Medium-sized banks (Banks»P&L statement) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Medium-sized banks (Banks»P&L statement) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Medium-sized banks - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 <b>Financial & operating income and expenses</b> 7 877.00 34 225.00 -76.98% 9 247.00 -14.82%
IND2 1. Interest income 8 005.00 32 581.00 -75.43% 7 887.00 1.50%
IND3 2. Interest expenses 2 146.00 10 309.00 -79.18% 2 372.00 -9.53%
IND4 3. Expenses on share capital repayable on demand 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 4. Dividend income 0.00 1 609.00 - 1 466.00 -
IND6 5. Fee and commission income 1 721.00 6 870.00 -74.95% 1 642.00 4.81%
IND7 6. Fee and commission expenses 302.00 1 506.00 -79.95% 325.00 -7.08%
IND8 7. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net 85.00 2 174.00 -96.09% 298.00 -71.48%
IND9 8. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net 342.00 - 488.00 - 170.08% - 117.00 - 392.31%
IND10 9. Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 2.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 10. Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 11. Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net -9.00 -74.00 -87.84% -59.00 -84.75%
IND13 12. Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net 354.00 3 337.00 -89.39% 895.00 -60.45%
IND14 13. Other operating income -1.00 44.00 - 102.27% 0.00 -
IND15 14. Other operating expenses 92.00 416.00 -77.88% 183.00 -49.73%
IND16 15. Administrative expenses 266.00 429.00 -38.00% 251.00 5.98%
IND17 15.1. Staff expenses 3 514.00 12 110.00 -70.98% 2 979.00 17.96%
IND18 15.2. Other administrative expenses 1 732.00 6 400.00 -72.94% 1 547.00 11.96%
IND19 16. Depreciation 1 782.00 5 710.00 -68.79% 1 431.00 24.53%
IND20 17. Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions 309.00 1 124.00 -72.51% 244.00 26.64%
IND21 18. Impairment -9.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND22 18.1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss -52.00 949.00 - 105.48% 509.00 - 110.22%
IND23 18.2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates - 202.00 4 474.00 - 104.51% 153.00 - 232.03%
IND24 18.3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets - 203.00 3 029.00 - 106.70% 153.00 - 232.68%
IND25 19. Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss 0.00 1 446.00 - 0.00 -
IND26 20. Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates 2.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND27 21. Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND28 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 21.)</b> 0.00 128.00 - 0.00 -
IND29 22. Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND30 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (1. - 22.)</b> 4 299.00 15 696.00 -72.61% 5 362.00 -19.82%
IND31 23. Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations 710.00 3 361.00 -78.88% 774.00 -8.27%
IND32 <b>PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.)</b> 3 589.00 12 335.00 -70.90% 4 587.00 -21.76%

Financial & operating income and expenses

31.03.2018 7 877.00
31.12.2017 34 225.00
30.09.2017 26 101.00
30.06.2017 17 743.00
31.03.2017 9 247.00
31.12.2016 34 880.00
30.09.2016 27 230.00
30.06.2016 19 507.00
31.03.2016 7 342.00
31.12.2015 38 754.00
Další »
Financial & operating income and expenses,Medium-sized banks

Interest income

31.03.2018 8 005.00
31.12.2017 32 581.00
30.09.2017 24 263.00
30.06.2017 15 942.00
31.03.2017 7 887.00
31.12.2016 30 657.00
30.09.2016 23 887.00
30.06.2016 16 634.00
31.03.2016 8 575.00
31.12.2015 38 350.00
Další »
Interest income,Medium-sized banks

Interest expenses

31.03.2018 2 146.00
31.12.2017 10 309.00
30.09.2017 7 695.00
30.06.2017 4 857.00
31.03.2017 2 372.00
31.12.2016 8 024.00
30.09.2016 6 941.00
30.06.2016 5 232.00
31.03.2016 2 880.00
31.12.2015 11 978.00
Další »
Interest expenses,Medium-sized banks

Expenses on share capital repayable on demand

31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 0.00
30.09.2016 0.00
30.06.2016 0.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 0.00
Další »
Expenses on share capital repayable on demand,Medium-sized banks

Dividend income

31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 1 609.00
30.09.2017 1 565.00
30.06.2017 1 515.00
31.03.2017 1 466.00
31.12.2016 3 854.00
30.09.2016 3 664.00
30.06.2016 3 623.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 121.00
Další »
Dividend income,Medium-sized banks

Fee and commission income

31.03.2018 1 721.00
31.12.2017 6 870.00
30.09.2017 5 004.00
30.06.2017 3 268.00
31.03.2017 1 642.00
31.12.2016 6 573.00
30.09.2016 4 727.00
30.06.2016 3 123.00
31.03.2016 1 483.00
31.12.2015 7 482.00
Další »
Fee and commission income,Medium-sized banks

Fee and commission expenses

31.03.2018 302.00
31.12.2017 1 506.00
30.09.2017 1 090.00
30.06.2017 708.00
31.03.2017 325.00
31.12.2016 1 453.00
30.09.2016 949.00
30.06.2016 597.00
31.03.2016 293.00
31.12.2015 1 444.00
Další »
Fee and commission expenses,Medium-sized banks

Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net

31.03.2018 85.00
31.12.2017 2 174.00
30.09.2017 1 682.00
30.06.2017 1 039.00
31.03.2017 298.00
31.12.2016 1 441.00
30.09.2016 1 233.00
30.06.2016 1 018.00
31.03.2016 102.00
31.12.2015 4 505.00
Další »
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net,Medium-sized banks

Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net

31.03.2018 342.00
31.12.2017 - 488.00
30.09.2017 - 187.00
30.06.2017 - 660.00
31.03.2017 - 117.00
31.12.2016 1 250.00
30.09.2016 795.00
30.06.2016 625.00
31.03.2016 -63.00
31.12.2015 - 170.00
Další »
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net,Medium-sized banks

Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net

31.03.2018 2.00
31.12.2017 0.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 0.00
30.09.2016 0.00
30.06.2016 0.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 0.00
Další »
Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net,Medium-sized banks

Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net

31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 0.00
30.09.2016 0.00
30.06.2016 0.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 -21.00
Další »
Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net,Medium-sized banks

Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net

31.03.2018 -9.00
31.12.2017 -74.00
30.09.2017 -65.00
30.06.2017 -57.00
31.03.2017 -59.00
31.12.2016 - 103.00
30.09.2016 -94.00
30.06.2016 -87.00
31.03.2016 37.00
31.12.2015 507.00
Další »
Exchange differences [gain or (-) loss], net,Medium-sized banks

Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net

31.03.2018 354.00
31.12.2017 3 337.00
30.09.2017 2 564.00
30.06.2017 2 284.00
31.03.2017 895.00
31.12.2016 1 100.00
30.09.2016 1 215.00
30.06.2016 704.00
31.03.2016 521.00
31.12.2015 1 796.00
Další »
Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of non financial assets, net,Medium-sized banks

Other operating income

31.03.2018 -1.00
31.12.2017 44.00
30.09.2017 53.00
30.06.2017 1.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 -4.00
30.09.2016 3.00
30.06.2016 2.00
31.03.2016 1.00
31.12.2015 738.00
Další »
Other operating income,Medium-sized banks

Other operating expenses

31.03.2018 92.00
31.12.2017 416.00
30.09.2017 323.00
30.06.2017 225.00
31.03.2017 183.00
31.12.2016 554.00
30.09.2016 469.00
30.06.2016 387.00
31.03.2016 276.00
31.12.2015 469.00
Další »
Other operating expenses,Medium-sized banks

Administrative expenses

31.03.2018 266.00
31.12.2017 429.00
30.09.2017 316.00
30.06.2017 248.00
31.03.2017 251.00
31.12.2016 964.00
30.09.2016 780.00
30.06.2016 694.00
31.03.2016 418.00
31.12.2015 1 602.00
Další »
Administrative expenses,Medium-sized banks

1. Staff expenses

31.03.2018 3 514.00
31.12.2017 12 110.00
30.09.2017 8 978.00
30.06.2017 6 181.00
31.03.2017 2 979.00
31.12.2016 11 943.00
30.09.2016 8 713.00
30.06.2016 5 683.00
31.03.2016 2 753.00
31.12.2015 12 994.00
Další »
1. Staff expenses,Medium-sized banks

2. Other administrative expenses

31.03.2018 1 732.00
31.12.2017 6 400.00
30.09.2017 4 787.00
30.06.2017 3 170.00
31.03.2017 1 547.00
31.12.2016 6 248.00
30.09.2016 4 524.00
30.06.2016 2 881.00
31.03.2016 1 444.00
31.12.2015 7 174.00
Další »
2. Other administrative expenses,Medium-sized banks


31.03.2018 1 782.00
31.12.2017 5 710.00
30.09.2017 4 192.00
30.06.2017 3 011.00
31.03.2017 1 431.00
31.12.2016 5 695.00
30.09.2016 4 189.00
30.06.2016 2 801.00
31.03.2016 1 309.00
31.12.2015 5 821.00
Další »
Depreciation,Medium-sized banks

Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions

31.03.2018 309.00
31.12.2017 1 124.00
30.09.2017 815.00
30.06.2017 517.00
31.03.2017 244.00
31.12.2016 1 132.00
30.09.2016 788.00
30.06.2016 533.00
31.03.2016 271.00
31.12.2015 1 427.00
Další »
Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions,Medium-sized banks


31.03.2018 -9.00
31.12.2017 0.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 0.00
30.09.2016 0.00
30.06.2016 0.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 0.00
Další »
Impairment,Medium-sized banks

1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss

31.03.2018 -52.00
31.12.2017 949.00
30.09.2017 348.00
30.06.2017 218.00
31.03.2017 509.00
31.12.2016 680.00
30.09.2016 485.00
30.06.2016 336.00
31.03.2016 463.00
31.12.2015 555.00
Další »
1. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss,Medium-sized banks

2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates

31.03.2018 - 202.00
31.12.2017 4 474.00
30.09.2017 1 812.00
30.06.2017 759.00
31.03.2017 153.00
31.12.2016 2 643.00
30.09.2016 1 849.00
30.06.2016 1 356.00
31.03.2016 570.00
31.12.2015 7 518.00
Další »
2. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates,Medium-sized banks

3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets

31.03.2018 - 203.00
31.12.2017 3 029.00
30.09.2017 1 812.00
30.06.2017 759.00
31.03.2017 153.00
31.12.2016 2 581.00
30.09.2016 1 853.00
30.06.2016 1 360.00
31.03.2016 570.00
31.12.2015 7 250.00
Další »
3. Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets,Medium-sized banks

Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss

31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 1 446.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 57.00
30.09.2016 -4.00
30.06.2016 -4.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 236.00
Další »
Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss,Medium-sized banks

Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates

31.03.2018 2.00
31.12.2017 0.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 5.00
30.09.2016 0.00
30.06.2016 0.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 32.00
Další »
Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates,Medium-sized banks

Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations

31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 0.00
30.09.2016 0.00
30.06.2016 0.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 0.00
Další »
Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations,Medium-sized banks


31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 128.00
30.09.2017 128.00
30.06.2017 128.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 207.00
30.09.2016 207.00
30.06.2016 177.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 384.00
Další »
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
30.09.2017 0.00
30.06.2017 0.00
31.03.2017 0.00
31.12.2016 0.00
30.09.2016 -4.00
30.06.2016 -4.00
31.03.2016 0.00
31.12.2015 4.00
Další »
Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations,Medium-sized banks


31.03.2018 4 299.00
31.12.2017 15 696.00
30.09.2017 14 276.00
30.06.2017 10 197.00
31.03.2017 5 362.00
31.12.2016 18 689.00
30.09.2016 15 598.00
30.06.2016 11 773.00
31.03.2016 3 287.00
31.12.2015 16 648.00
Další »

Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations

31.03.2018 710.00
31.12.2017 3 361.00
30.09.2017 2 502.00
30.06.2017 1 685.00
31.03.2017 774.00
31.12.2016 2 852.00
30.09.2016 2 357.00
30.06.2016 1 585.00
31.03.2016 657.00
31.12.2015 3 936.00
Další »
Profit  or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations,Medium-sized banks


31.03.2018 3 589.00
31.12.2017 12 335.00
30.09.2017 11 775.00
30.06.2017 8 512.00
31.03.2017 4 587.00
31.12.2016 15 836.00
30.09.2016 13 241.00
30.06.2016 10 188.00
31.03.2016 2 630.00
31.12.2015 12 712.00
Další »
PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (1. - 23.),Medium-sized banks

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Medium-sized banks (P&L statement)
Loans to non-residents - banks (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Loans to non-residents - non-banks - general government (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Loans to non-residents - non-banks- other (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Loans to non-residents - non-banks - total (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - banks (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - non-banks - general government (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - non-banks - other (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by non-residents - non-banks - total (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of shares and other equity issued by non-residents - banks (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)
Holdings of shares and other equity issued by non-residents - non-banks - other (Main MFI claims on and liabilities to non-residents from the rest of the world - levels)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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