Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
H53 Postal and courier services (Previous period = 100, monthly data)
H53 Postal and courier services (2015=100, monthly data)
H53 Postal and courier services (y-o-y moving average, monthly data)
H53 Postal and courier services (Previous period = 100, quarterly data)
H53 Postal and courier services (2015=100, quarterly data)
H53 Postal and courier services (Previous period = 100, annual data)
H53 Postal and courier services (2015=100, annual data)
H53 Postal and courier services (Previous period = 100, monthly data)
H53 Postal and courier services (2015=100, monthly data)
H53 Postal and courier services (y-o-y moving average, monthly data)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (levels) (Levels)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels) (Levels)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Capital and reserves (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (flows) (Flows)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (flows) (Flows)