Liabilities, main items, total (Liabilities) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Liabilities, main items, total (Liabilities) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Liabilities, main items, total - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.11.2017 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Total liabilities, total 7 350 792.30 7 275 277.60 1.04% 6 191 121.90 18.73%
IND2 Received deposits and loans, total 5 834 956.50 5 835 738.50 -0.01% 4 711 787.20 23.84%
IND3 Deposits and loans received from central banks, total 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.70 -28.57%
IND4 Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, total 1 552 231.50 1 562 201.50 -0.64% 834 147.40 86.09%
IND5 Deposits and loans received from clients, total 4 282 724.60 4 273 536.40 0.21% 3 877 639.10 10.45%
IND6 Non-marketable debt securities issued, total 88 841.70 26 990.90 229.15% 72 900.90 21.87%
IND7 Other debt securities issued, total 457 330.70 460 855.50 -0.76% 442 008.50 3.47%
IND8 Capital and reserves, total 698 898.10 696 608.00 0.33% 678 255.20 3.04%
IND9 of which: Provisions, total 75 589.80 75 925.60 -0.44% 87 304.30 -13.42%
IND10 of which: Share capital, total 99 629.00 99 443.60 0.19% 98 159.00 1.50%
IND11 of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, total 90.20 91.30 -1.20% 991.10 -90.90%
IND12 of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, total 66 754.20 64 000.80 4.30% 69 138.20 -3.45%
IND13 Other on-balance sheet liabilities, total 270 765.30 255 084.80 6.15% 286 170.10 -5.38%
IND14 of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, total 102 990.20 98 125.30 4.96% 90 328.90 14.02%

Total liabilities, total

30.11.2017 7 350 792.30
31.10.2017 7 275 277.60
30.09.2017 7 328 403.10
31.08.2017 7 181 001.00
31.07.2017 7 103 302.50
30.06.2017 7 093 434.50
31.05.2017 7 193 171.50
30.04.2017 7 210 763.50
31.03.2017 7 105 824.00
28.02.2017 6 728 466.80
Další »
Total liabilities, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Received deposits and loans, total

30.11.2017 5 834 956.50
31.10.2017 5 835 738.50
30.09.2017 5 630 942.70
31.08.2017 5 704 549.80
31.07.2017 5 650 273.90
30.06.2017 5 392 245.40
31.05.2017 5 723 024.10
30.04.2017 5 712 962.00
31.03.2017 5 404 380.50
28.02.2017 5 258 576.90
Další »
Received deposits and loans, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Deposits and loans received from central banks, total

30.11.2017 0.50
31.10.2017 0.50
30.09.2017 0.80
31.08.2017 1.00
31.07.2017 1.10
30.06.2017 0.90
31.05.2017 0.60
30.04.2017 0.60
31.03.2017 630.90
28.02.2017 1.30
Další »
Deposits and loans received from central banks, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, total

30.11.2017 1 552 231.50
31.10.2017 1 562 201.50
30.09.2017 1 362 837.00
31.08.2017 1 420 839.70
31.07.2017 1 405 021.50
30.06.2017 1 202 577.30
31.05.2017 1 427 549.10
30.04.2017 1 433 332.10
31.03.2017 1 262 726.70
28.02.2017 1 173 286.40
Další »
Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Deposits and loans received from clients, total

30.11.2017 4 282 724.60
31.10.2017 4 273 536.40
30.09.2017 4 268 104.90
31.08.2017 4 283 709.10
31.07.2017 4 245 251.30
30.06.2017 4 189 667.30
31.05.2017 4 295 474.40
30.04.2017 4 279 629.30
31.03.2017 4 141 022.80
28.02.2017 4 085 289.30
Další »
Deposits and loans received from clients, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Non-marketable debt securities issued, total

30.11.2017 88 841.70
31.10.2017 26 990.90
30.09.2017 296 356.80
31.08.2017 79 401.10
31.07.2017 54 981.60
30.06.2017 297 367.50
31.05.2017 50 124.00
30.04.2017 77 520.10
31.03.2017 292 187.30
28.02.2017 70 769.60
Další »
Non-marketable debt securities issued, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Other debt securities issued, total

30.11.2017 457 330.70
31.10.2017 460 855.50
30.09.2017 457 875.60
31.08.2017 457 604.20
31.07.2017 461 955.60
30.06.2017 462 453.60
31.05.2017 460 969.90
30.04.2017 459 222.50
31.03.2017 454 377.20
28.02.2017 450 296.30
Další »
Other debt securities issued, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Capital and reserves, total

30.11.2017 698 898.10
31.10.2017 696 608.00
30.09.2017 690 511.40
31.08.2017 687 529.70
31.07.2017 682 085.20
30.06.2017 677 913.00
31.05.2017 674 082.40
30.04.2017 690 379.70
31.03.2017 696 233.40
28.02.2017 690 066.50
Další »
Capital and reserves, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Provisions, total

30.11.2017 75 589.80
31.10.2017 75 925.60
30.09.2017 76 533.10
31.08.2017 78 637.40
31.07.2017 78 846.50
30.06.2017 79 355.70
31.05.2017 81 413.00
30.04.2017 82 423.00
31.03.2017 83 680.50
28.02.2017 86 230.30
Další »
of which: Provisions, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Share capital, total

30.11.2017 99 629.00
31.10.2017 99 443.60
30.09.2017 99 443.60
31.08.2017 99 443.60
31.07.2017 99 250.60
30.06.2017 99 250.60
31.05.2017 99 250.60
30.04.2017 99 024.30
31.03.2017 99 024.30
28.02.2017 99 024.30
Další »
of which: Share capital, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, total

30.11.2017 90.20
31.10.2017 91.30
30.09.2017 96.90
31.08.2017 11.80
31.07.2017 689.60
30.06.2017 1 272.00
31.05.2017 1 972.80
30.04.2017 37 455.50
31.03.2017 71 334.10
28.02.2017 71 484.50
Další »
of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, total

30.11.2017 66 754.20
31.10.2017 64 000.80
30.09.2017 58 679.30
31.08.2017 53 728.20
31.07.2017 48 402.20
30.06.2017 42 727.60
31.05.2017 36 324.80
30.04.2017 27 629.50
31.03.2017 18 005.90
28.02.2017 9 410.30
Další »
of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Other on-balance sheet liabilities, total

30.11.2017 270 765.30
31.10.2017 255 084.80
30.09.2017 252 716.60
31.08.2017 251 916.20
31.07.2017 254 006.30
30.06.2017 263 455.00
31.05.2017 284 971.10
30.04.2017 270 679.20
31.03.2017 258 645.60
28.02.2017 258 757.40
Další »
Other on-balance sheet liabilities, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, total

30.11.2017 102 990.20
31.10.2017 98 125.30
30.09.2017 88 009.50
31.08.2017 86 173.90
31.07.2017 91 303.30
30.06.2017 88 194.20
31.05.2017 88 090.10
30.04.2017 81 093.30
31.03.2017 81 076.30
28.02.2017 82 000.10
Další »
of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

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Liabilities, main items, total (Liabilities)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
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Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
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Remaining liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
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Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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