Rest of the world (Financial accounts statistics»Archive (ESA95)) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Rest of the world (Financial accounts statistics»Archive (ESA95)) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
31.05.2024 Úvěry klientské: Měsíční, Celkem, Činnosti knihoven, archivů, muzeí a jiných kulturních zařízení, Stav (zůstatek)
31.05.2024 Vklady klientské: Měsíční, Celkem, Činnosti knihoven, archivů, muzeí a jiných kulturních zařízení
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Do 1 měsíce, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Nad 1 měsíc do 3 měsíců, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Nad 3 měsíce do 1 roku, USD
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Financial assets, stocks, quaterly, Rest of the world

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Financial assets 4 392 230.00 4 411 342.00 -0.43% 4 164 068.00 5.48%
IND3 Currency and deposits 410 801.00 480 778.00 -14.55% 352 869.00 16.42%
IND4 Currency 5 985.00 7 402.00 -19.14% 5 940.00 0.76%
IND5 Transferable deposits 123 679.00 145 446.00 -14.97% 116 859.00 5.84%
IND6 Other deposits 281 137.00 327 930.00 -14.27% 230 070.00 22.20%
IND7 Securities other than shares 898 929.00 857 757.00 4.80% 778 753.00 15.43%
IND8 Securities other than shares, excluding FD 819 075.00 778 170.00 5.26% 694 261.00 17.98%
IND9 Short-term securities 7 973.00 9 080.00 -12.19% 14 184.00 -43.79%
IND10 Long-term securities 811 102.00 769 090.00 5.46% 680 077.00 19.27%
IND11 Financial derivatives (FD) 79 854.00 79 587.00 0.34% 84 492.00 -5.49%
IND12 Loans 570 814.00 568 382.00 0.43% 545 671.00 4.61%
IND13 Short-term loans 80 114.00 79 934.00 0.23% 62 049.00 29.11%
IND14 Long-term loans 490 700.00 488 448.00 0.46% 483 622.00 1.46%
IND15 Shares and other equity 2 089 504.00 2 058 293.00 1.52% 2 015 043.00 3.70%
IND16 Shares and other equity, excluding MFS 2 079 283.00 2 048 525.00 1.50% 2 008 824.00 3.51%
IND17 Quoted shares 377 364.00 361 332.00 4.44% 366 036.00 3.09%
IND18 Unquoted shares 1 285 968.00 1 271 598.00 1.13% 1 215 060.00 5.84%
IND19 Other equity 415 951.00 415 595.00 0.09% 427 728.00 -2.75%
IND20 Mutual funds shares (MFS) 10 221.00 9 768.00 4.64% 6 219.00 64.35%
IND21 Insurance technical reserves 12 295.00 9 853.00 24.78% 10 258.00 19.86%
IND25 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims 12 295.00 9 853.00 24.78% 10 258.00 19.86%
IND26 Other accounts receivable 409 887.00 436 279.00 -6.05% 461 474.00 -11.18%
IND27 Net financial assets 1 045 179.00 1 118 293.00 -6.54% 1 293 589.00 -19.20%

Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Rest of the world

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Liabilities 3 347 051.00 3 293 049.00 1.64% 2 870 479.00 16.60%
IND2 Currency and deposits 600 835.00 605 014.00 -0.69% 622 340.00 -3.46%
IND3 Currency 6 374.00 7 395.00 -13.81% 6 326.00 0.76%
IND4 Transferable deposits 219 453.00 224 022.00 -2.04% 257 228.00 -14.69%
IND5 Other deposits 375 008.00 373 597.00 0.38% 358 786.00 4.52%
IND6 Securities other than shares 1 244 173.00 1 189 188.00 4.62% 992 594.00 25.35%
IND7 Securities other than shares, excluding FD 1 185 304.00 1 133 529.00 4.57% 915 313.00 29.50%
IND8 Short-term securities 183 514.00 188 117.00 -2.45% 169 895.00 8.02%
IND9 Long-term securities 1 001 790.00 945 412.00 5.96% 745 418.00 34.39%
IND10 Financial derivatives (FD) 58 869.00 55 659.00 5.77% 77 281.00 -23.82%
IND11 Loans 391 256.00 393 089.00 -0.47% 322 289.00 21.40%
IND12 Short-term loans 70 069.00 83 686.00 -16.27% 62 465.00 12.17%
IND13 Long-term loans 321 187.00 309 403.00 3.81% 259 824.00 23.62%
IND14 Shares and other equity 852 535.00 832 860.00 2.36% 661 912.00 28.80%
IND15 Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares 642 586.00 646 563.00 -0.61% 493 355.00 30.25%
IND16 Quoted shares 161 992.00 158 597.00 2.14% 141 636.00 14.37%
IND17 Unquoted shares 375 718.00 384 946.00 -2.40% 266 007.00 41.24%
IND18 Other equity 104 876.00 103 020.00 1.80% 85 712.00 22.36%
IND19 Mutual funds shares 209 949.00 186 297.00 12.70% 168 557.00 24.56%
IND20 Insurance technical reserves 37 634.00 36 733.00 2.45% 33 075.00 13.78%
IND21 Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 Net equity of households in life insurance reserves 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND23 Net equity of households in pension funds reserves 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND24 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims 37 634.00 36 733.00 2.45% 33 075.00 13.78%
IND25 Other accounts payable 220 618.00 236 165.00 -6.58% 238 269.00 -7.41%

Financial assets, transactions, quaterly, Rest of the world

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Net acquisition of financial assets -68 365.00 153 944.00 - 144.41% 58 550.00 - 216.76%
IND3 Currency and deposits -70 145.00 129 365.00 - 154.22% 23 690.00 - 396.10%
IND4 Currency -1 417.00 711.00 - 299.30% - 881.00 60.84%
IND5 Transferable deposits -21 819.00 12 781.00 - 270.71% 3 343.00 - 752.68%
IND6 Other deposits -46 909.00 115 873.00 - 140.48% 21 228.00 - 320.98%
IND7 Securities other than shares 36 986.00 2 705.00 1 267.32% -3 932.00 -1 040.64%
IND8 Securities other than shares, excluding FD 40 518.00 7 074.00 472.77% 17 921.00 126.09%
IND9 Short-term securities -1 107.00 -8 522.00 -87.01% 5 893.00 - 118.78%
IND10 Long-term securities 41 625.00 15 596.00 166.90% 12 028.00 246.07%
IND11 Financial derivatives (FD) -3 532.00 -4 369.00 -19.16% -21 853.00 -83.84%
IND12 Loans 2 280.00 14 340.00 -84.10% -8 465.00 - 126.93%
IND13 Short-term loans 154.00 15 174.00 -98.99% -7 342.00 - 102.10%
IND14 Long-term loans 2 126.00 - 834.00 - 354.92% -1 123.00 - 289.31%
IND15 Shares and other equity -13 363.00 8 290.00 - 261.19% 63 603.00 - 121.01%
IND16 Shares and other equity, excluding MFS -13 774.00 7 982.00 - 272.56% 63 481.00 - 121.70%
IND17 Quoted shares 2 069.00 12 132.00 -82.95% 8 885.00 -76.71%
IND18 Unquoted shares -16 199.00 -2 037.00 695.24% 53 097.00 - 130.51%
IND19 Other equity 356.00 -2 113.00 - 116.85% 1 499.00 -76.25%
IND20 Mutual funds shares (MFS) 411.00 308.00 33.44% 122.00 236.89%
IND21 Insurance technical reserves 2 442.00 54.00 4 422.22% 692.00 252.89%
IND25 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims 2 442.00 54.00 4 422.22% 692.00 252.89%
IND26 Other accounts receivable -26 565.00 - 810.00 3 179.63% -17 038.00 55.92%

Financial liabilities, transactions, quaterly, Rest of the world

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Net incurrence of liabilities 38 984.00 223 844.00 -82.58% 39 730.00 -1.88%
IND2 Currency and deposits -4 386.00 -15 255.00 -71.25% -89 636.00 -95.11%
IND3 Currency -1 024.00 840.00 - 221.90% - 720.00 42.22%
IND4 Transferable deposits -4 679.00 1 385.00 - 437.83% -66 236.00 -92.94%
IND5 Other deposits 1 317.00 -17 480.00 - 107.53% -22 680.00 - 105.81%
IND6 Securities other than shares 44 495.00 170 546.00 -73.91% 84 981.00 -47.64%
IND7 Securities other than shares, excluding FD 51 294.00 177 425.00 -71.09% 91 346.00 -43.85%
IND8 Short-term securities -4 705.00 81 238.00 - 105.79% 66 682.00 - 107.06%
IND9 Long-term securities 55 999.00 96 187.00 -41.78% 24 664.00 127.05%
IND10 Financial derivatives (FD) -6 799.00 -6 879.00 -1.16% -6 365.00 6.82%
IND11 Loans -1 981.00 30 475.00 - 106.50% -4 279.00 -53.70%
IND12 Short-term loans -13 656.00 9 751.00 - 240.05% -7 479.00 82.59%
IND13 Long-term loans 11 675.00 20 724.00 -43.66% 3 200.00 264.84%
IND14 Shares and other equity 15 597.00 54 446.00 -71.35% 31 209.00 -50.02%
IND15 Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares -4 303.00 57 702.00 - 107.46% 14 782.00 - 129.11%
IND16 Quoted shares 3 395.00 9 968.00 -65.94% -6 926.00 - 149.02%
IND17 Unquoted shares -9 228.00 48 536.00 - 119.01% 20 336.00 - 145.38%
IND18 Other equity 1 530.00 - 802.00 - 290.77% 1 372.00 11.52%
IND19 Mutual funds shares 19 900.00 -3 256.00 - 711.18% 16 427.00 21.14%
IND20 Insurance technical reserves 901.00 -3 224.00 - 127.95% 2 077.00 -56.62%
IND21 Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 Net equity of households in life insurance reserves 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND23 Net equity of households in pension funds reserves 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND24 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims 901.00 -3 224.00 - 127.95% 2 077.00 -56.62%
IND25 Other accounts payable -15 642.00 -13 144.00 19.00% 15 378.00 - 201.72%
IND26 Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-) - 107 243.00 -69 901.00 53.42% 19 025.00 - 663.70%
Financial assets, stocks, quaterly, Rest of the world
Financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Monetary gold and SDRs
Currency and deposits (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Currency (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Transferable deposits (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Other deposits (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares, excluding FD (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Short-term securities (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Long-term securities (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Financial derivatives (FD) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Loans (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Short-term loans (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Long-term loans (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity, excluding MFS (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Quoted shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Unquoted shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Other equity (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Mutual funds shares (MFS) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Insurance technical reserves (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves
Net equity of households in pension funds reserves
Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Other accounts receivable (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Net financial assets (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Rest of the world
Liabilities (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Currency and deposits (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Currency (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Transferable deposits (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Other deposits (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares, excluding FD (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Short-term securities (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Long-term securities (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Financial derivatives (FD) (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Loans (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Short-term loans (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Long-term loans (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Quoted shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Unquoted shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Other equity (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Mutual funds shares (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Insurance technical reserves (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in pension funds reserves (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Other accounts payable (41 hodnota, 31.03.2014)
Financial assets, transactions, quaterly, Rest of the world
Net acquisition of financial assets (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Monetary gold and SDRs
Currency and deposits (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Currency (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Transferable deposits (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Other deposits (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares, excluding FD (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Short-term securities (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Long-term securities (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Financial derivatives (FD) (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Loans (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Short-term loans (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Long-term loans (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity, excluding MFS (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Quoted shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Unquoted shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Other equity (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Mutual funds shares (MFS) (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Insurance technical reserves (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves
Net equity of households in pension funds reserves
Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Other accounts receivable (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Financial liabilities, transactions, quaterly, Rest of the world
Net incurrence of liabilities (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Currency and deposits (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Currency (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Transferable deposits (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Other deposits (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Securities other than shares, excluding FD (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Short-term securities (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Long-term securities (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Financial derivatives (FD) (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Loans (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Short-term loans (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Long-term loans (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Quoted shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Unquoted shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Other equity (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Mutual funds shares (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Insurance technical reserves (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Net equity of households in pension funds reserves (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Other accounts payable (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)
Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-) (40 hodnot, 31.03.2014)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


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Rest of the world (SDDS Plus)
Rest of the world (Archive (ESA95))
Rest of the world (Financial accounts statistics)
Rest of the world (Archive (ESA95))
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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