of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
30.09.2023 Penzijní společnosti - Počet účastníků II. a III. pilíře: Čtvrtletní, Supplementary pension insurance with state contribution
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční

Graf hodnot, Client deposits by type (FC)

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{aliapage.main_sql.name}} ... of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.07.2020 480 175.80
Min 31.01.1997 41 533.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.07.2020 480 175.80 461 263.30 18 912.50 4.10% 445 286.30 34 889.50 7.84%
30.06.2020 461 263.30 459 806.80 1 456.50 0.32% 435 407.70 25 855.60 5.94%
31.05.2020 459 806.80 458 942.60 864.20 0.19% 441 010.80 18 796.00 4.26%
30.04.2020 458 942.60 475 560.10 -16 617.50 -3.49% 416 360.50 42 582.10 10.23%
31.03.2020 475 560.10 458 234.90 17 325.20 3.78% 387 349.50 88 210.60 22.77%
29.02.2020 458 234.90 456 366.00 1 868.90 0.41% 397 580.70 60 654.20 15.26%
31.01.2020 456 366.00 425 924.20 30 441.80 7.15% 377 917.70 78 448.30 20.76%
31.12.2019 425 924.20 451 977.00 -26 052.80 -5.76% 368 325.10 57 599.10 15.64%
30.11.2019 451 977.00 471 774.90 -19 797.90 -4.20% 390 601.40 61 375.60 15.71%
31.10.2019 471 774.90 434 298.10 37 476.80 8.63% 372 657.30 99 117.60 26.60%
30.09.2019 434 298.10 437 646.50 -3 348.40 -0.77% 362 720.10 71 578.00 19.73%
31.08.2019 437 646.50 445 286.30 -7 639.80 -1.72% 382 665.60 54 980.90 14.37%
31.07.2019 445 286.30 435 407.70 9 878.60 2.27% 389 597.00 55 689.30 14.29%
30.06.2019 435 407.70 441 010.80 -5 603.10 -1.27% 369 489.40 65 918.30 17.84%
31.05.2019 441 010.80 416 360.50 24 650.30 5.92% 374 478.90 66 531.90 17.77%
30.04.2019 416 360.50 387 349.50 29 011.00 7.49% 364 445.70 51 914.80 14.24%
31.03.2019 387 349.50 397 580.70 -10 231.20 -2.57% 365 770.80 21 578.70 5.90%
28.02.2019 397 580.70 377 917.70 19 663.00 5.20% 374 046.20 23 534.50 6.29%
31.01.2019 377 917.70 368 325.10 9 592.60 2.60% 364 793.50 13 124.20 3.60%
31.12.2018 368 325.10 390 601.40 -22 276.30 -5.70% 340 877.60 27 447.50 8.05%
30.11.2018 390 601.40 372 657.30 17 944.10 4.82% 369 283.70 21 317.70 5.77%
31.10.2018 372 657.30 362 720.10 9 937.20 2.74% 359 063.50 13 593.80 3.79%
30.09.2018 362 720.10 382 665.60 -19 945.50 -5.21% 355 794.40 6 925.70 1.95%
31.08.2018 382 665.60 389 597.00 -6 931.40 -1.78% 362 873.40 19 792.20 5.45%
31.07.2018 389 597.00 369 489.40 20 107.60 5.44% 348 938.20 40 658.80 11.65%
30.06.2018 369 489.40 374 478.90 -4 989.50 -1.33% 351 125.40 18 364.00 5.23%
31.05.2018 374 478.90 364 445.70 10 033.20 2.75% 354 986.40 19 492.50 5.49%
30.04.2018 364 445.70 365 770.80 -1 325.10 -0.36% 331 197.10 33 248.60 10.04%
31.03.2018 365 770.80 374 046.20 -8 275.40 -2.21% 323 479.00 42 291.80 13.07%
28.02.2018 374 046.20 364 793.50 9 252.70 2.54% 394 226.90 -20 180.70 -5.12%
31.01.2018 364 793.50 340 877.60 23 915.90 7.02% 373 903.60 -9 110.10 -2.44%
31.12.2017 340 877.60 369 283.70 -28 406.10 -7.69% 365 635.40 -24 757.80 -6.77%
30.11.2017 369 283.70 359 063.50 10 220.20 2.85% 371 366.70 -2 083.00 -0.56%
31.10.2017 359 063.50 355 794.40 3 269.10 0.92% 375 969.70 -16 906.20 -4.50%
30.09.2017 355 794.40 362 873.40 -7 079.00 -1.95% 382 219.20 -26 424.80 -6.91%
31.08.2017 362 873.40 348 938.20 13 935.20 3.99% 376 189.20 -13 315.80 -3.54%
31.07.2017 348 938.20 351 125.40 -2 187.20 -0.62% 366 591.20 -17 653.00 -4.82%
30.06.2017 351 125.40 354 986.40 -3 861.00 -1.09% 361 781.00 -10 655.60 -2.95%
31.05.2017 354 986.40 331 197.10 23 789.30 7.18% 381 142.70 -26 156.30 -6.86%
30.04.2017 331 197.10 323 479.00 7 718.10 2.39% 378 751.90 -47 554.80 -12.56%
31.03.2017 323 479.00 394 226.90 -70 747.90 -17.95% 374 220.60 -50 741.60 -13.56%
28.02.2017 394 226.90 373 903.60 20 323.30 5.44% 356 950.20 37 276.70 10.44%
31.01.2017 373 903.60 365 635.40 8 268.20 2.26% 348 347.90 25 555.70 7.34%
31.12.2016 365 635.40 371 366.70 -5 731.30 -1.54% 350 053.30 15 582.10 4.45%
30.11.2016 371 366.70 375 969.70 -4 603.00 -1.22% 368 511.20 2 855.50 0.77%
31.10.2016 375 969.70 382 219.20 -6 249.50 -1.64% 345 998.90 29 970.80 8.66%
30.09.2016 382 219.20 376 189.20 6 030.00 1.60% 330 382.30 51 836.90 15.69%
31.08.2016 376 189.20 366 591.20 9 598.00 2.62% 344 902.00 31 287.20 9.07%
31.07.2016 366 591.20 361 781.00 4 810.20 1.33% 341 100.50 25 490.70 7.47%
30.06.2016 361 781.00 381 142.70 -19 361.70 -5.08% 343 603.50 18 177.50 5.29%
31.05.2016 381 142.70 378 751.90 2 390.80 0.63% 343 537.40 37 605.30 10.95%
30.04.2016 378 751.90 374 220.60 4 531.30 1.21% 332 859.90 45 892.00 13.79%
31.03.2016 374 220.60 356 950.20 17 270.40 4.84% 338 933.10 35 287.50 10.41%
29.02.2016 356 950.20 348 347.90 8 602.30 2.47% 340 754.20 16 196.00 4.75%
31.01.2016 348 347.90 350 053.30 -1 705.40 -0.49% 320 194.80 28 153.10 8.79%
31.12.2015 350 053.30 368 511.20 -18 457.90 -5.01% 311 036.80 39 016.50 12.54%
30.11.2015 368 511.20 345 998.90 22 512.30 6.51% 306 953.40 61 557.80 20.05%
31.10.2015 345 998.90 330 382.30 15 616.60 4.73% 299 037.00 46 961.90 15.70%
30.09.2015 330 382.30 344 902.00 -14 519.70 -4.21% 297 358.20 33 024.10 11.11%
31.08.2015 344 902.00 341 100.50 3 801.50 1.11% 289 832.50 55 069.50 19.00%
31.07.2015 341 100.50 343 603.50 -2 503.00 -0.73% 278 545.70 62 554.80 22.46%
30.06.2015 343 603.50 343 537.40 66.10 0.02% 277 698.10 65 905.40 23.73%
31.05.2015 343 537.40 332 859.90 10 677.50 3.21% 255 050.00 88 487.40 34.69%
30.04.2015 332 859.90 338 933.10 -6 073.20 -1.79% 249 629.20 83 230.70 33.34%
31.03.2015 338 933.10 340 754.20 -1 821.10 -0.53% 246 828.10 92 105.00 37.32%
28.02.2015 340 754.20 320 194.80 20 559.40 6.42% 262 230.90 78 523.30 29.94%
31.01.2015 320 194.80 311 036.80 9 158.00 2.94% 236 558.60 83 636.20 35.36%
31.12.2014 311 036.80 306 953.40 4 083.40 1.33% 242 046.60 68 990.20 28.50%
30.11.2014 306 953.40 299 037.00 7 916.40 2.65% 239 303.90 67 649.50 28.27%
31.10.2014 299 037.00 297 358.20 1 678.80 0.56% 252 887.10 46 149.90 18.25%
30.09.2014 297 358.20 289 832.50 7 525.70 2.60% 243 413.30 53 944.90 22.16%
31.08.2014 289 832.50 278 545.70 11 286.80 4.05% 253 265.90 36 566.60 14.44%
31.07.2014 278 545.70 277 698.10 847.60 0.31% 261 683.30 16 862.40 6.44%
30.06.2014 277 698.10 255 050.00 22 648.10 8.88% 235 366.70 42 331.40 17.99%
31.05.2014 255 050.00 249 629.20 5 420.80 2.17% 225 672.60 29 377.40 13.02%
30.04.2014 249 629.20 246 828.10 2 801.10 1.13% 218 137.80 31 491.40 14.44%
31.03.2014 246 828.10 262 230.90 -15 402.80 -5.87% 196 684.60 50 143.50 25.49%
28.02.2014 262 230.90 236 558.60 25 672.30 10.85% 206 633.60 55 597.30 26.91%
31.01.2014 236 558.60 242 046.60 -5 488.00 -2.27% 208 467.80 28 090.80 13.47%
31.12.2013 242 046.60 239 303.90 2 742.70 1.15% 213 620.80 28 425.80 13.31%
30.11.2013 239 303.90 252 887.10 -13 583.20 -5.37% 198 832.30 40 471.60 20.35%
31.10.2013 252 887.10 243 413.30 9 473.80 3.89% 197 892.90 54 994.20 27.79%
30.09.2013 243 413.30 253 265.90 -9 852.60 -3.89% 197 665.90 45 747.40 23.14%
31.08.2013 253 265.90 261 683.30 -8 417.40 -3.22% 203 749.50 49 516.40 24.30%
31.07.2013 261 683.30 235 366.70 26 316.60 11.18% 196 363.10 65 320.20 33.27%
30.06.2013 235 366.70 225 672.60 9 694.10 4.30% 162 612.20 72 754.50 44.74%
31.05.2013 225 672.60 218 137.80 7 534.80 3.45% 161 189.20 64 483.40 40.00%
30.04.2013 218 137.80 196 684.60 21 453.20 10.91% 165 989.10 52 148.70 31.42%
31.03.2013 196 684.60 206 633.60 -9 949.00 -4.81% 160 768.60 35 916.00 22.34%
28.02.2013 206 633.60 208 467.80 -1 834.20 -0.88% 166 660.00 39 973.60 23.99%
31.01.2013 208 467.80 213 620.80 -5 153.00 -2.41% 167 429.80 41 038.00 24.51%
31.12.2012 213 620.80 198 832.30 14 788.50 7.44% 164 832.10 48 788.70 29.60%
30.11.2012 198 832.30 197 892.90 939.40 0.47% 149 882.40 48 949.90 32.66%
31.10.2012 197 892.90 197 665.90 227.00 0.11% 150 214.20 47 678.70 31.74%
30.09.2012 197 665.90 203 749.50 -6 083.60 -2.99% 144 552.60 53 113.30 36.74%
31.08.2012 203 749.50 196 363.10 7 386.40 3.76% 147 867.70 55 881.80 37.79%
31.07.2012 196 363.10 162 612.20 33 750.90 20.76% 147 770.60 48 592.50 32.88%
30.06.2012 162 612.20 161 189.20 1 423.00 0.88% 146 509.50 16 102.70 10.99%
31.05.2012 161 189.20 165 989.10 -4 799.90 -2.89% 148 651.20 12 538.00 8.43%
30.04.2012 165 989.10 160 768.60 5 220.50 3.25% 152 425.00 13 564.10 8.90%
31.03.2012 160 768.60 166 660.00 -5 891.40 -3.53% 149 576.10 11 192.50 7.48%
29.02.2012 166 660.00 167 429.80 - 769.80 -0.46% 151 579.00 15 081.00 9.95%
31.01.2012 167 429.80 164 832.10 2 597.70 1.58% 150 107.30 17 322.50 11.54%
31.12.2011 164 832.10 149 882.40 14 949.70 9.97% 150 973.30 13 858.80 9.18%
30.11.2011 149 882.40 150 214.20 - 331.80 -0.22% 153 858.00 -3 975.60 -2.58%
31.10.2011 150 214.20 144 552.60 5 661.60 3.92% 158 595.70 -8 381.50 -5.28%
30.09.2011 144 552.60 147 867.70 -3 315.10 -2.24% 155 823.80 -11 271.20 -7.23%
31.08.2011 147 867.70 147 770.60 97.10 0.07% 155 220.50 -7 352.80 -4.74%
31.07.2011 147 770.60 146 509.50 1 261.10 0.86% 151 871.10 -4 100.50 -2.70%
30.06.2011 146 509.50 148 651.20 -2 141.70 -1.44% 144 430.30 2 079.20 1.44%
31.05.2011 148 651.20 152 425.00 -3 773.80 -2.48% 152 980.10 -4 328.90 -2.83%
30.04.2011 152 425.00 149 576.10 2 848.90 1.90% 150 323.20 2 101.80 1.40%
31.03.2011 149 576.10 151 579.00 -2 002.90 -1.32% 148 357.80 1 218.30 0.82%
28.02.2011 151 579.00 150 107.30 1 471.70 0.98% 147 343.60 4 235.40 2.87%
31.01.2011 150 107.30 150 973.30 - 866.00 -0.57% 142 217.20 7 890.10 5.55%
31.12.2010 150 973.30 153 858.00 -2 884.70 -1.87% 148 439.10 2 534.20 1.71%
30.11.2010 153 858.00 158 595.70 -4 737.70 -2.99% 155 864.00 -2 006.00 -1.29%
31.10.2010 158 595.70 155 823.80 2 771.90 1.78% 146 851.50 11 744.20 8.00%
30.09.2010 155 823.80 155 220.50 603.30 0.39% 146 113.80 9 710.00 6.65%
31.08.2010 155 220.50 151 871.10 3 349.40 2.21% 153 956.40 1 264.10 0.82%
31.07.2010 151 871.10 144 430.30 7 440.80 5.15% 151 059.90 811.20 0.54%
30.06.2010 144 430.30 152 980.10 -8 549.80 -5.59% 146 074.60 -1 644.30 -1.13%
31.05.2010 152 980.10 150 323.20 2 656.90 1.77% 135 615.70 17 364.40 12.80%
30.04.2010 150 323.20 148 357.80 1 965.40 1.32% 141 042.40 9 280.80 6.58%
31.03.2010 148 357.80 147 343.60 1 014.20 0.69% 144 677.50 3 680.30 2.54%
28.02.2010 147 343.60 142 217.20 5 126.40 3.60% 142 533.70 4 809.90 3.37%
31.01.2010 142 217.20 148 439.10 -6 221.90 -4.19% 137 827.70 4 389.50 3.18%
31.12.2009 148 439.10 155 864.00 -7 424.90 -4.76% 132 542.10 15 897.00 11.99%
30.11.2009 155 864.00 146 851.50 9 012.50 6.14% 119 651.50 36 212.50 30.26%
31.10.2009 146 851.50 146 113.80 737.70 0.50% 115 850.80 31 000.70 26.76%
30.09.2009 146 113.80 153 956.40 -7 842.60 -5.09% 111 447.20 34 666.60 31.11%
31.08.2009 153 956.40 151 059.90 2 896.50 1.92% 117 415.70 36 540.70 31.12%
31.07.2009 151 059.90 146 074.60 4 985.30 3.41% 118 892.80 32 167.10 27.06%
30.06.2009 146 074.60 135 615.70 10 458.90 7.71% 128 084.70 17 989.90 14.05%
31.05.2009 135 615.70 141 042.40 -5 426.70 -3.85% 120 571.70 15 044.00 12.48%
30.04.2009 141 042.40 144 677.50 -3 635.10 -2.51% 115 922.80 25 119.60 21.67%
31.03.2009 144 677.50 142 533.70 2 143.80 1.50% 115 700.00 28 977.50 25.05%
28.02.2009 142 533.70 137 827.70 4 706.00 3.41% 121 119.40 21 414.30 17.68%
31.01.2009 137 827.70 132 542.10 5 285.60 3.99% 136 100.20 1 727.50 1.27%
31.12.2008 132 542.10 119 651.50 12 890.60 10.77% 143 284.00 -10 741.90 -7.50%
30.11.2008 119 651.50 115 850.80 3 800.70 3.28% 137 979.90 -18 328.40 -13.28%
31.10.2008 115 850.80 111 447.20 4 403.60 3.95% 138 078.80 -22 228.00 -16.10%
30.09.2008 111 447.20 117 415.70 -5 968.50 -5.08% 129 554.20 -18 107.00 -13.98%
31.08.2008 117 415.70 118 892.80 -1 477.10 -1.24% 127 351.90 -9 936.20 -7.80%
31.07.2008 118 892.80 128 084.70 -9 191.90 -7.18% 120 801.50 -1 908.70 -1.58%
30.06.2008 128 084.70 120 571.70 7 513.00 6.23% 116 902.70 11 182.00 9.57%
31.05.2008 120 571.70 115 922.80 4 648.90 4.01% 113 097.70 7 474.00 6.61%
30.04.2008 115 922.80 115 700.00 222.80 0.19% 114 314.10 1 608.70 1.41%
31.03.2008 115 700.00 121 119.40 -5 419.40 -4.47% 111 000.10 4 699.90 4.23%
29.02.2008 121 119.40 136 100.20 -14 980.80 -11.01% 110 605.50 10 513.90 9.51%
31.01.2008 136 100.20 143 284.00 -7 183.80 -5.01% 106 463.20 29 637.00 27.84%
31.12.2007 143 284.00 137 979.90 5 304.10 3.84% 112 100.90 31 183.10 27.82%
30.11.2007 137 979.90 138 078.80 -98.90 -0.07% 108 615.00 29 364.90 27.04%
31.10.2007 138 078.80 129 554.20 8 524.60 6.58% 106 233.40 31 845.40 29.98%
30.09.2007 129 554.20 127 351.90 2 202.30 1.73% 102 408.70 27 145.50 26.51%
31.08.2007 127 351.90 120 801.50 6 550.40 5.42% 102 729.60 24 622.30 23.97%
31.07.2007 120 801.50 116 902.70 3 898.80 3.33% 101 480.50 19 321.00 19.04%
30.06.2007 116 902.70 113 097.70 3 805.00 3.36% 98 749.20 18 153.50 18.38%
31.05.2007 113 097.70 114 314.10 -1 216.40 -1.06% 108 942.10 4 155.60 3.81%
30.04.2007 114 314.10 111 000.10 3 314.00 2.99% 102 716.40 11 597.70 11.29%
31.03.2007 111 000.10 110 605.50 394.60 0.36% 97 820.30 13 179.80 13.47%
28.02.2007 110 605.50 106 463.20 4 142.30 3.89% 100 015.90 10 589.60 10.59%
31.01.2007 106 463.20 112 100.90 -5 637.70 -5.03% 103 954.00 2 509.20 2.41%
31.12.2006 112 100.90 108 615.00 3 485.90 3.21% 103 296.90 8 804.00 8.52%
30.11.2006 108 615.00 106 233.40 2 381.60 2.24% 98 179.60 10 435.40 10.63%
31.10.2006 106 233.40 102 408.70 3 824.70 3.73% 96 113.30 10 120.10 10.53%
30.09.2006 102 408.70 102 729.60 - 320.90 -0.31% 95 690.00 6 718.70 7.02%
31.08.2006 102 729.60 101 480.50 1 249.10 1.23% 94 277.00 8 452.60 8.97%
31.07.2006 101 480.50 98 749.20 2 731.30 2.77% 91 591.20 9 889.30 10.80%
30.06.2006 98 749.20 108 942.10 -10 192.90 -9.36% 91 806.40 6 942.80 7.56%
31.05.2006 108 942.10 102 716.40 6 225.70 6.06% 90 475.70 18 466.40 20.41%
30.04.2006 102 716.40 97 820.30 4 896.10 5.01% 89 213.50 13 502.90 15.14%
31.03.2006 97 820.30 100 015.90 -2 195.60 -2.20% 87 259.20 10 561.10 12.10%
28.02.2006 100 015.90 103 954.00 -3 938.10 -3.79% 90 713.20 9 302.70 10.26%
31.01.2006 103 954.00 103 296.90 657.10 0.64% 93 776.90 10 177.10 10.85%
31.12.2005 103 296.90 98 179.60 5 117.30 5.21% 93 248.90 10 048.00 10.78%
30.11.2005 98 179.60 96 113.30 2 066.30 2.15% 95 171.50 3 008.10 3.16%
31.10.2005 96 113.30 95 690.00 423.30 0.44% 96 675.40 - 562.10 -0.58%
30.09.2005 95 690.00 94 277.00 1 413.00 1.50% 93 199.50 2 490.50 2.67%
31.08.2005 94 277.00 91 591.20 2 685.80 2.93% 90 631.10 3 645.90 4.02%
31.07.2005 91 591.20 91 806.40 - 215.20 -0.23% 91 686.20 -95.00 -0.10%
30.06.2005 91 806.40 90 475.70 1 330.70 1.47% 90 193.90 1 612.50 1.79%
31.05.2005 90 475.70 89 213.50 1 262.20 1.41% 91 118.40 - 642.70 -0.71%
30.04.2005 89 213.50 87 259.20 1 954.30 2.24% 86 419.80 2 793.70 3.23%
31.03.2005 87 259.20 90 713.20 -3 454.00 -3.81% 84 713.70 2 545.50 3.00%
28.02.2005 90 713.20 93 776.90 -3 063.70 -3.27% 82 998.30 7 714.90 9.30%
31.01.2005 93 776.90 93 248.90 528.00 0.57% 84 111.60 9 665.30 11.49%
31.12.2004 93 248.90 95 171.50 -1 922.60 -2.02% 85 131.10 8 117.80 9.54%
30.11.2004 95 171.50 96 675.40 -1 503.90 -1.56% 84 561.80 10 609.70 12.55%
31.10.2004 96 675.40 93 199.50 3 475.90 3.73% 84 564.60 12 110.80 14.32%
30.09.2004 93 199.50 90 631.10 2 568.40 2.83% 80 900.70 12 298.80 15.20%
31.08.2004 90 631.10 91 686.20 -1 055.10 -1.15% 81 209.00 9 422.10 11.60%
31.07.2004 91 686.20 90 193.90 1 492.30 1.65% 79 690.20 11 996.00 15.05%
30.06.2004 90 193.90 91 118.40 - 924.50 -1.01% 75 885.00 14 308.90 18.86%
31.05.2004 91 118.40 86 419.80 4 698.60 5.44% 72 214.30 18 904.10 26.18%
30.04.2004 86 419.80 84 713.70 1 706.10 2.01% 75 785.50 10 634.30 14.03%
31.03.2004 84 713.70 82 998.30 1 715.40 2.07% 72 671.10 12 042.60 16.57%
29.02.2004 82 998.30 84 111.60 -1 113.30 -1.32% 74 303.80 8 694.50 11.70%
31.01.2004 84 111.60 85 131.10 -1 019.50 -1.20% 75 203.20 8 908.40 11.85%
31.12.2003 85 131.10 84 561.80 569.30 0.67% 76 338.50 8 792.60 11.52%
30.11.2003 84 561.80 84 564.60 -2.80 -0.00% 72 015.60 12 546.20 17.42%
31.10.2003 84 564.60 80 900.70 3 663.90 4.53% 72 008.50 12 556.10 17.44%
30.09.2003 80 900.70 81 209.00 - 308.30 -0.38% 75 547.60 5 353.10 7.09%
31.08.2003 81 209.00 79 690.20 1 518.80 1.91% 75 256.00 5 953.00 7.91%
31.07.2003 79 690.20 75 885.00 3 805.20 5.01% 74 206.30 5 483.90 7.39%
30.06.2003 75 885.00 72 214.30 3 670.70 5.08% 75 897.70 -12.70 -0.02%
31.05.2003 72 214.30 75 785.50 -3 571.20 -4.71% 80 986.50 -8 772.20 -10.83%
30.04.2003 75 785.50 72 671.10 3 114.40 4.29% 93 481.70 -17 696.20 -18.93%
31.03.2003 72 671.10 74 303.80 -1 632.70 -2.20% 73 388.40 - 717.30 -0.98%
28.02.2003 74 303.80 75 203.20 - 899.40 -1.20% 74 671.20 - 367.40 -0.49%
31.01.2003 75 203.20 76 338.50 -1 135.30 -1.49% 77 827.30 -2 624.10 -3.37%
31.12.2002 76 338.50 72 015.60 4 322.90 6.00% 82 215.50 -5 877.00 -7.15%
30.11.2002 72 015.60 72 008.50 7.10 0.01% 76 524.20 -4 508.60 -5.89%
31.10.2002 72 008.50 75 547.60 -3 539.10 -4.68% 73 123.80 -1 115.30 -1.53%
30.09.2002 75 547.60 75 256.00 291.60 0.39% 70 722.40 4 825.20 6.82%
31.08.2002 75 256.00 74 206.30 1 049.70 1.41% 71 459.00 3 797.00 5.31%
31.07.2002 74 206.30 75 897.70 -1 691.40 -2.23% 73 408.70 797.60 1.09%
30.06.2002 75 897.70 80 986.50 -5 088.80 -6.28% 71 775.40 4 122.30 5.74%
31.05.2002 80 986.50 93 481.70 -12 495.20 -13.37% 71 197.90 9 788.60 13.75%
30.04.2002 93 481.70 73 388.40 20 093.30 27.38% 68 313.40 25 168.30 36.84%
31.03.2002 73 388.40 74 671.20 -1 282.80 -1.72% 68 060.30 5 328.10 7.83%
28.02.2002 74 671.20 77 827.30 -3 156.10 -4.06% 69 814.20 4 857.00 6.96%
31.01.2002 77 827.30 82 215.50 -4 388.20 -5.34% 71 013.50 6 813.80 9.60%
31.12.2001 82 215.50 76 524.20 5 691.30 7.44% 74 162.90 8 052.60 10.86%
30.11.2001 76 524.20 73 123.80 3 400.40 4.65% 71 564.00 4 960.20 6.93%
31.10.2001 73 123.80 70 722.40 2 401.40 3.40% 73 133.60 -9.80 -0.01%
30.09.2001 70 722.40 71 459.00 - 736.60 -1.03% 71 724.80 -1 002.40 -1.40%
31.08.2001 71 459.00 73 408.70 -1 949.70 -2.66% 73 579.10 -2 120.10 -2.88%
31.07.2001 73 408.70 71 775.40 1 633.30 2.28% 70 874.30 2 534.40 3.58%
30.06.2001 71 775.40 71 197.90 577.50 0.81% 68 561.50 3 213.90 4.69%
31.05.2001 71 197.90 68 313.40 2 884.50 4.22% 69 819.80 1 378.10 1.97%
30.04.2001 68 313.40 68 060.30 253.10 0.37% 67 153.10 1 160.30 1.73%
31.03.2001 68 060.30 69 814.20 -1 753.90 -2.51% 65 952.20 2 108.10 3.20%
28.02.2001 69 814.20 71 013.50 -1 199.30 -1.69% 68 441.00 1 373.20 2.01%
31.01.2001 71 013.50 74 162.90 -3 149.40 -4.25% 67 496.40 3 517.10 5.21%
31.12.2000 74 162.90 71 564.00 2 598.90 3.63% 70 590.60 3 572.30 5.06%
30.11.2000 71 564.00 73 133.60 -1 569.60 -2.15% 67 992.50 3 571.50 5.25%
31.10.2000 73 133.60 71 724.80 1 408.80 1.96% 68 358.10 4 775.50 6.99%
30.09.2000 71 724.80 73 579.10 -1 854.30 -2.52% 67 665.60 4 059.20 6.00%
31.08.2000 73 579.10 70 874.30 2 704.80 3.82% 69 567.70 4 011.40 5.77%
31.07.2000 70 874.30 68 561.50 2 312.80 3.37% 68 219.90 2 654.40 3.89%
30.06.2000 68 561.50 69 819.80 -1 258.30 -1.80% 72 245.70 -3 684.20 -5.10%
31.05.2000 69 819.80 67 153.10 2 666.70 3.97% 70 397.40 - 577.60 -0.82%
30.04.2000 67 153.10 65 952.20 1 200.90 1.82% 71 396.00 -4 242.90 -5.94%
31.03.2000 65 952.20 68 441.00 -2 488.80 -3.64% 71 594.30 -5 642.10 -7.88%
29.02.2000 68 441.00 67 496.40 944.60 1.40% 71 049.20 -2 608.20 -3.67%
31.01.2000 67 496.40 70 590.60 -3 094.20 -4.38% 69 306.10 -1 809.70 -2.61%
31.12.1999 70 590.60 67 992.50 2 598.10 3.82% 72 550.60 -1 960.00 -2.70%
30.11.1999 67 992.50 68 358.10 - 365.60 -0.53% 70 405.80 -2 413.30 -3.43%
31.10.1999 68 358.10 67 665.60 692.50 1.02% 70 195.50 -1 837.40 -2.62%
30.09.1999 67 665.60 69 567.70 -1 902.10 -2.73% 70 224.80 -2 559.20 -3.64%
31.08.1999 69 567.70 68 219.90 1 347.80 1.98% 75 706.70 -6 139.00 -8.11%
31.07.1999 68 219.90 72 245.70 -4 025.80 -5.57% 72 597.40 -4 377.50 -6.03%
30.06.1999 72 245.70 70 397.40 1 848.30 2.63% 74 291.30 -2 045.60 -2.75%
31.05.1999 70 397.40 71 396.00 - 998.60 -1.40% 75 157.70 -4 760.30 -6.33%
30.04.1999 71 396.00 71 594.30 - 198.30 -0.28% 68 852.10 2 543.90 3.69%
31.03.1999 71 594.30 71 049.20 545.10 0.77% 67 737.00 3 857.30 5.69%
28.02.1999 71 049.20 69 306.10 1 743.10 2.52% 66 812.90 4 236.30 6.34%
31.01.1999 69 306.10 72 550.60 -3 244.50 -4.47% 68 226.40 1 079.70 1.58%
31.12.1998 72 550.60 70 405.80 2 144.80 3.05% 68 634.20 3 916.40 5.71%
30.11.1998 70 405.80 70 195.50 210.30 0.30% 68 700.70 1 705.10 2.48%
31.10.1998 70 195.50 70 224.80 -29.30 -0.04% 69 263.40 932.10 1.35%
30.09.1998 70 224.80 75 706.70 -5 481.90 -7.24% 66 605.10 3 619.70 5.43%
31.08.1998 75 706.70 72 597.40 3 109.30 4.28% 69 361.70 6 345.00 9.15%
31.07.1998 72 597.40 74 291.30 -1 693.90 -2.28% 67 512.70 5 084.70 7.53%
30.06.1998 74 291.30 75 157.70 - 866.40 -1.15% 68 630.60 5 660.70 8.25%
31.05.1998 75 157.70 68 852.10 6 305.60 9.16% 70 680.00 4 477.70 6.34%
30.04.1998 68 852.10 67 737.00 1 115.10 1.65% 46 526.00 22 326.10 47.99%
31.03.1998 67 737.00 66 812.90 924.10 1.38% 44 893.10 22 843.90 50.89%
28.02.1998 66 812.90 68 226.40 -1 413.50 -2.07% 43 152.10 23 660.80 54.83%
31.01.1998 68 226.40 68 634.20 - 407.80 -0.59% 41 533.00 26 693.40 64.27%
31.12.1997 68 634.20 68 700.70 -66.50 -0.10% - - -
30.11.1997 68 700.70 69 263.40 - 562.70 -0.81% - - -
31.10.1997 69 263.40 66 605.10 2 658.30 3.99% - - -
30.09.1997 66 605.10 69 361.70 -2 756.60 -3.97% - - -
31.08.1997 69 361.70 67 512.70 1 849.00 2.74% - - -
31.07.1997 67 512.70 68 630.60 -1 117.90 -1.63% - - -
30.06.1997 68 630.60 70 680.00 -2 049.40 -2.90% - - -
31.05.1997 70 680.00 46 526.00 24 154.00 51.91% - - -
30.04.1997 46 526.00 44 893.10 1 632.90 3.64% - - -
31.03.1997 44 893.10 43 152.10 1 741.00 4.03% - - -
28.02.1997 43 152.10 41 533.00 1 619.10 3.90% - - -
31.01.1997 41 533.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (CZK))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Client deposits by type (EUR))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - trades (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - individuals (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - trades (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK))
of which: Current accounts,accounts with overdraft facilities (Households - individuals (residents) - Client deposits by type (CZK))
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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