Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, mil CZK)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, mil CZK, seasonally adjusted)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, y-o-y indices)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, Q-1=100, sasonally adjusted)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, mil CZK)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, mil CZK, seasonally adjusted)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, Q-1=100, sasonally adjusted)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, 2005=100, seasonally adjusted)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, 2005=100)
P3 Final consumption expenditure (GDP by type of expenditure, y-o-y indices)
Current expenditure - non-investment purchases (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - wage expenditure (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - transfer to enterprices (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - transfer to public budgets - central (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - transfer to public budgets - local (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - transfer to allowance organizations (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - pensions (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - unemployments benefit (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - other social benefits (Representative Indicators of State Budget)
Current expenditure - state social welfare (Representative Indicators of State Budget)