Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122) - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.03.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets (A) 8 321 747.00 7 442 870.00 11.81% 7 663 302.00 8.59%
IND3 (A) F2 Currency and deposits 3 245 038.00 2 727 690.00 18.97% 3 014 339.00 7.65%
IND4 (A) F3 Debt securities 1 055 163.00 953 522.00 10.66% 990 174.00 6.56%
IND5 (A) F4 Loans 3 598 972.00 3 462 444.00 3.94% 3 369 133.00 6.82%
IND6 (A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 133 772.00 137 855.00 -2.96% 136 379.00 -1.91%
IND7 (A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 14 406.00 14 389.00 0.12% 15 808.00 -8.87%
IND8 (A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 240 662.00 113 870.00 111.35% 102 485.00 134.83%
IND9 (A) F8 Other accounts receivable 33 734.00 33 100.00 1.92% 34 984.00 -3.57%
IND10 Liabilities (L) 8 324 915.00 7 546 827.00 10.31% 7 778 153.00 7.03%
IND12 (L) F2 Currency and deposits 6 498 217.00 5 743 915.00 13.13% 5 958 838.00 9.05%
IND13 (L) F3 Debt securities 824 399.00 856 118.00 -3.70% 867 375.00 -4.95%
IND14 (L) F4 Loans 51.00 0.00 - 105.00 -51.43%
IND15 (L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares 617 288.00 691 144.00 -10.69% 677 651.00 -8.91%
IND16 (L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND17 (L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options 221 270.00 119 759.00 84.76% 100 224.00 120.78%
IND18 (L) F8 Other accounts payable 163 690.00 135 891.00 20.46% 173 960.00 -5.90%

Assets (A)

31.03.2020 8 321 747.00
31.12.2019 7 442 870.00
30.09.2019 7 918 451.00
30.06.2019 7 748 834.00
31.03.2019 7 663 302.00
31.12.2018 7 196 062.00
30.09.2018 7 486 255.00
30.06.2018 7 317 888.00
31.03.2018 7 239 695.00
31.12.2017 6 946 877.00
Další »
Assets (A),Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs

Další »
(A) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F2 Currency and deposits

31.03.2020 3 245 038.00
31.12.2019 2 727 690.00
30.09.2019 3 138 617.00
30.06.2019 3 049 766.00
31.03.2019 3 014 339.00
31.12.2018 2 653 079.00
30.09.2018 2 879 630.00
30.06.2018 2 793 268.00
31.03.2018 2 855 038.00
31.12.2017 2 654 238.00
Další »
(A) F2 Currency and deposits,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F3 Debt securities

31.03.2020 1 055 163.00
31.12.2019 953 522.00
30.09.2019 985 114.00
30.06.2019 979 208.00
31.03.2019 990 174.00
31.12.2018 940 040.00
30.09.2018 969 948.00
30.06.2018 990 653.00
31.03.2018 936 247.00
31.12.2017 920 158.00
Další »
(A) F3 Debt securities,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F4 Loans

31.03.2020 3 598 972.00
31.12.2019 3 462 444.00
30.09.2019 3 477 299.00
30.06.2019 3 410 373.00
31.03.2019 3 369 133.00
31.12.2018 3 325 808.00
30.09.2018 3 345 864.00
30.06.2018 3 252 705.00
31.03.2018 3 186 934.00
31.12.2017 3 110 111.00
Další »
(A) F4 Loans,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares

31.03.2020 133 772.00
31.12.2019 137 855.00
30.09.2019 140 986.00
30.06.2019 139 162.00
31.03.2019 136 379.00
31.12.2018 130 975.00
30.09.2018 126 539.00
30.06.2018 125 155.00
31.03.2018 118 103.00
31.12.2017 116 257.00
Další »
(A) F5 Equity and investment fund shares,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees

31.03.2020 14 406.00
31.12.2019 14 389.00
30.09.2019 14 117.00
30.06.2019 14 877.00
31.03.2019 15 808.00
31.12.2018 15 936.00
30.09.2018 16 334.00
30.06.2018 15 289.00
31.03.2018 20 279.00
31.12.2017 21 192.00
Další »
(A)  F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options

31.03.2020 240 662.00
31.12.2019 113 870.00
30.09.2019 132 089.00
30.06.2019 124 523.00
31.03.2019 102 485.00
31.12.2018 98 001.00
30.09.2018 112 028.00
30.06.2018 104 735.00
31.03.2018 86 998.00
31.12.2017 93 010.00
Další »
(A) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(A) F8 Other accounts receivable

31.03.2020 33 734.00
31.12.2019 33 100.00
30.09.2019 30 229.00
30.06.2019 30 925.00
31.03.2019 34 984.00
31.12.2018 32 223.00
30.09.2018 35 912.00
30.06.2018 36 083.00
31.03.2018 36 096.00
31.12.2017 31 911.00
Další »
(A) F8 Other accounts receivable,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

Liabilities (L)

31.03.2020 8 324 915.00
31.12.2019 7 546 827.00
30.09.2019 8 005 676.00
30.06.2019 7 861 927.00
31.03.2019 7 778 153.00
31.12.2018 7 293 572.00
30.09.2018 7 593 757.00
30.06.2018 7 421 690.00
31.03.2018 7 356 469.00
31.12.2017 7 028 416.00
Další »
Liabilities (L),Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs

Další »
(L) F1 Monetary gold and SDRs,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F2 Currency and deposits

31.03.2020 6 498 217.00
31.12.2019 5 743 915.00
30.09.2019 6 171 935.00
30.06.2019 6 039 830.00
31.03.2019 5 958 838.00
31.12.2018 5 615 591.00
30.09.2018 5 887 366.00
30.06.2018 5 784 754.00
31.03.2018 5 723 217.00
31.12.2017 5 372 897.00
Další »
(L) F2 Currency and deposits,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F3 Debt securities

31.03.2020 824 399.00
31.12.2019 856 118.00
30.09.2019 889 447.00
30.06.2019 877 392.00
31.03.2019 867 375.00
31.12.2018 793 734.00
30.09.2018 761 521.00
30.06.2018 743 751.00
31.03.2018 725 991.00
31.12.2017 770 237.00
Další »
(L) F3 Debt securities,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F4 Loans

31.03.2020 51.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 105.00
31.12.2018 107.00
30.09.2018 106.00
30.06.2018 112.00
31.03.2018 124.00
31.12.2017 126.00
Další »
(L) F4 Loans,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares

31.03.2020 617 288.00
31.12.2019 691 144.00
30.09.2019 663 895.00
30.06.2019 666 248.00
31.03.2019 677 651.00
31.12.2018 648 330.00
30.09.2018 651 282.00
30.06.2018 640 388.00
31.03.2018 662 627.00
31.12.2017 646 634.00
Další »
(L) F5 Equity and investment fund shares,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees

31.03.2020 0.00
31.12.2019 0.00
30.09.2019 0.00
30.06.2019 0.00
31.03.2019 0.00
31.12.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
31.12.2017 0.00
Další »
(L)  F6 Insurance, pension and standardised guarantees,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options

31.03.2020 221 270.00
31.12.2019 119 759.00
30.09.2019 129 463.00
30.06.2019 126 633.00
31.03.2019 100 224.00
31.12.2018 97 193.00
30.09.2018 123 105.00
30.06.2018 101 686.00
31.03.2018 88 935.00
31.12.2017 95 721.00
Další »
(L) F7 Financial derivatives and employee stock options,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

(L) F8 Other accounts payable

31.03.2020 163 690.00
31.12.2019 135 891.00
30.09.2019 150 936.00
30.06.2019 151 824.00
31.03.2019 173 960.00
31.12.2018 138 617.00
30.09.2018 170 377.00
30.06.2018 150 999.00
31.03.2018 155 575.00
31.12.2017 142 801.00
Další »
(L) F8 Other accounts payable,Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Sectoral balance sheets - Other deposit-taking corporation (S122) (Real sector)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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