Total economy (Financial accounts statistics»Archive (ESA95)) - ekonomika ČNB
Aktualizace dat Total economy (Financial accounts statistics»Archive (ESA95)) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB
Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data
poslední hodnoty.Financial assets, stocks, quaterly, Total economy
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Financial assets | 19 396 955.00 | 19 102 947.00 | 1.54% | 18 130 610.00 | 6.98% |
IND2 Monetary gold and SDRs | 31 981.00 | 31 355.00 | 2.00% | 34 352.00 | -6.90% |
IND3 Currency and deposits | 5 258 476.00 | 5 181 169.00 | 1.49% | 4 910 565.00 | 7.08% |
IND4 Currency | 436 580.00 | 441 840.00 | -1.19% | 421 982.00 | 3.46% |
IND5 Transferable deposits | 2 315 403.00 | 2 316 132.00 | -0.03% | 2 248 290.00 | 2.98% |
IND6 Other deposits | 2 506 493.00 | 2 423 197.00 | 3.44% | 2 240 293.00 | 11.88% |
IND7 Securities other than shares | 2 975 553.00 | 2 945 673.00 | 1.01% | 2 778 191.00 | 7.10% |
IND8 Securities other than shares, excluding FD | 2 845 333.00 | 2 818 193.00 | 0.96% | 2 627 305.00 | 8.30% |
IND9 Short-term securities | 294 882.00 | 317 880.00 | -7.23% | 366 516.00 | -19.54% |
IND10 Long-term securities | 2 550 451.00 | 2 500 313.00 | 2.01% | 2 260 789.00 | 12.81% |
IND11 Financial derivatives (FD) | 130 220.00 | 127 480.00 | 2.15% | 150 886.00 | -13.70% |
IND12 Loans | 3 406 702.00 | 3 367 092.00 | 1.18% | 3 204 273.00 | 6.32% |
IND13 Short-term loans | 632 138.00 | 625 929.00 | 0.99% | 608 873.00 | 3.82% |
IND14 Long-term loans | 2 774 564.00 | 2 741 163.00 | 1.22% | 2 595 400.00 | 6.90% |
IND15 Shares and other equity | 3 889 575.00 | 3 726 314.00 | 4.38% | 3 557 362.00 | 9.34% |
IND16 Shares and other equity, excluding MFS | 3 468 416.00 | 3 328 983.00 | 4.19% | 3 205 612.00 | 8.20% |
IND17 Quoted shares | 426 853.00 | 402 397.00 | 6.08% | 420 924.00 | 1.41% |
IND18 Unquoted shares | 2 203 690.00 | 2 089 483.00 | 5.47% | 1 934 334.00 | 13.92% |
IND19 Other equity | 837 873.00 | 837 103.00 | 0.09% | 850 354.00 | -1.47% |
IND20 Mutual funds shares (MFS) | 421 159.00 | 397 331.00 | 6.00% | 351 750.00 | 19.73% |
IND21 Insurance technical reserves | 727 372.00 | 715 851.00 | 1.61% | 680 082.00 | 6.95% |
IND22 Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves | 584 302.00 | 571 906.00 | 2.17% | 539 620.00 | 8.28% |
IND23 Net equity of households in life insurance reserves | 292 137.00 | 288 312.00 | 1.33% | 282 919.00 | 3.26% |
IND24 Net equity of households in pension funds reserves | 292 165.00 | 283 594.00 | 3.02% | 256 701.00 | 13.82% |
IND25 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims | 143 070.00 | 143 945.00 | -0.61% | 140 462.00 | 1.86% |
IND26 Other accounts receivable | 3 107 296.00 | 3 135 493.00 | -0.90% | 2 965 785.00 | 4.77% |
IND27 Net financial assets | -1 013 198.00 | -1 086 938.00 | -6.78% | -1 259 237.00 | -19.54% |
Financial assets, transactions, quaterly, Total economy
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Net acquisition of financial assets | 155 513.00 | 620 022.00 | -74.92% | 196 971.00 | -21.05% |
IND2 Monetary gold and SDRs | - 106.00 | 1.00 | -10 700.00% | - 205.00 | -48.29% |
IND3 Currency and deposits | 76 910.00 | 293 053.00 | -73.76% | 15 701.00 | 389.84% |
IND4 Currency | -5 263.00 | 12 410.00 | - 142.41% | - 950.00 | 454.00% |
IND5 Transferable deposits | - 952.00 | 59 102.00 | - 101.61% | - 103 414.00 | -99.08% |
IND6 Other deposits | 83 125.00 | 221 541.00 | -62.48% | 120 065.00 | -30.77% |
IND7 Securities other than shares | 15 460.00 | 187 518.00 | -91.76% | 165 782.00 | -90.67% |
IND8 Securities other than shares, excluding FD | 26 633.00 | 203 830.00 | -86.93% | 175 771.00 | -84.85% |
IND9 Short-term securities | -23 100.00 | 67 797.00 | - 134.07% | 66 686.00 | - 134.64% |
IND10 Long-term securities | 49 733.00 | 136 033.00 | -63.44% | 109 085.00 | -54.41% |
IND11 Financial derivatives (FD) | -11 173.00 | -16 312.00 | -31.50% | -9 989.00 | 11.85% |
IND12 Loans | 37 936.00 | 78 709.00 | -51.80% | -34 238.00 | - 210.80% |
IND13 Short-term loans | 6 153.00 | 6 818.00 | -9.75% | -7 601.00 | - 180.95% |
IND14 Long-term loans | 31 783.00 | 71 891.00 | -55.79% | -26 637.00 | - 219.32% |
IND15 Shares and other equity | 42 084.00 | 58 246.00 | -27.75% | 27 875.00 | 50.97% |
IND16 Shares and other equity, excluding MFS | 17 698.00 | 54 540.00 | -67.55% | 1 214.00 | 1 357.83% |
IND17 Quoted shares | 1 326.00 | -2 164.00 | - 161.28% | -15 527.00 | - 108.54% |
IND18 Unquoted shares | 15 928.00 | 60 567.00 | -73.70% | 17 320.00 | -8.04% |
IND19 Other equity | 444.00 | -3 863.00 | - 111.49% | - 579.00 | - 176.68% |
IND20 Mutual funds shares (MFS) | 24 386.00 | 3 706.00 | 558.01% | 26 661.00 | -8.53% |
IND21 Insurance technical reserves | 11 521.00 | 5 260.00 | 119.03% | 18 087.00 | -36.30% |
IND22 Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves | 12 396.00 | 13 193.00 | -6.04% | 12 634.00 | -1.88% |
IND23 Net equity of households in life insurance reserves | 3 825.00 | 3 496.00 | 9.41% | 2 671.00 | 43.20% |
IND24 Net equity of households in pension funds reserves | 8 571.00 | 9 697.00 | -11.61% | 9 963.00 | -13.97% |
IND25 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims | - 875.00 | -7 933.00 | -88.97% | 5 453.00 | - 116.05% |
IND26 Other accounts receivable | -28 292.00 | -2 765.00 | 923.22% | 3 969.00 | - 812.82% |
Financial liabilities, transactions, quaterly, Total economy
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Net incurrence of liabilities | 48 270.00 | 550 121.00 | -91.23% | 215 996.00 | -77.65% |
IND2 Currency and deposits | 11 151.00 | 437 673.00 | -97.45% | 129 027.00 | -91.36% |
IND3 Currency | -5 656.00 | 12 281.00 | - 146.05% | -1 111.00 | 409.09% |
IND4 Transferable deposits | -18 092.00 | 70 498.00 | - 125.66% | -33 835.00 | -46.53% |
IND5 Other deposits | 34 899.00 | 354 894.00 | -90.17% | 163 973.00 | -78.72% |
IND6 Securities other than shares | 7 951.00 | 19 677.00 | -59.59% | 76 869.00 | -89.66% |
IND7 Securities other than shares, excluding FD | 15 857.00 | 33 479.00 | -52.64% | 102 346.00 | -84.51% |
IND8 Short-term securities | -19 502.00 | -21 963.00 | -11.21% | 5 897.00 | - 430.71% |
IND9 Long-term securities | 35 359.00 | 55 442.00 | -36.22% | 96 449.00 | -63.34% |
IND10 Financial derivatives (FD) | -7 906.00 | -13 802.00 | -42.72% | -25 477.00 | -68.97% |
IND11 Loans | 42 197.00 | 62 574.00 | -32.56% | -38 424.00 | - 209.82% |
IND12 Short-term loans | 19 963.00 | 12 241.00 | 63.08% | -7 464.00 | - 367.46% |
IND13 Long-term loans | 22 234.00 | 50 333.00 | -55.83% | -30 960.00 | - 171.82% |
IND14 Shares and other equity | 13 124.00 | 12 090.00 | 8.55% | 60 269.00 | -78.22% |
IND15 Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares | 8 227.00 | 4 820.00 | 70.68% | 49 913.00 | -83.52% |
IND16 Quoted shares | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 284.00 | - |
IND17 Unquoted shares | 8 957.00 | 9 994.00 | -10.38% | 50 081.00 | -82.11% |
IND18 Other equity | - 730.00 | -5 174.00 | -85.89% | - 452.00 | 61.50% |
IND19 Mutual funds shares | 4 897.00 | 7 270.00 | -32.64% | 10 356.00 | -52.71% |
IND20 Insurance technical reserves | 13 062.00 | 8 538.00 | 52.99% | 16 702.00 | -21.79% |
IND21 Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves | 12 396.00 | 13 193.00 | -6.04% | 12 634.00 | -1.88% |
IND22 Net equity of households in life insurance reserves | 3 825.00 | 3 496.00 | 9.41% | 2 671.00 | 43.20% |
IND23 Net equity of households in pension funds reserves | 8 571.00 | 9 697.00 | -11.61% | 9 963.00 | -13.97% |
IND24 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims | 666.00 | -4 655.00 | - 114.31% | 4 068.00 | -83.63% |
IND25 Other accounts payable | -39 215.00 | 9 569.00 | - 509.81% | -28 447.00 | 37.85% |
IND26 Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-) | 107 243.00 | 69 901.00 | 53.42% | -19 025.00 | - 663.70% |
Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Total economy
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Liabilities | 20 410 153.00 | 20 189 885.00 | 1.09% | 19 389 847.00 | 5.26% |
IND2 Currency and deposits | 5 068 442.00 | 5 056 933.00 | 0.23% | 4 641 094.00 | 9.21% |
IND3 Currency | 436 191.00 | 441 847.00 | -1.28% | 421 596.00 | 3.46% |
IND4 Transferable deposits | 2 219 629.00 | 2 237 556.00 | -0.80% | 2 107 921.00 | 5.30% |
IND5 Other deposits | 2 412 622.00 | 2 377 530.00 | 1.48% | 2 111 577.00 | 14.26% |
IND6 Securities other than shares | 2 630 309.00 | 2 614 242.00 | 0.61% | 2 564 350.00 | 2.57% |
IND7 Securities other than shares, excluding FD | 2 479 104.00 | 2 462 834.00 | 0.66% | 2 406 253.00 | 3.03% |
IND8 Short-term securities | 119 341.00 | 138 843.00 | -14.05% | 210 805.00 | -43.39% |
IND9 Long-term securities | 2 359 763.00 | 2 323 991.00 | 1.54% | 2 195 448.00 | 7.48% |
IND10 Financial derivatives (FD) | 151 205.00 | 151 408.00 | -0.13% | 158 097.00 | -4.36% |
IND11 Loans | 3 586 260.00 | 3 542 385.00 | 1.24% | 3 427 655.00 | 4.63% |
IND12 Short-term loans | 642 183.00 | 622 177.00 | 3.22% | 608 457.00 | 5.54% |
IND13 Long-term loans | 2 944 077.00 | 2 920 208.00 | 0.82% | 2 819 198.00 | 4.43% |
IND14 Shares and other equity | 5 126 544.00 | 4 951 747.00 | 3.53% | 4 910 493.00 | 4.40% |
IND15 Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares | 4 905 113.00 | 4 730 945.00 | 3.68% | 4 721 081.00 | 3.90% |
IND16 Quoted shares | 642 225.00 | 605 132.00 | 6.13% | 645 324.00 | -0.48% |
IND17 Unquoted shares | 3 113 940.00 | 2 976 135.00 | 4.63% | 2 883 387.00 | 8.00% |
IND18 Other equity | 1 148 948.00 | 1 149 678.00 | -0.06% | 1 192 370.00 | -3.64% |
IND19 Mutual funds shares | 221 431.00 | 220 802.00 | 0.28% | 189 412.00 | 16.90% |
IND20 Insurance technical reserves | 702 033.00 | 688 971.00 | 1.90% | 657 265.00 | 6.81% |
IND21 Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves | 584 302.00 | 571 906.00 | 2.17% | 539 620.00 | 8.28% |
IND22 Net equity of households in life insurance reserves | 292 137.00 | 288 312.00 | 1.33% | 282 919.00 | 3.26% |
IND23 Net equity of households in pension funds reserves | 292 165.00 | 283 594.00 | 3.02% | 256 701.00 | 13.82% |
IND24 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims | 117 731.00 | 117 065.00 | 0.57% | 117 645.00 | 0.07% |
IND25 Other accounts payable | 3 296 565.00 | 3 335 607.00 | -1.17% | 3 188 990.00 | 3.37% |
Podobné sestavy
Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
Total economy (Archive (ESA95)) |
Total Economy (Financial accounts statistics) |
Total economy (Archive (ESA95)) |
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets) |
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities) |
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities) |
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities) |
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities) |
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities) |
Loans to residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels)) |
Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD
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Total economy
ČNB - ekonomika, časové řady
- Mzdy - průměrná mzda
- HDP - Hrubý domácí produkt
- Inflace - meziroční změny
- Nezaměstnanost a volná pracovní místa
Zobrazit sloupec
EUR | 25.08 0.41 | BTC | 83,838 0.10 | Zlato | 2,853 -0.82 | ČEZ | 1,023 1.29 |
USD | 24.17 0.78 | DJI | 43,840 1.39 | Ropa | 73.12 -0.35 | Erste | 1,620 -5.76 |
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 > Investice > Ekonomika > ČNB ekonomika > Statistical data > Financial accounts statistics > Archive (ESA95) > Total economy
sobota 1.3.2025 02:29:00