General Government (External Debt»External Debt) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat General Government (External Debt»External Debt) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, External Debt

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... External Debt - General Government - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 30.06.2017 965 350.60
Min 31.12.2001 31 304.20

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.03.2020 776 835.60 689 527.20 87 308.40 12.66% 770 741.60 6 094.00 0.79%
31.12.2019 689 527.20 758 434.70 -68 907.50 -9.09% 701 006.60 -11 479.40 -1.64%
30.09.2019 758 434.70 782 070.10 -23 635.40 -3.02% 734 952.70 23 482.00 3.19%
30.06.2019 782 070.10 770 741.60 11 328.50 1.47% 778 278.60 3 791.50 0.49%
31.03.2019 770 741.60 701 006.60 69 735.00 9.95% 873 513.00 - 102 771.40 -11.77%
31.12.2018 701 006.60 734 952.70 -33 946.10 -4.62% 802 307.30 - 101 300.70 -12.63%
30.09.2018 734 952.70 778 278.60 -43 325.90 -5.57% 818 278.00 -83 325.30 -10.18%
30.06.2018 778 278.60 873 513.00 -95 234.40 -10.90% 965 350.60 - 187 072.00 -19.38%
31.03.2018 873 513.00 802 307.30 71 205.70 8.88% 893 356.90 -19 843.90 -2.22%
31.12.2017 802 307.30 818 278.00 -15 970.70 -1.95% 787 937.90 14 369.40 1.82%
30.09.2017 818 278.00 965 350.60 - 147 072.60 -15.24% 771 800.90 46 477.10 6.02%
30.06.2017 965 350.60 893 356.90 71 993.70 8.06% 779 546.60 185 804.00 23.83%
31.03.2017 893 356.90 787 937.90 105 419.00 13.38% 753 124.20 140 232.70 18.62%
31.12.2016 787 937.90 771 800.90 16 137.00 2.09% 704 322.00 83 615.90 11.87%
30.09.2016 771 800.90 779 546.60 -7 745.70 -0.99% 684 206.50 87 594.40 12.80%
30.06.2016 779 546.60 753 124.20 26 422.40 3.51% 618 834.20 160 712.40 25.97%
31.03.2016 753 124.20 704 322.00 48 802.20 6.93% 611 463.90 141 660.30 23.17%
31.12.2015 704 322.00 684 206.50 20 115.50 2.94% 577 340.80 126 981.20 21.99%
30.09.2015 684 206.50 618 834.20 65 372.30 10.56% 599 509.60 84 696.90 14.13%
30.06.2015 618 834.20 611 463.90 7 370.30 1.21% 591 184.30 27 649.90 4.68%
31.03.2015 611 463.90 577 340.80 34 123.10 5.91% 633 138.60 -21 674.70 -3.42%
31.12.2014 577 340.80 599 509.60 -22 168.80 -3.70% 621 129.90 -43 789.10 -7.05%
30.09.2014 599 509.60 591 184.30 8 325.30 1.41% 560 111.40 39 398.20 7.03%
30.06.2014 591 184.30 633 138.60 -41 954.30 -6.63% 569 147.30 22 037.00 3.87%
31.03.2014 633 138.60 621 129.90 12 008.70 1.93% 567 519.40 65 619.20 11.56%
31.12.2013 621 129.90 560 111.40 61 018.50 10.89% 552 081.80 69 048.10 12.51%
30.09.2013 560 111.40 569 147.30 -9 035.90 -1.59% 542 843.10 17 268.30 3.18%
30.06.2013 569 147.30 567 519.40 1 627.90 0.29% 530 231.20 38 916.10 7.34%
31.03.2013 567 519.40 552 081.80 15 437.60 2.80% 523 520.60 43 998.80 8.40%
31.12.2012 552 081.80 542 843.10 9 238.70 1.70% 474 057.60 78 024.20 16.46%
30.09.2012 542 843.10 530 231.20 12 611.90 2.38% 466 336.80 76 506.30 16.41%
30.06.2012 530 231.20 523 520.60 6 710.60 1.28% 461 946.20 68 285.00 14.78%
31.03.2012 523 520.60 474 057.60 49 463.00 10.43% 448 478.80 75 041.80 16.73%
31.12.2011 474 057.60 466 336.80 7 720.80 1.66% 464 482.10 9 575.50 2.06%
30.09.2011 466 336.80 461 946.20 4 390.60 0.95% 458 605.10 7 731.70 1.69%
30.06.2011 461 946.20 448 478.80 13 467.40 3.00% 384 524.20 77 422.00 20.13%
31.03.2011 448 478.80 464 482.10 -16 003.30 -3.45% 376 990.00 71 488.80 18.96%
31.12.2010 464 482.10 458 605.10 5 877.00 1.28% 368 741.20 95 740.90 25.96%
30.09.2010 458 605.10 384 524.20 74 080.90 19.27% 324 832.80 133 772.30 41.18%
30.06.2010 384 524.20 376 990.00 7 534.20 2.00% 318 228.40 66 295.80 20.83%
31.03.2010 376 990.00 368 741.20 8 248.80 2.24% 283 564.80 93 425.20 32.95%
31.12.2009 368 741.20 324 832.80 43 908.40 13.52% 298 430.80 70 310.40 23.56%
30.09.2009 324 832.80 318 228.40 6 604.40 2.08% 327 726.20 -2 893.40 -0.88%
30.06.2009 318 228.40 283 564.80 34 663.60 12.22% 319 052.70 - 824.30 -0.26%
31.03.2009 283 564.80 298 430.80 -14 866.00 -4.98% 272 163.30 11 401.50 4.19%
31.12.2008 298 430.80 327 726.20 -29 295.40 -8.94% 277 092.70 21 338.10 7.70%
30.09.2008 327 726.20 319 052.70 8 673.50 2.72% 265 903.80 61 822.40 23.25%
30.06.2008 319 052.70 272 163.30 46 889.40 17.23% 274 037.50 45 015.20 16.43%
31.03.2008 272 163.30 277 092.70 -4 929.40 -1.78% 258 998.00 13 165.30 5.08%
31.12.2007 277 092.70 265 903.80 11 188.90 4.21% 250 069.80 27 022.90 10.81%
30.09.2007 265 903.80 274 037.50 -8 133.70 -2.97% 238 126.80 27 777.00 11.66%
30.06.2007 274 037.50 258 998.00 15 039.50 5.81% 235 192.40 38 845.10 16.52%
31.03.2007 258 998.00 250 069.80 8 928.20 3.57% 231 306.90 27 691.10 11.97%
31.12.2006 250 069.80 238 126.80 11 943.00 5.02% 224 305.80 25 764.00 11.49%
30.09.2006 238 126.80 235 192.40 2 934.40 1.25% 219 791.10 18 335.70 8.34%
30.06.2006 235 192.40 231 306.90 3 885.50 1.68% 199 485.50 35 706.90 17.90%
31.03.2006 231 306.90 224 305.80 7 001.10 3.12% 181 850.60 49 456.30 27.20%
31.12.2005 224 305.80 219 791.10 4 514.70 2.05% 151 063.20 73 242.60 48.48%
30.09.2005 219 791.10 199 485.50 20 305.60 10.18% 134 832.50 84 958.60 63.01%
30.06.2005 199 485.50 181 850.60 17 634.90 9.70% 120 818.10 78 667.40 65.11%
31.03.2005 181 850.60 151 063.20 30 787.40 20.38% 76 454.30 105 396.30 137.86%
31.12.2004 151 063.20 134 832.50 16 230.70 12.04% 69 739.90 81 323.30 116.61%
30.09.2004 134 832.50 120 818.10 14 014.40 11.60% 63 184.60 71 647.90 113.39%
30.06.2004 120 818.10 76 454.30 44 363.80 58.03% 68 882.60 51 935.50 75.40%
31.03.2004 76 454.30 69 739.90 6 714.40 9.63% 54 177.10 22 277.20 41.12%
31.12.2003 69 739.90 63 184.60 6 555.30 10.37% 48 462.30 21 277.60 43.91%
30.09.2003 63 184.60 68 882.60 -5 698.00 -8.27% 46 764.00 16 420.60 35.11%
30.06.2003 68 882.60 54 177.10 14 705.50 27.14% 43 373.50 25 509.10 58.81%
31.03.2003 54 177.10 48 462.30 5 714.80 11.79% 38 198.60 15 978.50 41.83%
31.12.2002 48 462.30 46 764.00 1 698.30 3.63% 31 304.20 17 158.10 54.81%
30.09.2002 46 764.00 43 373.50 3 390.50 7.82% 32 064.90 14 699.10 45.84%
30.06.2002 43 373.50 38 198.60 5 174.90 13.55% 33 333.80 10 039.70 30.12%
31.03.2002 38 198.60 31 304.20 6 894.40 22.02% 36 802.20 1 396.40 3.79%
31.12.2001 31 304.20 32 064.90 - 760.70 -2.37% 40 819.40 -9 515.20 -23.31%
30.09.2001 32 064.90 33 333.80 -1 268.90 -3.81% 37 399.20 -5 334.30 -14.26%
30.06.2001 33 333.80 36 802.20 -3 468.40 -9.42% 34 947.60 -1 613.80 -4.62%
31.03.2001 36 802.20 40 819.40 -4 017.20 -9.84% 35 306.70 1 495.50 4.24%
31.12.2000 40 819.40 37 399.20 3 420.20 9.15% 41 236.20 - 416.80 -1.01%
30.09.2000 37 399.20 34 947.60 2 451.60 7.01% 41 972.20 -4 573.00 -10.90%
30.06.2000 34 947.60 35 306.70 - 359.10 -1.02% 41 972.20 -7 024.60 -16.74%
31.03.2000 35 306.70 41 236.20 -5 929.50 -14.38% 41 972.20 -6 665.50 -15.88%
31.12.1999 41 236.20 41 972.20 - 736.00 -1.75% 41 972.20 - 736.00 -1.75%
31.12.1998 41 972.20 59 942.80 -17 970.60 -29.98% 59 942.80 -17 970.60 -29.98%
31.12.1997 59 942.80 58 636.30 1 306.50 2.23% 58 636.30 1 306.50 2.23%
31.12.1996 58 636.30 77 219.20 -18 582.90 -24.07% 77 219.20 -18 582.90 -24.07%
31.12.1995 77 219.20 98 909.90 -21 690.70 -21.93% 98 909.90 -21 690.70 -21.93%
31.12.1994 98 909.90 82 304.90 16 605.00 20.17% 82 304.90 16 605.00 20.17%
31.12.1993 82 304.90 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

General Government - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
General Government (External Debt)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Overnight (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - With agreed maturity (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Redeemable at notice (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Repurchase agreements (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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