Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (SOPR=100, čtvrtletní data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (SOPR=100, roční data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (1999=100, čtvrtletní data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (1999=100, roční data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (Předchozí období=100, měsíční data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (1999=100, měsíční data)
*01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (2000=100, čtvrtletní data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (SOPR=100, měsíční data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (2000=100, měsíční data)
01 JATEČNÝ SKOT (Průměrný měsíční index ve čtvrtletí, čtvrtletní data)
Non-financial corporations - up to 1 year (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Non-financial corporations - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - consumer credit - up to 1 year (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - consumer credit - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - lending for house purchase - up to 1 year (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - lending for house purchase - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - other lending - up to 1 year (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - other lending - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Non-monetary financial intermediaries - up to 1 year (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-monetary financial corp. and to government (levels))
Insurance corporations and pension funds - up to 1 year (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-monetary financial corp. and to government (levels))