Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, y-o-y indices, monthly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, 2010=100, monthly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, 2010=100, quarterly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Mil CZK (end of period), quarterly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, y-o-y indices, monthly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, 2005=100, quarterly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, 2005=100, monthly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
N 81 Services to buildings and landscape (Previous period = 100, monthly data)
N 81 Services to buildings and landscape (y-o-y indices, monthly data)
N 81 Services to buildings and landscape (2005=100, monthly data)
N 81 Services to buildings and landscape (y-o-y moving average, monthly data)
N 81 Services to buildings and landscape (y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
N 81 Services to buildings and landscape (Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data)
N 81 Services to buildings and landscape (2005=100, quarterly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, y-o-y indices, monthly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, 2010=100, monthly data)
F_CC1 - Buildings (Constant prices, y-o-y indices, quarterly data)