Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Client deposits by sector (CZK+FC)

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.10.2015 175 573.50
Min 31.08.1993 33 329.70

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
30.11.2015 172 091.70 175 573.50 -3 481.80 -1.98% 154 303.00 17 788.70 11.53%
31.10.2015 175 573.50 162 852.00 12 721.50 7.81% 151 457.70 24 115.80 15.92%
30.09.2015 162 852.00 138 667.70 24 184.30 17.44% 149 646.70 13 205.30 8.82%
31.08.2015 138 667.70 133 381.20 5 286.50 3.96% 148 742.10 -10 074.40 -6.77%
31.07.2015 133 381.20 131 882.20 1 499.00 1.14% 142 177.10 -8 795.90 -6.19%
30.06.2015 131 882.20 136 662.80 -4 780.60 -3.50% 138 910.50 -7 028.30 -5.06%
31.05.2015 136 662.80 138 194.10 -1 531.30 -1.11% 154 017.00 -17 354.20 -11.27%
30.04.2015 138 194.10 129 843.70 8 350.40 6.43% 168 010.90 -29 816.80 -17.75%
31.03.2015 129 843.70 134 819.90 -4 976.20 -3.69% 164 998.20 -35 154.50 -21.31%
28.02.2015 134 819.90 155 277.50 -20 457.60 -13.17% 153 987.80 -19 167.90 -12.45%
31.01.2015 155 277.50 146 687.60 8 589.90 5.86% 161 395.50 -6 118.00 -3.79%
31.12.2014 146 687.60 154 303.00 -7 615.40 -4.94% 164 625.20 -17 937.60 -10.90%
30.11.2014 154 303.00 151 457.70 2 845.30 1.88% 160 218.70 -5 915.70 -3.69%
31.10.2014 151 457.70 149 646.70 1 811.00 1.21% 165 111.80 -13 654.10 -8.27%
30.09.2014 149 646.70 148 742.10 904.60 0.61% 166 782.60 -17 135.90 -10.27%
31.08.2014 148 742.10 142 177.10 6 565.00 4.62% 158 070.00 -9 327.90 -5.90%
31.07.2014 142 177.10 138 910.50 3 266.60 2.35% 152 084.20 -9 907.10 -6.51%
30.06.2014 138 910.50 154 017.00 -15 106.50 -9.81% 148 424.00 -9 513.50 -6.41%
31.05.2014 154 017.00 168 010.90 -13 993.90 -8.33% 144 372.00 9 645.00 6.68%
30.04.2014 168 010.90 164 998.20 3 012.70 1.83% 146 564.00 21 446.90 14.63%
31.03.2014 164 998.20 153 987.80 11 010.40 7.15% 135 270.40 29 727.80 21.98%
28.02.2014 153 987.80 161 395.50 -7 407.70 -4.59% 139 997.20 13 990.60 9.99%
31.01.2014 161 395.50 164 625.20 -3 229.70 -1.96% 141 051.60 20 343.90 14.42%
31.12.2013 164 625.20 160 218.70 4 406.50 2.75% 138 219.30 26 405.90 19.10%
30.11.2013 160 218.70 165 111.80 -4 893.10 -2.96% 125 310.50 34 908.20 27.86%
31.10.2013 165 111.80 166 782.60 -1 670.80 -1.00% 128 906.50 36 205.30 28.09%
30.09.2013 166 782.60 158 070.00 8 712.60 5.51% 124 445.10 42 337.50 34.02%
31.08.2013 158 070.00 152 084.20 5 985.80 3.94% 116 160.40 41 909.60 36.08%
31.07.2013 152 084.20 148 424.00 3 660.20 2.47% 111 147.30 40 936.90 36.83%
30.06.2013 148 424.00 144 372.00 4 052.00 2.81% 114 217.10 34 206.90 29.95%
31.05.2013 144 372.00 146 564.00 -2 192.00 -1.50% 119 155.80 25 216.20 21.16%
30.04.2013 146 564.00 135 270.40 11 293.60 8.35% 122 116.40 24 447.60 20.02%
31.03.2013 135 270.40 139 997.20 -4 726.80 -3.38% 119 130.90 16 139.50 13.55%
28.02.2013 139 997.20 141 051.60 -1 054.40 -0.75% 126 301.90 13 695.30 10.84%
31.01.2013 141 051.60 138 219.30 2 832.30 2.05% 121 344.30 19 707.30 16.24%
31.12.2012 138 219.30 125 310.50 12 908.80 10.30% 116 942.20 21 277.10 18.19%
30.11.2012 125 310.50 128 906.50 -3 596.00 -2.79% 117 823.70 7 486.80 6.35%
31.10.2012 128 906.50 124 445.10 4 461.40 3.58% 119 647.00 9 259.50 7.74%
30.09.2012 124 445.10 116 160.40 8 284.70 7.13% 101 354.20 23 090.90 22.78%
31.08.2012 116 160.40 111 147.30 5 013.10 4.51% 98 640.90 17 519.50 17.76%
31.07.2012 111 147.30 114 217.10 -3 069.80 -2.69% 107 844.50 3 302.80 3.06%
30.06.2012 114 217.10 119 155.80 -4 938.70 -4.14% 106 282.10 7 935.00 7.47%
31.05.2012 119 155.80 122 116.40 -2 960.60 -2.42% 113 296.00 5 859.80 5.17%
30.04.2012 122 116.40 119 130.90 2 985.50 2.51% 117 487.30 4 629.10 3.94%
31.03.2012 119 130.90 126 301.90 -7 171.00 -5.68% 102 459.20 16 671.70 16.27%
29.02.2012 126 301.90 121 344.30 4 957.60 4.09% 115 812.20 10 489.70 9.06%
31.01.2012 121 344.30 116 942.20 4 402.10 3.76% 114 903.30 6 441.00 5.61%
31.12.2011 116 942.20 117 823.70 - 881.50 -0.75% 116 621.00 321.20 0.28%
30.11.2011 117 823.70 119 647.00 -1 823.30 -1.52% 119 899.90 -2 076.20 -1.73%
31.10.2011 119 647.00 101 354.20 18 292.80 18.05% 128 348.30 -8 701.30 -6.78%
30.09.2011 101 354.20 98 640.90 2 713.30 2.75% 109 732.20 -8 378.00 -7.63%
31.08.2011 98 640.90 107 844.50 -9 203.60 -8.53% 108 751.90 -10 111.00 -9.30%
31.07.2011 107 844.50 106 282.10 1 562.40 1.47% 105 779.50 2 065.00 1.95%
30.06.2011 106 282.10 113 296.00 -7 013.90 -6.19% 116 600.40 -10 318.30 -8.85%
31.05.2011 113 296.00 117 487.30 -4 191.30 -3.57% 116 780.70 -3 484.70 -2.98%
30.04.2011 117 487.30 102 459.20 15 028.10 14.67% 130 284.80 -12 797.50 -9.82%
31.03.2011 102 459.20 115 812.20 -13 353.00 -11.53% 125 654.10 -23 194.90 -18.46%
28.02.2011 115 812.20 114 903.30 908.90 0.79% 118 755.80 -2 943.60 -2.48%
31.01.2011 114 903.30 116 621.00 -1 717.70 -1.47% 117 303.60 -2 400.30 -2.05%
31.12.2010 116 621.00 119 899.90 -3 278.90 -2.73% 118 034.00 -1 413.00 -1.20%
30.11.2010 119 899.90 128 348.30 -8 448.40 -6.58% 122 792.70 -2 892.80 -2.36%
31.10.2010 128 348.30 109 732.20 18 616.10 16.96% 113 953.80 14 394.50 12.63%
30.09.2010 109 732.20 108 751.90 980.30 0.90% 116 920.10 -7 187.90 -6.15%
31.08.2010 108 751.90 105 779.50 2 972.40 2.81% 116 257.40 -7 505.50 -6.46%
31.07.2010 105 779.50 116 600.40 -10 820.90 -9.28% 116 072.90 -10 293.40 -8.87%
30.06.2010 116 600.40 116 780.70 - 180.30 -0.15% 115 403.40 1 197.00 1.04%
31.05.2010 116 780.70 130 284.80 -13 504.10 -10.37% 115 143.50 1 637.20 1.42%
30.04.2010 130 284.80 125 654.10 4 630.70 3.69% 119 450.00 10 834.80 9.07%
31.03.2010 125 654.10 118 755.80 6 898.30 5.81% 126 841.70 -1 187.60 -0.94%
28.02.2010 118 755.80 117 303.60 1 452.20 1.24% 118 674.70 81.10 0.07%
31.01.2010 117 303.60 118 034.00 - 730.40 -0.62% 117 337.70 -34.10 -0.03%
31.12.2009 118 034.00 122 792.70 -4 758.70 -3.88% 115 800.30 2 233.70 1.93%
30.11.2009 122 792.70 113 953.80 8 838.90 7.76% 112 855.50 9 937.20 8.81%
31.10.2009 113 953.80 116 920.10 -2 966.30 -2.54% 120 793.10 -6 839.30 -5.66%
30.09.2009 116 920.10 116 257.40 662.70 0.57% 123 124.00 -6 203.90 -5.04%
31.08.2009 116 257.40 116 072.90 184.50 0.16% 121 904.60 -5 647.20 -4.63%
31.07.2009 116 072.90 115 403.40 669.50 0.58% 121 467.30 -5 394.40 -4.44%
30.06.2009 115 403.40 115 143.50 259.90 0.23% 116 200.00 - 796.60 -0.69%
31.05.2009 115 143.50 119 450.00 -4 306.50 -3.61% 120 314.00 -5 170.50 -4.30%
30.04.2009 119 450.00 126 841.70 -7 391.70 -5.83% 120 277.10 - 827.10 -0.69%
31.03.2009 126 841.70 118 674.70 8 167.00 6.88% 121 853.70 4 988.00 4.09%
28.02.2009 118 674.70 117 337.70 1 337.00 1.14% 121 411.00 -2 736.30 -2.25%
31.01.2009 117 337.70 115 800.30 1 537.40 1.33% 114 905.50 2 432.20 2.12%
31.12.2008 115 800.30 112 855.50 2 944.80 2.61% 133 479.80 -17 679.50 -13.24%
30.11.2008 112 855.50 120 793.10 -7 937.60 -6.57% 111 562.60 1 292.90 1.16%
31.10.2008 120 793.10 123 124.00 -2 330.90 -1.89% 115 305.20 5 487.90 4.76%
30.09.2008 123 124.00 121 904.60 1 219.40 1.00% 120 288.20 2 835.80 2.36%
31.08.2008 121 904.60 121 467.30 437.30 0.36% 121 519.20 385.40 0.32%
31.07.2008 121 467.30 116 200.00 5 267.30 4.53% 115 003.30 6 464.00 5.62%
30.06.2008 116 200.00 120 314.00 -4 114.00 -3.42% 106 643.10 9 556.90 8.96%
31.05.2008 120 314.00 120 277.10 36.90 0.03% 106 852.30 13 461.70 12.60%
30.04.2008 120 277.10 121 853.70 -1 576.60 -1.29% 101 977.30 18 299.80 17.94%
31.03.2008 121 853.70 121 411.00 442.70 0.36% 97 008.50 24 845.20 25.61%
29.02.2008 121 411.00 114 905.50 6 505.50 5.66% 96 545.10 24 865.90 25.76%
31.01.2008 114 905.50 133 479.80 -18 574.30 -13.92% 95 790.80 19 114.70 19.95%
31.12.2007 133 479.80 111 562.60 21 917.20 19.65% 90 838.80 42 641.00 46.94%
30.11.2007 111 562.60 115 305.20 -3 742.60 -3.25% 95 508.50 16 054.10 16.81%
31.10.2007 115 305.20 120 288.20 -4 983.00 -4.14% 97 990.40 17 314.80 17.67%
30.09.2007 120 288.20 121 519.20 -1 231.00 -1.01% 85 260.00 35 028.20 41.08%
31.08.2007 121 519.20 115 003.30 6 515.90 5.67% 89 218.00 32 301.20 36.20%
31.07.2007 115 003.30 106 643.10 8 360.20 7.84% 86 485.20 28 518.10 32.97%
30.06.2007 106 643.10 106 852.30 - 209.20 -0.20% 89 362.80 17 280.30 19.34%
31.05.2007 106 852.30 101 977.30 4 875.00 4.78% 88 135.60 18 716.70 21.24%
30.04.2007 101 977.30 97 008.50 4 968.80 5.12% 90 439.00 11 538.30 12.76%
31.03.2007 97 008.50 96 545.10 463.40 0.48% 96 571.70 436.80 0.45%
28.02.2007 96 545.10 95 790.80 754.30 0.79% 97 987.20 -1 442.10 -1.47%
31.01.2007 95 790.80 90 838.80 4 952.00 5.45% 100 066.20 -4 275.40 -4.27%
31.12.2006 90 838.80 95 508.50 -4 669.70 -4.89% 93 655.20 -2 816.40 -3.01%
30.11.2006 95 508.50 97 990.40 -2 481.90 -2.53% 92 321.00 3 187.50 3.45%
31.10.2006 97 990.40 85 260.00 12 730.40 14.93% 91 558.60 6 431.80 7.02%
30.09.2006 85 260.00 89 218.00 -3 958.00 -4.44% 91 629.40 -6 369.40 -6.95%
31.08.2006 89 218.00 86 485.20 2 732.80 3.16% 92 088.70 -2 870.70 -3.12%
31.07.2006 86 485.20 89 362.80 -2 877.60 -3.22% 92 061.80 -5 576.60 -6.06%
30.06.2006 89 362.80 88 135.60 1 227.20 1.39% 85 968.30 3 394.50 3.95%
31.05.2006 88 135.60 90 439.00 -2 303.40 -2.55% 86 640.00 1 495.60 1.73%
30.04.2006 90 439.00 96 571.70 -6 132.70 -6.35% 86 224.10 4 214.90 4.89%
31.03.2006 96 571.70 97 987.20 -1 415.50 -1.44% 88 639.50 7 932.20 8.95%
28.02.2006 97 987.20 100 066.20 -2 079.00 -2.08% 84 536.80 13 450.40 15.91%
31.01.2006 100 066.20 93 655.20 6 411.00 6.85% 77 953.80 22 112.40 28.37%
31.12.2005 93 655.20 92 321.00 1 334.20 1.45% 78 004.70 15 650.50 20.06%
30.11.2005 92 321.00 91 558.60 762.40 0.83% 83 225.00 9 096.00 10.93%
31.10.2005 91 558.60 91 629.40 -70.80 -0.08% 82 132.60 9 426.00 11.48%
30.09.2005 91 629.40 92 088.70 - 459.30 -0.50% 89 101.20 2 528.20 2.84%
31.08.2005 92 088.70 92 061.80 26.90 0.03% 83 575.90 8 512.80 10.19%
31.07.2005 92 061.80 85 968.30 6 093.50 7.09% 84 114.80 7 947.00 9.45%
30.06.2005 85 968.30 86 640.00 - 671.70 -0.78% 86 692.20 - 723.90 -0.83%
31.05.2005 86 640.00 86 224.10 415.90 0.48% 86 919.20 - 279.20 -0.32%
30.04.2005 86 224.10 88 639.50 -2 415.40 -2.72% 83 167.90 3 056.20 3.67%
31.03.2005 88 639.50 84 536.80 4 102.70 4.85% 85 205.20 3 434.30 4.03%
28.02.2005 84 536.80 77 953.80 6 583.00 8.44% 91 594.10 -7 057.30 -7.70%
31.01.2005 77 953.80 78 004.70 -50.90 -0.07% 92 266.90 -14 313.10 -15.51%
31.12.2004 78 004.70 83 225.00 -5 220.30 -6.27% 93 985.60 -15 980.90 -17.00%
30.11.2004 83 225.00 82 132.60 1 092.40 1.33% 84 345.30 -1 120.30 -1.33%
31.10.2004 82 132.60 89 101.20 -6 968.60 -7.82% 79 874.60 2 258.00 2.83%
30.09.2004 89 101.20 83 575.90 5 525.30 6.61% 75 860.00 13 241.20 17.45%
31.08.2004 83 575.90 84 114.80 - 538.90 -0.64% 89 159.00 -5 583.10 -6.26%
31.07.2004 84 114.80 86 692.20 -2 577.40 -2.97% 88 989.80 -4 875.00 -5.48%
30.06.2004 86 692.20 86 919.20 - 227.00 -0.26% 83 567.60 3 124.60 3.74%
31.05.2004 86 919.20 83 167.90 3 751.30 4.51% 85 820.20 1 099.00 1.28%
30.04.2004 83 167.90 85 205.20 -2 037.30 -2.39% 88 110.00 -4 942.10 -5.61%
31.03.2004 85 205.20 91 594.10 -6 388.90 -6.98% 78 822.00 6 383.20 8.10%
29.02.2004 91 594.10 92 266.90 - 672.80 -0.73% 84 011.20 7 582.90 9.03%
31.01.2004 92 266.90 93 985.60 -1 718.70 -1.83% 91 993.80 273.10 0.30%
31.12.2003 93 985.60 84 345.30 9 640.30 11.43% 88 148.60 5 837.00 6.62%
30.11.2003 84 345.30 79 874.60 4 470.70 5.60% 90 711.80 -6 366.50 -7.02%
31.10.2003 79 874.60 75 860.00 4 014.60 5.29% 92 280.00 -12 405.40 -13.44%
30.09.2003 75 860.00 89 159.00 -13 299.00 -14.92% 87 966.80 -12 106.80 -13.76%
31.08.2003 89 159.00 88 989.80 169.20 0.19% 86 737.70 2 421.30 2.79%
31.07.2003 88 989.80 83 567.60 5 422.20 6.49% 77 370.10 11 619.70 15.02%
30.06.2003 83 567.60 85 820.20 -2 252.60 -2.62% 72 732.50 10 835.10 14.90%
31.05.2003 85 820.20 88 110.00 -2 289.80 -2.60% 86 356.20 - 536.00 -0.62%
30.04.2003 88 110.00 78 822.00 9 288.00 11.78% 91 051.40 -2 941.40 -3.23%
31.03.2003 78 822.00 84 011.20 -5 189.20 -6.18% 84 097.00 -5 275.00 -6.27%
28.02.2003 84 011.20 91 993.80 -7 982.60 -8.68% 79 245.20 4 766.00 6.01%
31.01.2003 91 993.80 88 148.60 3 845.20 4.36% 80 689.90 11 303.90 14.01%
31.12.2002 88 148.60 90 711.80 -2 563.20 -2.83% 68 532.60 19 616.00 28.62%
30.11.2002 90 711.80 92 280.00 -1 568.20 -1.70% 71 971.30 18 740.50 26.04%
31.10.2002 92 280.00 87 966.80 4 313.20 4.90% 70 201.50 22 078.50 31.45%
30.09.2002 87 966.80 86 737.70 1 229.10 1.42% 72 540.10 15 426.70 21.27%
31.08.2002 86 737.70 77 370.10 9 367.60 12.11% 76 096.70 10 641.00 13.98%
31.07.2002 77 370.10 72 732.50 4 637.60 6.38% 74 588.20 2 781.90 3.73%
30.06.2002 72 732.50 86 356.20 -13 623.70 -15.78% 64 072.40 8 660.10 13.52%
31.05.2002 86 356.20 91 051.40 -4 695.20 -5.16% 52 572.60 33 783.60 64.26%
30.04.2002 91 051.40 84 097.00 6 954.40 8.27% 56 920.60 34 130.80 59.96%
31.03.2002 84 097.00 79 245.20 4 851.80 6.12% 51 970.10 32 126.90 61.82%
28.02.2002 79 245.20 80 689.90 -1 444.70 -1.79% 48 685.60 30 559.60 62.77%
31.01.2002 80 689.90 68 532.60 12 157.30 17.74% 48 890.40 31 799.50 65.04%
31.12.2001 68 532.60 71 971.30 -3 438.70 -4.78% 45 366.60 23 166.00 51.06%
30.11.2001 71 971.30 70 201.50 1 769.80 2.52% 50 529.10 21 442.20 42.44%
31.10.2001 70 201.50 72 540.10 -2 338.60 -3.22% 46 379.90 23 821.60 51.36%
30.09.2001 72 540.10 76 096.70 -3 556.60 -4.67% 49 450.90 23 089.20 46.69%
31.08.2001 76 096.70 74 588.20 1 508.50 2.02% 51 454.80 24 641.90 47.89%
31.07.2001 74 588.20 64 072.40 10 515.80 16.41% 48 116.20 26 472.00 55.02%
30.06.2001 64 072.40 52 572.60 11 499.80 21.87% 54 004.20 10 068.20 18.64%
31.05.2001 52 572.60 56 920.60 -4 348.00 -7.64% 54 189.50 -1 616.90 -2.98%
30.04.2001 56 920.60 51 970.10 4 950.50 9.53% 53 300.30 3 620.30 6.79%
31.03.2001 51 970.10 48 685.60 3 284.50 6.75% 63 147.20 -11 177.10 -17.70%
28.02.2001 48 685.60 48 890.40 - 204.80 -0.42% 57 914.40 -9 228.80 -15.94%
31.01.2001 48 890.40 45 366.60 3 523.80 7.77% 57 155.10 -8 264.70 -14.46%
31.12.2000 45 366.60 50 529.10 -5 162.50 -10.22% 62 687.40 -17 320.80 -27.63%
30.11.2000 50 529.10 46 379.90 4 149.20 8.95% 58 128.20 -7 599.10 -13.07%
31.10.2000 46 379.90 49 450.90 -3 071.00 -6.21% 56 633.60 -10 253.70 -18.11%
30.09.2000 49 450.90 51 454.80 -2 003.90 -3.89% 58 959.40 -9 508.50 -16.13%
31.08.2000 51 454.80 48 116.20 3 338.60 6.94% 55 275.30 -3 820.50 -6.91%
31.07.2000 48 116.20 54 004.20 -5 888.00 -10.90% 58 855.30 -10 739.10 -18.25%
30.06.2000 54 004.20 54 189.50 - 185.30 -0.34% 65 270.10 -11 265.90 -17.26%
31.05.2000 54 189.50 53 300.30 889.20 1.67% 64 222.10 -10 032.60 -15.62%
30.04.2000 53 300.30 63 147.20 -9 846.90 -15.59% 60 194.60 -6 894.30 -11.45%
31.03.2000 63 147.20 57 914.40 5 232.80 9.04% 56 947.90 6 199.30 10.89%
29.02.2000 57 914.40 57 155.10 759.30 1.33% 51 282.20 6 632.20 12.93%
31.01.2000 57 155.10 62 687.40 -5 532.30 -8.83% 51 953.60 5 201.50 10.01%
31.12.1999 62 687.40 58 128.20 4 559.20 7.84% 58 505.00 4 182.40 7.15%
30.11.1999 58 128.20 56 633.60 1 494.60 2.64% 42 883.50 15 244.70 35.55%
31.10.1999 56 633.60 58 959.40 -2 325.80 -3.94% 44 149.10 12 484.50 28.28%
30.09.1999 58 959.40 55 275.30 3 684.10 6.67% 49 236.20 9 723.20 19.75%
31.08.1999 55 275.30 58 855.30 -3 580.00 -6.08% 42 838.10 12 437.20 29.03%
31.07.1999 58 855.30 65 270.10 -6 414.80 -9.83% 44 768.10 14 087.20 31.47%
30.06.1999 65 270.10 64 222.10 1 048.00 1.63% 54 729.80 10 540.30 19.26%
31.05.1999 64 222.10 60 194.60 4 027.50 6.69% 42 162.80 22 059.30 52.32%
30.04.1999 60 194.60 56 947.90 3 246.70 5.70% 37 901.20 22 293.40 58.82%
31.03.1999 56 947.90 51 282.20 5 665.70 11.05% 52 372.80 4 575.10 8.74%
28.02.1999 51 282.20 51 953.60 - 671.40 -1.29% 41 104.70 10 177.50 24.76%
31.01.1999 51 953.60 58 505.00 -6 551.40 -11.20% 43 835.80 8 117.80 18.52%
31.12.1998 58 505.00 42 883.50 15 621.50 36.43% 64 457.10 -5 952.10 -9.23%
30.11.1998 42 883.50 44 149.10 -1 265.60 -2.87% 46 073.40 -3 189.90 -6.92%
31.10.1998 44 149.10 49 236.20 -5 087.10 -10.33% 50 859.80 -6 710.70 -13.19%
30.09.1998 49 236.20 42 838.10 6 398.10 14.94% 49 695.90 - 459.70 -0.93%
31.08.1998 42 838.10 44 768.10 -1 930.00 -4.31% 54 462.80 -11 624.70 -21.34%
31.07.1998 44 768.10 54 729.80 -9 961.70 -18.20% 53 063.30 -8 295.20 -15.63%
30.06.1998 54 729.80 42 162.80 12 567.00 29.81% 60 321.60 -5 591.80 -9.27%
31.05.1998 42 162.80 37 901.20 4 261.60 11.24% 57 073.60 -14 910.80 -26.13%
30.04.1998 37 901.20 52 372.80 -14 471.60 -27.63% 53 879.00 -15 977.80 -29.65%
31.03.1998 52 372.80 41 104.70 11 268.10 27.41% 51 394.50 978.30 1.90%
28.02.1998 41 104.70 43 835.80 -2 731.10 -6.23% 50 755.30 -9 650.60 -19.01%
31.01.1998 43 835.80 64 457.10 -20 621.30 -31.99% 49 457.30 -5 621.50 -11.37%
31.12.1997 64 457.10 46 073.40 18 383.70 39.90% 49 168.70 15 288.40 31.09%
30.11.1997 46 073.40 50 859.80 -4 786.40 -9.41% 49 030.70 -2 957.30 -6.03%
31.10.1997 50 859.80 49 695.90 1 163.90 2.34% 45 043.90 5 815.90 12.91%
30.09.1997 49 695.90 54 462.80 -4 766.90 -8.75% 48 286.40 1 409.50 2.92%
31.08.1997 54 462.80 53 063.30 1 399.50 2.64% 48 483.00 5 979.80 12.33%
31.07.1997 53 063.30 60 321.60 -7 258.30 -12.03% 52 818.10 245.20 0.46%
30.06.1997 60 321.60 57 073.60 3 248.00 5.69% 53 092.80 7 228.80 13.62%
31.05.1997 57 073.60 53 879.00 3 194.60 5.93% 55 718.50 1 355.10 2.43%
30.04.1997 53 879.00 51 394.50 2 484.50 4.83% 68 031.30 -14 152.30 -20.80%
31.03.1997 51 394.50 50 755.30 639.20 1.26% 67 326.20 -15 931.70 -23.66%
28.02.1997 50 755.30 49 457.30 1 298.00 2.62% 70 625.60 -19 870.30 -28.13%
31.01.1997 49 457.30 49 168.70 288.60 0.59% 65 338.80 -15 881.50 -24.31%
31.12.1996 49 168.70 49 030.70 138.00 0.28% 66 148.30 -16 979.60 -25.67%
30.11.1996 49 030.70 45 043.90 3 986.80 8.85% 63 725.60 -14 694.90 -23.06%
31.10.1996 45 043.90 48 286.40 -3 242.50 -6.72% 66 502.40 -21 458.50 -32.27%
30.09.1996 48 286.40 48 483.00 - 196.60 -0.41% 62 372.50 -14 086.10 -22.58%
31.08.1996 48 483.00 52 818.10 -4 335.10 -8.21% 69 344.40 -20 861.40 -30.08%
31.07.1996 52 818.10 53 092.80 - 274.70 -0.52% 67 631.10 -14 813.00 -21.90%
30.06.1996 53 092.80 55 718.50 -2 625.70 -4.71% 66 345.70 -13 252.90 -19.98%
31.05.1996 55 718.50 68 031.30 -12 312.80 -18.10% 65 793.10 -10 074.60 -15.31%
30.04.1996 68 031.30 67 326.20 705.10 1.05% 64 845.90 3 185.40 4.91%
31.03.1996 67 326.20 70 625.60 -3 299.40 -4.67% 62 550.40 4 775.80 7.64%
29.02.1996 70 625.60 65 338.80 5 286.80 8.09% 59 798.50 10 827.10 18.11%
31.01.1996 65 338.80 66 148.30 - 809.50 -1.22% 52 688.00 12 650.80 24.01%
31.12.1995 66 148.30 63 725.60 2 422.70 3.80% 55 822.30 10 326.00 18.50%
30.11.1995 63 725.60 66 502.40 -2 776.80 -4.18% 54 500.20 9 225.40 16.93%
31.10.1995 66 502.40 62 372.50 4 129.90 6.62% 53 992.50 12 509.90 23.17%
30.09.1995 62 372.50 69 344.40 -6 971.90 -10.05% 51 340.10 11 032.40 21.49%
31.08.1995 69 344.40 67 631.10 1 713.30 2.53% 51 861.00 17 483.40 33.71%
31.07.1995 67 631.10 66 345.70 1 285.40 1.94% 52 765.90 14 865.20 28.17%
30.06.1995 66 345.70 65 793.10 552.60 0.84% 49 281.90 17 063.80 34.62%
31.05.1995 65 793.10 64 845.90 947.20 1.46% 54 587.80 11 205.30 20.53%
30.04.1995 64 845.90 62 550.40 2 295.50 3.67% 52 624.20 12 221.70 23.22%
31.03.1995 62 550.40 59 798.50 2 751.90 4.60% 54 103.30 8 447.10 15.61%
28.02.1995 59 798.50 52 688.00 7 110.50 13.50% 54 221.90 5 576.60 10.28%
31.01.1995 52 688.00 55 822.30 -3 134.30 -5.61% 50 723.00 1 965.00 3.87%
31.12.1994 55 822.30 54 500.20 1 322.10 2.43% 50 580.30 5 242.00 10.36%
30.11.1994 54 500.20 53 992.50 507.70 0.94% 47 927.30 6 572.90 13.71%
31.10.1994 53 992.50 51 340.10 2 652.40 5.17% 45 562.40 8 430.10 18.50%
30.09.1994 51 340.10 51 861.00 - 520.90 -1.00% 44 783.90 6 556.20 14.64%
31.08.1994 51 861.00 52 765.90 - 904.90 -1.71% 33 329.70 18 531.30 55.60%
31.07.1994 52 765.90 49 281.90 3 484.00 7.07% 48 225.00 4 540.90 9.42%
30.06.1994 49 281.90 54 587.80 -5 305.90 -9.72% 47 019.00 2 262.90 4.81%
31.05.1994 54 587.80 52 624.20 1 963.60 3.73% 46 533.20 8 054.60 17.31%
30.04.1994 52 624.20 54 103.30 -1 479.10 -2.73% 45 970.70 6 653.50 14.47%
31.03.1994 54 103.30 54 221.90 - 118.60 -0.22% 46 595.40 7 507.90 16.11%
28.02.1994 54 221.90 50 723.00 3 498.90 6.90% 44 742.40 9 479.50 21.19%
31.01.1994 50 723.00 50 580.30 142.70 0.28% 43 194.20 7 528.80 17.43%
31.12.1993 50 580.30 47 927.30 2 653.00 5.54% - - -
30.11.1993 47 927.30 45 562.40 2 364.90 5.19% - - -
31.10.1993 45 562.40 44 783.90 778.50 1.74% - - -
30.09.1993 44 783.90 33 329.70 11 454.20 34.37% - - -
31.08.1993 33 329.70 48 225.00 -14 895.30 -30.89% - - -
31.07.1993 48 225.00 47 019.00 1 206.00 2.56% - - -
30.06.1993 47 019.00 46 533.20 485.80 1.04% - - -
31.05.1993 46 533.20 45 970.70 562.50 1.22% - - -
30.04.1993 45 970.70 46 595.40 - 624.70 -1.34% - - -
31.03.1993 46 595.40 44 742.40 1 853.00 4.14% - - -
28.02.1993 44 742.40 43 194.20 1 548.20 3.58% - - -
31.01.1993 43 194.20 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Statistics on other financial institutions (Monetary statistics)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (levels) (Levels)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels) (Levels)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Capital and reserves (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))
Credit to government (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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