Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Non-financial corporation)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Non-MMF investment funds)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Other financial institutions)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Pension funds)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Central government)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Social security funds)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Households)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Non-profit institutions serving households)
IND25 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (Financial assets, stocks, Insurance corporations)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (levels) (Levels)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels) (Levels)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Capital and reserves (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (flows) (Flows)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (flows) (Flows)