.11% 56 967.90 -5 776.70 -10.14%
30.11.1998 37 335.80 38 064.70 - 728.90 -1.91% 40 924.40 -3 588.60 -8.77%
31.10.1998 38 064.70 43 842.50 -5 777.80 -13.18% 43 478.80 -5 414.10 -12.45%
30.09.1998 43 842.50 37 764.40 6 078.10 16.09% 43 711.50 131.00 0.30%
31.08.1998 37 764.40 37 843.40 -79.00 -0.21% 49 117.90 -11 353.50 -23.11%
31.07.1998 37 843.40 45 639.80 -7 796.40 -17.08% 47 667.30 -9 823.90 -20.61%
30.06.1998 45 639.80 34 763.00 10 876.80 31.29% 50 498.20 -4 858.40 -9.62%
31.05.1998 34 763.00 30 326.00 4 437.00 14.63% 49 799.10 -15 036.10 -30.19%
30.04.1998 30 326.00 46 059.70 -15 733.70 -34.16% 50 588.90 -20 262.90 -40.05%
31.03.1998 46 059.70 35 204.90 10 854.80 30.83% 46 644.80 - 585.10 -1.25%
28.02.1998 35 204.90 38 253.30 -3 048.40 -7.97% 46 560.00 -11 355.10 -24.39%
31.01.1998 38 253.30 56 967.90 -18 714.60 -32.85% 46 431.00 -8 177.70 -17.61%
31.12.1997 56 967.90 40 924.40 16 043.50 39.20% 49 168.70 7 799.20 15.86%
30.11.1997 40 924.40 43 478.80 -2 554.40 -5.88% 49 030.70 -8 106.30 -16.53%
31.10.1997 43 478.80 43 711.50 - 232.70 -0.53% 45 043.90 -1 565.10 -3.47%
30.09.1997 43 711.50 49 117.90 -5 406.40 -11.01% 48 286.40 -4 574.90 -9.47%
31.08.1997 49 117.90 47 667.30 1 450.60 3.04% 48 483.00 634.90 1.31%
31.07.1997 47 667.30 50 498.20 -2 830.90 -5.61% 52 818.10 -5 150.80 -9.75%
30.06.1997 50 498.20 49 799.10 699.10 1.40% 53 092.80 -2 594.60 -4.89%
31.05.1997 49 799.10 50 588.90 - 789.80 -1.56% 55 718.50 -5 919.40 -10.62%
30.04.1997 50 588.90 46 644.80 3 944.10 8.46% 68 031.30 -17 442.40 -25.64%
31.03.1997 46 644.80 46 560.00 84.80 0.18% 67 326.20 -20 681.40 -30.72%
28.02.1997 46 560.00 46 431.00 129.00 0.28% 70 625.60 -24 065.60 -34.07%
31.01.1997 46 431.00 49 168.70 -2 737.70 -5.57% 65 338.80 -18 907.80 -28.94%
31.12.1996 49 168.70 49 030.70 138.00 0.28% 66 148.30 -16 979.60 -25.67%
30.11.1996 49 030.70 45 043.90 3 986.80 8.85% 63 725.60 -14 694.90 -23.06%
31.10.1996 45 043.90 48 286.40 -3 242.50 -6.72% 66 502.40 -21 458.50 -32.27%
30.09.1996 48 286.40 48 483.00 - 196.60 -0.41% 62 372.50 -14 086.10 -22.58%
31.08.1996 48 483.00 52 818.10 -4 335.10 -8.21% 69 344.40 -20 861.40 -30.08%
31.07.1996 52 818.10 53 092.80 - 274.70 -0.52% 67 631.10 -14 813.00 -21.90%
30.06.1996 53 092.80 55 718.50 -2 625.70 -4.71% 66 345.70 -13 252.90 -19.98%
31.05.1996 55 718.50 68 031.30 -12 312.80 -18.10% 65 793.10 -10 074.60 -15.31%
30.04.1996 68 031.30 67 326.20 705.10 1.05% 64 845.90 3 185.40 4.91%
31.03.1996 67 326.20 70 625.60 -3 299.40 -4.67% 62 550.40 4 775.80 7.64%
29.02.1996 70 625.60 65 338.80 5 286.80 8.09% 59 798.50 10 827.10 18.11%
31.01.1996 65 338.80 66 148.30 - 809.50 -1.22% 52 688.00 12 650.80 24.01%
31.12.1995 66 148.30 63 725.60 2 422.70 3.80% 55 822.30 10 326.00 18.50%
30.11.1995 63 725.60 66 502.40 -2 776.80 -4.18% 54 500.20 9 225.40 16.93%
31.10.1995 66 502.40 62 372.50 4 129.90 6.62% 53 992.50 12 509.90 23.17%
30.09.1995 62 372.50 69 344.40 -6 971.90 -10.05% 51 340.10 11 032.40 21.49%
31.08.1995 69 344.40 67 631.10 1 713.30 2.53% 51 861.00 17 483.40 33.71%
31.07.1995 67 631.10 66 345.70 1 285.40 1.94% 52 765.90 14 865.20 28.17%
30.06.1995 66 345.70 65 793.10 552.60 0.84% 49 281.90 17 063.80 34.62%
31.05.1995 65 793.10 64 845.90 947.20 1.46% 54 587.80 11 205.30 20.53%
30.04.1995 64 845.90 62 550.40 2 295.50 3.67% 52 624.20 12 221.70 23.22%
31.03.1995 62 550.40 59 798.50 2 751.90 4.60% 54 103.30 8 447.10 15.61%
28.02.1995 59 798.50 52 688.00 7 110.50 13.50% 54 221.90 5 576.60 10.28%
31.01.1995 52 688.00 55 822.30 -3 134.30 -5.61% 50 723.00 1 965.00 3.87%
31.12.1994 55 822.30 54 500.20 1 322.10 2.43% 50 580.30 5 242.00 10.36%
30.11.1994 54 500.20 53 992.50 507.70 0.94% 47 927.30 6 572.90 13.71%
31.10.1994 53 992.50 51 340.10 2 652.40 5.17% 45 562.40 8 430.10 18.50%
30.09.1994 51 340.10 51 861.00 - 520.90 -1.00% 44 783.90 6 556.20 14.64%
31.08.1994 51 861.00 52 765.90 - 904.90 -1.71% 33 329.70 18 531.30 55.60%
31.07.1994 52 765.90 49 281.90 3 484.00 7.07% 48 225.00 4 540.90 9.42%
30.06.1994 49 281.90 54 587.80 -5 305.90 -9.72% 47 019.00 2 262.90 4.81%
31.05.1994 54 587.80 52 624.20 1 963.60 3.73% 46 533.20 8 054.60 17.31%
30.04.1994 52 624.20 54 103.30 -1 479.10 -2.73% 45 970.70 6 653.50 14.47%
31.03.1994 54 103.30 54 221.90 - 118.60 -0.22% 46 595.40 7 507.90 16.11%
28.02.1994 54 221.90 50 723.00 3 498.90 6.90% 44 742.40 9 479.50 21.19%
31.01.1994 50 723.00 50 580.30 142.70 0.28% 43 194.20 7 528.80 17.43%
31.12.1993 50 580.30 47 927.30 2 653.00 5.54% - - -
30.11.1993 47 927.30 45 562.40 2 364.90 5.19% - - -
31.10.1993 45 562.40 44 783.90 778.50 1.74% - - -
30.09.1993 44 783.90 33 329.70 11 454.20 34.37% - - -
31.08.1993 33 329.70 48 225.00 -14 895.30 -30.89% - - -
31.07.1993 48 225.00 47 019.00 1 206.00 2.56% - - -
30.06.1993 47 019.00 46 533.20 485.80 1.04% - - -
31.05.1993 46 533.20 45 970.70 562.50 1.22% - - -
30.04.1993 45 970.70 46 595.40 - 624.70 -1.34% - - -
31.03.1993 46 595.40 44 742.40 1 853.00 4.14% - - -
28.02.1993 44 742.40 43 194.20 1 548.20 3.58% - - -
31.01.1993 43 194.20 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Statistics on other financial institutions (Monetary statistics)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (levels) (Levels)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels) (Levels)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Capital and reserves (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))
Credit to government (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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