Deposits and credits received from clients total - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Deposits and credits received from clients total v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Non-financial corporations total (residents) - Client deposits by time (CZK)

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Deposits and credits received from clients total - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.05.2020 906 885.70
Min 31.03.1993 138 180.90

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.07.2020 893 753.60 890 894.10 2 859.50 0.32% 799 240.30 94 513.30 11.83%
30.06.2020 890 894.10 906 885.70 -15 991.60 -1.76% 792 850.70 98 043.40 12.37%
31.05.2020 906 885.70 880 184.10 26 701.60 3.03% 826 272.40 80 613.30 9.76%
30.04.2020 880 184.10 868 094.00 12 090.10 1.39% 799 386.70 80 797.40 10.11%
31.03.2020 868 094.00 839 728.50 28 365.50 3.38% 793 052.70 75 041.30 9.46%
29.02.2020 839 728.50 827 599.50 12 129.00 1.47% 798 164.90 41 563.60 5.21%
31.01.2020 827 599.50 857 085.70 -29 486.20 -3.44% 799 995.60 27 603.90 3.45%
31.12.2019 857 085.70 837 198.10 19 887.60 2.38% 824 283.30 32 802.40 3.98%
30.11.2019 837 198.10 812 714.70 24 483.40 3.01% 818 106.80 19 091.30 2.33%
31.10.2019 812 714.70 799 427.40 13 287.30 1.66% 805 667.80 7 046.90 0.87%
30.09.2019 799 427.40 822 541.50 -23 114.10 -2.81% 766 787.70 32 639.70 4.26%
31.08.2019 822 541.50 799 240.30 23 301.20 2.92% 783 184.30 39 357.20 5.03%
31.07.2019 799 240.30 792 850.70 6 389.60 0.81% 779 952.20 19 288.10 2.47%
30.06.2019 792 850.70 826 272.40 -33 421.70 -4.04% 783 562.30 9 288.40 1.19%
31.05.2019 826 272.40 799 386.70 26 885.70 3.36% 817 814.30 8 458.10 1.03%
30.04.2019 799 386.70 793 052.70 6 334.00 0.80% 793 684.50 5 702.20 0.72%
31.03.2019 793 052.70 798 164.90 -5 112.20 -0.64% 779 292.60 13 760.10 1.77%
28.02.2019 798 164.90 799 995.60 -1 830.70 -0.23% 797 596.20 568.70 0.07%
31.01.2019 799 995.60 824 283.30 -24 287.70 -2.95% 786 068.00 13 927.60 1.77%
31.12.2018 824 283.30 818 106.80 6 176.50 0.75% 804 171.40 20 111.90 2.50%
30.11.2018 818 106.80 805 667.80 12 439.00 1.54% 797 059.30 21 047.50 2.64%
31.10.2018 805 667.80 766 787.70 38 880.10 5.07% 787 537.10 18 130.70 2.30%
30.09.2018 766 787.70 783 184.30 -16 396.60 -2.09% 777 343.30 -10 555.60 -1.36%
31.08.2018 783 184.30 779 952.20 3 232.10 0.41% 789 014.40 -5 830.10 -0.74%
31.07.2018 779 952.20 783 562.30 -3 610.10 -0.46% 788 933.90 -8 981.70 -1.14%
30.06.2018 783 562.30 817 814.30 -34 252.00 -4.19% 767 479.00 16 083.30 2.10%
31.05.2018 817 814.30 793 684.50 24 129.80 3.04% 806 923.20 10 891.10 1.35%
30.04.2018 793 684.50 779 292.60 14 391.90 1.85% 805 095.90 -11 411.40 -1.42%
31.03.2018 779 292.60 797 596.20 -18 303.60 -2.29% 804 790.30 -25 497.70 -3.17%
28.02.2018 797 596.20 786 068.00 11 528.20 1.47% 740 565.80 57 030.40 7.70%
31.01.2018 786 068.00 804 171.40 -18 103.40 -2.25% 720 272.10 65 795.90 9.13%
31.12.2017 804 171.40 797 059.30 7 112.10 0.89% 706 848.80 97 322.60 13.77%
30.11.2017 797 059.30 787 537.10 9 522.20 1.21% 724 484.50 72 574.80 10.02%
31.10.2017 787 537.10 777 343.30 10 193.80 1.31% 685 991.90 101 545.20 14.80%
30.09.2017 777 343.30 789 014.40 -11 671.10 -1.48% 672 893.50 104 449.80 15.52%
31.08.2017 789 014.40 788 933.90 80.50 0.01% 678 154.50 110 859.90 16.35%
31.07.2017 788 933.90 767 479.00 21 454.90 2.80% 658 724.30 130 209.60 19.77%
30.06.2017 767 479.00 806 923.20 -39 444.20 -4.89% 661 794.10 105 684.90 15.97%
31.05.2017 806 923.20 805 095.90 1 827.30 0.23% 670 112.90 136 810.30 20.42%
30.04.2017 805 095.90 804 790.30 305.60 0.04% 646 883.60 158 212.30 24.46%
31.03.2017 804 790.30 740 565.80 64 224.50 8.67% 645 421.60 159 368.70 24.69%
28.02.2017 740 565.80 720 272.10 20 293.70 2.82% 665 649.30 74 916.50 11.25%
31.01.2017 720 272.10 706 848.80 13 423.30 1.90% 669 126.10 51 146.00 7.64%
31.12.2016 706 848.80 724 484.50 -17 635.70 -2.43% 700 150.70 6 698.10 0.96%
30.11.2016 724 484.50 685 991.90 38 492.60 5.61% 678 326.70 46 157.80 6.80%
31.10.2016 685 991.90 672 893.50 13 098.40 1.95% 655 825.50 30 166.40 4.60%
30.09.2016 672 893.50 678 154.50 -5 261.00 -0.78% 646 243.50 26 650.00 4.12%
31.08.2016 678 154.50 658 724.30 19 430.20 2.95% 634 638.10 43 516.40 6.86%
31.07.2016 658 724.30 661 794.10 -3 069.80 -0.46% 628 808.00 29 916.30 4.76%
30.06.2016 661 794.10 670 112.90 -8 318.80 -1.24% 608 955.60 52 838.50 8.68%
31.05.2016 670 112.90 646 883.60 23 229.30 3.59% 624 282.60 45 830.30 7.34%
30.04.2016 646 883.60 645 421.60 1 462.00 0.23% 614 416.10 32 467.50 5.28%
31.03.2016 645 421.60 665 649.30 -20 227.70 -3.04% 612 655.80 32 765.80 5.35%
29.02.2016 665 649.30 669 126.10 -3 476.80 -0.52% 609 094.20 56 555.10 9.29%
31.01.2016 669 126.10 700 150.70 -31 024.60 -4.43% 596 797.50 72 328.60 12.12%
31.12.2015 700 150.70 678 326.70 21 824.00 3.22% 646 910.50 53 240.20 8.23%
30.11.2015 678 326.70 655 825.50 22 501.20 3.43% 600 753.40 77 573.30 12.91%
31.10.2015 655 825.50 646 243.50 9 582.00 1.48% 602 057.30 53 768.20 8.93%
30.09.2015 646 243.50 634 638.10 11 605.40 1.83% 577 368.30 68 875.20 11.93%
31.08.2015 634 638.10 628 808.00 5 830.10 0.93% 587 290.80 47 347.30 8.06%
31.07.2015 628 808.00 608 955.60 19 852.40 3.26% 583 227.30 45 580.70 7.82%
30.06.2015 608 955.60 624 282.60 -15 327.00 -2.46% 573 368.30 35 587.30 6.21%
31.05.2015 624 282.60 614 416.10 9 866.50 1.61% 587 158.80 37 123.80 6.32%
30.04.2015 614 416.10 612 655.80 1 760.30 0.29% 577 396.60 37 019.50 6.41%
31.03.2015 612 655.80 609 094.20 3 561.60 0.58% 579 474.60 33 181.20 5.73%
28.02.2015 609 094.20 596 797.50 12 296.70 2.06% 572 759.40 36 334.80 6.34%
31.01.2015 596 797.50 646 910.50 -50 113.00 -7.75% 581 579.80 15 217.70 2.62%
31.12.2014 646 910.50 600 753.40 46 157.10 7.68% 617 088.40 29 822.10 4.83%
30.11.2014 600 753.40 602 057.30 -1 303.90 -0.22% 591 301.20 9 452.20 1.60%
31.10.2014 602 057.30 577 368.30 24 689.00 4.28% 552 210.00 49 847.30 9.03%
30.09.2014 577 368.30 587 290.80 -9 922.50 -1.69% 546 498.10 30 870.20 5.65%
31.08.2014 587 290.80 583 227.30 4 063.50 0.70% 551 979.30 35 311.50 6.40%
31.07.2014 583 227.30 573 368.30 9 859.00 1.72% 549 867.80 33 359.50 6.07%
30.06.2014 573 368.30 587 158.80 -13 790.50 -2.35% 548 226.20 25 142.10 4.59%
31.05.2014 587 158.80 577 396.60 9 762.20 1.69% 555 845.60 31 313.20 5.63%
30.04.2014 577 396.60 579 474.60 -2 078.00 -0.36% 544 680.50 32 716.10 6.01%
31.03.2014 579 474.60 572 759.40 6 715.20 1.17% 543 998.00 35 476.60 6.52%
28.02.2014 572 759.40 581 579.80 -8 820.40 -1.52% 536 585.80 36 173.60 6.74%
31.01.2014 581 579.80 617 088.40 -35 508.60 -5.75% 539 603.20 41 976.60 7.78%
31.12.2013 617 088.40 591 301.20 25 787.20 4.36% 570 916.50 46 171.90 8.09%
30.11.2013 591 301.20 552 210.00 39 091.20 7.08% 546 054.50 45 246.70 8.29%
31.10.2013 552 210.00 546 498.10 5 711.90 1.05% 532 081.00 20 129.00 3.78%
30.09.2013 546 498.10 551 979.30 -5 481.20 -0.99% 504 416.30 42 081.80 8.34%
31.08.2013 551 979.30 549 867.80 2 111.50 0.38% 519 999.30 31 980.00 6.15%
31.07.2013 549 867.80 548 226.20 1 641.60 0.30% 538 794.60 11 073.20 2.06%
30.06.2013 548 226.20 555 845.60 -7 619.40 -1.37% 534 086.40 14 139.80 2.65%
31.05.2013 555 845.60 544 680.50 11 165.10 2.05% 546 641.10 9 204.50 1.68%
30.04.2013 544 680.50 543 998.00 682.50 0.13% 520 132.90 24 547.60 4.72%
31.03.2013 543 998.00 536 585.80 7 412.20 1.38% 508 491.40 35 506.60 6.98%
28.02.2013 536 585.80 539 603.20 -3 017.40 -0.56% 511 045.00 25 540.80 5.00%
31.01.2013 539 603.20 570 916.50 -31 313.30 -5.48% 509 087.50 30 515.70 5.99%
31.12.2012 570 916.50 546 054.50 24 862.00 4.55% 544 616.30 26 300.20 4.83%
30.11.2012 546 054.50 532 081.00 13 973.50 2.63% 510 370.10 35 684.40 6.99%
31.10.2012 532 081.00 504 416.30 27 664.70 5.48% 494 473.90 37 607.10 7.61%
30.09.2012 504 416.30 519 999.30 -15 583.00 -3.00% 484 270.40 20 145.90 4.16%
31.08.2012 519 999.30 538 794.60 -18 795.30 -3.49% 470 289.50 49 709.80 10.57%
31.07.2012 538 794.60 534 086.40 4 708.20 0.88% 466 237.10 72 557.50 15.56%
30.06.2012 534 086.40 546 641.10 -12 554.70 -2.30% 459 330.10 74 756.30 16.27%
31.05.2012 546 641.10 520 132.90 26 508.20 5.10% 478 116.30 68 524.80 14.33%
30.04.2012 520 132.90 508 491.40 11 641.50 2.29% 455 275.40 64 857.50 14.25%
31.03.2012 508 491.40 511 045.00 -2 553.60 -0.50% 457 297.60 51 193.80 11.19%
29.02.2012 511 045.00 509 087.50 1 957.50 0.38% 457 190.50 53 854.50 11.78%
31.01.2012 509 087.50 544 616.30 -35 528.80 -6.52% 461 046.40 48 041.10 10.42%
31.12.2011 544 616.30 510 370.10 34 246.20 6.71% 511 874.50 32 741.80 6.40%
30.11.2011 510 370.10 494 473.90 15 896.20 3.21% 468 617.60 41 752.50 8.91%
31.10.2011 494 473.90 484 270.40 10 203.50 2.11% 450 045.80 44 428.10 9.87%
30.09.2011 484 270.40 470 289.50 13 980.90 2.97% 443 276.40 40 994.00 9.25%
31.08.2011 470 289.50 466 237.10 4 052.40 0.87% 457 412.30 12 877.20 2.82%
31.07.2011 466 237.10 459 330.10 6 907.00 1.50% 453 940.00 12 297.10 2.71%
30.06.2011 459 330.10 478 116.30 -18 786.20 -3.93% 454 323.90 5 006.20 1.10%
31.05.2011 478 116.30 455 275.40 22 840.90 5.02% 463 165.40 14 950.90 3.23%
30.04.2011 455 275.40 457 297.60 -2 022.20 -0.44% 456 560.60 -1 285.20 -0.28%
31.03.2011 457 297.60 457 190.50 107.10 0.02% 455 491.10 1 806.50 0.40%
28.02.2011 457 190.50 461 046.40 -3 855.90 -0.84% 453 587.80 3 602.70 0.79%
31.01.2011 461 046.40 511 874.50 -50 828.10 -9.93% 445 797.00 15 249.40 3.42%
31.12.2010 511 874.50 468 617.60 43 256.90 9.23% 492 942.10 18 932.40 3.84%
30.11.2010 468 617.60 450 045.80 18 571.80 4.13% 434 808.10 33 809.50 7.78%
31.10.2010 450 045.80 443 276.40 6 769.40 1.53% 425 485.20 24 560.60 5.77%
30.09.2010 443 276.40 457 412.30 -14 135.90 -3.09% 406 622.60 36 653.80 9.01%
31.08.2010 457 412.30 453 940.00 3 472.30 0.76% 411 951.80 45 460.50 11.04%
31.07.2010 453 940.00 454 323.90 - 383.90 -0.08% 404 038.10 49 901.90 12.35%
30.06.2010 454 323.90 463 165.40 -8 841.50 -1.91% 399 289.90 55 034.00 13.78%
31.05.2010 463 165.40 456 560.60 6 604.80 1.45% 418 502.20 44 663.20 10.67%
30.04.2010 456 560.60 455 491.10 1 069.50 0.23% 410 495.70 46 064.90 11.22%
31.03.2010 455 491.10 453 587.80 1 903.30 0.42% 410 162.60 45 328.50 11.05%
28.02.2010 453 587.80 445 797.00 7 790.80 1.75% 425 619.70 27 968.10 6.57%
31.01.2010 445 797.00 492 942.10 -47 145.10 -9.56% 428 168.30 17 628.70 4.12%
31.12.2009 492 942.10 434 808.10 58 134.00 13.37% 466 030.00 26 912.10 5.77%
30.11.2009 434 808.10 425 485.20 9 322.90 2.19% 428 962.60 5 845.50 1.36%
31.10.2009 425 485.20 406 622.60 18 862.60 4.64% 419 045.30 6 439.90 1.54%
30.09.2009 406 622.60 411 951.80 -5 329.20 -1.29% 418 599.30 -11 976.70 -2.86%
31.08.2009 411 951.80 404 038.10 7 913.70 1.96% 426 829.90 -14 878.10 -3.49%
31.07.2009 404 038.10 399 289.90 4 748.20 1.19% 417 261.60 -13 223.50 -3.17%
30.06.2009 399 289.90 418 502.20 -19 212.30 -4.59% 395 644.00 3 645.90 0.92%
31.05.2009 418 502.20 410 495.70 8 006.50 1.95% 421 797.80 -3 295.60 -0.78%
30.04.2009 410 495.70 410 162.60 333.10 0.08% 416 375.50 -5 879.80 -1.41%
31.03.2009 410 162.60 425 619.70 -15 457.10 -3.63% 420 295.40 -10 132.80 -2.41%
28.02.2009 425 619.70 428 168.30 -2 548.60 -0.60% 431 474.90 -5 855.20 -1.36%
31.01.2009 428 168.30 466 030.00 -37 861.70 -8.12% 441 682.80 -13 514.50 -3.06%
31.12.2008 466 030.00 428 962.60 37 067.40 8.64% 485 907.80 -19 877.80 -4.09%
30.11.2008 428 962.60 419 045.30 9 917.30 2.37% 419 959.20 9 003.40 2.14%
31.10.2008 419 045.30 418 599.30 446.00 0.11% 404 163.00 14 882.30 3.68%
30.09.2008 418 599.30 426 829.90 -8 230.60 -1.93% 386 732.90 31 866.40 8.24%
31.08.2008 426 829.90 417 261.60 9 568.30 2.29% 403 133.80 23 696.10 5.88%
31.07.2008 417 261.60 395 644.00 21 617.60 5.46% 393 740.00 23 521.60 5.97%
30.06.2008 395 644.00 421 797.80 -26 153.80 -6.20% 399 368.30 -3 724.30 -0.93%
31.05.2008 421 797.80 416 375.50 5 422.30 1.30% 412 480.50 9 317.30 2.26%
30.04.2008 416 375.50 420 295.40 -3 919.90 -0.93% 398 448.30 17 927.20 4.50%
31.03.2008 420 295.40 431 474.90 -11 179.50 -2.59% 385 568.50 34 726.90 9.01%
29.02.2008 431 474.90 441 682.80 -10 207.90 -2.31% 390 201.90 41 273.00 10.58%
31.01.2008 441 682.80 485 907.80 -44 225.00 -9.10% 384 872.90 56 809.90 14.76%
31.12.2007 485 907.80 419 959.20 65 948.60 15.70% 402 315.20 83 592.60 20.78%
30.11.2007 419 959.20 404 163.00 15 796.20 3.91% 378 956.80 41 002.40 10.82%
31.10.2007 404 163.00 386 732.90 17 430.10 4.51% 368 136.70 36 026.30 9.79%
30.09.2007 386 732.90 403 133.80 -16 400.90 -4.07% 376 042.10 10 690.80 2.84%
31.08.2007 403 133.80 393 740.00 9 393.80 2.39% 376 786.80 26 347.00 6.99%
31.07.2007 393 740.00 399 368.30 -5 628.30 -1.41% 368 444.80 25 295.20 6.87%
30.06.2007 399 368.30 412 480.50 -13 112.20 -3.18% 366 360.70 33 007.60 9.01%
31.05.2007 412 480.50 398 448.30 14 032.20 3.52% 360 018.50 52 462.00 14.57%
30.04.2007 398 448.30 385 568.50 12 879.80 3.34% 359 954.80 38 493.50 10.69%
31.03.2007 385 568.50 390 201.90 -4 633.40 -1.19% 354 702.30 30 866.20 8.70%
28.02.2007 390 201.90 384 872.90 5 329.00 1.38% 352 085.20 38 116.70 10.83%
31.01.2007 384 872.90 402 315.20 -17 442.30 -4.34% 343 749.70 41 123.20 11.96%
31.12.2006 402 315.20 378 956.80 23 358.40 6.16% 355 844.20 46 471.00 13.06%
30.11.2006 378 956.80 368 136.70 10 820.10 2.94% 329 485.00 49 471.80 15.01%
31.10.2006 368 136.70 376 042.10 -7 905.40 -2.10% 313 502.40 54 634.30 17.43%
30.09.2006 376 042.10 376 786.80 - 744.70 -0.20% 299 735.40 76 306.70 25.46%
31.08.2006 376 786.80 368 444.80 8 342.00 2.26% 305 927.00 70 859.80 23.16%
31.07.2006 368 444.80 366 360.70 2 084.10 0.57% 300 999.60 67 445.20 22.41%
30.06.2006 366 360.70 360 018.50 6 342.20 1.76% 309 596.30 56 764.40 18.33%
31.05.2006 360 018.50 359 954.80 63.70 0.02% 306 959.20 53 059.30 17.29%
30.04.2006 359 954.80 354 702.30 5 252.50 1.48% 294 385.70 65 569.10 22.27%
31.03.2006 354 702.30 352 085.20 2 617.10 0.74% 280 680.70 74 021.60 26.37%
28.02.2006 352 085.20 343 749.70 8 335.50 2.42% 283 480.70 68 604.50 24.20%
31.01.2006 343 749.70 355 844.20 -12 094.50 -3.40% 282 802.10 60 947.60 21.55%
31.12.2005 355 844.20 329 485.00 26 359.20 8.00% 312 530.60 43 313.60 13.86%
30.11.2005 329 485.00 313 502.40 15 982.60 5.10% 297 426.20 32 058.80 10.78%
31.10.2005 313 502.40 299 735.40 13 767.00 4.59% 294 978.70 18 523.70 6.28%
30.09.2005 299 735.40 305 927.00 -6 191.60 -2.02% 287 812.00 11 923.40 4.14%
31.08.2005 305 927.00 300 999.60 4 927.40 1.64% 294 244.80 11 682.20 3.97%
31.07.2005 300 999.60 309 596.30 -8 596.70 -2.78% 289 578.20 11 421.40 3.94%
30.06.2005 309 596.30 306 959.20 2 637.10 0.86% 287 966.60 21 629.70 7.51%
31.05.2005 306 959.20 294 385.70 12 573.50 4.27% 290 041.90 16 917.30 5.83%
30.04.2005 294 385.70 280 680.70 13 705.00 4.88% 272 721.90 21 663.80 7.94%
31.03.2005 280 680.70 283 480.70 -2 800.00 -0.99% 262 827.60 17 853.10 6.79%
28.02.2005 283 480.70 282 802.10 678.60 0.24% 266 141.30 17 339.40 6.52%
31.01.2005 282 802.10 312 530.60 -29 728.50 -9.51% 271 796.10 11 006.00 4.05%
31.12.2004 312 530.60 297 426.20 15 104.40 5.08% 304 634.20 7 896.40 2.59%
30.11.2004 297 426.20 294 978.70 2 447.50 0.83% 274 974.80 22 451.40 8.16%
31.10.2004 294 978.70 287 812.00 7 166.70 2.49% 268 698.80 26 279.90 9.78%
30.09.2004 287 812.00 294 244.80 -6 432.80 -2.19% 262 262.00 25 550.00 9.74%
31.08.2004 294 244.80 289 578.20 4 666.60 1.61% 258 763.00 35 481.80 13.71%
31.07.2004 289 578.20 287 966.60 1 611.60 0.56% 250 446.00 39 132.20 15.62%
30.06.2004 287 966.60 290 041.90 -2 075.30 -0.72% 238 712.70 49 253.90 20.63%
31.05.2004 290 041.90 272 721.90 17 320.00 6.35% 251 884.30 38 157.60 15.15%
30.04.2004 272 721.90 262 827.60 9 894.30 3.76% 245 126.80 27 595.10 11.26%
31.03.2004 262 827.60 266 141.30 -3 313.70 -1.25% 239 049.70 23 777.90 9.95%
29.02.2004 266 141.30 271 796.10 -5 654.80 -2.08% 248 651.10 17 490.20 7.03%
31.01.2004 271 796.10 304 634.20 -32 838.10 -10.78% 247 785.70 24 010.40 9.69%
31.12.2003 304 634.20 274 974.80 29 659.40 10.79% 276 206.30 28 427.90 10.29%
30.11.2003 274 974.80 268 698.80 6 276.00 2.34% 248 145.80 26 829.00 10.81%
31.10.2003 268 698.80 262 262.00 6 436.80 2.45% 246 446.60 22 252.20 9.03%
30.09.2003 262 262.00 258 763.00 3 499.00 1.35% 226 708.60 35 553.40 15.68%
31.08.2003 258 763.00 250 446.00 8 317.00 3.32% 234 625.70 24 137.30 10.29%
31.07.2003 250 446.00 238 712.70 11 733.30 4.92% 228 074.70 22 371.30 9.81%
30.06.2003 238 712.70 251 884.30 -13 171.60 -5.23% 218 411.70 20 301.00 9.29%
31.05.2003 251 884.30 245 126.80 6 757.50 2.76% 228 008.40 23 875.90 10.47%
30.04.2003 245 126.80 239 049.70 6 077.10 2.54% 211 043.80 34 083.00 16.15%
31.03.2003 239 049.70 248 651.10 -9 601.40 -3.86% 203 238.50 35 811.20 17.62%
28.02.2003 248 651.10 247 785.70 865.40 0.35% 211 889.70 36 761.40 17.35%
31.01.2003 247 785.70 276 206.30 -28 420.60 -10.29% 213 192.80 34 592.90 16.23%
31.12.2002 276 206.30 248 145.80 28 060.50 11.31% 232 433.50 43 772.80 18.83%
30.11.2002 248 145.80 246 446.60 1 699.20 0.69% 223 696.10 24 449.70 10.93%
31.10.2002 246 446.60 226 708.60 19 738.00 8.71% 227 120.00 19 326.60 8.51%
30.09.2002 226 708.60 234 625.70 -7 917.10 -3.37% 239 458.80 -12 750.20 -5.32%
31.08.2002 234 625.70 228 074.70 6 551.00 2.87% 258 380.70 -23 755.00 -9.19%
31.07.2002 228 074.70 218 411.70 9 663.00 4.42% 262 442.00 -34 367.30 -13.10%
30.06.2002 218 411.70 228 008.40 -9 596.70 -4.21% 258 590.20 -40 178.50 -15.54%
31.05.2002 228 008.40 211 043.80 16 964.60 8.04% 264 504.60 -36 496.20 -13.80%
30.04.2002 211 043.80 203 238.50 7 805.30 3.84% 243 874.60 -32 830.80 -13.46%
31.03.2002 203 238.50 211 889.70 -8 651.20 -4.08% 235 467.10 -32 228.60 -13.69%
28.02.2002 211 889.70 213 192.80 -1 303.10 -0.61% 233 398.20 -21 508.50 -9.22%
31.01.2002 213 192.80 232 433.50 -19 240.70 -8.28% 242 137.50 -28 944.70 -11.95%
31.12.2001 232 433.50 223 696.10 8 737.40 3.91% 174 728.40 57 705.10 33.03%
30.11.2001 223 696.10 227 120.00 -3 423.90 -1.51% 214 300.30 9 395.80 4.38%
31.10.2001 227 120.00 239 458.80 -12 338.80 -5.15% 207 418.10 19 701.90 9.50%
30.09.2001 239 458.80 258 380.70 -18 921.90 -7.32% 205 377.30 34 081.50 16.59%
31.08.2001 258 380.70 262 442.00 -4 061.30 -1.55% 204 957.90 53 422.80 26.07%
31.07.2001 262 442.00 258 590.20 3 851.80 1.49% 201 540.10 60 901.90 30.22%
30.06.2001 258 590.20 264 504.60 -5 914.40 -2.24% 190 864.50 67 725.70 35.48%
31.05.2001 264 504.60 243 874.60 20 630.00 8.46% 200 104.90 64 399.70 32.18%
30.04.2001 243 874.60 235 467.10 8 407.50 3.57% 201 333.90 42 540.70 21.13%
31.03.2001 235 467.10 233 398.20 2 068.90 0.89% 207 115.40 28 351.70 13.69%
28.02.2001 233 398.20 242 137.50 -8 739.30 -3.61% 210 087.70 23 310.50 11.10%
31.01.2001 242 137.50 174 728.40 67 409.10 38.58% 199 431.00 42 706.50 21.41%
31.12.2000 174 728.40 214 300.30 -39 571.90 -18.47% 174 155.00 573.40 0.33%
30.11.2000 214 300.30 207 418.10 6 882.20 3.32% 212 006.00 2 294.30 1.08%
31.10.2000 207 418.10 205 377.30 2 040.80 0.99% 205 172.20 2 245.90 1.09%
30.09.2000 205 377.30 204 957.90 419.40 0.20% 202 607.00 2 770.30 1.37%
31.08.2000 204 957.90 201 540.10 3 417.80 1.70% 202 152.70 2 805.20 1.39%
31.07.2000 201 540.10 190 864.50 10 675.60 5.59% 193 685.10 7 855.00 4.06%
30.06.2000 190 864.50 200 104.90 -9 240.40 -4.62% 192 072.50 -1 208.00 -0.63%
31.05.2000 200 104.90 201 333.90 -1 229.00 -0.61% 192 644.40 7 460.50 3.87%
30.04.2000 201 333.90 207 115.40 -5 781.50 -2.79% 192 866.40 8 467.50 4.39%
31.03.2000 207 115.40 210 087.70 -2 972.30 -1.41% 190 315.40 16 800.00 8.83%
29.02.2000 210 087.70 199 431.00 10 656.70 5.34% 197 776.00 12 311.70 6.22%
31.01.2000 199 431.00 174 155.00 25 276.00 14.51% 190 974.10 8 456.90 4.43%
31.12.1999 174 155.00 212 006.00 -37 851.00 -17.85% 189 667.30 -15 512.30 -8.18%
30.11.1999 212 006.00 205 172.20 6 833.80 3.33% 201 866.40 10 139.60 5.02%
31.10.1999 205 172.20 202 607.00 2 565.20 1.27% 198 305.40 6 866.80 3.46%
30.09.1999 202 607.00 202 152.70 454.30 0.22% 200 268.10 2 338.90 1.17%
31.08.1999 202 152.70 193 685.10 8 467.60 4.37% 197 280.50 4 872.20 2.47%
31.07.1999 193 685.10 192 072.50 1 612.60 0.84% 196 906.40 -3 221.30 -1.64%
30.06.1999 192 072.50 192 644.40 - 571.90 -0.30% 189 892.90 2 179.60 1.15%
31.05.1999 192 644.40 192 866.40 - 222.00 -0.12% 194 979.60 -2 335.20 -1.20%
30.04.1999 192 866.40 190 315.40 2 551.00 1.34% 192 125.50 740.90 0.39%
31.03.1999 190 315.40 197 776.00 -7 460.60 -3.77% 191 421.10 -1 105.70 -0.58%
28.02.1999 197 776.00 190 974.10 6 801.90 3.56% 193 120.20 4 655.80 2.41%
31.01.1999 190 974.10 189 667.30 1 306.80 0.69% 198 458.90 -7 484.80 -3.77%
31.12.1998 189 667.30 201 866.40 -12 199.10 -6.04% 223 186.30 -33 519.00 -15.02%
30.11.1998 201 866.40 198 305.40 3 561.00 1.80% 215 889.50 -14 023.10 -6.50%
31.10.1998 198 305.40 200 268.10 -1 962.70 -0.98% 212 804.40 -14 499.00 -6.81%
30.09.1998 200 268.10 197 280.50 2 987.60 1.51% 214 159.60 -13 891.50 -6.49%
31.08.1998 197 280.50 196 906.40 374.10 0.19% 218 517.90 -21 237.40 -9.72%
31.07.1998 196 906.40 189 892.90 7 013.50 3.69% 215 603.50 -18 697.10 -8.67%
30.06.1998 189 892.90 194 979.60 -5 086.70 -2.61% 199 303.80 -9 410.90 -4.72%
31.05.1998 194 979.60 192 125.50 2 854.10 1.49% 213 628.10 -18 648.50 -8.73%
30.04.1998 192 125.50 191 421.10 704.40 0.37% 219 350.50 -27 225.00 -12.41%
31.03.1998 191 421.10 193 120.20 -1 699.10 -0.88% 216 625.70 -25 204.60 -11.63%
28.02.1998 193 120.20 198 458.90 -5 338.70 -2.69% 228 186.40 -35 066.20 -15.37%
31.01.1998 198 458.90 223 186.30 -24 727.40 -11.08% 271 828.00 -73 369.10 -26.99%
31.12.1997 223 186.30 215 889.50 7 296.80 3.38% 290 722.80 -67 536.50 -23.23%
30.11.1997 215 889.50 212 804.40 3 085.10 1.45% 290 735.60 -74 846.10 -25.74%
31.10.1997 212 804.40 214 159.60 -1 355.20 -0.63% 291 160.80 -78 356.40 -26.91%
30.09.1997 214 159.60 218 517.90 -4 358.30 -1.99% 279 901.80 -65 742.20 -23.49%
31.08.1997 218 517.90 215 603.50 2 914.40 1.35% 294 146.90 -75 629.00 -25.71%
31.07.1997 215 603.50 199 303.80 16 299.70 8.18% 289 713.90 -74 110.40 -25.58%
30.06.1997 199 303.80 213 628.10 -14 324.30 -6.71% 282 618.30 -83 314.50 -29.48%
31.05.1997 213 628.10 219 350.50 -5 722.40 -2.61% 288 873.00 -75 244.90 -26.05%
30.04.1997 219 350.50 216 625.70 2 724.80 1.26% 273 446.10 -54 095.60 -19.78%
31.03.1997 216 625.70 228 186.40 -11 560.70 -5.07% 262 561.60 -45 935.90 -17.50%
28.02.1997 228 186.40 271 828.00 -43 641.60 -16.05% 266 467.50 -38 281.10 -14.37%
31.01.1997 271 828.00 290 722.80 -18 894.80 -6.50% 261 189.50 10 638.50 4.07%
31.12.1996 290 722.80 290 735.60 -12.80 -0.00% 278 179.90 12 542.90 4.51%
30.11.1996 290 735.60 291 160.80 - 425.20 -0.15% 260 974.50 29 761.10 11.40%
31.10.1996 291 160.80 279 901.80 11 259.00 4.02% 255 554.30 35 606.50 13.93%
30.09.1996 279 901.80 294 146.90 -14 245.10 -4.84% 242 540.70 37 361.10 15.40%
31.08.1996 294 146.90 289 713.90 4 433.00 1.53% 242 337.80 51 809.10 21.38%
31.07.1996 289 713.90 282 618.30 7 095.60 2.51% 234 652.20 55 061.70 23.47%
30.06.1996 282 618.30 288 873.00 -6 254.70 -2.17% 221 610.00 61 008.30 27.53%
31.05.1996 288 873.00 273 446.10 15 426.90 5.64% 232 615.70 56 257.30 24.18%
30.04.1996 273 446.10 262 561.60 10 884.50 4.15% 224 389.20 49 056.90 21.86%
31.03.1996 262 561.60 266 467.50 -3 905.90 -1.47% 218 368.10 44 193.50 20.24%
29.02.1996 266 467.50 261 189.50 5 278.00 2.02% 223 824.40 42 643.10 19.05%
31.01.1996 261 189.50 278 179.90 -16 990.40 -6.11% 226 584.80 34 604.70 15.27%
31.12.1995 278 179.90 260 974.50 17 205.40 6.59% 249 755.50 28 424.40 11.38%
30.11.1995 260 974.50 255 554.30 5 420.20 2.12% 223 689.90 37 284.60 16.67%
31.10.1995 255 554.30 242 540.70 13 013.60 5.37% 213 169.00 42 385.30 19.88%
30.09.1995 242 540.70 242 337.80 202.90 0.08% 209 413.20 33 127.50 15.82%
31.08.1995 242 337.80 234 652.20 7 685.60 3.28% 213 359.50 28 978.30 13.58%
31.07.1995 234 652.20 221 610.00 13 042.20 5.89% 210 452.90 24 199.30 11.50%
30.06.1995 221 610.00 232 615.70 -11 005.70 -4.73% 211 667.90 9 942.10 4.70%
31.05.1995 232 615.70 224 389.20 8 226.50 3.67% 206 436.80 26 178.90 12.68%
30.04.1995 224 389.20 218 368.10 6 021.10 2.76% 203 985.10 20 404.10 10.00%
31.03.1995 218 368.10 223 824.40 -5 456.30 -2.44% 187 738.10 30 630.00 16.32%
28.02.1995 223 824.40 226 584.80 -2 760.40 -1.22% 185 494.90 38 329.50 20.66%
31.01.1995 226 584.80 249 755.50 -23 170.70 -9.28% 179 257.70 47 327.10 26.40%
31.12.1994 249 755.50 223 689.90 26 065.60 11.65% 197 271.00 52 484.50 26.61%
30.11.1994 223 689.90 213 169.00 10 520.90 4.94% 181 164.20 42 525.70 23.47%
31.10.1994 213 169.00 209 413.20 3 755.80 1.79% 176 446.10 36 722.90 20.81%
30.09.1994 209 413.20 213 359.50 -3 946.30 -1.85% 169 804.30 39 608.90 23.33%
31.08.1994 213 359.50 210 452.90 2 906.60 1.38% 185 009.40 28 350.10 15.32%
31.07.1994 210 452.90 211 667.90 -1 215.00 -0.57% 161 816.10 48 636.80 30.06%
30.06.1994 211 667.90 206 436.80 5 231.10 2.53% 154 498.60 57 169.30 37.00%
31.05.1994 206 436.80 203 985.10 2 451.70 1.20% 147 575.50 58 861.30 39.89%
30.04.1994 203 985.10 187 738.10 16 247.00 8.65% 148 207.40 55 777.70 37.63%
31.03.1994 187 738.10 185 494.90 2 243.20 1.21% 138 180.90 49 557.20 35.86%
28.02.1994 185 494.90 179 257.70 6 237.20 3.48% 142 994.10 42 500.80 29.72%
31.01.1994 179 257.70 197 271.00 -18 013.30 -9.13% 152 202.70 27 055.00 17.78%
31.12.1993 197 271.00 181 164.20 16 106.80 8.89% - - -
30.11.1993 181 164.20 176 446.10 4 718.10 2.67% - - -
31.10.1993 176 446.10 169 804.30 6 641.80 3.91% - - -
30.09.1993 169 804.30 185 009.40 -15 205.10 -8.22% - - -
31.08.1993 185 009.40 161 816.10 23 193.30 14.33% - - -
31.07.1993 161 816.10 154 498.60 7 317.50 4.74% - - -
30.06.1993 154 498.60 147 575.50 6 923.10 4.69% - - -
31.05.1993 147 575.50 148 207.40 - 631.90 -0.43% - - -
30.04.1993 148 207.40 138 180.90 10 026.50 7.26% - - -
31.03.1993 138 180.90 142 994.10 -4 813.20 -3.37% - - -
28.02.1993 142 994.10 152 202.70 -9 208.60 -6.05% - - -
31.01.1993 152 202.70 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Deposits and credits received from clients total - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (CZK+FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (CZK))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (EUR))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (CZK))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (EUR))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Households (residents) - Client deposits by time (CZK+FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Households - trades (residents) - Client deposits by time (CZK+FC))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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