Cross-sectional indicators (Monetary statistics) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Cross-sectional indicators (Monetary statistics) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - commercial banks (points)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.07.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Loans to non-financial corporations 1 222.00 1 201.00 1.75% 1 190.00 2.69%
IND2 Mortgage loans for house purchase 1 415.00 1 415.00 0.00 1 439.00 -1.67%
IND3 Consumer credit (excluding current account debit balances and credit cards) 1 479.00 1 479.00 0.00 1 543.00 -4.15%
IND4 Debit balances on current accounts of households - individuals 1 362.00 1 362.00 0.00 1 456.00 -6.46%
IND5 Credit card loans to households - individuals 1 767.00 1 784.00 -0.95% 1 821.00 -2.97%
IND6 Building society loans 2 172.00 2 169.00 0.14% 2 159.00 0.60%
IND7 Demand deposits of households (individuals and trades) 1 451.00 1 445.00 0.42% 1 470.00 -1.29%
IND8 Demand deposits of local government 2 533.00 2 521.00 0.48% 2 465.00 2.76%
IND9 Demand deposits of non-financial corporations 1 417.00 1 403.00 1.00% 1 373.00 3.20%
IND10 Time deposits of households (individuals and trades) 1 270.00 1 249.00 1.68% 1 148.00 10.63%
IND11 Time deposits of local government 2 724.00 2 578.00 5.66% 2 202.00 23.71%
IND12 Time deposits of non-financial corporations 2 079.00 1 986.00 4.68% 1 822.00 14.11%
IND13 Building society deposits 2 496.00 2 494.00 0.08% 2 493.00 0.12%

Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - consumer credits (points)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Consumer credit - total 1 030.00 1 019.00 1.08% 1 031.00 -0.10%
IND2 Non-banking consumer credits (excluding financial leasing) 1 450.00 1 713.00 -15.35% 2 191.00 -33.82%

Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - investment funds (points)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Volume of managed assets 137.00 135.00 1.48% 130.00 5.38%

Key monetary indicators

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 M1 - Outstanding amounts 2 803 156.76 2 744 427.18 2.14% 2 514 304.24 11.49%
IND2 M3 - Outstanding amounts 3 330 539.59 3 270 260.45 1.84% 3 144 512.70 5.92%
IND3 Loans to private sector - Outstanding amounts 2 282 369.54 2 264 254.34 0.80% 2 201 993.62 3.65%
IND4 Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts 1 344 257.70 1 342 226.58 0.15% 1 314 799.72 2.24%
IND5 M1 - Transactions 56 907.12 35 576.50 59.96% 26 692.41 113.20%
IND6 M3 - Transactions 58 193.38 40 886.48 42.33% 38 425.51 51.44%
IND7 Loans to private sector - Transactions 18 522.58 10 084.24 83.68% 5 039.23 267.57%
IND8 Net foreign assets - Transactions -4 979.03 -8 201.03 -39.29% 18 110.25 - 127.49%
IND9 M1 - Annual growth rates [%] 10.87 9.78 11.13% 7.03 54.50%
IND10 M3 - Annual growth rates [%] 5.73 5.16 10.97% 5.41 5.90%
IND11 Loans to private sector - Annual growth rates [%] 4.47 3.86 15.83% 3.91 14.38%
IND12 Net foreign assets - Annual growth rates [%] -0.97 0.79 - 222.59% 7.03 - 113.73%

Monetary aggregates - Components of M3

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2017 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) M3 (items 1.3, 1.6 and 1.11) - Outstanding amounts 4 153 060.88 4 183 703.43 -0.73% 3 708 496.84 11.99%
IND2 (1.1) Currency in circulation - Outstanding amounts 531 199.82 526 938.50 0.81% 488 970.40 8.64%
IND3 (1.2) Overnight deposits - Outstanding amounts 3 151 220.67 3 174 007.70 -0.72% 2 783 692.95 13.20%
IND4 (1.3) M1 (items 1.1 and 1.2) - Outstanding amounts 3 682 420.50 3 700 946.20 -0.50% 3 272 663.34 12.52%
IND5 (1.4) Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years - Outstanding amounts 166 544.69 178 941.64 -6.93% 180 575.76 -7.77%
IND6 (1.5) Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months - Outstanding amounts 210 685.81 213 709.92 -1.42% 236 819.16 -11.04%
IND7 (1.6) Other short term deposits (items 1.4 and 1.5) - Outstanding amounts 377 230.50 392 651.56 -3.93% 417 394.92 -9.62%
IND8 (1.7) M2 (items 1.3 and 1.6) - Outstanding amounts 4 059 650.99 4 093 597.76 -0.83% 3 690 058.26 10.02%
IND9 (1.8) Repurchase agreements - Outstanding amounts 91 235.25 87 479.30 4.29% 17 051.31 435.06%
IND10 (1.9) Money market fund shares/units - Outstanding amounts 2 127.38 2 579.11 -17.52% 684.25 210.91%
IND11 (1.10) Debt securities issued with maturity up to 2 years - Outstanding amounts 47.25 47.26 -0.00% 703.02 -93.28%
IND12 (1.11) Marketable instruments (items 1.8,1.9 and 1.10) - Outstanding amounts 93 409.88 90 105.67 3.67% 18 438.58 406.60%
IND13 (1) M3 (items 1.3, 1.6 and 1.11) - Transactions -27 185.89 27 814.28 - 197.74% -11 729.90 131.77%
IND14 (1.1) Currency in circulation - Transactions 4 261.32 -3 344.19 - 227.42% 7 224.36 -41.01%
IND15 (1.2) Overnight deposits - Transactions -19 678.37 43 754.72 - 144.97% 3 155.02 - 723.72%
IND16 (1.3) M1 (items 1.1 and 1.2) - Transactions -15 417.05 40 410.53 - 138.15% 10 379.38 - 248.54%
IND17 (1.4) Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years - Transactions -12 053.29 -19 785.64 -39.08% -16 188.78 -25.55%
IND18 (1.5) Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months - Transactions -3 021.07 -2 272.98 32.91% -8 243.40 -63.35%
IND19 (1.6) Other short term deposits (items 1.4 and 1.5) - Transactions -15 074.36 -22 058.62 -31.66% -24 432.18 -38.30%
IND20 (1.7) M2 (items 1.3 and 1.6) - Transactions -30 491.41 18 351.91 - 266.15% -14 052.80 116.98%
IND21 (1.8) Repurchase agreements - Transactions 3 755.99 8 884.06 -57.72% 2 377.11 58.01%
IND22 (1.9) Money market fund shares/units - Transactions - 450.47 578.33 - 177.89% -54.30 729.53%
IND23 (1.10) Debt securities issued with maturity up to 2 years - Transactions -0.00 -0.01 -90.91% 0.10 - 101.03%
IND24 (1.11) Marketable instruments (items 1.8,1.9 and 1.10) - Transactions 3 305.52 9 462.37 -65.07% 2 322.90 42.30%
IND25 (1) M3 (items 1.3, 1.6 and 1.11) - Annual growth rates [%] 12.41 12.79 -2.95% 9.70 28.03%
IND26 (1.1) Currency in circulation - Annual growth rates [%] 8.62 9.37 -7.95% 9.10 -5.23%
IND27 (1.2) Overnight deposits - Annual growth rates [%] 13.75 14.59 -5.76% 14.24 -3.46%
IND28 (1.3) M1 (items 1.1 and 1.2) - Annual growth rates [%] 12.98 13.81 -6.03% 13.44 -3.42%
IND29 (1.4) Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years - Annual growth rates [%] -7.72 -9.20 -16.09% -16.43 -53.01%
IND30 (1.5) Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months - Annual growth rates [%] -10.86 -12.63 -13.96% -12.13 -10.43%
IND31 (1.6) Other short term deposits (items 1.4 and 1.5) - Annual growth rates [%] -9.48 -11.07 -14.38% -14.05 -32.50%
IND32 (1.7) M2 (items 1.3 and 1.6) - Annual growth rates [%] 10.44 10.85 -3.74% 9.48 10.09%
IND36 (1.11) Marketable instruments (items 1.8,1.9 and 1.10) - Annual growth rates [%] 407.03 459.58 -11.43% 78.95 415.57%

Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (2) Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts 183 536.35 211 709.92 -13.31% 305 822.09 -39.99%
IND2 (3) Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Outstanding amounts 1 021 621.79 1 003 028.73 1.85% 953 241.73 7.17%
IND3 (3.1) Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts 237 322.84 236 324.94 0.42% 258 346.31 -8.14%
IND4 (3.2) Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Outstanding amounts 33 268.99 33 300.92 -0.10% 35 269.26 -5.67%
IND5 (3.3) Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts 113 064.60 107 351.52 5.32% 110 525.49 2.30%
IND6 (3.4) Capital and reserves - Outstanding amounts 637 965.36 626 051.36 1.90% 549 100.67 16.18%
IND7 (4) Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Outstanding amounts 3 174 125.66 3 156 354.85 0.56% 3 042 563.06 4.32%
IND8 (4.1) Credit to general government - Outstanding amounts 822 386.68 824 779.24 -0.29% 780 554.20 5.36%
IND9 (4.1.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts 60 510.89 65 588.34 -7.74% 58 717.42 3.05%
IND10 (4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts 761 875.78 759 190.90 0.35% 721 836.78 5.55%
IND11 (4.2) Credit to private secor - Outstanding amounts 2 351 738.98 2 331 575.61 0.86% 2 262 008.86 3.97%
IND12 (4.2.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts 2 282 369.54 2 264 254.34 0.80% 2 201 993.62 3.65%
IND13 (4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts 12 767.20 11 892.62 7.35% 15 603.02 -18.17%
IND14 (4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Outstanding amounts 56 602.24 55 428.65 2.12% 44 412.21 27.45%
IND15 (5) Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts 1 344 257.70 1 342 226.58 0.15% 1 314 799.72 2.24%
IND16 (6) Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Outstanding amounts 17 314.37 -13 582.32 - 227.48% 46 213.75 -62.53%
IND17 (2) Holdings deposits against central government - Transactions -28 326.93 -56 209.68 -49.60% -18 346.87 54.40%
IND18 (3) Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Transactions 14 046.95 1 641.40 755.79% 36 168.20 -61.16%
IND19 (3.1) Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Transactions 980.61 -1 432.78 - 168.44% 9 415.46 -89.58%
IND20 (3.2) Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Transactions -34.97 - 198.67 -82.40% -13.47 159.59%
IND21 (3.3) Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Transactions 5 429.28 3 650.49 48.73% 295.42 1 737.80%
IND22 (3.4) Capital and reserves - Transactions 7 672.03 - 377.64 -2 131.57% 26 470.79 -71.02%
IND23 (4) Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Transactions 17 496.72 2 083.44 739.80% -13 408.34 - 230.49%
IND24 (4.1) Credit to general government - Transactions -3 063.71 -9 007.67 -65.99% -17 595.95 -82.59%
IND25 (4.1.1) Loans - Transactions -5 088.61 2 139.76 - 337.81% -4 347.95 17.03%
IND26 (4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions 2 024.90 -11 147.43 - 118.16% -13 248.00 - 115.28%
IND27 (4.2) Credit to private secor - Transactions 20 560.43 11 091.11 85.38% 4 187.60 390.98%
IND28 (4.2.1) Loans - Transactions 18 522.58 10 084.24 83.68% 5 039.23 267.57%
IND29 (4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions 866.46 -1 090.65 - 179.44% - 120.83 - 817.11%
IND30 (4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Transactions 1 171.39 2 097.52 -44.15% - 730.80 - 260.29%
IND31 (5) Net foreign assets - Transactions -4 979.03 -8 201.03 -39.29% 18 110.25 - 127.49%
IND32 (6) Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Transactions 31 395.71 -7 564.21 - 515.06% 51 544.93 -39.09%

Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Annual growth rates [%]

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.05.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (2) Holdings deposits against central government - Annual growth rates [%] -56.73 -54.92 3.29% -9.91 472.11%
IND2 (3) Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Annual growth rates [%] 5.91 6.38 -7.33% 4.30 37.53%
IND3 (3.1) Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Annual growth rates [%] -3.82 -3.93 -2.85% 0.26 -1 563.60%
IND4 (3.2) Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Annual growth rates [%] -8.06 -0.92 780.87% -3.81 111.77%
IND5 (3.3) Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Annual growth rates [%] 24.24 22.08 9.80% -14.23 - 270.34%
IND6 (3.4) Capital and reserves - Annual growth rates [%] 8.09 8.74 -7.43% 11.72 -30.94%
IND7 (4) Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Annual growth rates [%] 4.22 4.17 1.22% 1.15 267.98%
IND8 (4.1) Credit to general government - Annual growth rates [%] -1.66 -0.22 669.44% -5.84 -71.52%
IND9 (4.1.1) Loans - Annual growth rates [%] -0.95 6.56 - 114.43% -7.12 -86.70%
IND10 (4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Annual growth rates [%] -1.74 -0.83 108.62% -5.73 -69.60%
IND11 (4.2) Credit to private secor - Annual growth rates [%] 6.34 5.73 10.64% 3.85 64.91%
IND12 (4.2.1) Loans - Annual growth rates [%] 5.95 5.47 8.79% 4.21 41.37%
IND13 (4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Annual growth rates [%] 37.80 9.95 280.00% -30.76 - 222.91%
IND14 (4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Annual growth rates [%] 17.17 16.92 1.51% -0.49 -3 576.52%
IND15 (5) Net foreign assets - Annual growth rates [%] -3.78 -3.12 21.17% 13.58 - 127.85%

Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) ASSETS TOTAL 1 265 476.66 1 233 622.41 2.58% 1 139 476.11 11.06%
IND2 (1.1) Loans to residents 2 967.38 2 965.77 0.05% 2 971.91 -0.15%
IND3 (1.1.1) MFI 0.02 0.02 -5.88% 0.03 -46.67%
IND4 (1.1.2) General government 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 (1.1.3) Other residents 2 967.36 2 965.75 0.05% 2 971.88 -0.15%
IND6 (1.2) Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND7 (1.2.1) MFI 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 (1.2.2) General government 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 (1.2.3) Other residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 (1.3) Money market fund shares/units 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 (1.4) Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 (1.4.1) MFI 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND13 (1.4 2) Other residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 (1.5) External assets 1 250 840.43 1 218 962.40 2.62% 1 123 480.01 11.34%
IND15 (1.6) Fixed assets 10 822.67 10 790.54 0.30% 10 803.69 0.18%
IND16 (1.7) Remaining assets 846.19 903.72 -6.37% 2 220.50 -61.89%
IND17 (2) LIABILITIES TOTAL 1 265 476.66 1 233 622.41 2.58% 1 139 476.11 11.06%
IND18 (2.1) Currency in circulation 467 810.55 460 155.21 1.66% 440 320.01 6.24%
IND19 (2.2) Deposits of residents 695 359.51 685 484.50 1.44% 690 971.80 0.64%
IND20 (2.2.1) MFI 690 433.37 682 486.41 1.16% 664 072.22 3.97%
IND21 (2.2.2) Central government 3 797.73 1 897.14 100.18% 25 509.86 -85.11%
IND22 (2.2.3) Other general government/other residents 1 128.41 1 100.94 2.50% 1 389.72 -18.80%
IND24 (2.4) Debt securities issued 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND25 (2.5) Capital and reserves 25 352.33 17 592.24 44.11% -31 371.88 - 180.81%
IND26 (2.6) External liabilities 26 760.06 22 397.18 19.48% 2 599.91 929.27%
IND27 (2.7) Remaining liabilities 50 194.21 47 993.28 4.59% 36 956.28 35.82%

Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.05.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) ASSETS TOTAL 5 533 297.65 5 509 730.18 0.43% 5 301 845.33 4.37%
IND2 (1.1) Loans to residents 3 283 934.03 3 270 715.25 0.40% 3 183 362.44 3.16%
IND3 (1.1.1) MFI 900 453.04 901 048.01 -0.07% 909 050.69 -0.95%
IND4 (1.1.2) General government 65 923.53 69 538.99 -5.20% 62 639.48 5.24%
IND5 (1.1.3) Other residents 2 317 557.46 2 300 128.26 0.76% 2 211 672.27 4.79%
IND6 (1.2) Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents 1 044 052.52 1 030 226.75 1.34% 1 002 416.15 4.15%
IND7 (1.2.1) MFI 292 420.47 287 745.77 1.62% 249 228.70 17.33%
IND8 (1.2.2) General government 736 390.95 729 183.74 0.99% 741 417.60 -0.68%
IND9 (1.2.3) Other residents 15 241.10 13 297.25 14.62% 11 769.85 29.49%
IND10 (1.3) Money market fund shares/units 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 (1.4) Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents 94 958.37 94 713.10 0.26% 82 009.35 15.79%
IND12 (1.4.1) MFI 37 086.95 37 067.64 0.05% 35 843.66 3.47%
IND13 (1.4.2) Other residents 57 871.42 57 645.46 0.39% 46 165.69 25.36%
IND14 (1.5) External assets 762 393.76 747 572.58 1.98% 697 433.92 9.31%
IND15 (1.6) Fixed assets 118 058.71 117 815.17 0.21% 117 382.77 0.58%
IND16 (1.7) Remaining assets 229 900.27 248 687.33 -7.55% 219 240.70 4.86%
IND17 (2) LIABILITIES TOTAL 5 533 297.65 5 509 730.18 0.43% 5 301 845.33 4.37%
IND18 (2.1) Currency in circulation 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 (2.2) Deposits of residents 3 508 642.81 3 499 947.18 0.25% 3 581 306.40 -2.03%
IND20 (2.2.1) MFI 143 479.32 145 380.98 -1.31% 191 092.28 -24.92%
IND21 (2.2.2) Central government 141 351.77 151 634.16 -6.78% 314 234.16 -55.02%
IND22 (2.2.3) Other general government/other residents 3 223 811.72 3 202 932.04 0.65% 3 075 979.97 4.81%
IND23 (2.3) Money market fund shares/units 935.06 1 000.10 -6.50% 1 443.81 -35.24%
IND24 (2.4) Debt securities issued 418 806.24 413 738.95 1.22% 347 794.64 20.42%
IND25 (2.5) Capital and reserves 630 587.66 640 415.84 -1.53% 617 510.16 2.12%
IND26 (2.6) External liabilities 669 053.99 614 958.82 8.80% 458 586.23 45.89%
IND27 (2.7) Remaining liabilities 305 271.89 339 669.30 -10.13% 295 204.09 3.41%

Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) ASSETS TOTAL 5 503 496.06 5 448 820.09 1.00% 5 177 997.78 6.29%
IND2 (1.1) Loans to residents 2 342 880.44 2 329 842.68 0.56% 2 260 711.05 3.63%
IND4 (1.1.2) General government 60 510.89 65 588.34 -7.74% 58 717.42 3.05%
IND5 (1.1.3) Other residents 2 282 369.54 2 264 254.34 0.80% 2 201 993.62 3.65%
IND6 (1.2) Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents 774 642.98 771 083.52 0.46% 737 439.80 5.04%
IND8 (1.2.2) General government 761 875.78 759 190.90 0.35% 721 836.78 5.55%
IND9 (1.2.3) Other residents 12 767.20 11 892.62 7.35% 15 603.02 -18.17%
IND11 (1.4) Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents 56 602.24 55 428.65 2.12% 44 412.21 27.45%
IND13 (1.4.2) Other residents 56 602.24 55 428.65 2.12% 44 412.21 27.45%
IND14 (1.5) External assets 1 979 236.14 1 949 995.77 1.50% 1 829 053.52 8.21%
IND15 (1.6) Fixed assets 128 791.73 127 737.49 0.83% 128 276.55 0.40%
IND16 (1.7) Remaining assets 221 342.53 214 731.97 3.08% 178 104.64 24.28%
IND17 (2) LIABILITIES TOTAL 5 503 496.07 5 448 820.09 1.00% 5 177 997.77 6.29%
IND18 (2.1) Currency in circulation 432 161.11 431 036.66 0.26% 405 445.21 6.59%
IND19 (2.2) Deposits of residents 3 351 224.00 3 319 227.46 0.96% 3 334 531.65 0.50%
IND21 (2.2.2) Central government 183 536.35 211 709.92 -13.31% 305 822.09 -39.99%
IND22 (2.2.3) Other general government/other residents 3 167 687.65 3 107 517.54 1.94% 3 028 709.56 4.59%
IND23 (2.3) Money market fund shares/units 1 282.65 1 332.12 -3.71% 1 828.66 -29.86%
IND24 (2.4) Debt securities issued 113 064.60 107 351.52 5.32% 112 670.33 0.35%
IND25 (2.5) Capital and reserves 637 965.36 626 051.36 1.90% 549 100.67 16.18%
IND26 (2.6) External liabilities 634 978.44 607 769.19 4.48% 514 253.81 23.48%
IND27 (2.7) Remaining liabilities 335 069.41 359 333.45 -6.75% 263 416.96 27.20%
IND28 (2.8) Excess of inter MFI liabilities -2 249.51 -3 281.65 -31.45% -3 249.52 -30.77%

Aggregated balance sheet of investment funds (without MMF)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.11.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) Assets 289 394.00 282 733.00 2.36% 238 469.00 21.35%
IND2 (1.1) Deposits 35 514.00 36 488.00 -2.67% 32 175.00 10.38%
IND3 (1.2) Securities other than shares 85 688.00 84 517.00 1.39% 79 849.00 7.31%
IND4 (1.2.1) Securities other than shares - Residents 41 496.00 41 764.00 -0.64% 39 072.00 6.20%
IND5 (1.2.2) Securities other than shares - Non-residents 44 192.00 42 753.00 3.37% 40 777.00 8.37%
IND6 (1.3) Shares 39 836.00 39 164.00 1.72% 33 054.00 20.52%
IND7 (1.3.1) Shares - Residents 10 298.00 10 143.00 1.53% 9 251.00 11.32%
IND8 (1.3.2) Shares - Non-residents 29 538.00 29 021.00 1.78% 23 802.00 24.10%
IND9 (1.4) Mutual fund shares/units 47 513.00 45 124.00 5.29% 25 355.00 87.39%
IND10 (1.4.1) Mutual fund shares/units - Residents 9 325.00 8 829.00 5.62% 6 258.00 49.01%
IND11 (1.4.2) Mutual fund shares/units - Non-residents 38 187.00 36 294.00 5.22% 19 098.00 99.95%
IND12 (1.5) Other assets 80 844.00 77 440.00 4.40% 68 036.00 18.83%
IND13 (2) Liabilities 289 394.00 282 733.00 2.36% 238 469.00 21.35%
IND14 (2.1) Loans taken 16 007.00 15 793.00 1.35% 12 493.00 28.13%
IND15 (2.2) Mutual fund shares/units issued 257 490.00 251 939.00 2.20% 210 616.00 22.26%
IND16 (2.3) Other liabilities 15 897.00 15 000.00 5.98% 15 360.00 3.50%

Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - insurance companies and pension companies (points)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 HHI - Life insurance technical reserves 1 607.00 1 408.00 14.13% 1 450.00 10.83%
IND2 HHI - Funds of participants in pension insurance (transformed funds) 1 556.00 1 555.00 0.06% 1 555.00 0.06%
IND3 HHI - Funds of participants in pension savings 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND4 HHI - Funds of participants in the participating funds 782.00 776.00 0.77% 846.00 -7.57%

Key monetary indicators

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.05.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 M1 - Outstanding amounts 2 899 158.24 2 850 437.46 1.71% 2 598 653.02 11.56%
IND2 M3 - Outstanding amounts 3 400 853.10 3 377 573.08 0.69% 3 197 825.21 6.35%
IND3 Loans to private sector - Outstanding amounts 2 320 503.50 2 303 075.48 0.76% 2 214 642.26 4.78%
IND4 Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts 1 401 650.49 1 435 279.33 -2.34% 1 413 575.95 -0.84%
IND5 M1 - Transactions 47 686.66 25 029.52 90.52% 34 505.86 38.20%
IND6 M3 - Transactions 22 064.51 40 858.77 -46.00% 10 527.76 109.58%
IND7 Loans to private sector - Transactions 18 550.44 13 936.66 33.11% 7 666.96 141.95%
IND8 Net foreign assets - Transactions -36 201.35 19 390.52 - 286.70% -25 180.69 43.77%
IND9 M1 - Annual growth rates [%] 11.54 11.18 3.20% 8.07 42.97%
IND10 M3 - Annual growth rates [%] 6.32 5.98 5.70% 5.83 8.49%
IND11 Loans to private sector - Annual growth rates [%] 5.95 5.47 8.79% 4.21 41.37%
IND12 Net foreign assets - Annual growth rates [%] -3.78 -3.12 21.17% 13.58 - 127.85%

Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.05.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (2) Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts 143 483.32 153 673.44 -6.63% 318 285.41 -54.92%
IND2 (3) Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Outstanding amounts 1 055 602.18 1 061 832.82 -0.59% 958 102.22 10.18%
IND3 (3.1) Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts 239 594.18 239 647.49 -0.02% 257 046.92 -6.79%
IND4 (3.2) Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Outstanding amounts 33 250.87 33 396.26 -0.44% 37 195.96 -10.61%
IND5 (3.3) Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts 126 385.76 125 993.18 0.31% 97 476.67 29.66%
IND6 (3.4) Capital and reserves - Outstanding amounts 656 371.36 662 795.89 -0.97% 566 382.67 15.89%
IND7 (4) Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Outstanding amounts 3 195 930.50 3 172 740.91 0.73% 3 076 634.89 3.88%
IND8 (4.1) Credit to general government - Outstanding amounts 802 314.48 798 722.73 0.45% 804 057.08 -0.22%
IND9 (4.1.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts 65 923.53 69 538.99 -5.20% 62 639.48 5.24%
IND10 (4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts 736 390.95 729 183.74 0.99% 741 417.60 -0.68%
IND11 (4.2) Credit to private secor - Outstanding amounts 2 393 616.02 2 374 018.19 0.83% 2 272 577.80 5.33%
IND12 (4.2.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts 2 320 503.50 2 303 075.48 0.76% 2 214 642.26 4.78%
IND13 (4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts 15 241.10 13 297.25 14.62% 11 769.85 29.49%
IND14 (4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Outstanding amounts 57 871.42 57 645.46 0.39% 46 165.69 25.36%
IND15 (5) Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts 1 401 650.49 1 435 279.33 -2.34% 1 413 575.95 -0.84%
IND16 (6) Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Outstanding amounts 2 357.60 -14 940.89 - 115.78% -15 998.01 - 114.74%
IND17 (2) Holdings deposits against central government - Transactions -10 189.14 -60 898.30 -83.27% -8 924.97 14.16%
IND18 (3) Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Transactions -4 417.48 -2 025.10 118.14% 230.86 -2 013.46%
IND19 (3.1) Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Transactions -60.45 2 649.64 - 102.28% - 363.93 -83.39%
IND20 (3.2) Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Transactions - 147.15 - 724.12 -79.68% 2 529.15 - 105.82%
IND21 (3.3) Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Transactions -39.73 14 112.20 - 100.28% -1 758.51 -97.74%
IND22 (3.4) Capital and reserves - Transactions -4 170.15 -18 062.82 -76.91% - 175.85 2 271.38%
IND23 (4) Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Transactions 26 352.37 -13 101.82 - 301.14% 23 838.79 10.54%
IND24 (4.1) Credit to general government - Transactions 5 720.30 -26 975.44 - 121.21% 17 257.33 -66.85%
IND25 (4.1.1) Loans - Transactions -3 612.59 4 642.46 - 177.82% 1 223.45 - 395.28%
IND26 (4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions 9 332.89 -31 617.90 - 129.52% 16 033.89 -41.79%
IND27 (4.2) Credit to private secor - Transactions 20 632.07 13 873.62 48.71% 6 581.46 213.49%
IND28 (4.2.1) Loans - Transactions 18 550.44 13 936.66 33.11% 7 666.96 141.95%
IND29 (4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions 1 975.36 -40.33 -4 997.50% -1 069.82 - 284.64%
IND30 (4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Transactions 106.27 -22.71 - 567.95% -15.69 - 777.42%
IND31 (5) Net foreign assets - Transactions -36 201.35 19 390.52 - 286.70% -25 180.69 43.77%
IND32 (6) Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Transactions 17 306.87 -28 353.33 - 161.04% 3 175.55 445.00%

Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.05.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) ASSETS TOTAL 1 382 026.92 1 360 129.36 1.61% 1 192 234.25 15.92%
IND2 (1.1) Loans to residents 2 956.05 2 947.24 0.30% 2 970.01 -0.47%
IND3 (1.1.1) MFI 10.01 0.01 90 900.00% 0.02 41 608.33%
IND4 (1.1.2) General government 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 (1.1.3) Other residents 2 946.04 2 947.22 -0.04% 2 969.99 -0.81%
IND6 (1.2) Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND7 (1.2.1) MFI 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 (1.2.2) General government 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 (1.2.3) Other residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 (1.3) Money market fund shares/units 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 (1.4) Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND12 (1.4.1) MFI 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND13 (1.4 2) Other residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 (1.5) External assets 1 367 071.15 1 343 866.97 1.73% 1 177 303.42 16.12%
IND15 (1.6) Fixed assets 10 816.63 10 816.16 0.00% 10 782.07 0.32%
IND16 (1.7) Remaining assets 1 183.09 2 498.99 -52.66% 1 178.75 0.37%
IND17 (2) LIABILITIES TOTAL 1 382 026.92 1 360 129.36 1.61% 1 192 234.25 15.92%
IND18 (2.1) Currency in circulation 477 595.76 477 468.91 0.03% 441 903.73 8.08%
IND19 (2.2) Deposits of residents 757 856.28 755 843.68 0.27% 719 917.09 5.27%
IND20 (2.2.1) MFI 754 587.07 752 669.91 0.25% 714 746.46 5.57%
IND21 (2.2.2) Central government 2 131.55 2 039.28 4.52% 4 051.25 -47.39%
IND22 (2.2.3) Other general government/other residents 1 137.66 1 134.49 0.28% 1 119.38 1.63%
IND24 (2.4) Debt securities issued 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND25 (2.5) Capital and reserves 62 870.65 59 447.69 5.76% -15 283.84 - 511.35%
IND26 (2.6) External liabilities 58 760.42 41 201.40 42.62% 2 575.15 2 181.82%
IND27 (2.7) Remaining liabilities 24 943.81 26 167.67 -4.68% 43 122.12 -42.16%

Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.05.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) ASSETS TOTAL 5 655 572.05 5 612 079.40 0.77% 5 270 488.45 7.31%
IND2 (1.1) Loans to residents 2 386 427.03 2 372 614.47 0.58% 2 277 281.74 4.79%
IND4 (1.1.2) General government 65 923.53 69 538.99 -5.20% 62 639.48 5.24%
IND5 (1.1.3) Other residents 2 320 503.50 2 303 075.48 0.76% 2 214 642.26 4.78%
IND6 (1.2) Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents 751 632.05 742 480.98 1.23% 753 187.45 -0.21%
IND8 (1.2.2) General government 736 390.95 729 183.74 0.99% 741 417.60 -0.68%
IND9 (1.2.3) Other residents 15 241.10 13 297.25 14.62% 11 769.85 29.49%
IND11 (1.4) Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents 57 871.42 57 645.46 0.39% 46 165.69 25.36%
IND13 (1.4.2) Other residents 57 871.42 57 645.46 0.39% 46 165.69 25.36%
IND14 (1.5) External assets 2 129 464.90 2 091 439.55 1.82% 1 874 737.34 13.59%
IND15 (1.6) Fixed assets 128 875.34 128 631.33 0.19% 128 164.83 0.55%
IND16 (1.7) Remaining assets 201 301.31 219 267.61 -8.19% 190 951.39 5.42%
IND17 (2) LIABILITIES TOTAL 5 655 572.05 5 612 079.40 0.77% 5 270 488.45 7.31%
IND18 (2.1) Currency in circulation 447 813.71 445 550.20 0.51% 412 435.67 8.58%
IND19 (2.2) Deposits of residents 3 368 432.70 3 357 739.97 0.32% 3 395 384.76 -0.79%
IND21 (2.2.2) Central government 143 483.32 153 673.44 -6.63% 318 285.41 -54.92%
IND22 (2.2.3) Other general government/other residents 3 224 949.38 3 204 066.53 0.65% 3 077 099.35 4.80%
IND23 (2.3) Money market fund shares/units 935.06 1 000.10 -6.50% 1 443.81 -35.24%
IND24 (2.4) Debt securities issued 126 385.77 125 993.18 0.31% 98 565.94 28.22%
IND25 (2.5) Capital and reserves 656 371.36 662 795.89 -0.97% 566 382.67 15.89%
IND26 (2.6) External liabilities 727 814.41 656 160.22 10.92% 461 161.39 57.82%
IND27 (2.7) Remaining liabilities 330 215.71 365 836.97 -9.74% 338 326.20 -2.40%
IND28 (2.8) Excess of inter MFI liabilities -2 396.66 -2 997.13 -20.04% -3 211.97 -25.38%
Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - commercial banks (points)
Loans to non-financial corporations (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Mortgage loans for house purchase (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Consumer credit (excluding current account debit balances and credit cards) (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Debit balances on current accounts of households - individuals (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Credit card loans to households - individuals (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Building society loans (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Demand deposits of households (individuals and trades) (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Demand deposits of local government (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Demand deposits of non-financial corporations (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Time deposits of households (individuals and trades) (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Time deposits of local government (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Time deposits of non-financial corporations (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Building society deposits (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - consumer credits (points)
Consumer credit - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Non-banking consumer credits (excluding financial leasing) (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - investment funds (points)
Volume of managed assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Monetary aggregates - Components of M3
M3 (items 1.3, 1.6 and 1.11) - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Currency in circulation - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Overnight deposits - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
M1 (items 1.1 and 1.2) - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Other short term deposits (items 1.4 and 1.5) - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
M2 (items 1.3 and 1.6) - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Repurchase agreements - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Money market fund shares/units - Outstanding amounts (162 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Debt securities issued with maturity up to 2 years - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Marketable instruments (items 1.8,1.9 and 1.10) - Outstanding amounts (186 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
M3 (items 1.3, 1.6 and 1.11) - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Currency in circulation - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Overnight deposits - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
M1 (items 1.1 and 1.2) - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Other short term deposits (items 1.4 and 1.5) - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
M2 (items 1.3 and 1.6) - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Repurchase agreements - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Money market fund shares/units - Transactions (162 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Debt securities issued with maturity up to 2 years - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
Marketable instruments (items 1.8,1.9 and 1.10) - Transactions (185 hodnot, 30.06.2017)
M3 (items 1.3, 1.6 and 1.11) - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Currency in circulation - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Overnight deposits - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
M1 (items 1.1 and 1.2) - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Deposits redeemable at notice up to 3 months - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Other short term deposits (items 1.4 and 1.5) - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
M2 (items 1.3 and 1.6) - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Repurchase agreements - Annual growth rates [%]
Money market fund shares/units - Annual growth rates [%]
Debt securities issued with maturity up to 2 years - Annual growth rates [%]
Marketable instruments (items 1.8,1.9 and 1.10) - Annual growth rates [%] (174 hodnoty, 30.06.2017)
Key monetary indicators
M1 - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
M3 - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Loans to private sector - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
M1 - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
M3 - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Loans to private sector - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Net foreign assets - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
M1 - Annual growth rates [%] (144 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
M3 - Annual growth rates [%] (144 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Loans to private sector - Annual growth rates [%] (144 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Net foreign assets - Annual growth rates [%] (144 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions
Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Capital and reserves - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Credit to general government - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.1.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Credit to private secor - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.2.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Outstanding amounts (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Holdings deposits against central government - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Capital and reserves - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Credit to general government - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.1.1) Loans - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Credit to private secor - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.2.1) Loans - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Net foreign assets - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Transactions (155 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB
ASSETS TOTAL (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Loans to residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.1.1) MFI (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.1.2) General government (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.1.3) Other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.2.1) MFI (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.2.2) General government (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.2.3) Other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Money market fund shares/units (132 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.4.1) MFI (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.4 2) Other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
External assets (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Fixed assets (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Remaining assets (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
LIABILITIES TOTAL (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Currency in circulation (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Deposits of residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(2.2.1) MFI (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(2.2.2) Central government (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(2.2.3) Other general government/other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Money market fund shares/units
Debt securities issued (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Capital and reserves (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
External liabilities (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Remaining liabilities (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Excess of inter MFI liabilities
Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs
ASSETS TOTAL (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Loans to residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.1.1) MFI
(1.1.2) General government (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.1.3) Other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.2.1) MFI
(1.2.2) General government (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.2.3) Other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Money market fund shares/units
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(1.4.1) MFI
(1.4.2) Other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
External assets (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Fixed assets (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Remaining assets (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
LIABILITIES TOTAL (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Currency in circulation (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Deposits of residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(2.2.1) MFI
(2.2.2) Central government (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
(2.2.3) Other general government/other residents (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Money market fund shares/units (132 hodnoty, 31.12.2014)
Debt securities issued (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Capital and reserves (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
External liabilities (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Remaining liabilities (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Excess of inter MFI liabilities (156 hodnot, 31.12.2014)
Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Annual growth rates [%]
Holdings deposits against central government - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Capital and reserves - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to general government - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.1.1) Loans - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to private secor - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.1) Loans - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Net foreign assets - Annual growth rates [%] (149 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Annual growth rates [%]
Aggregated balance sheet of investment funds (without MMF)
Assets (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Deposits (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Securities other than shares (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
(1.2.1) Securities other than shares - Residents (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
(1.2.2) Securities other than shares - Non-residents (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Shares (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
(1.3.1) Shares - Residents (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
(1.3.2) Shares - Non-residents (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Mutual fund shares/units (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
(1.4.1) Mutual fund shares/units - Residents (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
(1.4.2) Mutual fund shares/units - Non-residents (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Other assets (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Liabilities (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Loans taken (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Mutual fund shares/units issued (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Other liabilities (89 hodnot, 30.11.2014)
Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions
ASSETS TOTAL (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Loans to residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.1) MFI (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.2) General government (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.3) Other residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.1) MFI (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.2) General government (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.3) Other residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Money market fund shares/units (137 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.4.1) MFI (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(1.4.2) Other residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
External assets (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Fixed assets (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Remaining assets (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
LIABILITIES TOTAL (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Currency in circulation (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Deposits of residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.1) MFI (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.2) Central government (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.3) Other general government/other residents (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Money market fund shares/units (137 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Debt securities issued (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Capital and reserves (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
External liabilities (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Remaining liabilities (161 hodnota, 31.05.2015)
Excess of inter MFI liabilities
Indicator of concentration (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) - insurance companies and pension companies (points)
HHI - Life insurance technical reserves (57 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
HHI - Funds of participants in pension insurance (transformed funds) (57 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
HHI - Funds of participants in pension savings (27 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
HHI - Funds of participants in the participating funds (29 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions
Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Capital and reserves - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to general government - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.1.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to private secor - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.1) Loans - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Holdings deposits against central government - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Longer-term financial deposits against other residents (items 3.1 to 3.4) - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits with agreed maturity over 2 years - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits redeemable at notice over 3 months - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Debt securities issued with maturity over 2 years - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Capital and reserves - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to residents (items 4.1 and 4.2) - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to general government - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.1.1) Loans - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.1.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Credit to private secor - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.1) Loans - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.2) Securities other than shares - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(4.2.3) Shares and other equities - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Net foreign assets - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Other counteparts of M3 (residual) (M3+items 2,3 - items 4,5) - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB
ASSETS TOTAL (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Loans to residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.1) MFI (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.2) General government (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.3) Other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.1) MFI (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.2) General government (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.3) Other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Money market fund shares/units (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.4.1) MFI (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.4 2) Other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
External assets (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Fixed assets (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Remaining assets (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
LIABILITIES TOTAL (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Currency in circulation (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits of residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.1) MFI (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.2) Central government (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.3) Other general government/other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Money market fund shares/units
Debt securities issued (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Capital and reserves (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
External liabilities (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Remaining liabilities (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Excess of inter MFI liabilities
Key monetary indicators
M1 - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
M3 - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Loans to private sector - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Net foreign assets - Outstanding amounts (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
M1 - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
M3 - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Loans to private sector - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Net foreign assets - Transactions (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
M1 - Annual growth rates [%] (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
M3 - Annual growth rates [%] (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Loans to private sector - Annual growth rates [%] (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Net foreign assets - Annual growth rates [%] (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs
ASSETS TOTAL (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Loans to residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.1) MFI
(1.1.2) General government (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.1.3) Other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.1) MFI
(1.2.2) General government (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.2.3) Other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Money market fund shares/units
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(1.4.1) MFI
(1.4.2) Other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
External assets (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Fixed assets (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Remaining assets (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
LIABILITIES TOTAL (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Currency in circulation (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Deposits of residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.1) MFI
(2.2.2) Central government (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
(2.2.3) Other general government/other residents (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Money market fund shares/units (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Debt securities issued (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Capital and reserves (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
External liabilities (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Remaining liabilities (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)
Excess of inter MFI liabilities (16 hodnot, 31.05.2015)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Cross-sectional indicators (Monetary statistics)
Cross-sectional indicators (Monetary and financial statistics)
Cross-sectional indicators (Monetary statistics)
Table B1.4: Bank interest rates on CZK-denominated loans by Czech non-financial corporations: Selected indicators - new business (Interest rates (harmonized))
Table B1.4Q: Quarterly bank interest rates on CZK-denominated loans by Czech non-financial corporations: Selected indicators - new business (%) (Interest rates (harmonized))
Volumes for B1.4: Bank interest rates on CZK-denominated loans by Czech non-financial corporations: Selected indicators - new business (Business volumes (harmonized))
Main indicators (Monetary and financial statistics)
Cross-sectional indicators (Monetary and financial statistics)
Key monetary indicators (Cross-sectional indicators)
Key monetary indicators - annual growth rates (%) (Main indicators)
Basic indicators of the financial market (Time series database - ARAD)
Representative Indicators of State Budget (State budget and taxes)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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