Other Investment (Financial account - other investment) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Other Investment (Financial account - other investment) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Financial account - other investment

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Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{aliapage.main_sql.name}} ... Financial account - other investment - Other Investment - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 30.11.2013 158 157.10
Min 30.04.2010 -57 920.20

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.08.2014 10 386.90 -2 661.50 13 048.40 - 490.26% 21 060.50 -10 673.60 -50.68%
31.07.2014 -2 661.50 74 775.80 -77 437.30 - 103.56% -29 516.00 26 854.50 -90.98%
30.06.2014 74 775.80 11 126.20 63 649.60 572.07% 6 238.10 68 537.70 1 098.70%
31.05.2014 11 126.20 -15 463.50 26 589.70 - 171.95% -2 008.80 13 135.00 - 653.87%
30.04.2014 -15 463.50 -40 918.80 25 455.30 -62.21% -32 913.40 17 449.90 -53.02%
31.03.2014 -40 918.80 -40 289.20 - 629.60 1.56% -14 490.20 -26 428.60 182.39%
28.02.2014 -40 289.20 -7 861.60 -32 427.60 412.48% -22 069.20 -18 220.00 82.56%
31.01.2014 -7 861.60 5 986.20 -13 847.80 - 231.33% -9 895.70 2 034.10 -20.56%
31.12.2013 5 986.20 158 157.10 - 152 170.90 -96.22% -2 672.30 8 658.50 - 324.01%
30.11.2013 158 157.10 -7 412.60 165 569.70 -2 233.63% 20 744.10 137 413.00 662.42%
31.10.2013 -7 412.60 -15 090.10 7 677.50 -50.88% 8 138.20 -15 550.80 - 191.08%
30.09.2013 -15 090.10 21 060.50 -36 150.60 - 171.65% -9 871.90 -5 218.20 52.86%
31.08.2013 21 060.50 -29 516.00 50 576.50 - 171.35% 12 557.00 8 503.50 67.72%
31.07.2013 -29 516.00 6 238.10 -35 754.10 - 573.16% -39 513.60 9 997.60 -25.30%
30.06.2013 6 238.10 -2 008.80 8 246.90 - 410.54% -31 781.00 38 019.10 - 119.63%
31.05.2013 -2 008.80 -32 913.40 30 904.60 -93.90% -28 205.00 26 196.20 -92.88%
30.04.2013 -32 913.40 -14 490.20 -18 423.20 127.14% 1 032.20 -33 945.60 -3 288.66%
31.03.2013 -14 490.20 -22 069.20 7 579.00 -34.34% 3 467.30 -17 957.50 - 517.91%
28.02.2013 -22 069.20 -9 895.70 -12 173.50 123.02% -19 231.60 -2 837.60 14.75%
31.01.2013 -9 895.70 -2 672.30 -7 223.40 270.31% -25 064.30 15 168.60 -60.52%
31.12.2012 -2 672.30 20 744.10 -23 416.40 - 112.88% -12 747.00 10 074.70 -79.04%
30.11.2012 20 744.10 8 138.20 12 605.90 154.90% 12 784.30 7 959.80 62.26%
31.10.2012 8 138.20 -9 871.90 18 010.10 - 182.44% -31 618.60 39 756.80 - 125.74%
30.09.2012 -9 871.90 12 557.00 -22 428.90 - 178.62% -14 068.70 4 196.80 -29.83%
31.08.2012 12 557.00 -39 513.60 52 070.60 - 131.78% 42 689.40 -30 132.40 -70.59%
31.07.2012 -39 513.60 -31 781.00 -7 732.60 24.33% - 475.00 -39 038.60 8 218.65%
30.06.2012 -31 781.00 -28 205.00 -3 576.00 12.68% 2 253.30 -34 034.30 -1 510.42%
31.05.2012 -28 205.00 1 032.20 -29 237.20 -2 832.51% 6 489.60 -34 694.60 - 534.62%
30.04.2012 1 032.20 3 467.30 -2 435.10 -70.23% 5 788.00 -4 755.80 -82.17%
31.03.2012 3 467.30 -19 231.60 22 698.90 - 118.03% 31 170.40 -27 703.10 -88.88%
29.02.2012 -19 231.60 -25 064.30 5 832.70 -23.27% -1 000.00 -18 231.60 1 823.16%
31.01.2012 -25 064.30 -12 747.00 -12 317.30 96.63% -31 439.10 6 374.80 -20.28%
31.12.2011 -12 747.00 12 784.30 -25 531.30 - 199.71% 7 728.80 -20 475.80 - 264.93%
30.11.2011 12 784.30 -31 618.60 44 402.90 - 140.43% 25 895.30 -13 111.00 -50.63%
31.10.2011 -31 618.60 -14 068.70 -17 549.90 124.74% -6 875.10 -24 743.50 359.90%
30.09.2011 -14 068.70 42 689.40 -56 758.10 - 132.96% -3 590.60 -10 478.10 291.82%
31.08.2011 42 689.40 - 475.00 43 164.40 -9 087.24% 4 014.00 38 675.40 963.51%
31.07.2011 - 475.00 2 253.30 -2 728.30 - 121.08% 22 884.60 -23 359.60 - 102.08%
30.06.2011 2 253.30 6 489.60 -4 236.30 -65.28% -37 802.80 40 056.10 - 105.96%
31.05.2011 6 489.60 5 788.00 701.60 12.12% 40 159.40 -33 669.80 -83.84%
30.04.2011 5 788.00 31 170.40 -25 382.40 -81.43% -57 920.20 63 708.20 - 109.99%
31.03.2011 31 170.40 -1 000.00 32 170.40 -3 217.04% -41 779.90 72 950.30 - 174.61%
28.02.2011 -1 000.00 -31 439.10 30 439.10 -96.82% -13 530.40 12 530.40 -92.61%
31.01.2011 -31 439.10 7 728.80 -39 167.90 - 506.78% -7 310.70 -24 128.40 330.04%
31.12.2010 7 728.80 25 895.30 -18 166.50 -70.15% -10 648.10 18 376.90 - 172.58%
30.11.2010 25 895.30 -6 875.10 32 770.40 - 476.65% 17 024.90 8 870.40 52.10%
31.10.2010 -6 875.10 -3 590.60 -3 284.50 91.47% -37 382.40 30 507.30 -81.61%
30.09.2010 -3 590.60 4 014.00 -7 604.60 - 189.45% 9 493.00 -13 083.60 - 137.82%
31.08.2010 4 014.00 22 884.60 -18 870.60 -82.46% 7 376.70 -3 362.70 -45.59%
31.07.2010 22 884.60 -37 802.80 60 687.40 - 160.54% 7 940.80 14 943.80 188.19%
30.06.2010 -37 802.80 40 159.40 -77 962.20 - 194.13% 24 543.20 -62 346.00 - 254.03%
31.05.2010 40 159.40 -57 920.20 98 079.60 - 169.34% -33 336.70 73 496.10 - 220.47%
30.04.2010 -57 920.20 -41 779.90 -16 140.30 38.63% -24 470.00 -33 450.20 136.70%
31.03.2010 -41 779.90 -13 530.40 -28 249.50 208.79% -25 597.50 -16 182.40 63.22%
28.02.2010 -13 530.40 -7 310.70 -6 219.70 85.08% 8 967.90 -22 498.30 - 250.88%
31.01.2010 -7 310.70 -10 648.10 3 337.40 -31.34% 2 502.40 -9 813.10 - 392.15%
31.12.2009 -10 648.10 17 024.90 -27 673.00 - 162.54% 27 281.40 -37 929.50 - 139.03%
30.11.2009 17 024.90 -37 382.40 54 407.30 - 145.54% 68 699.00 -51 674.10 -75.22%
31.10.2009 -37 382.40 9 493.00 -46 875.40 - 493.79% -7 501.80 -29 880.60 398.31%
30.09.2009 9 493.00 7 376.70 2 116.30 28.69% 27 959.30 -18 466.30 -66.05%
31.08.2009 7 376.70 7 940.80 - 564.10 -7.10% 13 934.60 -6 557.90 -47.06%
31.07.2009 7 940.80 24 543.20 -16 602.40 -67.65% -19 781.00 27 721.80 - 140.14%
30.06.2009 24 543.20 -33 336.70 57 879.90 - 173.62% -19 981.20 44 524.40 - 222.83%
31.05.2009 -33 336.70 -24 470.00 -8 866.70 36.23% -12 186.70 -21 150.00 173.55%
30.04.2009 -24 470.00 -25 597.50 1 127.50 -4.40% 1 217.70 -25 687.70 -2 109.53%
31.03.2009 -25 597.50 8 967.90 -34 565.40 - 385.43% -3 141.40 -22 456.10 714.84%
28.02.2009 8 967.90 2 502.40 6 465.50 258.37% -4 231.20 13 199.10 - 311.95%
31.01.2009 2 502.40 27 281.40 -24 779.00 -90.83% -6 975.00 9 477.40 - 135.88%
31.12.2008 27 281.40 68 699.00 -41 417.60 -60.29% -7 981.50 35 262.90 - 441.81%
30.11.2008 68 699.00 -7 501.80 76 200.80 -1 015.77% -6 057.90 74 756.90 -1 234.04%
31.10.2008 -7 501.80 27 959.30 -35 461.10 - 126.83% -13 052.00 5 550.20 -42.52%
30.09.2008 27 959.30 13 934.60 14 024.70 100.65% 15 499.60 12 459.70 80.39%
31.08.2008 13 934.60 -19 781.00 33 715.60 - 170.44% 58 468.40 -44 533.80 -76.17%
31.07.2008 -19 781.00 -19 981.20 200.20 -1.00% -4 807.40 -14 973.60 311.47%
30.06.2008 -19 981.20 -12 186.70 -7 794.50 63.96% 4 548.40 -24 529.60 - 539.30%
31.05.2008 -12 186.70 1 217.70 -13 404.40 -1 100.80% -3 343.90 -8 842.80 264.45%
30.04.2008 1 217.70 -3 141.40 4 359.10 - 138.76% -14 090.40 15 308.10 - 108.64%
31.03.2008 -3 141.40 -4 231.20 1 089.80 -25.76% -6 044.80 2 903.40 -48.03%
29.02.2008 -4 231.20 -6 975.00 2 743.80 -39.34% -5 832.90 1 601.70 -27.46%
31.01.2008 -6 975.00 -7 981.50 1 006.50 -12.61% -15 128.90 8 153.90 -53.90%
31.12.2007 -7 981.50 -6 057.90 -1 923.60 31.75% -22 626.90 14 645.40 -64.73%
30.11.2007 -6 057.90 -13 052.00 6 994.10 -53.59% 21 838.50 -27 896.40 - 127.74%
31.10.2007 -13 052.00 15 499.60 -28 551.60 - 184.21% -8 102.10 -4 949.90 61.09%
30.09.2007 15 499.60 58 468.40 -42 968.80 -73.49% -7 266.30 22 765.90 - 313.31%
31.08.2007 58 468.40 -4 807.40 63 275.80 -1 316.22% 6 527.50 51 940.90 795.72%
31.07.2007 -4 807.40 4 548.40 -9 355.80 - 205.69% 20 572.30 -25 379.70 - 123.37%
30.06.2007 4 548.40 -3 343.90 7 892.30 - 236.02% -7 390.90 11 939.30 - 161.54%
31.05.2007 -3 343.90 -14 090.40 10 746.50 -76.27% 24 892.30 -28 236.20 - 113.43%
30.04.2007 -14 090.40 -6 044.80 -8 045.60 133.10% 13 594.80 -27 685.20 - 203.65%
31.03.2007 -6 044.80 -5 832.90 - 211.90 3.63% -3 012.10 -3 032.70 100.68%
28.02.2007 -5 832.90 -15 128.90 9 296.00 -61.45% 17 823.10 -23 656.00 - 132.73%
31.01.2007 -15 128.90 -22 626.90 7 498.00 -33.14% -21 074.60 5 945.70 -28.21%
31.12.2006 -22 626.90 21 838.50 -44 465.40 - 203.61% 9 684.50 -32 311.40 - 333.64%
30.11.2006 21 838.50 -8 102.10 29 940.60 - 369.54% 15 737.40 6 101.10 38.77%
31.10.2006 -8 102.10 -7 266.30 - 835.80 11.50% -32 008.50 23 906.40 -74.69%
30.09.2006 -7 266.30 6 527.50 -13 793.80 - 211.32% 11 551.80 -18 818.10 - 162.90%
31.08.2006 6 527.50 20 572.30 -14 044.80 -68.27% 7 948.50 -1 421.00 -17.88%
31.07.2006 20 572.30 -7 390.90 27 963.20 - 378.35% 1 857.80 18 714.50 1 007.35%
30.06.2006 -7 390.90 24 892.30 -32 283.20 - 129.69% -12 562.40 5 171.50 -41.17%
31.05.2006 24 892.30 13 594.80 11 297.50 83.10% -21 017.80 45 910.10 - 218.43%
30.04.2006 13 594.80 -3 012.10 16 606.90 - 551.34% 1 267.50 12 327.30 972.57%
31.03.2006 -3 012.10 17 823.10 -20 835.20 - 116.90% -22 125.40 19 113.30 -86.39%
28.02.2006 17 823.10 -21 074.60 38 897.70 - 184.57% -9 027.00 26 850.10 - 297.44%
31.01.2006 -21 074.60 9 684.50 -30 759.10 - 317.61% 10 072.90 -31 147.50 - 309.22%
31.12.2005 9 684.50 15 737.40 -6 052.90 -38.46% 40 885.10 -31 200.60 -76.31%
30.11.2005 15 737.40 -32 008.50 47 745.90 - 149.17% 34 937.30 -19 199.90 -54.96%
31.10.2005 -32 008.50 11 551.80 -43 560.30 - 377.09% -4 562.10 -27 446.40 601.62%
30.09.2005 11 551.80 7 948.50 3 603.30 45.33% -3 340.90 14 892.70 - 445.77%
31.08.2005 7 948.50 1 857.80 6 090.70 327.84% 1 176.80 6 771.70 575.43%
31.07.2005 1 857.80 -12 562.40 14 420.20 - 114.79% 26 215.70 -24 357.90 -92.91%
30.06.2005 -12 562.40 -21 017.80 8 455.40 -40.23% -34 180.20 21 617.80 -63.25%
31.05.2005 -21 017.80 1 267.50 -22 285.30 -1 758.21% 4 249.60 -25 267.40 - 594.58%
30.04.2005 1 267.50 -22 125.40 23 392.90 - 105.73% 8 025.60 -6 758.10 -84.21%
31.03.2005 -22 125.40 -9 027.00 -13 098.40 145.10% -25 679.70 3 554.30 -13.84%
28.02.2005 -9 027.00 10 072.90 -19 099.90 - 189.62% -13 372.20 4 345.20 -32.49%
31.01.2005 10 072.90 40 885.10 -30 812.20 -75.36% -8 643.80 18 716.70 - 216.53%
31.12.2004 40 885.10 34 937.30 5 947.80 17.02% 25 081.40 15 803.70 63.01%
30.11.2004 34 937.30 -4 562.10 39 499.40 - 865.82% 32 688.60 2 248.70 6.88%
31.10.2004 -4 562.10 -3 340.90 -1 221.20 36.55% 15 045.30 -19 607.40 - 130.32%
30.09.2004 -3 340.90 1 176.80 -4 517.70 - 383.90% - 503.80 -2 837.10 563.14%
31.08.2004 1 176.80 26 215.70 -25 038.90 -95.51% 11 734.10 -10 557.30 -89.97%
31.07.2004 26 215.70 -34 180.20 60 395.90 - 176.70% 9 990.30 16 225.40 162.41%
30.06.2004 -34 180.20 4 249.60 -38 429.80 - 904.32% -2 742.90 -31 437.30 1 146.13%
31.05.2004 4 249.60 8 025.60 -3 776.00 -47.05% 11 345.80 -7 096.20 -62.54%
30.04.2004 8 025.60 -25 679.70 33 705.30 - 131.25% -7 672.10 15 697.70 - 204.61%
31.03.2004 -25 679.70 -13 372.20 -12 307.50 92.04% 19 449.70 -45 129.40 - 232.03%
29.02.2004 -13 372.20 -8 643.80 -4 728.40 54.70% - 260.50 -13 111.70 5 033.28%
31.01.2004 -8 643.80 25 081.40 -33 725.20 - 134.46% 21 296.30 -29 940.10 - 140.59%
31.12.2003 25 081.40 32 688.60 -7 607.20 -23.27% - - -
30.11.2003 32 688.60 15 045.30 17 643.30 117.27% - - -
31.10.2003 15 045.30 - 503.80 15 549.10 -3 086.36% - - -
30.09.2003 - 503.80 11 734.10 -12 237.90 - 104.29% - - -
31.08.2003 11 734.10 9 990.30 1 743.80 17.45% - - -
31.07.2003 9 990.30 -2 742.90 12 733.20 - 464.22% - - -
30.06.2003 -2 742.90 11 345.80 -14 088.70 - 124.18% - - -
31.05.2003 11 345.80 -7 672.10 19 017.90 - 247.88% - - -
30.04.2003 -7 672.10 19 449.70 -27 121.80 - 139.45% - - -
31.03.2003 19 449.70 - 260.50 19 710.20 -7 566.30% - - -
28.02.2003 - 260.50 21 296.30 -21 556.80 - 101.22% - - -
31.01.2003 21 296.30 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Other Investment - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Other Investment (Financial account - other investment)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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Rodičovský příspěvek

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Hypoteční kalkulačka

Povinné ručení

Banky a Bankomaty

Úrokové sazby, Hypotéky

Směnárny - Euro, Dolar

Práce - Volná místa

Úřad práce, Mzda, Platy

Dávky a příspěvky

Nemocenská, Porodné

Podpora v nezaměstnanosti



Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


Města a obce, PSČ

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Ochranné známky

Občanský zákoník

Zákoník práce

Stavební zákon

Daně, formuláře

Další odkazy

Auto - Cena, Spolehlivost

Registr vozidel - Technický průkaz, eTechničák

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Volby, Mapa webu

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Prague stock exchange

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