Financial assets, stocks, Central government - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Financial assets, stocks, Central government v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Financial assets, stocks, Central government - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Total assets 1 247 041.00 1 246 043.00 0.08% 1 284 488.00 -2.92%
IND2 Currency and deposits (AF.2) 393 379.00 354 016.00 11.12% 393 248.00 0.03%
IND3 Currency (AF.21) 1 711.00 157.00 989.81% 697.00 145.48%
IND4 Deposits (AF.22+AF.29) 391 668.00 353 859.00 10.68% 392 551.00 -0.22%
IND5 Transferable deposits (AF.22) 64 982.00 325 402.00 -80.03% 165 599.00 -60.76%
IND6 Other deposits (AF.29) 326 686.00 28 457.00 1 048.00% 226 952.00 43.94%
IND7 Debt securities (AF.3) 13 616.00 14 291.00 -4.72% 16 348.00 -16.71%
IND8 Short-term (AF.31) 0.00 250.00 - 1 546.00 -
IND9 Long-term (AF.32) 13 616.00 14 041.00 -3.03% 14 802.00 -8.01%
IND10 Loans (AF.4) 123 716.00 118 671.00 4.25% 117 514.00 5.28%
IND11 Short-term (AF.41) 92 567.00 88 405.00 4.71% 82 734.00 11.88%
IND12 Long-term (AF.42) 31 149.00 30 266.00 2.92% 34 780.00 -10.44%
IND13 Equity and investment fund shares (AF.5) 444 377.00 489 719.00 -9.26% 501 066.00 -11.31%
IND14 Shares and other equity (AF.51) 444 377.00 489 719.00 -9.26% 501 066.00 -11.31%
IND15 Listed shares (AF.511) 155 553.00 193 102.00 -19.45% 205 444.00 -24.28%
IND16 Unlisted shares (AF.512) 144 977.00 147 502.00 -1.71% 147 875.00 -1.96%
IND17 Other equity (AF.519) 143 847.00 149 115.00 -3.53% 147 747.00 -2.64%
IND18 Investment fund shares/units (AF.52) 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (AF.6) 1 098.00 1 065.00 3.10% 1 096.00 0.18%
IND20 Non-life insurance technical reserves (AF. 61) 1 098.00 1 065.00 3.10% 1 096.00 0.18%
IND21 Life insurance and annuity entitlements (AF.62) 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 Pension entitlements (AF.63) 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND23 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (AF.7) 2 770.00 1 150.00 140.87% 1 402.00 97.57%
IND24 Other accounts receivable (AF.8) 268 085.00 267 131.00 0.36% 253 814.00 5.62%
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) 38 259.00 37 337.00 2.47% 30 227.00 26.57%
IND26 Other accounts receivable excluding trade credits and advances (AF.89) 229 826.00 229 794.00 0.01% 223 587.00 2.79%

Total assets

31.03.2020 1 247 041.00
31.12.2019 1 246 043.00
30.09.2019 1 270 327.00
30.06.2019 1 322 685.00
31.03.2019 1 284 488.00
31.12.2018 1 224 945.00
30.09.2018 1 204 185.00
30.06.2018 1 276 249.00
31.03.2018 1 208 547.00
31.12.2017 1 173 034.00
Další »
Total assets,Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Currency and deposits (AF.2)

31.03.2020 393 379.00
31.12.2019 354 016.00
30.09.2019 362 943.00
30.06.2019 413 288.00
31.03.2019 393 248.00
31.12.2018 341 774.00
30.09.2018 369 283.00
30.06.2018 405 687.00
31.03.2018 386 759.00
31.12.2017 310 048.00
Další »
Currency and deposits (AF.2),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Currency (AF.21)

31.03.2020 1 711.00
31.12.2019 157.00
30.09.2019 744.00
30.06.2019 1 046.00
31.03.2019 697.00
31.12.2018 161.00
30.09.2018 306.00
30.06.2018 932.00
31.03.2018 366.00
31.12.2017 152.00
Další »
Currency (AF.21),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Deposits (AF.22+AF.29)

31.03.2020 391 668.00
31.12.2019 353 859.00
30.09.2019 362 199.00
30.06.2019 412 242.00
31.03.2019 392 551.00
31.12.2018 341 613.00
30.09.2018 368 977.00
30.06.2018 404 755.00
31.03.2018 386 393.00
31.12.2017 309 896.00
Další »
Deposits (AF.22+AF.29),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Transferable deposits (AF.22)

31.03.2020 64 982.00
31.12.2019 325 402.00
30.09.2019 51 014.00
30.06.2019 128 669.00
31.03.2019 165 599.00
31.12.2018 318 938.00
30.09.2018 289 388.00
30.06.2018 355 602.00
31.03.2018 335 979.00
31.12.2017 301 007.00
Další »
Transferable deposits (AF.22),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Other deposits (AF.29)

31.03.2020 326 686.00
31.12.2019 28 457.00
30.09.2019 311 185.00
30.06.2019 283 573.00
31.03.2019 226 952.00
31.12.2018 22 675.00
30.09.2018 79 589.00
30.06.2018 49 153.00
31.03.2018 50 414.00
31.12.2017 8 889.00
Další »
Other deposits (AF.29),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Debt securities (AF.3)

31.03.2020 13 616.00
31.12.2019 14 291.00
30.09.2019 13 941.00
30.06.2019 17 963.00
31.03.2019 16 348.00
31.12.2018 15 317.00
30.09.2018 15 693.00
30.06.2018 15 405.00
31.03.2018 15 679.00
31.12.2017 15 376.00
Další »
Debt securities (AF.3),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Short-term (AF.31)

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 250.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 1 873.00
31.03.2019 1 546.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 655.00
30.06.2018 305.00
31.03.2018 237.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
Short-term (AF.31),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Long-term (AF.32)

31.03.2020 13 616.00
31.12.2019 14 041.00
30.09.2019 13 941.00
30.06.2019 16 090.00
31.03.2019 14 802.00
31.12.2018 15 317.00
30.09.2018 15 038.00
30.06.2018 15 100.00
31.03.2018 15 442.00
31.12.2017 15 376.00
Další »
Long-term (AF.32),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Loans (AF.4)

31.03.2020 123 716.00
31.12.2019 118 671.00
30.09.2019 119 338.00
30.06.2019 119 752.00
31.03.2019 117 514.00
31.12.2018 115 961.00
30.09.2018 121 836.00
30.06.2018 126 562.00
31.03.2018 121 109.00
31.12.2017 121 425.00
Další »
Loans (AF.4),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Short-term (AF.41)

31.03.2020 92 567.00
31.12.2019 88 405.00
30.09.2019 84 580.00
30.06.2019 84 791.00
31.03.2019 82 734.00
31.12.2018 81 433.00
30.09.2018 86 786.00
30.06.2018 90 732.00
31.03.2018 86 362.00
31.12.2017 85 857.00
Další »
Short-term (AF.41),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Long-term (AF.42)

31.03.2020 31 149.00
31.12.2019 30 266.00
30.09.2019 34 758.00
30.06.2019 34 961.00
31.03.2019 34 780.00
31.12.2018 34 528.00
30.09.2018 35 050.00
30.06.2018 35 830.00
31.03.2018 34 747.00
31.12.2017 35 568.00
Další »
Long-term (AF.42),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Equity and investment fund shares (AF.5)

31.03.2020 444 377.00
31.12.2019 489 719.00
30.09.2019 502 221.00
30.06.2019 505 004.00
31.03.2019 501 066.00
31.12.2018 503 183.00
30.09.2018 483 159.00
30.06.2018 495 437.00
31.03.2018 479 314.00
31.12.2017 464 979.00
Další »
Equity and investment fund shares (AF.5),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Shares and other equity (AF.51)

31.03.2020 444 377.00
31.12.2019 489 719.00
30.09.2019 502 221.00
30.06.2019 505 004.00
31.03.2019 501 066.00
31.12.2018 503 183.00
30.09.2018 483 159.00
30.06.2018 495 437.00
31.03.2018 479 261.00
31.12.2017 464 907.00
Další »
Shares and other equity (AF.51),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Listed shares (AF.511)

31.03.2020 155 553.00
31.12.2019 193 102.00
30.09.2019 198 284.00
30.06.2019 205 038.00
31.03.2019 205 444.00
31.12.2018 202 806.00
30.09.2018 215 388.00
30.06.2018 200 290.00
31.03.2018 195 313.00
31.12.2017 188 379.00
Další »
Listed shares (AF.511),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Unlisted shares (AF.512)

31.03.2020 144 977.00
31.12.2019 147 502.00
30.09.2019 149 187.00
30.06.2019 146 760.00
31.03.2019 147 875.00
31.12.2018 146 986.00
30.09.2018 117 582.00
30.06.2018 148 607.00
31.03.2018 141 748.00
31.12.2017 139 680.00
Další »
Unlisted shares (AF.512),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Other equity (AF.519)

31.03.2020 143 847.00
31.12.2019 149 115.00
30.09.2019 154 750.00
30.06.2019 153 206.00
31.03.2019 147 747.00
31.12.2018 153 391.00
30.09.2018 150 189.00
30.06.2018 146 540.00
31.03.2018 142 200.00
31.12.2017 136 848.00
Další »
Other equity (AF.519),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Investment fund shares/units (AF.52)

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 53.00
31.12.2017 72.00
Další »
Investment fund shares/units (AF.52),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (AF.6)

31.03.2020 1 098.00
31.12.2019 1 065.00
30.09.2019 1 052.00
30.06.2019 1 112.00
31.03.2019 1 096.00
31.12.2018 988.00
30.09.2018 825.00
30.06.2018 838.00
31.03.2018 936.00
31.12.2017 898.00
Další »
Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (AF.6),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Non-life insurance technical reserves (AF. 61)

31.03.2020 1 098.00
31.12.2019 1 065.00
30.09.2019 1 052.00
30.06.2019 1 112.00
31.03.2019 1 096.00
31.12.2018 988.00
30.09.2018 825.00
30.06.2018 838.00
31.03.2018 936.00
31.12.2017 898.00
Další »
Non-life insurance technical reserves (AF. 61),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Life insurance and annuity entitlements (AF.62)

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
Life insurance and annuity entitlements (AF.62),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Pension entitlements (AF.63)

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
Pension entitlements (AF.63),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Financial derivatives and employee stock options (AF.7)

31.03.2020 2 770.00
31.12.2019 1 150.00
30.09.2019 1 390.00
30.06.2019 897.00
31.03.2019 1 402.00
31.12.2018 1 737.00
30.09.2018 1 715.00
30.06.2018 1 768.00
31.03.2018 3 988.00
31.12.2017 1 381.00
Další »
Financial derivatives and employee stock options (AF.7),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Other accounts receivable (AF.8)

31.03.2020 268 085.00
31.12.2019 267 131.00
30.09.2019 269 442.00
30.06.2019 264 669.00
31.03.2019 253 814.00
31.12.2018 245 985.00
30.09.2018 211 674.00
30.06.2018 230 552.00
31.03.2018 200 762.00
31.12.2017 258 927.00
Další »
Other accounts receivable (AF.8),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Trade credits and advances (AF.81)

31.03.2020 38 259.00
31.12.2019 37 337.00
30.09.2019 33 870.00
30.06.2019 28 119.00
31.03.2019 30 227.00
31.12.2018 27 319.00
30.09.2018 24 204.00
30.06.2018 28 024.00
31.03.2018 23 173.00
31.12.2017 24 717.00
Další »
Trade credits and advances (AF.81),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Other accounts receivable excluding trade credits and advances (AF.89)

31.03.2020 229 826.00
31.12.2019 229 794.00
30.09.2019 235 572.00
30.06.2019 236 550.00
31.03.2019 223 587.00
31.12.2018 218 666.00
30.09.2018 187 470.00
30.06.2018 202 528.00
31.03.2018 177 589.00
31.12.2017 234 210.00
Další »
Other accounts receivable excluding trade credits and advances (AF.89),Financial assets, stocks, Central government

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Financial assets, stocks, Central government (Central Government)
Financial assets, stocks, Central government (Central Government)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
External assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Fixed assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Remaining assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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Úrokové sazby, Hypotéky

Směnárny - Euro, Dolar

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Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


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