Assets (Funds operated by pension management companies) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Assets (Funds operated by pension management companies) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

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Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
30.09.2023 Obchodníci s CP - Počty subjektů: Čtvrtletní, Investiční společnosti s asset managementem
30.09.2023 Penzijní společnosti - Počet účastníků II. a III. pilíře: Čtvrtletní, Supplementary pension insurance with state contribution
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Funds operated by pension management companies, total (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 327 570 115.00 317 716 895.00 3.10% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 31 571 274.00 28 553 063.00 10.57% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 12 065 347.00 9 026 753.00 33.66% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 19 505 927.00 19 526 310.00 -0.10% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 287 999 380.00 281 318 987.00 2.37% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 243 789 251.00 239 164 528.00 1.93% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 44 210 129.00 42 154 459.00 4.88% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 5 084 578.00 4 934 602.00 3.04% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 519 000.00 609 377.00 -14.83% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 4 565 578.00 4 325 225.00 5.56% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 682 791.00 1 681 955.00 0.05% - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 682 791.00 1 681 955.00 0.05% - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 231 910.00 1 228 114.00 0.31% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 127 350.00 132 701.00 -4.03% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 182.00 174.00 4.60% - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 145.00 173.00 -16.18% - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 37.00 1.00 3 600.00% - -

Transformed funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 322 585 030.00 314 083 618.00 2.71% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 29 748 367.00 26 990 716.00 10.22% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 10 429 286.00 7 796 583.00 33.77% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 19 319 081.00 19 194 133.00 0.65% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 285 282 620.00 279 511 462.00 2.06% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 241 432 688.00 237 613 208.00 1.61% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 43 849 932.00 41 898 254.00 4.66% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 4 660 988.00 4 687 854.00 -0.57% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 459 733.00 601 375.00 -23.55% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 4 201 255.00 4 086 479.00 2.81% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 682 791.00 1 681 955.00 0.05% - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 682 791.00 1 681 955.00 0.05% - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 210 119.00 1 211 458.00 -0.11% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 125 197.00 132 012.00 -5.16% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 145.00 173.00 -16.18% - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 145.00 173.00 -16.18% - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Participating funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 3 563 410.00 2 564 076.00 38.97% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 1 269 282.00 1 012 073.00 25.41% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 1 153 500.00 817 749.00 41.06% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 115 782.00 194 324.00 -40.42% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 2 062 309.00 1 433 268.00 43.89% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 1 787 273.00 1 242 860.00 43.80% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 275 036.00 190 408.00 44.45% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 211 217.00 102 416.00 106.23% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 31 681.00 0.00 - - -
IND14 5.2. Units 179 536.00 102 416.00 75.30% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND25 9. 3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 20 565.00 16 318.00 26.03% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 1 401.00 439.00 219.13% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 37.00 1.00 3 600.00% - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 37.00 1.00 3 600.00% - -

Retirement funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 1 421 675.00 1 069 201.00 32.97% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 553 625.00 550 274.00 0.61% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 482 561.00 412 421.00 17.01% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 71 064.00 137 853.00 -48.45% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 654 451.00 374 257.00 74.87% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 569 290.00 308 460.00 84.56% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 85 161.00 65 797.00 29.43% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 212 373.00 144 332.00 47.14% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 27 586.00 8 002.00 244.74% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 184 787.00 136 330.00 35.54% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 226.00 338.00 262.72% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 752.00 250.00 200.80% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Funds operated by pension management companies, total

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 327 570.00 317 717.00 3.10% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 31 571.00 28 553.00 10.57% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 12 065.00 9 027.00 33.65% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 19 506.00 19 526.00 -0.10% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 287 999.00 281 319.00 2.37% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 243 789.00 239 165.00 1.93% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 44 210.00 42 154.00 4.88% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 5 085.00 4 935.00 3.04% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 519.00 609.00 -14.78% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 4 566.00 4 325.00 5.57% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 683.00 1 682.00 0.06% - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 683.00 1 682.00 0.06% - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 232.00 1 228.00 0.33% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 127.00 133.00 -4.51% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Transformed funds

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 322 585.00 314 084.00 2.71% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 29 748.00 26 991.00 10.21% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 10 429.00 7 797.00 33.76% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 19 319.00 19 194.00 0.65% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 285 283.00 279 511.00 2.06% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 241 433.00 237 613.00 1.61% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 43 850.00 41 898.00 4.66% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 4 661.00 4 688.00 -0.58% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 460.00 601.00 -23.46% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 4 201.00 4 086.00 2.81% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 683.00 1 682.00 0.06% - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 683.00 1 682.00 0.06% - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 210.00 1 211.00 -0.08% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 125.00 132.00 -5.30% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Participating funds

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 3 563.00 2 564.00 38.96% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 1 269.00 1 012.00 25.40% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 1 154.00 818.00 41.08% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 116.00 194.00 -40.21% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 2 062.00 1 433.00 43.89% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 1 787.00 1 243.00 43.77% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 275.00 190.00 44.74% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 211.00 102.00 106.86% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 32.00 0.00 - - -
IND14 5.2. Units 180.00 102.00 76.47% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND25 9. 3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 21.00 16.00 31.25% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 1.00 0.00 - - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Retirement funds

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 1 422.00 1 069.00 33.02% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 554.00 550.00 0.73% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 483.00 412.00 17.23% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 71.00 138.00 -48.55% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 654.00 374.00 74.87% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 569.00 308.00 84.74% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 85.00 66.00 28.79% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 212.00 144.00 47.22% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 28.00 8.00 250.00% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 185.00 136.00 36.03% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1.00 0.00 - - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 1.00 0.00 - - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Funds operated by pension management companies, total (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 339 202.00 327 570.00 3.55% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 28 098.00 31 571.00 -11.00% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 7 405.00 12 065.00 -38.62% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 20 693.00 19 506.00 6.09% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 301 984.00 287 999.00 4.86% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 256 387.00 243 789.00 5.17% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 45 598.00 44 210.00 3.14% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 5 465.00 5 085.00 7.47% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 503.00 519.00 -3.08% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 4 962.00 4 566.00 8.67% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 856.00 1 683.00 10.28% - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 856.00 1 683.00 10.28% - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 798.00 1 232.00 45.94% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 67.00 127.00 -47.24% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Transformed funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 332 526.00 322 585.00 3.08% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 26 936.00 29 748.00 -9.45% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 6 519.00 10 429.00 -37.49% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 20 418.00 19 319.00 5.69% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 297 171.00 285 283.00 4.17% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 252 180.00 241 433.00 4.45% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 44 991.00 43 850.00 2.60% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 4 821.00 4 661.00 3.43% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 389.00 460.00 -15.43% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 4 432.00 4 201.00 5.50% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 856.00 1 683.00 10.28% - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 856.00 1 683.00 10.28% - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 741.00 1 210.00 43.88% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 67.00 125.00 -46.40% - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Participating funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 4 959.00 3 563.00 39.18% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 541.00 1 269.00 -57.37% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 393.00 1 154.00 -65.94% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 148.00 116.00 27.59% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 3 955.00 2 062.00 91.80% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 3 460.00 1 787.00 93.62% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 495.00 275.00 80.00% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 406.00 211.00 92.42% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 78.00 32.00 143.75% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 328.00 180.00 82.22% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND25 9. 3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 56.00 21.00 166.67% - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 0.00 1.00 - - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Retirement funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 1 718.00 1 422.00 20.82% - -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 621.00 554.00 12.09% - -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 493.00 483.00 2.07% - -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 128.00 71.00 80.28% - -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND9 4. Debt securities 858.00 654.00 31.19% - -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 746.00 569.00 31.11% - -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 112.00 85.00 31.76% - -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 238.00 212.00 12.26% - -
IND13 5.1. Shares 36.00 28.00 28.57% - -
IND14 5.2. Units 202.00 185.00 9.19% - -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND26 10. Other assets 1.00 1.00 0.00 - -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 0.00 1.00 - - -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - - -

Funds operated by pension management companies, total (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 518 850 365.00 507 730 374.00 2.19% 477 011 838.00 8.77%
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 112 559 554.00 116 361 074.00 -3.27% 95 082 613.00 18.38%
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 6 485 323.00 8 138 607.00 -20.31% 4 866 462.00 33.27%
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 106 074 231.00 108 222 467.00 -1.99% 90 216 151.00 17.58%
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 7 325.00 7 325.00 0.00 442.00 1 557.24%
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 7 325.00 7 325.00 0.00 442.00 1 557.24%
IND9 4. Debt securities 387 941 237.00 369 600 887.00 4.96% 361 934 936.00 7.19%
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 340 047 847.00 324 458 941.00 4.80% 317 084 020.00 7.24%
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 47 893 392.00 45 141 946.00 6.09% 44 850 916.00 6.78%
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 15 012 817.00 18 033 089.00 -16.75% 15 310 288.00 -1.94%
IND13 5.1. Shares 4 837 045.00 5 190 037.00 -6.80% 3 985 324.00 21.37%
IND14 5.2. Units 10 175 771.00 12 843 052.00 -20.77% 11 324 965.00 -10.15%
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 863 704.00 1 834 684.00 1.58% 1 788 047.00 4.23%
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 863 704.00 1 834 684.00 1.58% 1 788 047.00 4.23%
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 465 109.00 1 892 994.00 -22.60% 2 894 820.00 -49.39%
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 271 390.00 1 171 657.00 -76.84% 437 282.00 -37.94%
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 619.00 321.00 92.83% 693.00 -10.68%
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 242.00 0.00 - 609.00 -60.26%
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 377.00 321.00 17.45% 84.00 348.81%

Transformed funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 455 953 468.00 446 675 386.00 2.08% 428 860 772.00 6.32%
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 83 704 977.00 86 860 852.00 -3.63% 72 661 534.00 15.20%
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 4 326 867.00 5 144 055.00 -15.89% 3 500 756.00 23.60%
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 79 378 110.00 81 716 797.00 -2.86% 69 160 778.00 14.77%
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 7 325.00 7 325.00 0.00 442.00 1 557.24%
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 7 325.00 7 325.00 0.00 442.00 1 557.24%
IND9 4. Debt securities 364 521 538.00 350 043 115.00 4.14% 344 790 509.00 5.72%
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 322 493 675.00 310 306 713.00 3.93% 304 713 377.00 5.83%
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 42 027 864.00 39 736 402.00 5.77% 40 077 132.00 4.87%
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 4 747 200.00 6 448 214.00 -26.38% 6 844 517.00 -30.64%
IND13 5.1. Shares 405 394.00 626 121.00 -35.25% 655 554.00 -38.16%
IND14 5.2. Units 4 341 806.00 5 822 093.00 -25.43% 6 188 963.00 -29.85%
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 1 863 704.00 1 834 684.00 1.58% 1 788 047.00 4.23%
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 1 863 704.00 1 834 684.00 1.58% 1 788 047.00 4.23%
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 10. Other assets 1 108 481.00 1 481 150.00 -25.16% 2 775 114.00 -60.06%
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 234 358.00 972 921.00 -75.91% 420 571.00 -44.28%
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 242.00 46.00 426.09% 609.00 -60.26%
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 242.00 0.00 - 609.00 -60.26%
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 46.00 - 0.00 -

Participating funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 62 896 897.00 61 054 988.00 3.02% 48 151 066.00 30.62%
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 28 854 577.00 29 500 222.00 -2.19% 22 421 079.00 28.69%
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 2 158 456.00 2 994 552.00 -27.92% 1 365 706.00 58.05%
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 26 696 121.00 26 505 670.00 0.72% 21 055 373.00 26.79%
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 4. Debt securities 23 419 699.00 19 557 772.00 19.75% 17 144 427.00 36.60%
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 17 554 172.00 14 152 228.00 24.04% 12 370 643.00 41.90%
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 5 865 528.00 5 405 544.00 8.51% 4 773 784.00 22.87%
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 10 265 617.00 11 584 875.00 -11.39% 8 465 771.00 21.26%
IND13 5.1. Shares 4 431 651.00 4 563 916.00 -2.90% 3 329 770.00 33.09%
IND14 5.2. Units 5 833 965.00 7 020 959.00 -16.91% 5 136 002.00 13.59%
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND25 9. 3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 10. Other assets 356 628.00 411 844.00 -13.41% 119 706.00 197.92%
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 37 032.00 198 736.00 -81.37% 16 711.00 121.60%
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 377.00 275.00 37.09% 84.00 348.81%
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 377.00 275.00 37.09% 84.00 348.81%

Retirement funds (in CZK thousands)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Assets, total (1. - 12.)</b> 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND2 1. Cash 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND3 2. Receivables from banks and credit unions 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND4 2.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 2.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 3. Receivables from non-banking entities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND7 3.1. Payable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 3.2. Other receivables 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 4. Debt securities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 4.1. Issued by government institutions 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 4.2. Issued by other entities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 5. Shares, units and other interests 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND13 5.1. Shares 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 5.2. Units 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND15 5.3. Other interests 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND16 6. Investments in subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 7. Investments in associates 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND18 8. Intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 8.1. Start-up costs 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND20 8.2. Goodwill 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND21 8.3. Other intangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 9. Tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND23 9.1. Land and buildings for operating activities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND24 9.2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND25 9.3. Other long-term tangible assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 10. Other assets 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 10.1. Derivatives with a positive fair value 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 11. Receivables from subscribed registered capital 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 12. Deferred expenses and accrued income 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 12.1. Deferred expenses 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND31 12.2. Accrued income 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
Transformed funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Funds operated by pension management companies, total (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Participating funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Retirement funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
4. Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Funds operated by pension management companies, total
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Retirement funds
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
4. Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Transformed funds
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Participating funds
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Cash (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Payable on demand (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Other receivables (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Units (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other interests (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Investments in associates (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Start-up costs (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Goodwill (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Other assets (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
2. Accrued income (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2014)
Retirement funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
4. Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Transformed funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Funds operated by pension management companies, total (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Participating funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Cash (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from non-banking entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Payable on demand (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Other receivables (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Debt securities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Issued by government institutions (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Issued by other entities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Shares, units and other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Shares (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Units (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other interests (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in subsidiaries (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Investments in associates (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Start-up costs (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Goodwill (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other intangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Other assets (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
1. Deferred expenses (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
2. Accrued income (4 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Funds operated by pension management companies, total (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Cash (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from non-banking entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Debt securities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Issued by government institutions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Issued by other entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Shares, units and other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Shares (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Units (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in subsidiaries (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in associates (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Start-up costs (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Goodwill (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Deferred expenses (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Transformed funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Cash (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from non-banking entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Debt securities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Issued by government institutions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Issued by other entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Shares, units and other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Shares (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Units (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in subsidiaries (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in associates (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Start-up costs (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Goodwill (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Deferred expenses (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Participating funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Cash (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from non-banking entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Debt securities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Issued by government institutions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Issued by other entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Shares, units and other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Shares (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Units (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in subsidiaries (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in associates (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Start-up costs (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Goodwill (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Deferred expenses (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Retirement funds (in CZK thousands)
Assets, total (1. - 12.) (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Cash (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from banks and credit unions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from non-banking entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Payable on demand (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Other receivables (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
4. Debt securities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Issued by government institutions (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Issued by other entities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Shares, units and other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Shares (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Units (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other interests (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in subsidiaries (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Investments in associates (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Start-up costs (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Goodwill (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other intangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Land and buildings for operating activities (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Non-operational land and buildings - financial investment (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
3. Other long-term tangible assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Other assets (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Derivatives with a positive fair value (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Receivables from subscribed registered capital (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Deferred expenses and accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
1. Deferred expenses (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
2. Accrued income (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


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Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Assets (Balance Sheet of commercial banks)
Assets (Aggregated balance sheet of investment funds (without MMF))
Assets (State budget and taxes)
Assets (Banks)
Assets (Management companies)
Assets (Investment funds)
Assets (Funds operated by pension management companies)
Assets (Investment firms)
Assets (Aggregated balance sheet of investment funds (without MMF))
Assets (Aggregated balance sheet of investment funds (without MMF))
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
External assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Fixed assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Remaining assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB))
Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels) (Levels)
External assets (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Fixed assets (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Remaining assets (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (flows) (Flows)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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Hypoteční kalkulačka

Povinné ručení

Banky a Bankomaty

Úrokové sazby, Hypotéky

Směnárny - Euro, Dolar

Práce - Volná místa

Úřad práce, Mzda, Platy

Dávky a příspěvky

Nemocenská, Porodné

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Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


Města a obce, PSČ

Katastr nemovitostí

Katastrální úřady

Ochranné známky

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Zákoník práce

Stavební zákon

Daně, formuláře

Další odkazy

Auto - Cena, Spolehlivost

Registr vozidel - Technický průkaz, eTechničák

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Volby, Mapa webu

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