Methodology 2000 (Prices of Market Services»Total) - ekonomika ČNB
Aktualizace dat Methodology 2000 (Prices of Market Services»Total) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB
Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data
poslední hodnoty.Previous period=100, monthly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 99.40 | 99.90 | -0.50% | 99.00 | 0.40% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 100.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 99.90 | 0.10% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 99.70 | 100.40 | -0.70% | 99.50 | 0.20% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 100.00 | 99.90 | 0.10% | 100.00 | 0.00 |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 99.90 | 100.10 | -0.20% | 100.10 | -0.20% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 99.80 | 100.30 | -0.50% | 100.10 | -0.30% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 100.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 |
IND8 13. Other business services | 99.00 | 99.80 | -0.80% | 98.20 | 0.81% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 100.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 |
y-o-y indices, monthly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 103.90 | 103.40 | 0.48% | 101.60 | 2.26% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 100.20 | 100.10 | 0.10% | 103.30 | -3.00% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 100.30 | 100.00 | 0.30% | 102.10 | -1.76% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 100.20 | 100.20 | 0.00 | 103.50 | -3.19% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 101.30 | 101.50 | -0.20% | 101.50 | -0.20% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 102.40 | 102.70 | -0.29% | 101.90 | 0.49% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 100.60 | 100.60 | 0.00 | 101.20 | -0.59% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 105.90 | 105.00 | 0.86% | 100.90 | 4.96% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 105.00 | 105.00 | 0.00 | 105.80 | -0.76% |
2000=100, monthly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 117.70 | 118.40 | -0.59% | 113.30 | 3.88% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 103.90 | 103.90 | 0.00 | 103.70 | 0.19% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 110.30 | 110.60 | -0.27% | 110.00 | 0.27% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 101.90 | 101.90 | 0.00 | 101.70 | 0.20% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 124.60 | 124.70 | -0.08% | 123.00 | 1.30% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 127.60 | 127.90 | -0.23% | 124.70 | 2.33% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 113.90 | 113.90 | 0.00 | 113.20 | 0.62% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 119.10 | 120.30 | -1.00% | 112.50 | 5.87% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 139.00 | 139.00 | 0.00 | 132.30 | 5.06% |
12/1999=100, monthly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 118.40 | 119.10 | -0.59% | 114.00 | 3.86% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 107.50 | 107.50 | 0.00 | 107.30 | 0.19% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 112.50 | 112.80 | -0.27% | 112.20 | 0.27% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 106.20 | 106.20 | 0.00 | 106.00 | 0.19% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 116.90 | 117.00 | -0.09% | 115.40 | 1.30% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 127.90 | 128.20 | -0.23% | 124.90 | 2.40% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 111.10 | 111.10 | 0.00 | 110.40 | 0.63% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 122.30 | 123.50 | -0.97% | 115.50 | 5.89% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 147.90 | 147.90 | 0.00 | 140.80 | 5.04% |
y-o-y indices, quarterly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 103.50 | 103.70 | -0.19% | 102.30 | 1.17% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 100.30 | 100.00 | 0.30% | 103.20 | -2.81% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 100.10 | 101.00 | -0.89% | 102.40 | -2.25% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 100.40 | 99.80 | 0.60% | 103.40 | -2.90% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 101.40 | 102.20 | -0.78% | 101.50 | -0.10% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 102.50 | 102.70 | -0.19% | 101.90 | 0.59% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 100.60 | 101.80 | -1.18% | 101.20 | -0.59% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 105.20 | 105.50 | -0.28% | 102.00 | 3.14% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 105.00 | 105.00 | 0.00 | 105.80 | -0.76% |
2000=100, quarterly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 118.20 | 118.50 | -0.25% | 114.20 | 3.50% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 103.90 | 104.00 | -0.10% | 103.60 | 0.29% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 110.30 | 110.60 | -0.27% | 110.30 | 0.00 |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 101.90 | 102.00 | -0.10% | 101.50 | 0.39% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 124.60 | 125.70 | -0.88% | 123.00 | 1.30% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 127.70 | 128.00 | -0.23% | 124.60 | 2.49% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 113.90 | 115.30 | -1.21% | 113.20 | 0.62% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 119.90 | 120.10 | -0.17% | 114.00 | 5.18% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 139.00 | 139.00 | 0.00 | 132.30 | 5.06% |
12/1999=100, quarterly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 118.90 | 119.20 | -0.25% | 114.90 | 3.48% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 107.50 | 107.60 | -0.09% | 107.20 | 0.28% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 112.50 | 112.80 | -0.27% | 112.50 | 0.00 |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 106.20 | 106.30 | -0.09% | 105.80 | 0.38% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 116.90 | 117.90 | -0.85% | 115.40 | 1.30% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 128.00 | 128.30 | -0.23% | 124.80 | 2.56% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 111.10 | 112.40 | -1.16% | 110.40 | 0.63% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 123.20 | 123.30 | -0.08% | 117.10 | 5.21% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 147.90 | 147.90 | 0.00 | 140.80 | 5.04% |
Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 99.70 | 100.10 | -0.40% | 99.60 | 0.10% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 100.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 100.10 | -0.10% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 99.90 | 100.00 | -0.10% | 100.10 | -0.20% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 100.00 | 100.10 | -0.10% | 100.20 | -0.20% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 99.70 | 100.00 | -0.30% | 100.00 | -0.30% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 99.90 | 100.00 | -0.10% | 100.00 | -0.10% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 99.60 | 100.00 | -0.40% | 100.00 | -0.40% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 99.60 | 100.10 | -0.50% | 99.20 | 0.40% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 100.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 | 0.00 |
y-o-y indices, annual data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 103.70 | 101.90 | 1.77% | 101.90 | 1.77% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 101.70 | 101.90 | -0.20% | 101.90 | -0.20% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 100.90 | 101.90 | -0.98% | 101.90 | -0.98% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 102.00 | 101.80 | 0.20% | 101.80 | 0.20% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 101.80 | 101.70 | 0.10% | 101.70 | 0.10% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 102.70 | 102.80 | -0.10% | 102.80 | -0.10% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 101.30 | 101.00 | 0.30% | 101.00 | 0.30% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 104.80 | 101.90 | 2.85% | 101.90 | 2.85% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 105.20 | 105.80 | -0.57% | 105.80 | -0.57% |
2000=100, quarterly data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 117.90 | 113.70 | 3.69% | 113.70 | 3.69% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 103.90 | 102.10 | 1.76% | 102.10 | 1.76% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 110.50 | 109.50 | 0.91% | 109.50 | 0.91% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 101.90 | 100.00 | 1.90% | 100.00 | 1.90% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 125.10 | 122.80 | 1.87% | 122.80 | 1.87% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 127.80 | 124.60 | 2.57% | 124.60 | 2.57% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 114.50 | 113.00 | 1.33% | 113.00 | 1.33% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 119.30 | 113.80 | 4.83% | 113.80 | 4.83% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 138.90 | 132.00 | 5.23% | 132.00 | 5.23% |
12/1999=100, annual data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 118.60 | 114.40 | 3.67% | 114.40 | 3.67% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 107.50 | 105.70 | 1.70% | 105.70 | 1.70% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 112.70 | 111.70 | 0.90% | 111.70 | 0.90% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 106.20 | 104.20 | 1.92% | 104.20 | 1.92% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 117.30 | 115.20 | 1.82% | 115.20 | 1.82% |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 128.10 | 124.80 | 2.64% | 124.80 | 2.64% |
IND7 122. Insurance | 111.60 | 110.20 | 1.27% | 110.20 | 1.27% |
IND8 13. Other business services | 122.50 | 116.90 | 4.79% | 116.90 | 4.79% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 147.80 | 140.50 | 5.20% | 140.50 | 5.20% |
Average monthly index in a year, annual data
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.12.2006 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 1. Market services, Total | 100.30 | 100.10 | 0.20% | 100.10 | 0.20% |
IND2 11. Transport and communication | 100.00 | 100.30 | -0.30% | 100.30 | -0.30% |
IND3 111. National goods transport | 100.00 | 100.20 | -0.20% | 100.20 | -0.20% |
IND4 112. Post and telecommunication services | 100.00 | 100.30 | -0.30% | 100.30 | -0.30% |
IND5 12. Financial intermediation, insurance | 100.10 | 100.10 | 0.00 | 100.10 | 0.00 |
IND6 121. Financial intermediation | 100.20 | 100.20 | 0.00 | 100.20 | 0.00 |
IND7 122. Insurance | 100.10 | 100.10 | 0.00 | 100.10 | 0.00 |
IND8 13. Other business services | 100.50 | 100.10 | 0.40% | 100.10 | 0.40% |
IND9 141. Sewerage | 100.40 | 100.50 | -0.10% | 100.50 | -0.10% |
Previous period=100, monthly data |
Market services, Total (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
y-o-y indices, monthly data |
Market services, Total (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
2000=100, monthly data |
Market services, Total (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12/1999=100, monthly data |
Market services, Total (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (72 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
y-o-y indices, quarterly data |
Market services, Total (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
2000=100, quarterly data |
Market services, Total (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12/1999=100, annual data |
Market services, Total (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
12/1999=100, quarterly data |
Market services, Total (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data |
Market services, Total (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (24 hodnoty, 31.12.2006) |
y-o-y indices, annual data |
Market services, Total (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
2000=100, quarterly data |
Market services, Total (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
Average monthly index in a year, annual data |
Market services, Total (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
11. Transport and communication (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
111. National goods transport (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
112. Post and telecommunication services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
12. Financial intermediation, insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
121. Financial intermediation (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
122. Insurance (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
13. Other business services (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
141. Sewerage (6 hodnot, 31.12.2006) |
Podobné sestavy
Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
Methodology 2000 (Consumer Prices) |
Methodology 2000 (Industrial Producer Prices) |
Methodology 2000 (Forestry Prices) |
Methodology 2000 (Total) |
Methodology 2000 (Banking and Finance) |
Methodology 2000 (Insurance) |
Methodology 2000 (HS Classification (Harmonized System)) |
Methodology 2000 (Agriculture Producer Prices) |
Methodology 2000 (Consumer Prices) |
Methodology 2000 (Industrial Producer Prices) |
Methodology 2015 (Consumer Prices - CZSO data) |
Memo: Final consumption expenditure of GG at constant prices (2000) (c - Government consumption and other non-financial categories) |
Memo: GDP ESA95 at constant price (base year = 2000) (c - Government consumption and other non-financial categories) |
According to BPM5 Methodology |
Methodology 1994 (Consumer Prices) |
Methodology 2000 (Consumer Prices) |
2000=100, monthly data (Methodology 2000) |
2000=100, quarterly data (Methodology 2000) |
2000=100, annual data (Methodology 2000) |
Methodology 1994 (Industrial Producer Prices) |
Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD
Příbuzné stránky
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. , Jablonec nad Nisou IČO 00671363 - Obchodní rejstřík firem
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. aktuálně - Změny a události ve společnosti
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. - fyzické osoby, právnické osoby
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. - Sbírka listin
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. - volná pracovní místa
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. - diskuse, názory
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. - Živnostenský rejstřík
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. - Zdroje dat
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. , ergsuy2 - Datové schránky
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. - Zdroje dat
- Technologie 2000 spol. s r.o. německy: Technologie 2000 GmbH, francouzsky: Technologie 2000 S.A.R.L, anglicky: Technologie 2000 Comp.Ltd. aktuálně - Změny a události ve společnosti
- 2000 - rok 2000. Co se událo v roce 2000?
Methodology 2000
- Základní data
- Previous period=100, monthly data
- y-o-y indices, monthly data
- 2000=100, monthly data
- 12/1999=100, monthly data
- y-o-y indices, quarterly data
- 2000=100, quarterly data
- 12/1999=100, quarterly data
- Average monthly index in a quarter, quarterly data
- y-o-y indices, annual data
- 2000=100, quarterly data
- 12/1999=100, annual data
- Average monthly index in a year, annual data
- ID 0,58819(56482)
ČNB - ekonomika, časové řady
- Mzdy - průměrná mzda
- HDP - Hrubý domácí produkt
- Inflace - meziroční změny
- Nezaměstnanost a volná pracovní místa
Zobrazit sloupec
EUR | 24.98 0.21 | BTC | 80,457 -3.15 | Zlato | 2,905 -0.16 | ČEZ | 1,030 -0.10 |
USD | 23.08 0.37 | DJI | 42,482 -0.74 | Ropa | 69.77 -0.91 | Erste | 1,621 -3.91 |
ZprávyAkcie CZAkcie světKurzy měnKomodityZlatoBitcoinHypotékyTarifyEnergieKalkulačkaZákonyPráceVálkaDiskuze > Investice > Ekonomika > ČNB ekonomika > Statistical data > General Economic Statistics > Prices > Archive > Prices of Market Services > Total > Methodology 2000
pondělí 10.3.2025 16:52:41