Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
Crude materials except fuels (%, 12/1993=100, quarterly data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, 12/1999=100, monthly data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, y-o-y indices, annual data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, 2000=100, monthly data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, average monthly index in a year, annual data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, y-o-y indices, monthly data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, y-o-y indices, monthly data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, 12/1993=100, quarterly data)
Crude materials except fuels (%, 2000=100, annual data)
12302 - National private other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pesion funds (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (until 1996 only CZK, since 1997 total, i.e. CZK+FC) - part 1)
12303 - Foreign controlled other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pesion funds (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (until 1996 only CZK, since 1997 total, i.e. CZK+FC) - part 1)
12302 - National private other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pesion funds (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (CZK) - part 1)
12303 - Foreign controlled other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pesion funds (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (CZK) - part 1)
12302 - National private other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pesion funds (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (FC) - part 1)
12303 - Foreign controlled other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pesion funds (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (FC) - part 1)
13126 - State government, except public funds (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (FC) - part 2)
13146 - Social security funds, except health insurance (Newly drawn client loans by sector and subsector (FC) - part 2)
Financial assets, stocks, quaterly, Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds (Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds)
Financial liabilities, stocks, quaterly, Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds (Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds)