Merchanting and other trade-related services - credit - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Merchanting and other trade-related services - credit v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Other services balance - credit (in millions of CZK)

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Merchanting and other trade-related services - credit - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.12.2012 6 656.80
Min 30.06.2007 -2 512.90

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
30.06.2014 2 417.20 4 909.70 -2 492.50 -50.77% 5 082.20 -2 665.00 -52.44%
31.03.2014 4 909.70 2 564.80 2 344.90 91.43% 1 541.00 3 368.70 218.60%
31.12.2013 2 564.80 2 364.70 200.10 8.46% 6 656.80 -4 092.00 -61.47%
30.09.2013 2 364.70 5 082.20 -2 717.50 -53.47% 4 152.90 -1 788.20 -43.06%
30.06.2013 5 082.20 1 541.00 3 541.20 229.80% 2 039.20 3 043.00 149.23%
31.03.2013 1 541.00 6 656.80 -5 115.80 -76.85% 1 877.00 - 336.00 -17.90%
31.12.2012 6 656.80 4 152.90 2 503.90 60.29% - 158.70 6 815.50 -4 294.58%
30.09.2012 4 152.90 2 039.20 2 113.70 103.65% 2 075.40 2 077.50 100.10%
30.06.2012 2 039.20 1 877.00 162.20 8.64% 3 771.30 -1 732.10 -45.93%
31.03.2012 1 877.00 - 158.70 2 035.70 -1 282.73% 2 337.30 - 460.30 -19.69%
31.12.2011 - 158.70 2 075.40 -2 234.10 - 107.65% 2 930.80 -3 089.50 - 105.41%
30.09.2011 2 075.40 3 771.30 -1 695.90 -44.97% 2 315.60 - 240.20 -10.37%
30.06.2011 3 771.30 2 337.30 1 434.00 61.35% 2 896.80 874.50 30.19%
31.03.2011 2 337.30 2 930.80 - 593.50 -20.25% 2 525.60 - 188.30 -7.46%
31.12.2010 2 930.80 2 315.60 615.20 26.57% 4 643.10 -1 712.30 -36.88%
30.09.2010 2 315.60 2 896.80 - 581.20 -20.06% 553.20 1 762.40 318.58%
30.06.2010 2 896.80 2 525.60 371.20 14.70% 2 422.90 473.90 19.56%
31.03.2010 2 525.60 4 643.10 -2 117.50 -45.61% 3 244.40 - 718.80 -22.16%
31.12.2009 4 643.10 553.20 4 089.90 739.32% 2 502.50 2 140.60 85.54%
30.09.2009 553.20 2 422.90 -1 869.70 -77.17% 1 759.90 -1 206.70 -68.57%
30.06.2009 2 422.90 3 244.40 - 821.50 -25.32% - 635.60 3 058.50 - 481.20%
31.03.2009 3 244.40 2 502.50 741.90 29.65% 2 393.00 851.40 35.58%
31.12.2008 2 502.50 1 759.90 742.60 42.20% 568.50 1 934.00 340.19%
30.09.2008 1 759.90 - 635.60 2 395.50 - 376.89% 66.20 1 693.70 2 558.46%
30.06.2008 - 635.60 2 393.00 -3 028.60 - 126.56% -2 512.90 1 877.30 -74.71%
31.03.2008 2 393.00 568.50 1 824.50 320.93% 492.30 1 900.70 386.09%
31.12.2007 568.50 66.20 502.30 758.76% 436.00 132.50 30.39%
30.09.2007 66.20 -2 512.90 2 579.10 - 102.63% 439.30 - 373.10 -84.93%
30.06.2007 -2 512.90 492.30 -3 005.20 - 610.44% 426.80 -2 939.70 - 688.78%
31.03.2007 492.30 436.00 56.30 12.91% 173.00 319.30 184.57%
31.12.2006 436.00 439.30 -3.30 -0.75% 690.40 - 254.40 -36.85%
30.09.2006 439.30 426.80 12.50 2.93% 582.10 - 142.80 -24.53%
30.06.2006 426.80 173.00 253.80 146.71% 767.80 - 341.00 -44.41%
31.03.2006 173.00 690.40 - 517.40 -74.94% 678.60 - 505.60 -74.51%
31.12.2005 690.40 582.10 108.30 18.61% 796.70 - 106.30 -13.34%
30.09.2005 582.10 767.80 - 185.70 -24.19% 538.80 43.30 8.04%
30.06.2005 767.80 678.60 89.20 13.14% 897.50 - 129.70 -14.45%
31.03.2005 678.60 796.70 - 118.10 -14.82% 860.10 - 181.50 -21.10%
31.12.2004 796.70 538.80 257.90 47.87% 597.40 199.30 33.36%
30.09.2004 538.80 897.50 - 358.70 -39.97% 453.80 85.00 18.73%
30.06.2004 897.50 860.10 37.40 4.35% 456.70 440.80 96.52%
31.03.2004 860.10 597.40 262.70 43.97% 188.30 671.80 356.77%
31.12.2003 597.40 453.80 143.60 31.64% 735.60 - 138.20 -18.79%
30.09.2003 453.80 456.70 -2.90 -0.63% 1 027.40 - 573.60 -55.83%
30.06.2003 456.70 188.30 268.40 142.54% 1 157.90 - 701.20 -60.56%
31.03.2003 188.30 735.60 - 547.30 -74.40% 1 098.70 - 910.40 -82.86%
31.12.2002 735.60 1 027.40 - 291.80 -28.40% 1 928.60 -1 193.00 -61.86%
30.09.2002 1 027.40 1 157.90 - 130.50 -11.27% 1 567.90 - 540.50 -34.47%
30.06.2002 1 157.90 1 098.70 59.20 5.39% 1 519.50 - 361.60 -23.80%
31.03.2002 1 098.70 1 928.60 - 829.90 -43.03% 1 605.20 - 506.50 -31.55%
31.12.2001 1 928.60 1 567.90 360.70 23.01% 1 852.60 76.00 4.10%
30.09.2001 1 567.90 1 519.50 48.40 3.19% 1 723.70 - 155.80 -9.04%
30.06.2001 1 519.50 1 605.20 -85.70 -5.34% 1 711.00 - 191.50 -11.19%
31.03.2001 1 605.20 1 852.60 - 247.40 -13.35% 1 342.00 263.20 19.61%
31.12.2000 1 852.60 1 723.70 128.90 7.48% 1 686.00 166.60 9.88%
30.09.2000 1 723.70 1 711.00 12.70 0.74% 1 712.50 11.20 0.65%
30.06.2000 1 711.00 1 342.00 369.00 27.50% 1 425.80 285.20 20.00%
31.03.2000 1 342.00 1 686.00 - 344.00 -20.40% 1 133.50 208.50 18.39%
31.12.1999 1 686.00 1 712.50 -26.50 -1.55% 649.40 1 036.60 159.62%
30.09.1999 1 712.50 1 425.80 286.70 20.11% 940.40 772.10 82.10%
30.06.1999 1 425.80 1 133.50 292.30 25.79% 1 510.40 -84.60 -5.60%
31.03.1999 1 133.50 649.40 484.10 74.55% 720.00 413.50 57.43%
31.12.1998 649.40 940.40 - 291.00 -30.94% 280.30 369.10 131.68%
30.09.1998 940.40 1 510.40 - 570.00 -37.74% 95.80 844.60 881.63%
30.06.1998 1 510.40 720.00 790.40 109.78% 66.20 1 444.20 2 181.57%
31.03.1998 720.00 280.30 439.70 156.87% 204.60 515.40 251.91%
31.12.1997 280.30 95.80 184.50 192.59% 622.80 - 342.50 -54.99%
30.09.1997 95.80 66.20 29.60 44.71% 976.40 - 880.60 -90.19%
30.06.1997 66.20 204.60 - 138.40 -67.64% 823.20 - 757.00 -91.96%
31.03.1997 204.60 622.80 - 418.20 -67.15% 84.40 120.20 142.42%
31.12.1996 622.80 976.40 - 353.60 -36.21% 154.00 468.80 304.42%
30.09.1996 976.40 823.20 153.20 18.61% 261.40 715.00 273.53%
30.06.1996 823.20 84.40 738.80 875.36% 311.90 511.30 163.93%
31.03.1996 84.40 154.00 -69.60 -45.19% 582.10 - 497.70 -85.50%
31.12.1995 154.00 261.40 - 107.40 -41.09% 204.70 -50.70 -24.77%
30.09.1995 261.40 311.90 -50.50 -16.19% 295.70 -34.30 -11.60%
30.06.1995 311.90 582.10 - 270.20 -46.42% 420.60 - 108.70 -25.84%
31.03.1995 582.10 204.70 377.40 184.37% 518.40 63.70 12.29%
31.12.1994 204.70 295.70 -91.00 -30.77% 958.00 - 753.30 -78.63%
30.09.1994 295.70 420.60 - 124.90 -29.70% 351.30 -55.60 -15.83%
30.06.1994 420.60 518.40 -97.80 -18.87% 579.90 - 159.30 -27.47%
31.03.1994 518.40 958.00 - 439.60 -45.89% 571.80 -53.40 -9.34%
31.12.1993 958.00 351.30 606.70 172.70% - - -
30.09.1993 351.30 579.90 - 228.60 -39.42% - - -
30.06.1993 579.90 571.80 8.10 1.42% - - -
31.03.1993 571.80 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Merchanting and other trade-related services - credit - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Merchanting and other trade-related services - credit (Other services balance - credit (in millions of CZK))
Merchanting and other trade-related services - credit (Other services balance - credit (in millions of CZK))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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