Real sector (Time series database - ARAD»SDDS Plus) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Real sector (Time series database - ARAD»SDDS Plus) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

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- SDDS Plus
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Financial assets, stocks, Total economy

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Total assets 20 599 788.00 20 461 640.00 0.68% - -
IND2 Monetary gold and SDRs (AF.1) 32 438.00 31 981.00 1.43% - -
IND3 Monetary gold (AF.11) 9 090.00 8 873.00 2.45% - -
IND4 SDRs (AF.12) 23 348.00 23 108.00 1.04% - -
IND5 Currency and deposits (AF.2) 5 299 055.00 5 224 563.00 1.43% - -
IND6 Currency (AF.21) 445 803.00 436 580.00 2.11% - -
IND7 Deposits (AF.22+AF.29) 4 853 252.00 4 787 983.00 1.36% - -
IND8 Transferable deposits (AF.22) 2 456 554.00 2 326 354.00 5.60% - -
IND9 Other deposits (AF.29) 2 396 698.00 2 461 629.00 -2.64% - -
IND10 Debt securities (AF.3) 3 047 993.00 3 082 105.00 -1.11% - -
IND11 Short-term (AF.31) 305 427.00 349 364.00 -12.58% - -
IND12 Long-term (AF.32) 2 742 566.00 2 732 741.00 0.36% - -
IND13 Loans (AF.4) 3 943 966.00 3 924 257.00 0.50% - -
IND14 Short-term (AF.41) 1 133 371.00 1 133 100.00 0.02% - -
IND15 Long-term (AF.42) 2 810 595.00 2 791 157.00 0.70% - -
IND16 Equity and investment fund shares (AF.5) 3 954 500.00 3 948 761.00 0.15% - -
IND17 Shares and other equity (AF.51) 3 509 542.00 3 533 104.00 -0.67% - -
IND18 Listed shares (AF.511) 453 444.00 431 916.00 4.98% - -
IND19 Unlisted shares (AF.512) 2 210 319.00 2 220 789.00 -0.47% - -
IND20 Other equity (AF.519) 845 779.00 880 399.00 -3.93% - -
IND21 Investment fund shares/units (AF.52) 444 958.00 415 657.00 7.05% - -
IND22 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (AF.6) 729 249.00 718 567.00 1.49% - -
IND23 Non-life insurance technical reserves (AF. 61) 145 309.00 143 070.00 1.56% - -
IND24 Life insurance and annuity entitlements (AF.62) 281 837.00 283 510.00 -0.59% - -
IND25 Pension entitlements (AF.63) 302 103.00 291 987.00 3.46% - -
IND26 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (AF.7) 144 073.00 125 380.00 14.91% - -
IND27 Other accounts payable (AF.8) 3 448 514.00 3 406 026.00 1.25% - -
IND28 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) 2 169 013.00 2 160 083.00 0.41% - -
IND29 Other accounts payable excluding trade credits and advances (AF.89) 1 284 632.00 1 245 943.00 3.11% - -

Financial assets, transactions, Total economy

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2014 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Total assets 138 148.00 174 170.00 -20.68% - -
IND2 Monetary gold and SDRs (F.1) 457.00 626.00 -27.00% - -
IND3 Monetary gold (F.11) 217.00 531.00 -59.13% - -
IND4 SDRs (F.12) 240.00 95.00 152.63% - -
IND5 Currency and deposits (F.2) 74 492.00 4 846.00 1 437.19% - -
IND6 Currency (F.21) 9 223.00 -5 260.00 - 275.34% - -
IND7 Deposits (F.22+F.29) 65 269.00 10 106.00 545.84% - -
IND8 Transferable deposits (F.22) 130 200.00 -28 150.00 - 562.52% - -
IND9 Other deposits (F.29) -64 931.00 38 256.00 - 269.73% - -
IND10 Debt securities (F.3) -34 112.00 -68 553.00 -50.24% - -
IND11 Short-term (F.31) -43 937.00 -32 016.00 37.23% - -
IND12 Long-term (F.32) 9 825.00 -36 537.00 - 126.89% - -
IND13 Loans (F.4) 19 709.00 93 954.00 -79.02% - -
IND14 Short-term (F.42) 271.00 91 924.00 -99.71% - -
IND15 Long-term (F.42) 19 438.00 2 030.00 857.54% - -
IND16 Equity and investment fund shares (F.5) 5 739.00 181 586.00 -96.84% - -
IND17 Shares and other equity (F.51) -23 562.00 161 771.00 - 114.56% - -
IND18 Listed shares (F.511) 21 528.00 29 519.00 -27.07% - -
IND19 Unlisted shares (F.512) -10 470.00 132 045.00 - 107.93% - -
IND20 Other equity (F.519) -34 620.00 207.00 -16 824.64% - -
IND21 Investment fund shares/units (F.52) 29 301.00 19 815.00 47.87% - -
IND22 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (F.6) 10 682.00 2 716.00 293.30% - -
IND23 Non-life insurance technical reserves (F. 61) 2 239.00 - 875.00 - 355.89% - -
IND24 Life insurance and annuity entitlements (F.62) -1 673.00 -4 802.00 -65.16% - -
IND25 Pension entitlements (F.63) 10 116.00 8 393.00 20.53% - -
IND26 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7) 18 693.00 2 699.00 592.59% - -
IND27 Other accounts payable (F.8) 42 488.00 -43 704.00 - 197.22% - -
IND28 Trade credits and advances (F.81) 8 930.00 -13 848.00 - 164.49% - -
IND29 Other accounts payable excluding trade credits and advances (F.89) 38 689.00 -29 856.00 - 229.59% - -

Sectoral balance sheets - Nonfinancial corporation (S11)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 7 028 171.00 6 847 485.00 2.64% 6 816 728.00 3.10%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 1 295 225.00 1 237 566.00 4.66% 1 149 812.00 12.65%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 106 794.00 112 685.00 -5.23% 105 420.00 1.30%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 967 151.00 994 899.00 -2.79% 1 036 011.00 -6.65%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 1 375 227.00 1 342 453.00 2.44% 1 355 328.00 1.47%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 36 899.00 36 377.00 1.43% 40 083.00 -7.94%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 160 115.00 90 747.00 76.44% 88 274.00 81.38%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 3 086 760.00 3 032 758.00 1.78% 3 041 800.00 1.48%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 12 328 123.00 12 235 205.00 0.76% 11 942 521.00 3.23%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 374 708.00 375 799.00 -0.29% 375 045.00 -0.09%
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 2 885 025.00 2 882 922.00 0.07% 2 876 615.00 0.29%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 6 259 443.00 6 208 260.00 0.82% 5 986 228.00 4.56%
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 176 200.00 86 354.00 104.04% 90 356.00 95.01%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 2 632 747.00 2 681 870.00 -1.83% 2 614 277.00 0.71%

Sectoral balance sheets - Central Bank (S121)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 3 612 945.00 3 389 674.00 6.59% 3 295 361.00 9.64%
IND2 (A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs 25 717.00 23 146.00 11.11% 22 449.00 14.56%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 1 075 906.00 1 375 851.00 -21.80% 1 356 524.00 -20.69%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 2 167 719.00 1 638 049.00 32.34% 1 608 032.00 34.81%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 15 259.00 6 857.00 122.53% 6 714.00 127.27%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 326 751.00 343 755.00 -4.95% 298 215.00 9.57%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 130.00 884.00 -85.29% 2 079.00 -93.75%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 1 463.00 1 132.00 29.24% 1 348.00 8.53%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 3 556 254.00 3 519 791.00 1.04% 3 394 540.00 4.76%
IND11 (L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs 26 672.00 24 405.00 9.29% 24 874.00 7.23%
IND12 (L) F2 Currency and deposits 3 515 472.00 3 491 484.00 0.69% 3 366 851.00 4.41%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 1 400.00 1 400.00 0.00 1 400.00 0.00
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 12 151.00 1 795.00 576.94% 632.00 1 822.63%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 559.00 707.00 -20.93% 783.00 -28.61%

Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 8 321 747.00 7 442 870.00 11.81% 7 663 302.00 8.59%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 3 245 038.00 2 727 690.00 18.97% 3 014 339.00 7.65%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 1 055 163.00 953 522.00 10.66% 990 174.00 6.56%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 3 598 972.00 3 462 444.00 3.94% 3 369 133.00 6.82%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 133 772.00 137 855.00 -2.96% 136 379.00 -1.91%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 14 406.00 14 389.00 0.12% 15 808.00 -8.87%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 240 662.00 113 870.00 111.35% 102 485.00 134.83%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 33 734.00 33 100.00 1.92% 34 984.00 -3.57%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 8 324 915.00 7 546 827.00 10.31% 7 778 153.00 7.03%
IND12 (L) F2 Currency and deposits 6 498 217.00 5 743 915.00 13.13% 5 958 838.00 9.05%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 824 399.00 856 118.00 -3.70% 867 375.00 -4.95%
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 51.00 0.00 - 105.00 -51.43%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 617 288.00 691 144.00 -10.69% 677 651.00 -8.91%
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 221 270.00 119 759.00 84.76% 100 224.00 120.78%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 163 690.00 135 891.00 20.46% 173 960.00 -5.90%

Sectoral balance sheets - Money market funds (S123)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 Liabilities (L) 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees - - - - -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -

Sectoral balance sheets - Non-MMF Investment funds (S124)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 472 995.00 488 440.00 -3.16% 448 010.00 5.58%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 92 621.00 82 106.00 12.81% 73 791.00 25.52%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 123 042.00 128 290.00 -4.09% 114 636.00 7.33%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 58 535.00 51 180.00 14.37% 48 357.00 21.05%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 185 891.00 214 249.00 -13.24% 196 144.00 -5.23%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 4.00 4.00 0.00 9.00 -55.56%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 819.00 2 836.00 -71.12% 338.00 142.31%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 12 083.00 9 775.00 23.61% 14 735.00 -18.00%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 574 188.00 590 025.00 -2.68% 542 436.00 5.85%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 2 636.00 2 738.00 -3.73% 1 257.00 109.71%
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 23 222.00 21 947.00 5.81% 22 091.00 5.12%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 516 295.00 545 135.00 -5.29% 495 398.00 4.22%
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 11 109.00 239.00 4 548.12% 1 871.00 493.75%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 20 926.00 19 966.00 4.81% 21 819.00 -4.09%

Sectoral balance sheets - Other financial institutions (S12O)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 1 947 779.00 1 841 286.00 5.78% 1 766 507.00 10.26%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 103 924.00 80 854.00 28.53% 91 532.00 13.54%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 5 399.00 7 470.00 -27.72% 3 612.00 49.47%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 673 090.00 677 761.00 -0.69% 685 907.00 -1.87%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 878 145.00 788 580.00 11.36% 717 095.00 22.46%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 5 999.00 6 815.00 -11.97% 7 864.00 -23.72%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 897.00 1 085.00 -17.33% 1 050.00 -14.57%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 280 325.00 278 721.00 0.58% 259 447.00 8.05%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 2 408 832.00 2 352 430.00 2.40% 2 168 105.00 11.10%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 164 589.00 136 176.00 20.86% 87 539.00 88.02%
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 614 749.00 588 241.00 4.51% 577 866.00 6.38%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 1 221 277.00 1 221 178.00 0.01% 1 113 000.00 9.73%
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 490.00 549.00 -10.75% 713.00 -31.28%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 407 727.00 406 286.00 0.35% 388 987.00 4.82%

Sectoral balance sheets - Insurance corporations (S128)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 503 488.00 515 921.00 -2.41% - -
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 33 746.00 24 167.00 39.64% - -
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 290 909.00 302 298.00 -3.77% - -
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 1 217.00 2 587.00 -52.96% - -
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 107 920.00 111 296.00 -3.03% - -
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 40 255.00 39 638.00 1.56% - -
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 289.00 690.00 -58.12% - -
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 29 152.00 35 245.00 -17.29% - -
IND10 Liabilities (L) 540 232.00 540 234.00 -0.00% - -
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 591.00 594.00 -0.51% - -
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 307.00 575.00 -46.61% - -
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 81 923.00 79 801.00 2.66% - -
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 412 682.00 414 546.00 -0.45% - -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 4 647.00 4 463.00 4.12% - -
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 40 082.00 40 255.00 -0.43% - -

Sectoral balance sheets - Pension funds (S129)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.09.2015 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 345 789.00 339 554.00 1.84% - -
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 18 143.00 14 734.00 23.14% - -
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 319 823.00 316 895.00 0.92% - -
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 6 588.00 6 622.00 -0.51% - -
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 3.00 3.00 0.00 - -
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 116.00 283.00 -59.01% - -
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 1 116.00 1 017.00 9.73% - -
IND10 Liabilities (L) 363 278.00 352 878.00 2.95% - -
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 0.00 0.00 - - -
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 10.00 10.00 0.00 - -
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 15 838.00 12 507.00 26.63% - -
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 343 286.00 336 279.00 2.08% - -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 2 821.00 2 546.00 10.80% - -
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 1 323.00 1 536.00 -13.87% - -

Sectoral balance sheets - General government (S13)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 1 982 940.00 1 940 675.00 2.18% 1 970 519.00 0.63%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 715 621.00 594 128.00 20.45% 680 390.00 5.18%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 17 201.00 16 774.00 2.55% 19 317.00 -10.95%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 217 374.00 258 775.00 -16.00% 194 624.00 11.69%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 654 793.00 697 818.00 -6.17% 699 974.00 -6.45%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 3 048.00 2 867.00 6.31% 3 085.00 -1.20%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 3 288.00 1 373.00 139.48% 1 770.00 85.76%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 371 615.00 368 940.00 0.72% 371 359.00 0.07%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 2 587 395.00 2 405 357.00 7.57% 2 445 812.00 5.79%
IND12 (L) F2 Currency and deposits 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 1 833 152.00 1 691 343.00 8.38% 1 759 436.00 4.19%
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 351 932.00 370 654.00 -5.05% 328 263.00 7.21%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 1 888.00 1 124.00 67.97% 947.00 99.37%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts receivable 400 423.00 342 236.00 17.00% 357 166.00 12.11%

Sectoral balance sheets - Households and NPISHs (S1M)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 7 858 550.00 7 697 662.00 2.09% 7 259 029.00 8.26%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 3 509 387.00 3 393 697.00 3.41% 3 255 403.00 7.80%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 148 087.00 149 909.00 -1.22% 139 800.00 5.93%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 1 912.00 1 857.00 2.96% 1 723.00 10.97%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 3 111 076.00 3 069 821.00 1.34% 2 842 249.00 9.46%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 792 316.00 796 070.00 -0.47% 765 478.00 3.51%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 188.00 191.00 -1.57% 209.00 -10.05%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 295 584.00 286 117.00 3.31% 254 167.00 16.30%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 2 229 999.00 2 204 245.00 1.17% 2 096 196.00 6.38%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 1 834 391.00 1 815 819.00 1.02% 1 730 412.00 6.01%
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 395 608.00 388 426.00 1.85% 365 784.00 8.15%

Sectoral balance sheets - Rest of te world (S2)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 8 441 264.00 8 267 310.00 2.10% 8 106 219.00 4.13%
IND2 (A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs 26 672.00 24 405.00 9.29% 24 874.00 7.23%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 1 400 005.00 1 372 491.00 2.00% 1 354 973.00 3.32%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 1 409 379.00 1 374 535.00 2.53% 1 418 461.00 -0.64%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 1 171 149.00 1 115 217.00 5.02% 1 118 433.00 4.71%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 3 691 492.00 3 767 709.00 -2.02% 3 615 535.00 2.10%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 29 817.00 26 093.00 14.27% 26 481.00 12.60%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 269 353.00 129 738.00 107.61% 117 477.00 129.28%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 443 397.00 457 122.00 -3.00% 429 985.00 3.12%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 7 616 865.00 7 029 207.00 8.36% 6 929 559.00 9.92%
IND11 (L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs 15 638.00 14 305.00 9.32% 14 567.00 7.35%
IND12 (L) F2 Currency and deposits 1 590 228.00 1 787 031.00 -11.01% 1 801 920.00 -11.75%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 2 491 400.00 1 961 973.00 26.98% 1 946 449.00 28.00%
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 973 772.00 882 547.00 10.34% 911 245.00 6.86%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 1 773 109.00 1 739 013.00 1.96% 1 625 051.00 9.11%
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 38 798.00 36 042.00 7.65% 38 687.00 0.29%
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 243 368.00 130 432.00 86.59% 116 342.00 109.18%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 490 552.00 477 864.00 2.66% 475 298.00 3.21%

Sectoral balance sheets - Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds (S12Q)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 1 063 884.00 1 038 232.00 2.47% 1 021 676.00 4.13%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 166 190.00 158 047.00 5.15% 150 845.00 10.17%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 658 100.00 642 913.00 2.36% 637 649.00 3.21%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 6 480.00 4 199.00 54.32% 10 230.00 -36.66%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 135 450.00 149 519.00 -9.41% 131 162.00 3.27%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 45 688.00 42 687.00 7.03% 45 780.00 -0.20%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 700.00 2 296.00 -69.51% 913.00 -23.33%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 51 276.00 38 571.00 32.94% 45 097.00 13.70%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 1 093 625.00 1 061 706.00 3.01% 1 042 147.00 4.94%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 26 780.00 11 059.00 142.16% 24 535.00 9.15%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 103 785.00 105 629.00 -1.75% 93 353.00 11.17%
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 889 379.00 889 260.00 0.01% 865 901.00 2.71%
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 9 676.00 2 768.00 249.57% 3 510.00 175.67%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 64 005.00 52 990.00 20.79% 54 848.00 16.70%
Financial assets, stocks, Total economy
IND1 Total assets (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND2 Monetary gold and SDRs (AF.1) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND3 Monetary gold (AF.11) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND4 SDRs (AF.12) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND5 Currency and deposits (AF.2) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND6 Currency (AF.21) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND7 Deposits (AF.22+AF.29) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND8 Transferable deposits (AF.22) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND9 Other deposits (AF.29) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND10 Debt securities (AF.3) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND11 Short-term (AF.31) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND12 Long-term (AF.32) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND13 Loans (AF.4) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND14 Short-term (AF.41) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND15 Long-term (AF.42) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND16 Equity and investment fund shares (AF.5) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND17 Shares and other equity (AF.51) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND18 Listed shares (AF.511) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND19 Unlisted shares (AF.512) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND20 Other equity (AF.519) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND21 Investment fund shares/units (AF.52) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND22 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (AF.6) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND23 Non-life insurance technical reserves (AF. 61) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND24 Life insurance and annuity entitlements (AF.62) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND25 Pension entitlements (AF.63) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND26 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (AF.7) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND27 Other accounts payable (AF.8) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND28 Trade credits and advances (AF.81) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND29 Other accounts payable excluding trade credits and advances (AF.89) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
Financial assets, transactions, Total economy
IND1 Total assets (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND2 Monetary gold and SDRs (F.1) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND3 Monetary gold (F.11) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND4 SDRs (F.12) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND5 Currency and deposits (F.2) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND6 Currency (F.21) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND7 Deposits (F.22+F.29) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND8 Transferable deposits (F.22) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND9 Other deposits (F.29) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND10 Debt securities (F.3) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND11 Short-term (F.31) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND12 Long-term (F.32) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND13 Loans (F.4) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND14 Short-term (F.42) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND15 Long-term (F.42) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND16 Equity and investment fund shares (F.5) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND17 Shares and other equity (F.51) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND18 Listed shares (F.511) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND19 Unlisted shares (F.512) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND20 Other equity (F.519) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND21 Investment fund shares/units (F.52) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND22 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (F.6) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND23 Non-life insurance technical reserves (F. 61) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND24 Life insurance and annuity entitlements (F.62) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND25 Pension entitlements (F.63) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND26 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND27 Other accounts payable (F.8) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND28 Trade credits and advances (F.81) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
IND29 Other accounts payable excluding trade credits and advances (F.89) (3 hodnoty, 30.06.2014)
Sectoral balance sheets - Rest of te world (S2)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Insurance corporations (S128)
Assets (A) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F3 Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F4 Loans (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
Liabilities (L) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F4 Loans (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Other financial institutions (S12O)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Pension funds (S129)
Assets (A) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F3 Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F4 Loans (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
Liabilities (L) (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F4 Loans (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (3 hodnoty, 30.09.2015)
Sectoral balance sheets - Households and NPISHs (S1M)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Nonfinancial corporation (S11)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Central Bank (S121)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Money market funds (S123)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (1 hodnota, 30.09.2015)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Non-MMF Investment funds (S124)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - General government (S13)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Sectoral balance sheets - Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds (S12Q)
Assets (A) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(A) F2 Currency and deposits (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
Liabilities (L) (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs
(L) F2 Currency and deposits
(L) F3 Debt securities (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F4 Loans (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)
(L) F8 Other accounts payable (65 hodnot, 31.03.2020)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Real sector (SDDS Plus)
Net credit to the government sector (Monetary Survey (historical data up to December 2016) - assets)
1. EXTERNAL SECTOR (MONETARY BASE (end of month, CZK in bn))
2. GOVERNMENT SECTOR (MONETARY BASE (end of month, CZK in bn))
1. EXTERNAL SECTOR (MONETARY BASE (monthly average, CZK in bn))
2. GOVERNMENT SECTOR (MONETARY BASE (monthly average, CZK in bn))
Real estate funds balance sheet (Levels)
Sector breakdown of components of M3 (Monetary Statistics Publication)
Loans to private sector (Monetary Statistics Publication)
Contributions to annual growth of loans to private sector (% points) (Monetary Statistics Publication)
Sector breakdown (Newly drawn (historical data up to 2003))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

Zobrazit sloupec 

Kalkulačka - Výpočet

Výpočet čisté mzdy

Důchodová kalkulačka

Přídavky na dítě

Příspěvek na bydlení

Rodičovský příspěvek

Životní minimum

Hypoteční kalkulačka

Povinné ručení

Banky a Bankomaty

Úrokové sazby, Hypotéky

Směnárny - Euro, Dolar

Práce - Volná místa

Úřad práce, Mzda, Platy

Dávky a příspěvky

Nemocenská, Porodné

Podpora v nezaměstnanosti



Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


Města a obce, PSČ

Katastr nemovitostí

Katastrální úřady

Ochranné známky

Občanský zákoník

Zákoník práce

Stavební zákon

Daně, formuláře

Další odkazy

Auto - Cena, Spolehlivost

Registr vozidel - Technický průkaz, eTechničák

Finanční katalog

Volby, Mapa webu

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Czech currency

Prague stock exchange

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