Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Liabilities 8 260 488.00 8 106 623.00 1.90% 7 413 840.00 11.42%
IND2 Currency and deposits 5 068 442.00 5 056 933.00 0.23% 4 641 094.00 9.21%
IND3 Currency 436 191.00 441 847.00 -1.28% 421 596.00 3.46%
IND4 Transferable deposits 2 219 629.00 2 237 556.00 -0.80% 2 107 921.00 5.30%
IND5 Other deposits 2 412 622.00 2 377 530.00 1.48% 2 111 577.00 14.26%
IND6 Securities other than shares 518 883.00 508 710.00 2.00% 459 318.00 12.97%
IND7 Securities other than shares, excluding FD 411 261.00 399 783.00 2.87% 345 234.00 19.13%
IND8 Short-term securities 7 101.00 2 716.00 161.45% 1 684.00 321.67%
IND9 Long-term securities 404 160.00 397 067.00 1.79% 343 550.00 17.64%
IND10 Financial derivatives (FD) 107 622.00 108 927.00 -1.20% 114 084.00 -5.66%
IND11 Loans 545 810.00 509 148.00 7.20% 467 589.00 16.73%
IND12 Short-term loans 115 601.00 100 985.00 14.47% 78 858.00 46.59%
IND13 Long-term loans 430 209.00 408 163.00 5.40% 388 731.00 10.67%
IND14 Shares and other equity 1 143 462.00 1 090 058.00 4.90% 984 674.00 16.13%
IND15 Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares 922 031.00 869 256.00 6.07% 795 262.00 15.94%
IND16 Quoted shares 182 099.00 169 107.00 7.68% 146 985.00 23.89%
IND17 Unquoted shares 709 916.00 670 137.00 5.94% 618 066.00 14.86%
IND18 Other equity 30 016.00 30 012.00 0.01% 30 211.00 -0.65%
IND19 Mutual funds shares 221 431.00 220 802.00 0.28% 189 412.00 16.90%
IND20 Insurance technical reserves 702 033.00 688 971.00 1.90% 657 265.00 6.81%
IND21 Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves 584 302.00 571 906.00 2.17% 539 620.00 8.28%
IND22 Net equity of households in life insurance reserves 292 137.00 288 312.00 1.33% 282 919.00 3.26%
IND23 Net equity of households in pension funds reserves 292 165.00 283 594.00 3.02% 256 701.00 13.82%
IND24 Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims 117 731.00 117 065.00 0.57% 117 645.00 0.07%
IND25 Other accounts payable 281 858.00 252 803.00 11.49% 203 900.00 38.23%


31.03.2014 8 260 488.00
31.12.2013 8 106 623.00
30.09.2013 7 521 422.00
30.06.2013 7 460 328.00
31.03.2013 7 413 840.00
31.12.2012 7 279 540.00
30.09.2012 7 169 079.00
30.06.2012 7 118 863.00
31.03.2012 7 011 995.00
31.12.2011 6 840 636.00
Další »
Liabilities,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Currency and deposits

31.03.2014 5 068 442.00
31.12.2013 5 056 933.00
30.09.2013 4 602 318.00
30.06.2013 4 600 881.00
31.03.2013 4 641 094.00
31.12.2012 4 490 684.00
30.09.2012 4 420 483.00
30.06.2012 4 445 713.00
31.03.2012 4 456 254.00
31.12.2011 4 329 186.00
Další »
Currency and deposits,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations


31.03.2014 436 191.00
31.12.2013 441 847.00
30.09.2013 429 566.00
30.06.2013 429 664.00
31.03.2013 421 596.00
31.12.2012 422 707.00
30.09.2012 415 585.00
30.06.2012 414 948.00
31.03.2012 408 523.00
31.12.2011 411 953.00
Další »
Currency,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Transferable deposits

31.03.2014 2 219 629.00
31.12.2013 2 237 556.00
30.09.2013 2 153 396.00
30.06.2013 2 127 127.00
31.03.2013 2 107 921.00
31.12.2012 2 130 041.00
30.09.2012 1 960 373.00
30.06.2012 1 931 263.00
31.03.2012 1 900 975.00
31.12.2011 1 878 148.00
Další »
Transferable deposits,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Other deposits

31.03.2014 2 412 622.00
31.12.2013 2 377 530.00
30.09.2013 2 019 356.00
30.06.2013 2 044 090.00
31.03.2013 2 111 577.00
31.12.2012 1 937 936.00
30.09.2012 2 044 525.00
30.06.2012 2 099 502.00
31.03.2012 2 146 756.00
31.12.2011 2 039 085.00
Další »
Other deposits,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Securities other than shares

31.03.2014 518 883.00
31.12.2013 508 710.00
30.09.2013 473 394.00
30.06.2013 464 827.00
31.03.2013 459 318.00
31.12.2012 467 738.00
30.09.2012 489 420.00
30.06.2012 478 103.00
31.03.2012 442 339.00
31.12.2011 472 679.00
Další »
Securities other than shares,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Securities other than shares, excluding FD

31.03.2014 411 261.00
31.12.2013 399 783.00
30.09.2013 383 220.00
30.06.2013 370 812.00
31.03.2013 345 234.00
31.12.2012 338 031.00
30.09.2012 335 940.00
30.06.2012 332 027.00
31.03.2012 310 803.00
31.12.2011 312 730.00
Další »
Securities other than shares, excluding FD,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Short-term securities

31.03.2014 7 101.00
31.12.2013 2 716.00
30.09.2013 7 225.00
30.06.2013 7 337.00
31.03.2013 1 684.00
31.12.2012 2 222.00
30.09.2012 5 988.00
30.06.2012 3 169.00
31.03.2012 1 399.00
31.12.2011 2 808.00
Další »
Short-term securities,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Long-term securities

31.03.2014 404 160.00
31.12.2013 397 067.00
30.09.2013 375 995.00
30.06.2013 363 475.00
31.03.2013 343 550.00
31.12.2012 335 809.00
30.09.2012 329 952.00
30.06.2012 328 858.00
31.03.2012 309 404.00
31.12.2011 309 922.00
Další »
Long-term securities,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Financial derivatives (FD)

31.03.2014 107 622.00
31.12.2013 108 927.00
30.09.2013 90 174.00
30.06.2013 94 015.00
31.03.2013 114 084.00
31.12.2012 129 707.00
30.09.2012 153 480.00
30.06.2012 146 076.00
31.03.2012 131 536.00
31.12.2011 159 949.00
Další »
Financial derivatives (FD),Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations


31.03.2014 545 810.00
31.12.2013 509 148.00
30.09.2013 448 196.00
30.06.2013 464 658.00
31.03.2013 467 589.00
31.12.2012 471 328.00
30.09.2012 461 446.00
30.06.2012 444 752.00
31.03.2012 408 745.00
31.12.2011 404 481.00
Další »
Loans,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Short-term loans

31.03.2014 115 601.00
31.12.2013 100 985.00
30.09.2013 82 120.00
30.06.2013 88 519.00
31.03.2013 78 858.00
31.12.2012 95 043.00
30.09.2012 88 498.00
30.06.2012 81 669.00
31.03.2012 77 140.00
31.12.2011 79 117.00
Další »
Short-term loans,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Long-term loans

31.03.2014 430 209.00
31.12.2013 408 163.00
30.09.2013 366 076.00
30.06.2013 376 139.00
31.03.2013 388 731.00
31.12.2012 376 285.00
30.09.2012 372 948.00
30.06.2012 363 083.00
31.03.2012 331 605.00
31.12.2011 325 364.00
Další »
Long-term loans,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Shares and other equity

31.03.2014 1 143 462.00
31.12.2013 1 090 058.00
30.09.2013 1 051 070.00
30.06.2013 983 121.00
31.03.2013 984 674.00
31.12.2012 993 359.00
30.09.2012 939 860.00
30.06.2012 899 436.00
31.03.2012 882 453.00
31.12.2011 832 831.00
Další »
Shares and other equity,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares

31.03.2014 922 031.00
31.12.2013 869 256.00
30.09.2013 842 291.00
30.06.2013 782 564.00
31.03.2013 795 262.00
31.12.2012 810 375.00
30.09.2012 772 976.00
30.06.2012 741 056.00
31.03.2012 721 867.00
31.12.2011 674 774.00
Další »
Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Quoted shares

31.03.2014 182 099.00
31.12.2013 169 107.00
30.09.2013 180 555.00
30.06.2013 141 869.00
31.03.2013 146 985.00
31.12.2012 153 538.00
30.09.2012 149 624.00
30.06.2012 134 440.00
31.03.2012 142 101.00
31.12.2011 127 639.00
Další »
Quoted shares,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Unquoted shares

31.03.2014 709 916.00
31.12.2013 670 137.00
30.09.2013 632 285.00
30.06.2013 606 408.00
31.03.2013 618 066.00
31.12.2012 621 628.00
30.09.2012 592 591.00
30.06.2012 577 609.00
31.03.2012 549 017.00
31.12.2011 516 056.00
Další »
Unquoted shares,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Other equity

31.03.2014 30 016.00
31.12.2013 30 012.00
30.09.2013 29 451.00
30.06.2013 34 287.00
31.03.2013 30 211.00
31.12.2012 35 209.00
30.09.2012 30 761.00
30.06.2012 29 007.00
31.03.2012 30 749.00
31.12.2011 31 079.00
Další »
Other equity,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Mutual funds shares

31.03.2014 221 431.00
31.12.2013 220 802.00
30.09.2013 208 779.00
30.06.2013 200 557.00
31.03.2013 189 412.00
31.12.2012 182 984.00
30.09.2012 166 884.00
30.06.2012 158 380.00
31.03.2012 160 586.00
31.12.2011 158 057.00
Další »
Mutual funds shares,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Insurance technical reserves

31.03.2014 702 033.00
31.12.2013 688 971.00
30.09.2013 680 433.00
30.06.2013 674 875.00
31.03.2013 657 265.00
31.12.2012 640 563.00
30.09.2012 636 421.00
30.06.2012 625 507.00
31.03.2012 614 634.00
31.12.2011 605 251.00
Další »
Insurance technical reserves,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves

31.03.2014 584 302.00
31.12.2013 571 906.00
30.09.2013 558 713.00
30.06.2013 546 072.00
31.03.2013 539 620.00
31.12.2012 526 986.00
30.09.2012 521 623.00
30.06.2012 510 293.00
31.03.2012 502 699.00
31.12.2011 494 182.00
Další »
Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Net equity of households in life insurance reserves

31.03.2014 292 137.00
31.12.2013 288 312.00
30.09.2013 284 816.00
30.06.2013 280 629.00
31.03.2013 282 919.00
31.12.2012 280 248.00
30.09.2012 278 138.00
30.06.2012 269 936.00
31.03.2012 267 174.00
31.12.2011 262 011.00
Další »
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Net equity of households in pension funds reserves

31.03.2014 292 165.00
31.12.2013 283 594.00
30.09.2013 273 897.00
30.06.2013 265 443.00
31.03.2013 256 701.00
31.12.2012 246 738.00
30.09.2012 243 485.00
30.06.2012 240 357.00
31.03.2012 235 525.00
31.12.2011 232 171.00
Další »
Net equity of households in pension funds reserves,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims

31.03.2014 117 731.00
31.12.2013 117 065.00
30.09.2013 121 720.00
30.06.2013 128 803.00
31.03.2013 117 645.00
31.12.2012 113 577.00
30.09.2012 114 798.00
30.06.2012 115 214.00
31.03.2012 111 935.00
31.12.2011 111 069.00
Další »
Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Other accounts payable

31.03.2014 281 858.00
31.12.2013 252 803.00
30.09.2013 266 011.00
30.06.2013 271 966.00
31.03.2013 203 900.00
31.12.2012 215 868.00
30.09.2012 221 449.00
30.06.2012 225 352.00
31.03.2012 207 570.00
31.12.2011 196 208.00
Další »
Other accounts payable,Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Financial corporations (Total)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
External liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Remaining liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB))
External liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Remaining liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels) (Levels)
External liabilities (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Remaining liabilities (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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