Investment fund shares/units (Mixed Funds Balance Sheet) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Investment fund shares/units (Mixed Funds Balance Sheet) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Mixed Funds Balance Sheet

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Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 30.06.2020 45 193.79
Min 30.11.2011 5 997.75

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
30.06.2020 45 193.79 43 297.80 1 895.99 4.38% 40 375.26 4 818.53 11.93%
31.05.2020 43 297.80 42 691.69 606.11 1.42% 39 531.55 3 766.25 9.53%
30.04.2020 42 691.69 39 695.05 2 996.64 7.55% 40 440.49 2 251.20 5.57%
31.03.2020 39 695.05 43 318.23 -3 623.18 -8.36% 40 481.96 - 786.90 -1.94%
29.02.2020 43 318.23 43 562.34 - 244.11 -0.56% 40 701.28 2 616.95 6.43%
31.01.2020 43 562.34 43 068.95 493.39 1.15% 41 135.75 2 426.59 5.90%
31.12.2019 43 068.95 41 934.76 1 134.19 2.70% 39 634.24 3 434.72 8.67%
30.11.2019 41 934.76 41 004.88 929.88 2.27% 41 868.19 66.57 0.16%
31.10.2019 41 004.88 40 817.64 187.25 0.46% 42 318.10 -1 313.22 -3.10%
30.09.2019 40 817.64 40 082.30 735.34 1.83% 42 787.18 -1 969.54 -4.60%
31.08.2019 40 082.30 41 304.67 -1 222.36 -2.96% 42 661.54 -2 579.23 -6.05%
31.07.2019 41 304.67 40 375.26 929.40 2.30% 42 333.65 -1 028.99 -2.43%
30.06.2019 40 375.26 39 531.55 843.71 2.13% 41 633.20 -1 257.94 -3.02%
31.05.2019 39 531.55 40 440.49 - 908.93 -2.25% 41 126.19 -1 594.64 -3.88%
30.04.2019 40 440.49 40 481.96 -41.47 -0.10% 40 660.91 - 220.42 -0.54%
31.03.2019 40 481.96 40 701.28 - 219.32 -0.54% 39 798.18 683.77 1.72%
28.02.2019 40 701.28 41 135.75 - 434.47 -1.06% 39 954.89 746.38 1.87%
31.01.2019 41 135.75 39 634.24 1 501.51 3.79% 39 511.72 1 624.03 4.11%
31.12.2018 39 634.24 41 868.19 -2 233.95 -5.34% 38 449.01 1 185.23 3.08%
30.11.2018 41 868.19 42 318.10 - 449.91 -1.06% 37 680.12 4 188.07 11.11%
31.10.2018 42 318.10 42 787.18 - 469.08 -1.10% 36 384.96 5 933.14 16.31%
30.09.2018 42 787.18 42 661.54 125.64 0.29% 35 230.31 7 556.86 21.45%
31.08.2018 42 661.54 42 333.65 327.88 0.77% 35 067.25 7 594.29 21.66%
31.07.2018 42 333.65 41 633.20 700.45 1.68% 34 836.85 7 496.80 21.52%
30.06.2018 41 633.20 41 126.19 507.01 1.23% 34 204.53 7 428.67 21.72%
31.05.2018 41 126.19 40 660.91 465.28 1.14% 32 833.40 8 292.79 25.26%
30.04.2018 40 660.91 39 798.18 862.73 2.17% 30 592.09 10 068.82 32.91%
31.03.2018 39 798.18 39 954.89 - 156.71 -0.39% 30 133.56 9 664.62 32.07%
28.02.2018 39 954.89 39 511.72 443.18 1.12% 30 475.96 9 478.93 31.10%
31.01.2018 39 511.72 38 449.01 1 062.71 2.76% 31 302.84 8 208.88 26.22%
31.12.2017 38 449.01 37 680.12 768.89 2.04% 31 243.29 7 205.72 23.06%
30.11.2017 37 680.12 36 384.96 1 295.16 3.56% 30 705.85 6 974.27 22.71%
31.10.2017 36 384.96 35 230.31 1 154.64 3.28% 30 414.79 5 970.16 19.63%
30.09.2017 35 230.31 35 067.25 163.06 0.47% 30 053.64 5 176.67 17.22%
31.08.2017 35 067.25 34 836.85 230.40 0.66% 29 694.26 5 372.99 18.09%
31.07.2017 34 836.85 34 204.53 632.32 1.85% 29 124.37 5 712.49 19.61%
30.06.2017 34 204.53 32 833.40 1 371.13 4.18% 28 401.84 5 802.69 20.43%
31.05.2017 32 833.40 30 592.09 2 241.31 7.33% 27 267.48 5 565.92 20.41%
30.04.2017 30 592.09 30 133.56 458.52 1.52% 26 926.56 3 665.53 13.61%
31.03.2017 30 133.56 30 475.96 - 342.40 -1.12% 26 274.55 3 859.01 14.69%
28.02.2017 30 475.96 31 302.84 - 826.88 -2.64% 25 175.09 5 300.88 21.06%
31.01.2017 31 302.84 31 243.29 59.55 0.19% 24 950.65 6 352.19 25.46%
31.12.2016 31 243.29 30 705.85 537.44 1.75% 24 781.79 6 461.49 26.07%
30.11.2016 30 705.85 30 414.79 291.06 0.96% 24 106.37 6 599.48 27.38%
31.10.2016 30 414.79 30 053.64 361.15 1.20% 23 074.93 7 339.86 31.81%
30.09.2016 30 053.64 29 694.26 359.38 1.21% 21 405.12 8 648.52 40.40%
31.08.2016 29 694.26 29 124.37 569.90 1.96% 21 952.82 7 741.44 35.26%
31.07.2016 29 124.37 28 401.84 722.53 2.54% 22 692.26 6 432.10 28.34%
30.06.2016 28 401.84 27 267.48 1 134.36 4.16% 22 261.71 6 140.13 27.58%
31.05.2016 27 267.48 26 926.56 340.92 1.27% 22 172.24 5 095.24 22.98%
30.04.2016 26 926.56 26 274.55 652.00 2.48% 21 980.04 4 946.52 22.50%
31.03.2016 26 274.55 25 175.09 1 099.46 4.37% 21 450.05 4 824.50 22.49%
29.02.2016 25 175.09 24 950.65 224.44 0.90% 19 381.09 5 794.00 29.90%
31.01.2016 24 950.65 24 781.79 168.86 0.68% 17 920.60 7 030.05 39.23%
31.12.2015 24 781.79 24 106.37 675.42 2.80% 17 096.01 7 685.78 44.96%
30.11.2015 24 106.37 23 074.93 1 031.44 4.47% 14 707.20 9 399.17 63.91%
31.10.2015 23 074.93 21 405.12 1 669.81 7.80% 14 207.77 8 867.16 62.41%
30.09.2015 21 405.12 21 952.82 - 547.70 -2.49% 12 584.37 8 820.75 70.09%
31.08.2015 21 952.82 22 692.26 - 739.44 -3.26% 12 166.30 9 786.52 80.44%
31.07.2015 22 692.26 22 261.71 430.55 1.93% 11 669.13 11 023.13 94.46%
30.06.2015 22 261.71 22 172.24 89.47 0.40% 11 359.71 10 902.00 95.97%
31.05.2015 22 172.24 21 980.04 192.20 0.87% 10 748.57 11 423.67 106.28%
30.04.2015 21 980.04 21 450.05 529.99 2.47% 10 420.89 11 559.15 110.92%
31.03.2015 21 450.05 19 381.09 2 068.96 10.68% 9 978.32 11 471.73 114.97%
28.02.2015 19 381.09 17 920.60 1 460.49 8.15% 9 843.50 9 537.59 96.89%
31.01.2015 17 920.60 17 096.01 824.59 4.82% 9 530.85 8 389.74 88.03%
31.12.2014 17 096.01 14 707.20 2 388.81 16.24% 9 583.51 7 512.49 78.39%
30.11.2014 14 707.20 14 207.77 499.43 3.52% 8 456.28 6 250.93 73.92%
31.10.2014 14 207.77 12 584.37 1 623.40 12.90% 8 221.55 5 986.22 72.81%
30.09.2014 12 584.37 12 166.30 418.07 3.44% 7 922.69 4 661.67 58.84%
31.08.2014 12 166.30 11 669.13 497.16 4.26% 7 733.81 4 432.48 57.31%
31.07.2014 11 669.13 11 359.71 309.42 2.72% 7 691.56 3 977.57 51.71%
30.06.2014 11 359.71 10 748.57 611.14 5.69% 7 227.20 4 132.51 57.18%
31.05.2014 10 748.57 10 420.89 327.68 3.14% 7 575.99 3 172.57 41.88%
30.04.2014 10 420.89 9 978.32 442.57 4.44% 7 481.63 2 939.26 39.29%
31.03.2014 9 978.32 9 843.50 134.81 1.37% 7 373.44 2 604.88 35.33%
28.02.2014 9 843.50 9 530.85 312.65 3.28% 7 133.18 2 710.32 38.00%
31.01.2014 9 530.85 9 583.51 -52.66 -0.55% 6 953.35 2 577.51 37.07%
31.12.2013 9 583.51 8 456.28 1 127.24 13.33% 6 805.52 2 777.99 40.82%
30.11.2013 8 456.28 8 221.55 234.73 2.85% 6 443.95 2 012.33 31.23%
31.10.2013 8 221.55 7 922.69 298.85 3.77% 6 850.71 1 370.84 20.01%
30.09.2013 7 922.69 7 733.81 188.88 2.44% 6 981.81 940.88 13.48%
31.08.2013 7 733.81 7 691.56 42.25 0.55% 6 730.07 1 003.74 14.91%
31.07.2013 7 691.56 7 227.20 464.36 6.43% 6 508.61 1 182.95 18.18%
30.06.2013 7 227.20 7 575.99 - 348.79 -4.60% 6 275.85 951.35 15.16%
31.05.2013 7 575.99 7 481.63 94.36 1.26% 6 240.48 1 335.51 21.40%
30.04.2013 7 481.63 7 373.44 108.19 1.47% 7 065.47 416.16 5.89%
31.03.2013 7 373.44 7 133.18 240.26 3.37% 6 937.87 435.57 6.28%
28.02.2013 7 133.18 6 953.35 179.83 2.59% 6 684.74 448.44 6.71%
31.01.2013 6 953.35 6 805.52 147.83 2.17% 6 495.28 458.07 7.05%
31.12.2012 6 805.52 6 443.95 361.57 5.61% 6 191.51 614.01 9.92%
30.11.2012 6 443.95 6 850.71 - 406.76 -5.94% 5 997.75 446.19 7.44%
31.10.2012 6 850.71 6 981.81 - 131.11 -1.88% 6 472.88 377.82 5.84%
30.09.2012 6 981.81 6 730.07 251.74 3.74% 6 160.28 821.54 13.34%
31.08.2012 6 730.07 6 508.61 221.46 3.40% 6 240.91 489.16 7.84%
31.07.2012 6 508.61 6 275.85 232.76 3.71% 7 172.46 - 663.85 -9.26%
30.06.2012 6 275.85 6 240.48 35.37 0.57% 7 262.88 - 987.03 -13.59%
31.05.2012 6 240.48 7 065.47 - 824.99 -11.68% 7 200.00 - 959.52 -13.33%
30.04.2012 7 065.47 6 937.87 127.60 1.84% 7 019.63 45.84 0.65%
31.03.2012 6 937.87 6 684.74 253.14 3.79% 7 033.92 -96.05 -1.37%
29.02.2012 6 684.74 6 495.28 189.46 2.92% 8 629.80 -1 945.07 -22.54%
31.01.2012 6 495.28 6 191.51 303.77 4.91% 8 437.62 -1 942.35 -23.02%
31.12.2011 6 191.51 5 997.75 193.75 3.23% 8 514.55 -2 323.05 -27.28%
30.11.2011 5 997.75 6 472.88 - 475.13 -7.34% 8 138.16 -2 140.41 -26.30%
31.10.2011 6 472.88 6 160.28 312.60 5.07% 7 804.58 -1 331.69 -17.06%
30.09.2011 6 160.28 6 240.91 -80.63 -1.29% 7 449.21 -1 288.93 -17.30%
31.08.2011 6 240.91 7 172.46 - 931.55 -12.99% 7 317.31 -1 076.40 -14.71%
31.07.2011 7 172.46 7 262.88 -90.42 -1.24% 7 330.89 - 158.43 -2.16%
30.06.2011 7 262.88 7 200.00 62.88 0.87% 7 293.20 -30.32 -0.42%
31.05.2011 7 200.00 7 019.63 180.37 2.57% 7 517.39 - 317.38 -4.22%
30.04.2011 7 019.63 7 033.92 -14.29 -0.20% 7 789.09 - 769.46 -9.88%
31.03.2011 7 033.92 8 629.80 -1 595.89 -18.49% 7 598.15 - 564.23 -7.43%
28.02.2011 8 629.80 8 437.62 192.18 2.28% 7 432.66 1 197.14 16.11%
31.01.2011 8 437.62 8 514.55 -76.93 -0.90% 7 579.10 858.52 11.33%
31.12.2010 8 514.55 8 138.16 376.39 4.62% 7 620.38 894.17 11.73%
30.11.2010 8 138.16 7 804.58 333.58 4.27% 7 751.43 386.73 4.99%
31.10.2010 7 804.58 7 449.21 355.37 4.77% 7 668.77 135.81 1.77%
30.09.2010 7 449.21 7 317.31 131.91 1.80% 7 490.56 -41.35 -0.55%
31.08.2010 7 317.31 7 330.89 -13.59 -0.19% 7 537.84 - 220.53 -2.93%
31.07.2010 7 330.89 7 293.20 37.70 0.52% 7 787.13 - 456.24 -5.86%
30.06.2010 7 293.20 7 517.39 - 224.19 -2.98% 7 675.34 - 382.15 -4.98%
31.05.2010 7 517.39 7 789.09 - 271.70 -3.49% 8 035.23 - 517.84 -6.44%
30.04.2010 7 789.09 7 598.15 190.94 2.51% 8 140.35 - 351.26 -4.32%
31.03.2010 7 598.15 7 432.66 165.49 2.23% 8 169.31 - 571.15 -6.99%
28.02.2010 7 432.66 7 579.10 - 146.44 -1.93% 8 549.33 -1 116.66 -13.06%
31.01.2010 7 579.10 7 620.38 -41.27 -0.54% 8 951.27 -1 372.17 -15.33%
31.12.2009 7 620.38 7 751.43 - 131.05 -1.69% 8 815.46 -1 195.08 -13.56%
30.11.2009 7 751.43 7 668.77 82.66 1.08% - - -
31.10.2009 7 668.77 7 490.56 178.21 2.38% - - -
30.09.2009 7 490.56 7 537.84 -47.28 -0.63% - - -
31.08.2009 7 537.84 7 787.13 - 249.29 -3.20% - - -
31.07.2009 7 787.13 7 675.34 111.78 1.46% - - -
30.06.2009 7 675.34 8 035.23 - 359.88 -4.48% - - -
31.05.2009 8 035.23 8 140.35 - 105.12 -1.29% - - -
30.04.2009 8 140.35 8 169.31 -28.95 -0.35% - - -
31.03.2009 8 169.31 8 549.33 - 380.02 -4.45% - - -
28.02.2009 8 549.33 8 951.27 - 401.95 -4.49% - - -
31.01.2009 8 951.27 8 815.46 135.81 1.54% - - -
31.12.2008 8 815.46 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Investment fund shares/units - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Investment fund shares/units (Investment fund balance sheet (without MMF))
Investment fund shares/units (Equity funds balance sheet)
Investment fund shares/units (Bond funds balance sheet)
Investment fund shares/units (Mixed funds balance sheet)
Investment fund shares/units (Real estate funds balance sheet)
Investment fund shares/units (Other funds balance sheet)
Investment fund shares/units (Investment fund balance sheet (without MMF) - flows)
Investment fund shares/units (Equity funds balance sheet - flows)
Investment fund shares/units (Bond funds balance sheet - flows)
Investment fund shares/units (Mixed funds balance sheet - flows)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Money market fund shares/units (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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