Mutual funds shares/units issued (Equity Funds Balance Sheet) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Mutual funds shares/units issued (Equity Funds Balance Sheet) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Equity Funds Balance Sheet

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Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.12.2019 87 721.50
Min 28.02.2009 8 431.44

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
30.06.2020 83 581.15 81 497.45 2 083.70 2.56% 82 819.98 761.17 0.92%
31.05.2020 81 497.45 77 143.12 4 354.33 5.64% 79 588.52 1 908.93 2.40%
30.04.2020 77 143.12 69 069.76 8 073.36 11.69% 83 309.77 -6 166.65 -7.40%
31.03.2020 69 069.76 80 053.21 -10 983.44 -13.72% 81 780.07 -12 710.30 -15.54%
29.02.2020 80 053.21 86 159.04 -6 105.84 -7.09% 80 292.97 - 239.76 -0.30%
31.01.2020 86 159.04 87 721.50 -1 562.46 -1.78% 78 326.29 7 832.75 10.00%
31.12.2019 87 721.50 86 200.66 1 520.84 1.76% 72 896.61 14 824.89 20.34%
30.11.2019 86 200.66 83 930.08 2 270.58 2.71% 78 292.07 7 908.59 10.10%
31.10.2019 83 930.08 82 715.11 1 214.97 1.47% 77 716.93 6 213.15 7.99%
30.09.2019 82 715.11 81 215.42 1 499.69 1.85% 81 791.52 923.59 1.13%
31.08.2019 81 215.42 83 640.71 -2 425.30 -2.90% 80 753.04 462.38 0.57%
31.07.2019 83 640.71 82 819.98 820.74 0.99% 79 170.21 4 470.50 5.65%
30.06.2019 82 819.98 79 588.52 3 231.46 4.06% 77 233.74 5 586.24 7.23%
31.05.2019 79 588.52 83 309.77 -3 721.25 -4.47% 75 777.70 3 810.82 5.03%
30.04.2019 83 309.77 81 780.07 1 529.71 1.87% 74 203.74 9 106.03 12.27%
31.03.2019 81 780.07 80 292.97 1 487.10 1.85% 72 479.25 9 300.82 12.83%
28.02.2019 80 292.97 78 326.29 1 966.67 2.51% 72 441.59 7 851.37 10.84%
31.01.2019 78 326.29 72 896.61 5 429.68 7.45% 72 800.60 5 525.69 7.59%
31.12.2018 72 896.61 78 292.07 -5 395.46 -6.89% 70 563.93 2 332.68 3.31%
30.11.2018 78 292.07 77 716.93 575.14 0.74% 68 144.03 10 148.04 14.89%
31.10.2018 77 716.93 81 791.52 -4 074.59 -4.98% 66 465.19 11 251.74 16.93%
30.09.2018 81 791.52 80 753.04 1 038.48 1.29% 64 539.02 17 252.50 26.73%
31.08.2018 80 753.04 79 170.21 1 582.83 2.00% 62 650.23 18 102.81 28.89%
31.07.2018 79 170.21 77 233.74 1 936.47 2.51% 61 066.16 18 104.05 29.65%
30.06.2018 77 233.74 75 777.70 1 456.05 1.92% 59 489.16 17 744.58 29.83%
31.05.2018 75 777.70 74 203.74 1 573.95 2.12% 58 473.68 17 304.01 29.59%
30.04.2018 74 203.74 72 479.25 1 724.50 2.38% 57 649.52 16 554.22 28.72%
31.03.2018 72 479.25 72 441.59 37.65 0.05% 56 399.56 16 079.69 28.51%
28.02.2018 72 441.59 72 800.60 - 359.00 -0.49% 55 066.86 17 374.73 31.55%
31.01.2018 72 800.60 70 563.93 2 236.67 3.17% 53 046.18 19 754.42 37.24%
31.12.2017 70 563.93 68 144.03 2 419.90 3.55% 52 063.75 18 500.18 35.53%
30.11.2017 68 144.03 66 465.19 1 678.84 2.53% 50 277.20 17 866.83 35.54%
31.10.2017 66 465.19 64 539.02 1 926.17 2.98% 48 817.86 17 647.32 36.15%
30.09.2017 64 539.02 62 650.23 1 888.79 3.01% 48 945.79 15 593.23 31.86%
31.08.2017 62 650.23 61 066.16 1 584.07 2.59% 48 044.96 14 605.27 30.40%
31.07.2017 61 066.16 59 489.16 1 577.00 2.65% 47 586.29 13 479.87 28.33%
30.06.2017 59 489.16 58 473.68 1 015.48 1.74% 45 170.91 14 318.25 31.70%
31.05.2017 58 473.68 57 649.52 824.16 1.43% 45 595.51 12 878.17 28.24%
30.04.2017 57 649.52 56 399.56 1 249.96 2.22% 44 570.89 13 078.63 29.34%
31.03.2017 56 399.56 55 066.86 1 332.69 2.42% 43 450.07 12 949.49 29.80%
28.02.2017 55 066.86 53 046.18 2 020.68 3.81% 40 943.92 14 122.95 34.49%
31.01.2017 53 046.18 52 063.75 982.44 1.89% 40 403.25 12 642.94 31.29%
31.12.2016 52 063.75 50 277.20 1 786.55 3.55% 42 380.39 9 683.36 22.85%
30.11.2016 50 277.20 48 817.86 1 459.34 2.99% 42 813.36 7 463.84 17.43%
31.10.2016 48 817.86 48 945.79 - 127.93 -0.26% 41 486.53 7 331.33 17.67%
30.09.2016 48 945.79 48 044.96 900.83 1.87% 38 479.93 10 465.86 27.20%
31.08.2016 48 044.96 47 586.29 458.67 0.96% 39 024.53 9 020.43 23.11%
31.07.2016 47 586.29 45 170.91 2 415.39 5.35% 41 009.87 6 576.43 16.04%
30.06.2016 45 170.91 45 595.51 - 424.60 -0.93% 39 757.12 5 413.79 13.62%
31.05.2016 45 595.51 44 570.89 1 024.62 2.30% 40 351.03 5 244.48 13.00%
30.04.2016 44 570.89 43 450.07 1 120.82 2.58% 39 047.08 5 523.81 14.15%
31.03.2016 43 450.07 40 943.92 2 506.15 6.12% 38 002.88 5 447.19 14.33%
29.02.2016 40 943.92 40 403.25 540.67 1.34% 36 396.37 4 547.55 12.49%
31.01.2016 40 403.25 42 380.39 -1 977.14 -4.67% 34 070.90 6 332.34 18.59%
31.12.2015 42 380.39 42 813.36 - 432.97 -1.01% 33 037.23 9 343.16 28.28%
30.11.2015 42 813.36 41 486.53 1 326.83 3.20% 33 270.84 9 542.52 28.68%
31.10.2015 41 486.53 38 479.93 3 006.60 7.81% 32 320.18 9 166.35 28.36%
30.09.2015 38 479.93 39 024.53 - 544.60 -1.40% 31 780.14 6 699.79 21.08%
31.08.2015 39 024.53 41 009.87 -1 985.34 -4.84% 31 576.58 7 447.95 23.59%
31.07.2015 41 009.87 39 757.12 1 252.75 3.15% 30 249.53 10 760.34 35.57%
30.06.2015 39 757.12 40 351.03 - 593.91 -1.47% 29 755.89 10 001.23 33.61%
31.05.2015 40 351.03 39 047.08 1 303.95 3.34% 28 965.24 11 385.79 39.31%
30.04.2015 39 047.08 38 002.88 1 044.20 2.75% 27 668.85 11 378.23 41.12%
31.03.2015 38 002.88 36 396.37 1 606.51 4.41% 26 663.65 11 339.23 42.53%
28.02.2015 36 396.37 34 070.90 2 325.47 6.83% 26 286.37 10 110.00 38.46%
31.01.2015 34 070.90 33 037.23 1 033.67 3.13% 25 204.07 8 866.83 35.18%
31.12.2014 33 037.23 33 270.84 - 233.61 -0.70% 25 443.50 7 593.73 29.85%
30.11.2014 33 270.84 32 320.18 950.66 2.94% 21 806.19 11 464.65 52.58%
31.10.2014 32 320.18 31 780.14 540.04 1.70% 21 011.00 11 309.18 53.83%
30.09.2014 31 780.14 31 576.58 203.56 0.64% 20 256.14 11 524.00 56.89%
31.08.2014 31 576.58 30 249.53 1 327.05 4.39% 19 191.42 12 385.16 64.53%
31.07.2014 30 249.53 29 755.89 493.64 1.66% 19 264.33 10 985.20 57.02%
30.06.2014 29 755.89 28 965.24 790.65 2.73% 18 364.62 11 391.27 62.03%
31.05.2014 28 965.24 27 668.85 1 296.39 4.69% 19 065.64 9 899.59 51.92%
30.04.2014 27 668.85 26 663.65 1 005.20 3.77% 18 791.08 8 877.77 47.24%
31.03.2014 26 663.65 26 286.37 377.28 1.44% 19 142.78 7 520.87 39.29%
28.02.2014 26 286.37 25 204.07 1 082.30 4.29% 19 042.03 7 244.34 38.04%
31.01.2014 25 204.07 25 443.50 - 239.43 -0.94% 19 019.28 6 184.79 32.52%
31.12.2013 25 443.50 21 806.19 3 637.32 16.68% 19 169.47 6 274.04 32.73%
30.11.2013 21 806.19 21 011.00 795.18 3.78% 18 314.81 3 491.38 19.06%
31.10.2013 21 011.00 20 256.14 754.87 3.73% 18 281.48 2 729.52 14.93%
30.09.2013 20 256.14 19 191.42 1 064.71 5.55% 18 633.91 1 622.22 8.71%
31.08.2013 19 191.42 19 264.33 -72.90 -0.38% 18 265.21 926.21 5.07%
31.07.2013 19 264.33 18 364.62 899.71 4.90% 18 050.23 1 214.10 6.73%
30.06.2013 18 364.62 19 065.64 - 701.03 -3.68% 17 709.04 655.58 3.70%
31.05.2013 19 065.64 18 791.08 274.57 1.46% 17 493.24 1 572.40 8.99%
30.04.2013 18 791.08 19 142.78 - 351.70 -1.84% 19 693.95 - 902.87 -4.58%
31.03.2013 19 142.78 19 042.03 100.74 0.53% 19 816.67 - 673.89 -3.40%
28.02.2013 19 042.03 19 019.28 22.76 0.12% 20 447.49 -1 405.46 -6.87%
31.01.2013 19 019.28 19 169.47 - 150.19 -0.78% 19 822.35 - 803.08 -4.05%
31.12.2012 19 169.47 18 314.81 854.65 4.67% 18 347.44 822.03 4.48%
30.11.2012 18 314.81 18 281.48 33.33 0.18% 18 445.14 - 130.33 -0.71%
31.10.2012 18 281.48 18 633.91 - 352.43 -1.89% 18 991.43 - 709.94 -3.74%
30.09.2012 18 633.91 18 265.21 368.70 2.02% 17 194.04 1 439.88 8.37%
31.08.2012 18 265.21 18 050.23 214.98 1.19% 18 732.45 - 467.24 -2.49%
31.07.2012 18 050.23 17 709.04 341.19 1.93% 21 348.19 -3 297.95 -15.45%
30.06.2012 17 709.04 17 493.24 215.79 1.23% 21 515.89 -3 806.86 -17.69%
31.05.2012 17 493.24 19 693.95 -2 200.70 -11.17% 22 048.19 -4 554.95 -20.66%
30.04.2012 19 693.95 19 816.67 - 122.72 -0.62% 22 355.93 -2 661.98 -11.91%
31.03.2012 19 816.67 20 447.49 - 630.82 -3.08% 22 174.56 -2 357.89 -10.63%
29.02.2012 20 447.49 19 822.35 625.14 3.15% 22 494.10 -2 046.61 -9.10%
31.01.2012 19 822.35 18 347.44 1 474.91 8.04% 21 950.32 -2 127.96 -9.69%
31.12.2011 18 347.44 18 445.14 -97.70 -0.53% 20 888.81 -2 541.37 -12.17%
30.11.2011 18 445.14 18 991.43 - 546.29 -2.88% 19 431.98 - 986.84 -5.08%
31.10.2011 18 991.43 17 194.04 1 797.39 10.45% 18 975.49 15.94 0.08%
30.09.2011 17 194.04 18 732.45 -1 538.41 -8.21% 18 339.62 -1 145.59 -6.25%
31.08.2011 18 732.45 21 348.19 -2 615.73 -12.25% 17 506.81 1 225.64 7.00%
31.07.2011 21 348.19 21 515.89 - 167.71 -0.78% 17 868.10 3 480.09 19.48%
30.06.2011 21 515.89 22 048.19 - 532.30 -2.41% 15 701.28 5 814.61 37.03%
31.05.2011 22 048.19 22 355.93 - 307.74 -1.38% 16 241.98 5 806.21 35.75%
30.04.2011 22 355.93 22 174.56 181.37 0.82% 17 856.44 4 499.49 25.20%
31.03.2011 22 174.56 22 494.10 - 319.54 -1.42% 17 762.47 4 412.09 24.84%
28.02.2011 22 494.10 21 950.32 543.78 2.48% 16 480.18 6 013.92 36.49%
31.01.2011 21 950.32 20 888.81 1 061.51 5.08% 16 544.02 5 406.30 32.68%
31.12.2010 20 888.81 19 431.98 1 456.83 7.50% 16 703.25 4 185.56 25.06%
30.11.2010 19 431.98 18 975.49 456.50 2.41% 15 930.52 3 501.46 21.98%
31.10.2010 18 975.49 18 339.62 635.87 3.47% 15 798.64 3 176.85 20.11%
30.09.2010 18 339.62 17 506.81 832.82 4.76% 15 528.06 2 811.56 18.11%
31.08.2010 17 506.81 17 868.10 - 361.29 -2.02% 14 713.78 2 793.03 18.98%
31.07.2010 17 868.10 15 701.28 2 166.82 13.80% 13 195.24 4 672.86 35.41%
30.06.2010 15 701.28 16 241.98 - 540.70 -3.33% 11 878.01 3 823.27 32.19%
31.05.2010 16 241.98 17 856.44 -1 614.46 -9.04% 11 976.51 4 265.47 35.62%
30.04.2010 17 856.44 17 762.47 93.96 0.53% 10 665.58 7 190.86 67.42%
31.03.2010 17 762.47 16 480.18 1 282.29 7.78% 9 195.01 8 567.47 93.18%
28.02.2010 16 480.18 16 544.02 -63.84 -0.39% 8 431.44 8 048.74 95.46%
31.01.2010 16 544.02 16 703.25 - 159.23 -0.95% 9 161.79 7 382.23 80.58%
31.12.2009 16 703.25 15 930.52 772.72 4.85% 9 368.47 7 334.78 78.29%
30.11.2009 15 930.52 15 798.64 131.88 0.83% - - -
31.10.2009 15 798.64 15 528.06 270.58 1.74% - - -
30.09.2009 15 528.06 14 713.78 814.28 5.53% - - -
31.08.2009 14 713.78 13 195.24 1 518.54 11.51% - - -
31.07.2009 13 195.24 11 878.01 1 317.22 11.09% - - -
30.06.2009 11 878.01 11 976.51 -98.50 -0.82% - - -
31.05.2009 11 976.51 10 665.58 1 310.93 12.29% - - -
30.04.2009 10 665.58 9 195.01 1 470.57 15.99% - - -
31.03.2009 9 195.01 8 431.44 763.56 9.06% - - -
28.02.2009 8 431.44 9 161.79 - 730.35 -7.97% - - -
31.01.2009 9 161.79 9 368.47 - 206.67 -2.21% - - -
31.12.2008 9 368.47 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Mutual funds shares/units issued - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Investment fund balance sheet (without MMF))
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Equity funds balance sheet)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Bond funds balance sheet)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Mixed funds balance sheet)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Real estate funds balance sheet)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Other funds balance sheet)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Investment fund balance sheet (without MMF) - flows)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Equity funds balance sheet - flows)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Bond funds balance sheet - flows)
Mutual funds shares/units issued (Mixed funds balance sheet - flows)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Debt securities issued (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Money market fund shares/units (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Debt securities issued (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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