Liabilities, main items, total (Liabilities) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Liabilities, main items, total (Liabilities) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Liabilities, main items, total - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.07.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Total liabilities, total 8 620 604.30 8 421 037.10 2.37% 8 063 989.30 6.90%
IND2 Received deposits and loans, total 6 819 992.40 6 448 244.10 5.77% 6 326 083.20 7.81%
IND3 Deposits and loans received from central banks, total 3.70 3.00 23.33% 1.20 208.33%
IND4 Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, total 1 124 922.90 1 035 597.50 8.63% 1 324 557.70 -15.07%
IND5 Deposits and loans received from clients, total 5 695 065.80 5 412 643.70 5.22% 5 001 524.30 13.87%
IND6 Non-marketable debt securities issued, total 191 040.90 335 110.50 -42.99% 255 127.50 -25.12%
IND7 Other debt securities issued, total 415 505.30 417 834.40 -0.56% 440 584.80 -5.69%
IND8 Capital and reserves, total 831 772.70 829 489.80 0.28% 752 927.70 10.47%
IND9 of which: Provisions, total 78 623.30 78 894.90 -0.34% 71 226.40 10.38%
IND10 of which: Share capital, total 112 170.80 112 170.80 0.00 102 461.80 9.48%
IND11 of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, total 4 833.80 26 820.60 -81.98% 519.40 830.65%
IND12 of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, total 30 934.00 26 404.00 17.16% 50 757.10 -39.05%
IND13 Other on-balance sheet liabilities, total 362 293.00 390 358.30 -7.19% 289 266.10 25.25%
IND14 of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, total 189 382.20 198 798.60 -4.74% 122 335.70 54.81%

Total liabilities, total

31.07.2020 8 620 604.30
30.06.2020 8 421 037.10
31.05.2020 8 719 181.40
30.04.2020 8 667 532.30
31.03.2020 8 508 213.20
29.02.2020 8 200 345.10
31.01.2020 8 139 083.60
31.12.2019 7 621 716.30
30.11.2019 8 125 079.40
31.10.2019 8 111 915.00
Další »
Total liabilities, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Received deposits and loans, total

31.07.2020 6 819 992.40
30.06.2020 6 448 244.10
31.05.2020 6 831 787.50
30.04.2020 6 767 080.90
31.03.2020 6 469 883.70
29.02.2020 6 374 457.70
31.01.2020 6 367 158.10
31.12.2019 5 736 461.30
30.11.2019 6 352 897.30
31.10.2019 6 327 461.10
Další »
Received deposits and loans, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Deposits and loans received from central banks, total

31.07.2020 3.70
30.06.2020 3.00
31.05.2020 2.20
30.04.2020 2.90
31.03.2020 20.80
29.02.2020 0.80
31.01.2020 1.30
31.12.2019 1.60
30.11.2019 10.90
31.10.2019 1.60
Další »
Deposits and loans received from central banks, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, total

31.07.2020 1 124 922.90
30.06.2020 1 035 597.50
31.05.2020 1 148 316.90
30.04.2020 1 172 716.20
31.03.2020 1 171 694.70
29.02.2020 1 283 209.10
31.01.2020 1 287 958.00
31.12.2019 997 135.40
30.11.2019 1 313 629.50
31.10.2019 1 298 986.20
Další »
Deposits and loans received from other credit institutions, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Deposits and loans received from clients, total

31.07.2020 5 695 065.80
30.06.2020 5 412 643.70
31.05.2020 5 683 468.40
30.04.2020 5 594 361.70
31.03.2020 5 298 168.30
29.02.2020 5 091 247.80
31.01.2020 5 079 198.90
31.12.2019 4 739 324.30
30.11.2019 5 039 256.90
31.10.2019 5 028 473.40
Další »
Deposits and loans received from clients, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Non-marketable debt securities issued, total

31.07.2020 191 040.90
30.06.2020 335 110.50
31.05.2020 231 588.40
30.04.2020 264 874.30
31.03.2020 368 655.60
29.02.2020 265 773.50
31.01.2020 264 753.30
31.12.2019 410 893.30
30.11.2019 263 732.70
31.10.2019 262 647.60
Další »
Non-marketable debt securities issued, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Other debt securities issued, total

31.07.2020 415 505.30
30.06.2020 417 834.40
31.05.2020 423 856.40
30.04.2020 425 856.70
31.03.2020 439 136.70
29.02.2020 435 181.60
31.01.2020 433 960.40
31.12.2019 430 275.40
30.11.2019 435 154.80
31.10.2019 447 868.00
Další »
Other debt securities issued, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Capital and reserves, total

31.07.2020 831 772.70
30.06.2020 829 489.80
31.05.2020 821 257.70
30.04.2020 808 112.20
31.03.2020 807 895.90
29.02.2020 798 770.50
31.01.2020 789 226.10
31.12.2019 784 198.00
30.11.2019 779 375.10
31.10.2019 775 171.90
Další »
Capital and reserves, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Provisions, total

31.07.2020 78 623.30
30.06.2020 78 894.90
31.05.2020 73 428.50
30.04.2020 70 979.70
31.03.2020 69 971.70
29.02.2020 66 823.80
31.01.2020 66 879.30
31.12.2019 67 707.50
30.11.2019 68 979.60
31.10.2019 69 748.30
Další »
of which: Provisions, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Share capital, total

31.07.2020 112 170.80
30.06.2020 112 170.80
31.05.2020 112 170.80
30.04.2020 112 170.80
31.03.2020 112 170.80
29.02.2020 112 170.80
31.01.2020 112 170.80
31.12.2019 112 170.80
30.11.2019 102 461.80
31.10.2019 102 461.80
Další »
of which: Share capital, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, total

31.07.2020 4 833.80
30.06.2020 26 820.60
31.05.2020 43 766.00
30.04.2020 49 642.80
31.03.2020 86 148.00
29.02.2020 86 718.20
31.01.2020 86 958.30
31.12.2019 -51.20
30.11.2019 -21.80
31.10.2019 -21.80
Další »
of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for previous year, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, total

31.07.2020 30 934.00
30.06.2020 26 404.00
31.05.2020 23 163.30
30.04.2020 18 911.70
31.03.2020 14 729.80
29.02.2020 11 745.00
31.01.2020 4 334.50
31.12.2019 89 448.30
30.11.2019 82 218.40
31.10.2019 76 196.60
Další »
of which: Profit(+)/loss(-) for the current period, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Other on-balance sheet liabilities, total

31.07.2020 362 293.00
30.06.2020 390 358.30
31.05.2020 410 691.40
30.04.2020 401 608.20
31.03.2020 422 641.30
29.02.2020 326 161.90
31.01.2020 283 985.70
31.12.2019 259 888.30
30.11.2019 293 919.40
31.10.2019 298 766.30
Další »
Other on-balance sheet liabilities, total,Liabilities, main items, total

of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, total

31.07.2020 189 382.20
30.06.2020 198 798.60
31.05.2020 213 975.20
30.04.2020 202 801.20
31.03.2020 221 267.60
29.02.2020 134 168.50
31.01.2020 121 639.00
31.12.2019 119 745.00
30.11.2019 121 182.90
31.10.2019 127 398.80
Další »
of which: Negative fair value of derivatives, total,Liabilities, main items, total

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Liabilities, main items, total (Liabilities)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
External liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Remaining liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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