Small banks (Banks»Liabilities and equity) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Small banks (Banks»Liabilities and equity) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Small banks - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Liabilities and equity, total</b> 704 001.00 639 164.00 10.14% 592 991.00 18.72%
IND2 1. Liabilities, total 648 140.00 584 554.00 10.88% 543 885.00 19.17%
IND3 1.1. Financial liabilities held for trading 2 173.00 728.00 198.49% 1 375.00 58.04%
IND4 1.1.1. Derivatives 2 170.00 727.00 198.49% 999.00 117.22%
IND5 1.1.2. Short positions 2.00 1.00 100.00% 376.00 -99.47%
IND6 1.1.3. Deposits 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND7 1.1.4. Debt securities issued 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 1.1.5. Other financial liabilities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 1.2. Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 1.2.1. Deposits 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 1.2.2. Debt securities issued 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 1.2.3. Other financial liabilities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND13 1.3. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 635 174.00 575 049.00 10.46% 529 710.00 19.91%
IND14 1.3.1. Deposits 576 816.00 523 279.00 10.23% 469 306.00 22.91%
IND15 1.3.2. Debt securities issued 54 837.00 50 117.00 9.42% 57 916.00 -5.32%
IND16 1.3.3. Other financial liabilities 3 521.00 1 653.00 113.01% 2 488.00 41.52%
IND17 1.4. Derivatives - hedge accounting 1 424.00 74.00 1 824.32% 161.00 784.47%
IND18 1.5. Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk 1.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 1.6. Provisions 4 550.00 4 403.00 3.34% 4 175.00 8.98%
IND20 1.7. Tax liabilities 735.00 686.00 7.14% 571.00 28.72%
IND21 1.8. Share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 1.9. Other liabilities 4 082.00 3 615.00 12.92% 7 892.00 -48.28%
IND23 1.10. Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND24 2. Equity, total 55 861.00 54 610.00 2.29% 49 106.00 13.76%
IND25 2.1. Capital 21 059.00 21 059.00 0.00 21 059.00 0.00
IND26 2.2. Share premium 10 051.00 10 051.00 0.00 9 551.00 5.24%
IND27 2.3. Equity instruments issued other than capital 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 2.4. Other equity 1 793.00 1 793.00 0.00 1 847.00 -2.92%
IND29 2.5. Accumulated other comprehensive income -71.00 242.00 - 129.34% 158.00 - 144.94%
IND30 2.6. Retained earnings 13 818.00 8 914.00 55.01% 9 312.00 48.39%
IND31 2.7. Revaluation reserves 469.00 469.00 0.00 469.00 0.00
IND32 2.8. Other reserves 7 467.00 7 350.00 1.59% 5 876.00 27.08%
IND33 2.9. (-) Treasury shares - 174.00 - 172.00 1.16% - 169.00 2.96%
IND34 2.10. Profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent 1 450.00 4 904.00 -70.43% 1 003.00 44.57%

Liabilities and equity, total

31.03.2020 704 001.00
31.12.2019 639 164.00
30.09.2019 628 670.00
30.06.2019 604 233.00
31.03.2019 592 991.00
31.12.2018 562 195.00
30.09.2018 544 928.00
30.06.2018 551 568.00
31.03.2018 547 540.00
31.12.2017 514 339.00
Další »
Liabilities and equity, total,Small banks

Liabilities, total

31.03.2020 648 140.00
31.12.2019 584 554.00
30.09.2019 575 783.00
30.06.2019 553 772.00
31.03.2019 543 885.00
31.12.2018 516 608.00
30.09.2018 500 080.00
30.06.2018 507 706.00
31.03.2018 506 558.00
31.12.2017 473 549.00
Další »
Liabilities, total,Small banks

1. Financial liabilities held for trading

31.03.2020 2 173.00
31.12.2019 728.00
30.09.2019 962.00
30.06.2019 1 283.00
31.03.2019 1 375.00
31.12.2018 734.00
30.09.2018 445.00
30.06.2018 583.00
31.03.2018 469.00
31.12.2017 922.00
Další »
1. Financial liabilities held for trading,Small banks

1.1. Derivatives

31.03.2020 2 170.00
31.12.2019 727.00
30.09.2019 962.00
30.06.2019 920.00
31.03.2019 999.00
31.12.2018 734.00
30.09.2018 445.00
30.06.2018 581.00
31.03.2018 468.00
31.12.2017 922.00
Další »
1.1. Derivatives,Small banks

1.2. Short positions

31.03.2020 2.00
31.12.2019 1.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 363.00
31.03.2019 376.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 3.00
31.03.2018 2.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
1.2. Short positions,Small banks

1.3. Deposits

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
1.3. Deposits,Small banks

1.4. Debt securities issued

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
1.4. Debt securities issued,Small banks

1.5. Other financial liabilities

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
1.5. Other financial liabilities,Small banks

2. Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
2. Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss,Small banks

2.1. Deposits

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
2.1. Deposits,Small banks

2.2. Debt securities issued

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
2.2. Debt securities issued,Small banks

2.3. Other financial liabilities

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
2.3. Other financial liabilities,Small banks

3. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost

31.03.2020 635 174.00
31.12.2019 575 049.00
30.09.2019 565 491.00
30.06.2019 543 368.00
31.03.2019 529 710.00
31.12.2018 505 456.00
30.09.2018 488 731.00
30.06.2018 496 089.00
31.03.2018 498 916.00
31.12.2017 466 134.00
Další »
3. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost,Small banks

3.1. Deposits

31.03.2020 576 816.00
31.12.2019 523 279.00
30.09.2019 510 308.00
30.06.2019 485 793.00
31.03.2019 469 306.00
31.12.2018 444 646.00
30.09.2018 423 599.00
30.06.2018 423 214.00
31.03.2018 419 795.00
31.12.2017 394 819.00
Další »
3.1. Deposits,Small banks

3.2. Debt securities issued

31.03.2020 54 837.00
31.12.2019 50 117.00
30.09.2019 53 136.00
30.06.2019 54 527.00
31.03.2019 57 916.00
31.12.2018 59 768.00
30.09.2018 60 783.00
30.06.2018 65 423.00
31.03.2018 70 515.00
31.12.2017 69 163.00
Další »
3.2. Debt securities issued,Small banks

3.3. Other financial liabilities

31.03.2020 3 521.00
31.12.2019 1 653.00
30.09.2019 2 046.00
30.06.2019 3 047.00
31.03.2019 2 488.00
31.12.2018 1 042.00
30.09.2018 4 349.00
30.06.2018 7 452.00
31.03.2018 8 605.00
31.12.2017 2 152.00
Další »
3.3. Other financial liabilities,Small banks

4. Derivatives - hedge accounting

31.03.2020 1 424.00
31.12.2019 74.00
30.09.2019 327.00
30.06.2019 317.00
31.03.2019 161.00
31.12.2018 210.00
30.09.2018 141.00
30.06.2018 435.00
31.03.2018 314.00
31.12.2017 370.00
Další »
4. Derivatives - hedge accounting,Small banks

5. Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk

31.03.2020 1.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
5. Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk,Small banks

6. Provisions

31.03.2020 4 550.00
31.12.2019 4 403.00
30.09.2019 4 458.00
30.06.2019 4 230.00
31.03.2019 4 175.00
31.12.2018 3 942.00
30.09.2018 3 711.00
30.06.2018 3 755.00
31.03.2018 3 808.00
31.12.2017 3 779.00
Další »
6. Provisions,Small banks

7. Tax liabilities

31.03.2020 735.00
31.12.2019 686.00
30.09.2019 627.00
30.06.2019 555.00
31.03.2019 571.00
31.12.2018 487.00
30.09.2018 516.00
30.06.2018 405.00
31.03.2018 407.00
31.12.2017 256.00
Další »
7. Tax liabilities,Small banks

8. Share capital repayable on demand

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
8. Share capital repayable on demand,Small banks

9. Other liabilities

31.03.2020 4 082.00
31.12.2019 3 615.00
30.09.2019 3 918.00
30.06.2019 4 020.00
31.03.2019 7 892.00
31.12.2018 5 779.00
30.09.2018 6 537.00
30.06.2018 6 440.00
31.03.2018 2 644.00
31.12.2017 2 089.00
Další »
9. Other liabilities,Small banks

10. Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
10. Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale,Small banks

Equity, total

31.03.2020 55 861.00
31.12.2019 54 610.00
30.09.2019 52 887.00
30.06.2019 50 461.00
31.03.2019 49 106.00
31.12.2018 45 587.00
30.09.2018 44 849.00
30.06.2018 43 861.00
31.03.2018 40 982.00
31.12.2017 40 790.00
Další »
Equity, total,Small banks

1. Capital

31.03.2020 21 059.00
31.12.2019 21 059.00
30.09.2019 21 059.00
30.06.2019 21 059.00
31.03.2019 21 059.00
31.12.2018 19 239.00
30.09.2018 19 024.00
30.06.2018 19 024.00
31.03.2018 18 544.00
31.12.2017 18 226.00
Další »
1. Capital,Small banks

2. Share premium

31.03.2020 10 051.00
31.12.2019 10 051.00
30.09.2019 9 551.00
30.06.2019 9 551.00
31.03.2019 9 551.00
31.12.2018 9 521.00
30.09.2018 9 513.00
30.06.2018 9 513.00
31.03.2018 9 493.00
31.12.2017 9 180.00
Další »
2. Share premium,Small banks

3. Equity instruments issued other than capital

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
3. Equity instruments issued other than capital,Small banks

4. Other equity

31.03.2020 1 793.00
31.12.2019 1 793.00
30.09.2019 1 793.00
30.06.2019 1 847.00
31.03.2019 1 847.00
31.12.2018 1 222.00
30.09.2018 1 222.00
30.06.2018 1 222.00
31.03.2018 2 473.00
31.12.2017 2 473.00
Další »
4. Other equity,Small banks

5. Accumulated other comprehensive income

31.03.2020 -71.00
31.12.2019 242.00
30.09.2019 291.00
30.06.2019 266.00
31.03.2019 158.00
31.12.2018 183.00
30.09.2018 288.00
30.06.2018 91.00
31.03.2018 193.00
31.12.2017 334.00
Další »
5. Accumulated other comprehensive income,Small banks

6. Retained earnings

31.03.2020 13 818.00
31.12.2019 8 914.00
30.09.2019 8 918.00
30.06.2019 8 920.00
31.03.2019 9 312.00
31.12.2018 5 179.00
30.09.2018 5 236.00
30.06.2018 5 236.00
31.03.2018 5 986.00
31.12.2017 4 769.00
Další »
6. Retained earnings,Small banks

7. Revaluation reserves

31.03.2020 469.00
31.12.2019 469.00
30.09.2019 469.00
30.06.2019 469.00
31.03.2019 469.00
31.12.2018 469.00
30.09.2018 412.00
30.06.2018 412.00
31.03.2018 412.00
31.12.2017 636.00
Další »
7. Revaluation reserves,Small banks

8. Other reserves

31.03.2020 7 467.00
31.12.2019 7 350.00
30.09.2019 7 405.00
30.06.2019 6 219.00
31.03.2019 5 876.00
31.12.2018 5 827.00
30.09.2018 5 827.00
30.06.2018 5 827.00
31.03.2018 3 372.00
31.12.2017 3 361.00
Další »
8. Other reserves,Small banks

9. (-) Treasury shares

31.03.2020 - 174.00
31.12.2019 - 172.00
30.09.2019 - 169.00
30.06.2019 - 169.00
31.03.2019 - 169.00
31.12.2018 - 169.00
30.09.2018 - 169.00
30.06.2018 - 169.00
31.03.2018 - 169.00
31.12.2017 - 169.00
Další »
9. (-) Treasury shares,Small banks

10. Profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent

31.03.2020 1 450.00
31.12.2019 4 904.00
30.09.2019 3 571.00
30.06.2019 2 297.00
31.03.2019 1 003.00
31.12.2018 4 117.00
30.09.2018 3 496.00
30.06.2018 2 705.00
31.03.2018 678.00
31.12.2017 1 980.00
Další »
10. Profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent,Small banks

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Small banks (Assets)
Small banks (Liabilities and equity)
Small banks (Commitments and financial guarantees, given and received)
Small banks (Debt securities, receivables and deposits by counterparty sector)
Small banks (Capital structure)
Small banks (Risk exposures)
Small banks (Insured and covered deposits)
Small banks (Interest income and expense)
Loans to non-residents - banks (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Loans to non-residents - non-banks - general government (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Loans to non-residents - non-banks- other (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Loans to non-residents - non-banks - total (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - banks (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - non-banks - general government (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - non-banks - other (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - non-banks - total (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of shares and other equity issued by non-residents - banks (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of shares and other equity issued by non-residents - non-banks - other (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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