Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.07.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Total liabilities, all foreign currencies 1 471 404.80 1 457 618.20 0.95% 1 609 418.50 -8.58%
IND2 Received deposits and loans, all foreign currencies 1 292 740.70 1 148 766.30 12.53% 1 330 792.10 -2.86%
IND3 Deposits and loans received from central banks, all foreign currencies 0.00 0.00 - 0.10 -
IND4 Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, all foreign currencies 735 050.20 609 833.40 20.53% 786 601.80 -6.55%
IND5 Deposits and loans received from clients, all foreign currencies 557 690.50 538 932.90 3.48% 544 190.20 2.48%
IND6 Non-marketable debt securities issued, all foreign currencies 896.90 131 944.00 -99.32% 78 573.90 -98.86%
IND7 Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies 38 665.10 40 037.90 -3.43% 64 321.50 -39.89%
IND8 Capital and reserves, all foreign currencies 51 538.70 52 315.40 -1.48% 53 472.60 -3.62%
IND9 of which: Provisions, all foreign currencies 19 473.30 19 984.80 -2.56% 19 545.80 -0.37%
IND10 of which: Share capital, all foreign currencies 3 255.10 3 255.10 0.00 3 719.10 -12.48%
IND11 of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, all foreign currencies 91.60 91.80 -0.22% - -
IND12 of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, all foreign currencies 979.20 801.20 22.22% 904.20 8.29%
IND13 Other on-balance sheet liabilities, all foreign currencies 87 563.40 84 554.50 3.56% 82 258.40 6.45%
IND14 of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, all foreign currencies 33 852.50 31 786.00 6.50% 29 427.20 15.04%

Total liabilities, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 1 471 404.80
30.06.2020 1 457 618.20
31.05.2020 1 532 826.90
30.04.2020 1 609 087.00
31.03.2020 1 683 189.20
29.02.2020 1 632 217.80
31.01.2020 1 618 015.30
31.12.2019 1 462 611.70
30.11.2019 1 630 386.40
31.10.2019 1 585 580.20
Další »
Total liabilities, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Received deposits and loans, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 1 292 740.70
30.06.2020 1 148 766.30
31.05.2020 1 306 247.00
30.04.2020 1 351 368.70
31.03.2020 1 317 647.10
29.02.2020 1 366 674.60
31.01.2020 1 375 508.60
31.12.2019 1 068 468.80
30.11.2019 1 379 440.70
31.10.2019 1 321 346.60
Další »
Received deposits and loans, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Deposits and loans received from central banks, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 0.00
30.06.2020 0.00
31.05.2020 0.00
30.04.2020 0.00
31.03.2020 0.00
29.02.2020 0.10
31.01.2020 0.10
31.12.2019 0.10
30.11.2019 0.10
31.10.2019 0.10
Další »
Deposits and loans received from central banks, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 735 050.20
30.06.2020 609 833.40
31.05.2020 751 074.10
30.04.2020 790 600.20
31.03.2020 753 483.40
29.02.2020 821 266.70
31.01.2020 840 742.00
31.12.2019 563 864.40
30.11.2019 829 032.50
31.10.2019 753 402.80
Další »
Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Deposits and loans received from clients, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 557 690.50
30.06.2020 538 932.90
31.05.2020 555 172.80
30.04.2020 560 768.50
31.03.2020 564 163.60
29.02.2020 545 407.80
31.01.2020 534 766.40
31.12.2019 504 604.30
30.11.2019 550 408.10
31.10.2019 567 943.70
Další »
Deposits and loans received from clients, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Non-marketable debt securities issued, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 896.90
30.06.2020 131 944.00
31.05.2020 41 299.30
30.04.2020 68 808.50
31.03.2020 158 406.50
29.02.2020 65 732.30
31.01.2020 65 239.40
31.12.2019 220 615.50
30.11.2019 67 965.70
31.10.2019 66 531.80
Další »
Non-marketable debt securities issued, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 38 665.10
30.06.2020 40 037.90
31.05.2020 42 247.30
30.04.2020 42 580.70
31.03.2020 53 990.70
29.02.2020 49 202.90
31.01.2020 48 888.30
31.12.2019 49 300.40
30.11.2019 49 646.60
31.10.2019 63 036.50
Další »
Other debt securities issued, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Capital and reserves, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 51 538.70
30.06.2020 52 315.40
31.05.2020 51 654.80
30.04.2020 50 963.70
31.03.2020 52 844.70
29.02.2020 50 944.60
31.01.2020 50 718.20
31.12.2019 51 062.20
30.11.2019 52 299.30
31.10.2019 53 092.90
Další »
Capital and reserves, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

of which: Provisions, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 19 473.30
30.06.2020 19 984.80
31.05.2020 19 371.60
30.04.2020 18 904.50
31.03.2020 18 892.60
29.02.2020 17 155.10
31.01.2020 16 858.10
31.12.2019 17 088.80
30.11.2019 18 326.60
31.10.2019 19 136.70
Další »
of which: Provisions, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

of which: Share capital, all foreign currencies

31.12.2000 3 255.10
30.11.2000 3 255.10
31.10.2000 3 255.10
30.09.2000 3 255.10
31.08.2000 3 255.10
31.07.2000 3 255.10
30.06.2000 3 255.10
31.05.2000 3 255.10
30.04.2000 3 719.10
31.03.2000 3 719.10
Další »
of which: Share capital, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, all foreign currencies

28.02.2001 91.60
31.01.2001 91.80
31.03.2000 50.40
28.02.1999 131.70
31.01.1999 148.10
31.01.1998 22.10
30.11.1997 0.20
31.10.1997 0.20
30.09.1997 0.20
31.08.1997 0.20
Další »
of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, all foreign currencies

31.12.2001 979.20
30.11.2001 801.20
31.10.2001 753.50
30.09.2001 684.10
31.08.2001 653.70
31.07.2001 581.00
30.06.2001 444.60
31.05.2001 321.20
30.04.2001 294.40
31.03.2001 162.70
Další »
of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Other on-balance sheet liabilities, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 87 563.40
30.06.2020 84 554.50
31.05.2020 91 378.40
30.04.2020 95 365.30
31.03.2020 100 300.20
29.02.2020 99 663.30
31.01.2020 77 660.80
31.12.2019 73 164.70
30.11.2019 81 034.30
31.10.2019 81 572.30
Další »
Other on-balance sheet liabilities, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, all foreign currencies

31.07.2020 33 852.50
30.06.2020 31 786.00
31.05.2020 36 037.80
30.04.2020 39 599.70
31.03.2020 46 460.10
29.02.2020 35 739.90
31.01.2020 30 827.00
31.12.2019 27 681.00
30.11.2019 29 119.80
31.10.2019 32 062.30
Další »
of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, all foreign currencies,Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Liabilities, main items, all foreign currencies (Liabilities)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
External liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Remaining liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB))
External liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Remaining liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels) (Levels)
External liabilities (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Remaining liabilities (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Excess of inter MFI liabilities (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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