of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities - ekonomika ČNB
Aktualizace dat
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat
Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data
Data ke dni | Řada nebo sestava |
30.09.2023 |
Penzijní společnosti - Počet účastníků II. a III. pilíře: Čtvrtletní, Supplementary pension insurance with state contribution |
30.09.2024 |
Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční |
31.08.2024 |
Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční |
30.09.2024 |
Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční |
31.08.2024 |
Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční |
Graf hodnot, Client deposits by type (EUR)
Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...
Meziroční srovnání
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...
Minima a maxima
Historické hodnoty
Období |
Hodnota |
Předchozí |
Rozdíl |
Změna |
Před rokem |
Rozdíl |
Změna |
30.11.2015 |
278 522.10 |
256 961.00 |
21 561.10 |
8.39% |
239 454.00 |
39 068.10 |
16.32% |
31.10.2015 |
256 961.00 |
242 697.20 |
14 263.80 |
5.88% |
236 299.50 |
20 661.50 |
8.74% |
30.09.2015 |
242 697.20 |
254 016.70 |
-11 319.50 |
-4.46% |
237 856.50 |
4 840.70 |
2.04% |
31.08.2015 |
254 016.70 |
253 889.90 |
126.80 |
0.05% |
231 268.20 |
22 748.50 |
9.84% |
31.07.2015 |
253 889.90 |
255 967.00 |
-2 077.10 |
-0.81% |
223 366.10 |
30 523.80 |
13.67% |
30.06.2015 |
255 967.00 |
257 051.70 |
-1 084.70 |
-0.42% |
218 394.50 |
37 572.50 |
17.20% |
31.05.2015 |
257 051.70 |
250 025.40 |
7 026.30 |
2.81% |
197 763.50 |
59 288.20 |
29.98% |
30.04.2015 |
250 025.40 |
253 774.50 |
-3 749.10 |
-1.48% |
190 960.60 |
59 064.80 |
30.93% |
31.03.2015 |
253 774.50 |
257 616.40 |
-3 841.90 |
-1.49% |
188 214.80 |
65 559.70 |
34.83% |
28.02.2015 |
257 616.40 |
239 527.70 |
18 088.70 |
7.55% |
204 220.20 |
53 396.20 |
26.15% |
31.01.2015 |
239 527.70 |
238 783.00 |
744.70 |
0.31% |
182 917.60 |
56 610.10 |
30.95% |
31.12.2014 |
238 783.00 |
239 454.00 |
- 671.00 |
-0.28% |
188 785.80 |
49 997.20 |
26.48% |
30.11.2014 |
239 454.00 |
236 299.50 |
3 154.50 |
1.33% |
186 660.70 |
52 793.30 |
28.28% |
31.10.2014 |
236 299.50 |
237 856.50 |
-1 557.00 |
-0.65% |
190 533.90 |
45 765.60 |
24.02% |
30.09.2014 |
237 856.50 |
231 268.20 |
6 588.30 |
2.85% |
183 756.50 |
54 100.00 |
29.44% |
31.08.2014 |
231 268.20 |
223 366.10 |
7 902.10 |
3.54% |
193 472.70 |
37 795.50 |
19.54% |
31.07.2014 |
223 366.10 |
218 394.50 |
4 971.60 |
2.28% |
203 760.20 |
19 605.90 |
9.62% |
30.06.2014 |
218 394.50 |
197 763.50 |
20 631.00 |
10.43% |
178 079.40 |
40 315.10 |
22.64% |
31.05.2014 |
197 763.50 |
190 960.60 |
6 802.90 |
3.56% |
178 770.20 |
18 993.30 |
10.62% |
30.04.2014 |
190 960.60 |
188 214.80 |
2 745.80 |
1.46% |
170 486.30 |
20 474.30 |
12.01% |
31.03.2014 |
188 214.80 |
204 220.20 |
-16 005.40 |
-7.84% |
151 757.30 |
36 457.50 |
24.02% |
28.02.2014 |
204 220.20 |
182 917.60 |
21 302.60 |
11.65% |
158 313.60 |
45 906.60 |
29.00% |
31.01.2014 |
182 917.60 |
188 785.80 |
-5 868.20 |
-3.11% |
158 355.00 |
24 562.60 |
15.51% |
31.12.2013 |
188 785.80 |
186 660.70 |
2 125.10 |
1.14% |
166 179.40 |
22 606.40 |
13.60% |
30.11.2013 |
186 660.70 |
190 533.90 |
-3 873.20 |
-2.03% |
154 695.70 |
31 965.00 |
20.66% |
31.10.2013 |
190 533.90 |
183 756.50 |
6 777.40 |
3.69% |
153 439.20 |
37 094.70 |
24.18% |
30.09.2013 |
183 756.50 |
193 472.70 |
-9 716.20 |
-5.02% |
153 001.50 |
30 755.00 |
20.10% |
31.08.2013 |
193 472.70 |
203 760.20 |
-10 287.50 |
-5.05% |
157 748.40 |
35 724.30 |
22.65% |
31.07.2013 |
203 760.20 |
178 079.40 |
25 680.80 |
14.42% |
152 839.70 |
50 920.50 |
33.32% |
30.06.2013 |
178 079.40 |
178 770.20 |
- 690.80 |
-0.39% |
124 081.70 |
53 997.70 |
43.52% |
31.05.2013 |
178 770.20 |
170 486.30 |
8 283.90 |
4.86% |
123 012.20 |
55 758.00 |
45.33% |
30.04.2013 |
170 486.30 |
151 757.30 |
18 729.00 |
12.34% |
127 959.10 |
42 527.20 |
33.23% |
31.03.2013 |
151 757.30 |
158 313.60 |
-6 556.30 |
-4.14% |
123 367.90 |
28 389.40 |
23.01% |
28.02.2013 |
158 313.60 |
158 355.00 |
-41.40 |
-0.03% |
127 673.80 |
30 639.80 |
24.00% |
31.01.2013 |
158 355.00 |
166 179.40 |
-7 824.40 |
-4.71% |
130 105.30 |
28 249.70 |
21.71% |
31.12.2012 |
166 179.40 |
154 695.70 |
11 483.70 |
7.42% |
127 013.20 |
39 166.20 |
30.84% |
30.11.2012 |
154 695.70 |
153 439.20 |
1 256.50 |
0.82% |
115 218.60 |
39 477.10 |
34.26% |
31.10.2012 |
153 439.20 |
153 001.50 |
437.70 |
0.29% |
115 815.30 |
37 623.90 |
32.49% |
30.09.2012 |
153 001.50 |
157 748.40 |
-4 746.90 |
-3.01% |
110 920.30 |
42 081.20 |
37.94% |
31.08.2012 |
157 748.40 |
152 839.70 |
4 908.70 |
3.21% |
114 515.60 |
43 232.80 |
37.75% |
31.07.2012 |
152 839.70 |
124 081.70 |
28 758.00 |
23.18% |
114 470.10 |
38 369.60 |
33.52% |
30.06.2012 |
124 081.70 |
123 012.20 |
1 069.50 |
0.87% |
113 083.40 |
10 998.30 |
9.73% |
31.05.2012 |
123 012.20 |
127 959.10 |
-4 946.90 |
-3.87% |
115 261.80 |
7 750.40 |
6.72% |
30.04.2012 |
127 959.10 |
123 367.90 |
4 591.20 |
3.72% |
117 238.50 |
10 720.60 |
9.14% |
31.03.2012 |
123 367.90 |
127 673.80 |
-4 305.90 |
-3.37% |
116 311.80 |
7 056.10 |
6.07% |
29.02.2012 |
127 673.80 |
130 105.30 |
-2 431.50 |
-1.87% |
117 869.80 |
9 804.00 |
8.32% |
31.01.2012 |
130 105.30 |
127 013.20 |
3 092.10 |
2.43% |
118 391.70 |
11 713.60 |
9.89% |
31.12.2011 |
127 013.20 |
115 218.60 |
11 794.60 |
10.24% |
120 174.00 |
6 839.20 |
5.69% |
30.11.2011 |
115 218.60 |
115 815.30 |
- 596.70 |
-0.52% |
121 389.30 |
-6 170.70 |
-5.08% |
31.10.2011 |
115 815.30 |
110 920.30 |
4 895.00 |
4.41% |
125 898.60 |
-10 083.30 |
-8.01% |
30.09.2011 |
110 920.30 |
114 515.60 |
-3 595.30 |
-3.14% |
125 433.10 |
-14 512.80 |
-11.57% |
31.08.2011 |
114 515.60 |
114 470.10 |
45.50 |
0.04% |
123 729.50 |
-9 213.90 |
-7.45% |
31.07.2011 |
114 470.10 |
113 083.40 |
1 386.70 |
1.23% |
120 999.30 |
-6 529.20 |
-5.40% |
30.06.2011 |
113 083.40 |
115 261.80 |
-2 178.40 |
-1.89% |
114 473.90 |
-1 390.50 |
-1.21% |
31.05.2011 |
115 261.80 |
117 238.50 |
-1 976.70 |
-1.69% |
121 133.40 |
-5 871.60 |
-4.85% |
30.04.2011 |
117 238.50 |
116 311.80 |
926.70 |
0.80% |
120 899.70 |
-3 661.20 |
-3.03% |
31.03.2011 |
116 311.80 |
117 869.80 |
-1 558.00 |
-1.32% |
118 191.30 |
-1 879.50 |
-1.59% |
28.02.2011 |
117 869.80 |
118 391.70 |
- 521.90 |
-0.44% |
117 092.60 |
777.20 |
0.66% |
31.01.2011 |
118 391.70 |
120 174.00 |
-1 782.30 |
-1.48% |
112 750.10 |
5 641.60 |
5.00% |
31.12.2010 |
120 174.00 |
121 389.30 |
-1 215.30 |
-1.00% |
118 664.20 |
1 509.80 |
1.27% |
30.11.2010 |
121 389.30 |
125 898.60 |
-4 509.30 |
-3.58% |
125 646.50 |
-4 257.20 |
-3.39% |
31.10.2010 |
125 898.60 |
125 433.10 |
465.50 |
0.37% |
116 940.00 |
8 958.60 |
7.66% |
30.09.2010 |
125 433.10 |
123 729.50 |
1 703.60 |
1.38% |
115 876.30 |
9 556.80 |
8.25% |
31.08.2010 |
123 729.50 |
120 999.30 |
2 730.20 |
2.26% |
121 203.70 |
2 525.80 |
2.08% |
31.07.2010 |
120 999.30 |
114 473.90 |
6 525.40 |
5.70% |
118 819.50 |
2 179.80 |
1.83% |
30.06.2010 |
114 473.90 |
121 133.40 |
-6 659.50 |
-5.50% |
114 056.90 |
417.00 |
0.37% |
31.05.2010 |
121 133.40 |
120 899.70 |
233.70 |
0.19% |
103 751.40 |
17 382.00 |
16.75% |
30.04.2010 |
120 899.70 |
118 191.30 |
2 708.40 |
2.29% |
108 336.20 |
12 563.50 |
11.60% |
31.03.2010 |
118 191.30 |
117 092.60 |
1 098.70 |
0.94% |
110 532.50 |
7 658.80 |
6.93% |
28.02.2010 |
117 092.60 |
112 750.10 |
4 342.50 |
3.85% |
107 774.40 |
9 318.20 |
8.65% |
31.01.2010 |
112 750.10 |
118 664.20 |
-5 914.10 |
-4.98% |
103 048.10 |
9 702.00 |
9.41% |
31.12.2009 |
118 664.20 |
125 646.50 |
-6 982.30 |
-5.56% |
96 222.00 |
22 442.20 |
23.32% |
30.11.2009 |
125 646.50 |
116 940.00 |
8 706.50 |
7.45% |
90 743.30 |
34 903.20 |
38.46% |
31.10.2009 |
116 940.00 |
115 876.30 |
1 063.70 |
0.92% |
89 404.40 |
27 535.60 |
30.80% |
30.09.2009 |
115 876.30 |
121 203.70 |
-5 327.40 |
-4.40% |
88 383.00 |
27 493.30 |
31.11% |
31.08.2009 |
121 203.70 |
118 819.50 |
2 384.20 |
2.01% |
91 190.40 |
30 013.30 |
32.91% |
31.07.2009 |
118 819.50 |
114 056.90 |
4 762.60 |
4.18% |
93 829.40 |
24 990.10 |
26.63% |
30.06.2009 |
114 056.90 |
103 751.40 |
10 305.50 |
9.93% |
102 052.50 |
12 004.40 |
11.76% |
31.05.2009 |
103 751.40 |
108 336.20 |
-4 584.80 |
-4.23% |
95 581.60 |
8 169.80 |
8.55% |
30.04.2009 |
108 336.20 |
110 532.50 |
-2 196.30 |
-1.99% |
92 439.20 |
15 897.00 |
17.20% |
31.03.2009 |
110 532.50 |
107 774.40 |
2 758.10 |
2.56% |
92 238.00 |
18 294.50 |
19.83% |
28.02.2009 |
107 774.40 |
103 048.10 |
4 726.30 |
4.59% |
96 209.60 |
11 564.80 |
12.02% |
31.01.2009 |
103 048.10 |
96 222.00 |
6 826.10 |
7.09% |
110 569.10 |
-7 521.00 |
-6.80% |
31.12.2008 |
96 222.00 |
90 743.30 |
5 478.70 |
6.04% |
112 436.60 |
-16 214.60 |
-14.42% |
30.11.2008 |
90 743.30 |
89 404.40 |
1 338.90 |
1.50% |
108 212.50 |
-17 469.20 |
-16.14% |
31.10.2008 |
89 404.40 |
88 383.00 |
1 021.40 |
1.16% |
107 219.30 |
-17 814.90 |
-16.62% |
30.09.2008 |
88 383.00 |
91 190.40 |
-2 807.40 |
-3.08% |
99 171.30 |
-10 788.30 |
-10.88% |
31.08.2008 |
91 190.40 |
93 829.40 |
-2 639.00 |
-2.81% |
103 468.40 |
-12 278.00 |
-11.87% |
31.07.2008 |
93 829.40 |
102 052.50 |
-8 223.10 |
-8.06% |
97 920.20 |
-4 090.80 |
-4.18% |
30.06.2008 |
102 052.50 |
95 581.60 |
6 470.90 |
6.77% |
93 073.00 |
8 979.50 |
9.65% |
31.05.2008 |
95 581.60 |
92 439.20 |
3 142.40 |
3.40% |
88 708.40 |
6 873.20 |
7.75% |
30.04.2008 |
92 439.20 |
92 238.00 |
201.20 |
0.22% |
88 867.10 |
3 572.10 |
4.02% |
31.03.2008 |
92 238.00 |
96 209.60 |
-3 971.60 |
-4.13% |
84 822.20 |
7 415.80 |
8.74% |
29.02.2008 |
96 209.60 |
110 569.10 |
-14 359.50 |
-12.99% |
83 878.00 |
12 331.60 |
14.70% |
31.01.2008 |
110 569.10 |
112 436.60 |
-1 867.50 |
-1.66% |
82 465.30 |
28 103.80 |
34.08% |
31.12.2007 |
112 436.60 |
108 212.50 |
4 224.10 |
3.90% |
84 216.40 |
28 220.20 |
33.51% |
30.11.2007 |
108 212.50 |
107 219.30 |
993.20 |
0.93% |
81 817.50 |
26 395.00 |
32.26% |
31.10.2007 |
107 219.30 |
99 171.30 |
8 048.00 |
8.12% |
80 099.60 |
27 119.70 |
33.86% |
30.09.2007 |
99 171.30 |
103 468.40 |
-4 297.10 |
-4.15% |
75 486.60 |
23 684.70 |
31.38% |
31.08.2007 |
103 468.40 |
97 920.20 |
5 548.20 |
5.67% |
74 740.90 |
28 727.50 |
38.44% |
31.07.2007 |
97 920.20 |
93 073.00 |
4 847.20 |
5.21% |
72 514.50 |
25 405.70 |
35.04% |
30.06.2007 |
93 073.00 |
88 708.40 |
4 364.60 |
4.92% |
72 137.40 |
20 935.60 |
29.02% |
31.05.2007 |
88 708.40 |
88 867.10 |
- 158.70 |
-0.18% |
79 098.30 |
9 610.10 |
12.15% |
30.04.2007 |
88 867.10 |
84 822.20 |
4 044.90 |
4.77% |
72 764.30 |
16 102.80 |
22.13% |
31.03.2007 |
84 822.20 |
83 878.00 |
944.20 |
1.13% |
69 647.60 |
15 174.60 |
21.79% |
28.02.2007 |
83 878.00 |
82 465.30 |
1 412.70 |
1.71% |
73 706.00 |
10 172.00 |
13.80% |
31.01.2007 |
82 465.30 |
84 216.40 |
-1 751.10 |
-2.08% |
75 998.40 |
6 466.90 |
8.51% |
31.12.2006 |
84 216.40 |
81 817.50 |
2 398.90 |
2.93% |
75 414.40 |
8 802.00 |
11.67% |
30.11.2006 |
81 817.50 |
80 099.60 |
1 717.90 |
2.14% |
71 887.60 |
9 929.90 |
13.81% |
31.10.2006 |
80 099.60 |
75 486.60 |
4 613.00 |
6.11% |
66 724.30 |
13 375.30 |
20.05% |
30.09.2006 |
75 486.60 |
74 740.90 |
745.70 |
1.00% |
66 706.70 |
8 779.90 |
13.16% |
31.08.2006 |
74 740.90 |
72 514.50 |
2 226.40 |
3.07% |
64 896.00 |
9 844.90 |
15.17% |
31.07.2006 |
72 514.50 |
72 137.40 |
377.10 |
0.52% |
63 009.70 |
9 504.80 |
15.08% |
30.06.2006 |
72 137.40 |
79 098.30 |
-6 960.90 |
-8.80% |
61 375.70 |
10 761.70 |
17.53% |
31.05.2006 |
79 098.30 |
72 764.30 |
6 334.00 |
8.70% |
61 754.20 |
17 344.10 |
28.09% |
30.04.2006 |
72 764.30 |
69 647.60 |
3 116.70 |
4.47% |
61 101.80 |
11 662.50 |
19.09% |
31.03.2006 |
69 647.60 |
73 706.00 |
-4 058.40 |
-5.51% |
58 603.90 |
11 043.70 |
18.84% |
28.02.2006 |
73 706.00 |
75 998.40 |
-2 292.40 |
-3.02% |
62 015.40 |
11 690.60 |
18.85% |
31.01.2006 |
75 998.40 |
75 414.40 |
584.00 |
0.77% |
63 205.50 |
12 792.90 |
20.24% |
31.12.2005 |
75 414.40 |
71 887.60 |
3 526.80 |
4.91% |
63 124.20 |
12 290.20 |
19.47% |
30.11.2005 |
71 887.60 |
66 724.30 |
5 163.30 |
7.74% |
63 541.10 |
8 346.50 |
13.14% |
31.10.2005 |
66 724.30 |
66 706.70 |
17.60 |
0.03% |
62 694.00 |
4 030.30 |
6.43% |
30.09.2005 |
66 706.70 |
64 896.00 |
1 810.70 |
2.79% |
60 880.20 |
5 826.50 |
9.57% |
31.08.2005 |
64 896.00 |
63 009.70 |
1 886.30 |
2.99% |
58 134.30 |
6 761.70 |
11.63% |
31.07.2005 |
63 009.70 |
61 375.70 |
1 634.00 |
2.66% |
59 200.10 |
3 809.60 |
6.44% |
30.06.2005 |
61 375.70 |
61 754.20 |
- 378.50 |
-0.61% |
58 430.70 |
2 945.00 |
5.04% |
31.05.2005 |
61 754.20 |
61 101.80 |
652.40 |
1.07% |
59 605.70 |
2 148.50 |
3.60% |
30.04.2005 |
61 101.80 |
58 603.90 |
2 497.90 |
4.26% |
54 671.50 |
6 430.30 |
11.76% |
31.03.2005 |
58 603.90 |
62 015.40 |
-3 411.50 |
-5.50% |
52 124.80 |
6 479.10 |
12.43% |
28.02.2005 |
62 015.40 |
63 205.50 |
-1 190.10 |
-1.88% |
51 006.50 |
11 008.90 |
21.58% |
31.01.2005 |
63 205.50 |
63 124.20 |
81.30 |
0.13% |
50 514.90 |
12 690.60 |
25.12% |
31.12.2004 |
63 124.20 |
63 541.10 |
- 416.90 |
-0.66% |
51 981.20 |
11 143.00 |
21.44% |
30.11.2004 |
63 541.10 |
62 694.00 |
847.10 |
1.35% |
52 753.70 |
10 787.40 |
20.45% |
31.10.2004 |
62 694.00 |
60 880.20 |
1 813.80 |
2.98% |
52 831.10 |
9 862.90 |
18.67% |
30.09.2004 |
60 880.20 |
58 134.30 |
2 745.90 |
4.72% |
51 090.00 |
9 790.20 |
19.16% |
31.08.2004 |
58 134.30 |
59 200.10 |
-1 065.80 |
-1.80% |
49 234.30 |
8 900.00 |
18.08% |
31.07.2004 |
59 200.10 |
58 430.70 |
769.40 |
1.32% |
48 218.60 |
10 981.50 |
22.77% |
30.06.2004 |
58 430.70 |
59 605.70 |
-1 175.00 |
-1.97% |
46 339.00 |
12 091.70 |
26.09% |
31.05.2004 |
59 605.70 |
54 671.50 |
4 934.20 |
9.03% |
44 298.60 |
15 307.10 |
34.55% |
30.04.2004 |
54 671.50 |
52 124.80 |
2 546.70 |
4.89% |
46 375.50 |
8 296.00 |
17.89% |
31.03.2004 |
52 124.80 |
51 006.50 |
1 118.30 |
2.19% |
42 815.70 |
9 309.10 |
21.74% |
29.02.2004 |
51 006.50 |
50 514.90 |
491.60 |
0.97% |
44 631.70 |
6 374.80 |
14.28% |
31.01.2004 |
50 514.90 |
51 981.20 |
-1 466.30 |
-2.82% |
44 927.00 |
5 587.90 |
12.44% |
31.12.2003 |
51 981.20 |
52 753.70 |
- 772.50 |
-1.46% |
45 925.40 |
6 055.80 |
13.19% |
30.11.2003 |
52 753.70 |
52 831.10 |
-77.40 |
-0.15% |
42 470.50 |
10 283.20 |
24.21% |
31.10.2003 |
52 831.10 |
51 090.00 |
1 741.10 |
3.41% |
42 968.20 |
9 862.90 |
22.95% |
30.09.2003 |
51 090.00 |
49 234.30 |
1 855.70 |
3.77% |
46 362.30 |
4 727.70 |
10.20% |
31.08.2003 |
49 234.30 |
48 218.60 |
1 015.70 |
2.11% |
45 541.50 |
3 692.80 |
8.11% |
31.07.2003 |
48 218.60 |
46 339.00 |
1 879.60 |
4.06% |
44 920.60 |
3 298.00 |
7.34% |
30.06.2003 |
46 339.00 |
44 298.60 |
2 040.40 |
4.61% |
48 466.30 |
-2 127.30 |
-4.39% |
31.05.2003 |
44 298.60 |
46 375.50 |
-2 076.90 |
-4.48% |
50 086.10 |
-5 787.50 |
-11.56% |
30.04.2003 |
46 375.50 |
42 815.70 |
3 559.80 |
8.31% |
61 742.40 |
-15 366.90 |
-24.89% |
31.03.2003 |
42 815.70 |
44 631.70 |
-1 816.00 |
-4.07% |
41 170.90 |
1 644.80 |
4.00% |
28.02.2003 |
44 631.70 |
44 927.00 |
- 295.30 |
-0.66% |
42 753.10 |
1 878.60 |
4.39% |
31.01.2003 |
44 927.00 |
45 925.40 |
- 998.40 |
-2.17% |
44 782.70 |
144.30 |
0.32% |
31.12.2002 |
45 925.40 |
42 470.50 |
3 454.90 |
8.13% |
- |
- |
- |
30.11.2002 |
42 470.50 |
42 968.20 |
- 497.70 |
-1.16% |
- |
- |
- |
31.10.2002 |
42 968.20 |
46 362.30 |
-3 394.10 |
-7.32% |
- |
- |
- |
30.09.2002 |
46 362.30 |
45 541.50 |
820.80 |
1.80% |
- |
- |
- |
31.08.2002 |
45 541.50 |
44 920.60 |
620.90 |
1.38% |
- |
- |
- |
31.07.2002 |
44 920.60 |
48 466.30 |
-3 545.70 |
-7.32% |
- |
- |
- |
30.06.2002 |
48 466.30 |
50 086.10 |
-1 619.80 |
-3.23% |
- |
- |
- |
31.05.2002 |
50 086.10 |
61 742.40 |
-11 656.30 |
-18.88% |
- |
- |
- |
30.04.2002 |
61 742.40 |
41 170.90 |
20 571.50 |
49.97% |
- |
- |
- |
31.03.2002 |
41 170.90 |
42 753.10 |
-1 582.20 |
-3.70% |
- |
- |
- |
28.02.2002 |
42 753.10 |
44 782.70 |
-2 029.60 |
-4.53% |
- |
- |
- |
31.01.2002 |
44 782.70 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Graf jako obrázek
Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky
Podobné sestavy
Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (CZK))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (EUR))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - trades (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - individuals (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - trades (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - individuals (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK))
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika
zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR.
Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ.
Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992.
Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD
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