Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 2000)
SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 1994)
SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 2000)
%, SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 2000)
%, SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 1994)
%, SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 2000)
SOPR=100, roční data (Stav zakázek ve stavebnictví)
SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 2005)
SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 2005)
SOPR=100, roční data (Metodika 2010)
Statistical data (Time series database - ARAD)
Monetary survey - historical data (National monetary statistics)
Historical data (Monetary and financial statistics)
Monetary Survey (historical data up to December 2016) - assets (Monetary survey - historical data)
Monetary Survey (historical data up to December 2016) - liabilities (Monetary survey - historical data)
Monetary Survey (historical data up to December 2016) - year-on-year changes (%) (Monetary survey - historical data)
Monetary Survey (historical data up to December 2016) - annual growth rate (%) (Monetary survey - historical data)
Monetary survey (historical data up to March 2004) - part I. - Assets - CZK bn (Monetary survey - historical data)
Monetary survey (historical data up to March 2004) - part II. - Liabilities - CZK bn (Monetary survey - historical data)
Monetary survey (historical data up to March 2004) - part III. - Year-on-year changes in % (Monetary survey - historical data)