State budget and taxes (Government finance Statistics) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat State budget and taxes (Government finance Statistics) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
30.09.2023 Penzijní společnosti - Počet účastníků II. a III. pilíře: Čtvrtletní, Supplementary pension insurance with state contribution
30.06.2024 Statistické šetření ČNB a SP ČR v nefinančních podnicích - Faktory omezující růst firmy: Čtvrtletní, Nedostatek financí (1=vůbec, 5=nejvíce, průměr)
30.06.2024 Statistické šetření ČNB a SP ČR v nefinančních podnicích - Kvalita podnikatelského prostředí: Čtvrtletní, Udržitelnost veřejných financí - význam (1=žádný, 5=nejvyšší, průměr)
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Representative Indicators of State Budget

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.07.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Tax revenue - corporate income tax 58 080.00 51 877.00 11.96% 70 599.00 -17.73%
IND2 Tax revenue - individual income tax 75 010.00 61 151.00 22.66% 89 970.00 -16.63%
IND3 Tax revenue - VAT 158 370.00 127 256.00 24.45% 165 147.00 -4.10%
IND4 Tax revenue - excise taxes 83 740.00 71 002.00 17.94% 89 054.00 -5.97%
IND5 Tax revenue - social contribution 310 750.00 270 282.00 14.97% 319 698.00 -2.80%
IND6 Tax revenue - property taxes 4 080.00 4 013.00 1.67% 7 962.00 -48.76%
IND7 Tax revenue - customs 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 Tax revenue - administratice charge 980.00 1 122.00 -12.66% 1 212.00 -19.14%
IND9 Tax revenue - other taxes and contributions 5 580.00 5 503.00 1.40% 5 498.00 1.49%
IND10 Non-tax revenue - interests 500.00 357.00 40.06% 1 516.00 -67.02%
IND11 Non-tax revenue - repayments od loans 300.00 270.00 11.11% 892.00 -66.37%
IND12 Non-tax revenue - capital revenues 8 000.00 9 498.00 -15.77% 11 308.00 -29.25%
IND13 Non-tax revenue - received transfers/grants 84 520.00 85 752.00 -1.44% 88 433.00 -4.42%
IND14 Current expenditure - non-investment purchases 41 000.00 35 791.00 14.55% 33 970.00 20.69%
IND15 Current expenditure - wage expenditure 72 920.00 60 066.00 21.40% 69 895.00 4.33%
IND16 Current expenditure - transfer to enterprices 56 740.00 52 882.00 7.30% 29 858.00 90.03%
IND17 Current expenditure - transfer to public budgets - central 81 820.00 70 446.00 16.15% 71 064.00 15.14%
IND18 Current expenditure - transfer to public budgets - local 140 310.00 134 893.00 4.02% 124 384.00 12.80%
IND19 Current expenditure - transfer to allowance organizations 65 320.00 60 385.00 8.17% 54 791.00 19.22%
IND20 Current expenditure - pensions 296 310.00 253 310.00 16.98% 273 835.00 8.21%
IND21 Current expenditure - unemployments benefit 6 100.00 5 136.00 18.77% 4 829.00 26.32%
IND22 Current expenditure - other social benefits 65 100.00 55 122.00 18.10% 48 692.00 33.70%
IND23 Current expenditure - state social welfare 30 200.00 25 639.00 17.79% 22 177.00 36.18%
IND24 Current expenditure - payments to EU budgets 31 020.00 28 683.00 8.15% 29 654.00 4.61%
IND25 Current expenditure - state debt 15 150.00 12 518.00 21.03% 19 186.00 -21.04%
IND26 Capital expenditure - investment purchases 9 810.00 7 792.00 25.90% 7 377.00 32.98%
IND27 Capital expenditure - transfer to enterprices 9 390.00 7 031.00 33.55% 7 324.00 28.21%
IND28 Capital expenditure - transfer to public budgets 14 840.00 11 002.00 34.88% 14 089.00 5.33%
IND29 Capital expenditure - transfer to allowance organizations 8 170.00 6 975.00 17.13% 9 674.00 -15.55%

Total taxes revenue (CZK bn)

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.07.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 VAT 234.21 187.98 24.59% 244.02 -4.02%
IND2 excise taxes 87.89 74.54 17.91% 93.72 -6.22%
IND3 Customs 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND4 corporate income taxes 74.47 74.39 0.11% 104.88 -29.00%
IND5 individual income taxes 114.33 93.38 22.44% 135.27 -15.48%
IND6 individual income taxes - tax deduction 11.43 9.31 22.77% 11.45 -0.17%
IND7 individual income taxes - tax return -2.01 -1.96 2.55% 3.32 - 160.54%
IND8 individual income taxes - employers duty 104.91 86.03 21.95% 120.50 -12.94%
IND9 road tax 3.42 2.64 29.55% 4.13 -17.19%
IND10 real estate taxes 8.06 7.90 2.03% 7.70 4.68%
IND11 property taxes 4.07 4.01 1.50% 7.96 -48.87%
IND12 motorway charge and toll 10.25 9.11 12.51% 10.28 -0.29%
IND13 other taxes 6.56 6.20 5.81% 6.44 1.86%
IND14 Total taxes revenue 543.26 460.15 18.06% 614.40 -11.58%
Total taxes revenue (CZK bn)
VAT (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
excise taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Customs (222 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
corporate income taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
individual income taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
individual income taxes - tax deduction (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
individual income taxes - tax return (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
individual income taxes - employers duty (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
road tax (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
real estate taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
property taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
motorway charge and toll (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
other taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Total taxes revenue (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Representative Indicators of State Budget
Tax revenue - corporate income tax (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - individual income tax (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - VAT (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - excise taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - social contribution (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - property taxes (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - customs (220 hodnot, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - administratice charge (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Tax revenue - other taxes and contributions (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Non-tax revenue - interests (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Non-tax revenue - repayments od loans (71 hodnota, 31.07.2020)
Non-tax revenue - capital revenues (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Non-tax revenue - received transfers/grants (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - non-investment purchases (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - wage expenditure (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - transfer to enterprices (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - transfer to public budgets - central (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - transfer to public budgets - local (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - transfer to allowance organizations (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - pensions (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - unemployments benefit (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - other social benefits (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - state social welfare (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - payments to EU budgets (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Current expenditure - state debt (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Capital expenditure - investment purchases (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Capital expenditure - transfer to enterprices (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Capital expenditure - transfer to public budgets (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)
Capital expenditure - transfer to allowance organizations (223 hodnoty, 31.07.2020)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


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State budget and taxes (Government finance Statistics)
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Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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