Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
C Manufacturing (Previous period=100, monthly data)
C Manufacturing (y-o-y indices, monthly data)
C Manufacturing (2005=100, monthly data)
C Manufacturing (y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
C Manufacturing (Dec 2005=100, quarterly data)
C Manufacturing (Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data)
C - Manufacturing (y-o-y indices, monthly data)
C - Manufacturing (2010=100, monthly data)
C - Manufacturing (SOPR=100, quarterly data)
C - Manufacturing (2010=100, čtvrtletní data)
Průmysl (B+C+D+E) (Úvěry nefinančním podnikům v členění podle odvětví - CZ-NACE rev. 2)
c - Government consumption and other non-financial categories (General Government revenue and expenditure S.13)
(c) pledged assets (Memo items - in mill. USD)
REER deflated by unit labour cost index (ULCM); manufacturing ; weights: overall trade turnover in 2015; % (Real effective exchange rate of CZK deflated by Unit Labour Cost Index)
REER deflated by unit labour cost index (ULCM); manufacturing ; weights: trade turnover in SITC 5-8 in 2015; % (Real effective exchange rate of CZK deflated by Unit Labour Cost Index)
B,C,D,E TOTAL (Previous period=100, monthly data)
C Manufacturing (Previous period=100, monthly data)
B,C,D,E TOTAL (y-o-y indices, monthly data)
C Manufacturing (y-o-y indices, monthly data)
B,C,D,E TOTAL (2005=100, monthly data)