Financial corporations engaged in lending - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Financial corporations engaged in lending v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Do 1 měsíce, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Nad 1 měsíc do 3 měsíců, USD
- Podmíněný KD odliv(-)/příliv(+) deviz.aktiv (nominál.ocenění): Měsíční, Záznam o devizových opcích, které jsou in-the-money, Nad 3 měsíce do 1 roku, USD
Vyberte statistický ukazatel pro zobrazení hodnot a grafu vývoje nebo se podívejte na poslední hodnoty.

Quarterly balance sheet of financial corporations engaged in lending

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets - total 425 131.64 436 742.78 -2.66% 437 724.18 -2.88%
IND2 Cash and Deposits 8 244.34 8 682.91 -5.05% 6 463.25 27.56%
IND3 Short-term loans provided 79 163.90 86 712.31 -8.71% 86 277.05 -8.24%
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents 75 431.15 81 474.38 -7.42% 81 071.22 -6.96%
IND5 Long-term loans provided 242 443.30 243 782.45 -0.55% 244 588.39 -0.88%
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents 240 385.31 241 608.39 -0.51% 239 149.04 0.52%
IND7 Bonds held - total 729.73 684.86 6.55% 766.74 -4.83%
IND8 Bonds held - residents 729.73 684.86 6.55% 766.74 -4.83%
IND9 Share and other equity - total 5 767.14 5 592.58 3.12% 5 708.20 1.03%
IND10 Share and other equity - residents 4 628.38 4 442.01 4.20% 4 564.32 1.40%
IND11 Non-financial assets 68 165.97 69 464.14 -1.87% 69 020.99 -1.24%
IND12 Other assets 20 617.26 21 823.53 -5.53% 24 899.57 -17.20%
IND13 Liabilities - total 425 131.64 436 742.78 -2.66% 437 724.18 -2.88%
IND14 Short-term loans received - total 65 585.25 69 471.16 -5.59% 73 439.07 -10.69%
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents 54 062.31 57 338.75 -5.71% 58 486.22 -7.56%
IND16 Long-term loans received - total 189 054.68 196 141.16 -3.61% 197 476.92 -4.26%
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents 135 054.28 142 728.01 -5.38% 143 802.98 -6.08%
IND18 Bonds issued - total 19 788.45 21 480.68 -7.88% 17 560.72 12.69%
IND19 Bonds issued - residents 19 788.45 21 480.68 -7.88% 17 560.72 12.69%
IND20 Own funds 110 605.15 109 871.06 0.67% 107 595.30 2.80%
IND21 Other liabilities 40 098.11 39 778.73 0.80% 41 652.17 -3.73%

Composition of loans provided by financial corporations engaged in lending to residents

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year 58 847.45 64 377.53 -8.59% 61 082.19 -3.66%
IND2 Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years 131 159.02 139 925.01 -6.26% 146 177.82 -10.27%
IND3 Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years 58 481.55 50 257.87 16.36% 41 244.63 41.79%
IND4 Consumer credit to households up to 1 year 15 531.22 16 041.56 -3.18% 16 843.14 -7.79%
IND5 Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years 27 280.97 28 197.84 -3.25% 28 648.00 -4.77%
IND6 Consumer credit to households over 5 years 7 600.18 7 475.18 1.67% 7 707.50 -1.39%
IND7 Lending for house purchase to households - total 673.83 678.07 -0.62% 755.58 -10.82%
IND8 Other loans to households - total 12 210.71 12 424.78 -1.72% 13 432.22 -9.09%
IND9 Loans to financial corporations - total 3 627.74 3 302.32 9.85% 3 941.31 -7.96%
IND10 Loans to government - total 96.62 85.59 12.89% 98.49 -1.90%
IND11 Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total 307.16 317.01 -3.11% 289.36 6.15%

Quarterly balance sheet of financial leasing companies

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets - total 338 737.72 345 431.97 -1.94% 342 888.71 -1.21%
IND2 Cash and Deposits 4 982.21 5 609.60 -11.18% 3 715.52 34.09%
IND3 Short-term loans provided 45 601.94 48 581.60 -6.13% 47 469.41 -3.93%
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents 45 418.32 48 383.59 -6.13% 47 294.72 -3.97%
IND5 Long-term loans provided 207 618.78 208 210.67 -0.28% 205 392.81 1.08%
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents 206 244.90 206 766.01 -0.25% 203 798.44 1.20%
IND7 Bonds held - total 109.29 109.71 -0.38% 134.96 -19.02%
IND8 Bonds held - residents 109.29 109.71 -0.38% 134.96 -19.02%
IND9 Share and other equity - total 3 225.91 3 225.56 0.01% 3 195.54 0.95%
IND10 Share and other equity - residents 3 035.52 3 035.25 0.01% 3 005.33 1.00%
IND11 Non-financial assets 64 464.96 65 878.61 -2.15% 65 695.79 -1.87%
IND12 Other assets 12 734.64 13 816.22 -7.83% 17 284.67 -26.32%
IND13 Liabilities - total 338 737.72 345 431.97 -1.94% 342 888.71 -1.21%
IND14 Short-term loans received - total 36 932.92 38 201.28 -3.32% 40 762.66 -9.40%
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents 27 188.59 28 006.50 -2.92% 27 968.33 -2.79%
IND16 Long-term loans received - total 173 800.03 179 034.73 -2.92% 177 903.73 -2.31%
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents 122 277.98 128 015.84 -4.48% 129 367.31 -5.48%
IND18 Bonds issued - total 17 880.43 19 535.40 -8.47% 15 327.42 16.66%
IND19 Bonds issued - residents 17 880.43 19 535.40 -8.47% 15 327.42 16.66%
IND20 Own funds 78 734.51 77 852.23 1.13% 76 136.59 3.41%
IND21 Other liabilities 31 389.83 30 808.32 1.89% 32 758.31 -4.18%

Composition of loans provided by financial leasing companies to residents

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year 33 841.34 36 906.10 -8.30% 33 334.21 1.52%
IND2 Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years 122 607.05 131 175.94 -6.53% 137 621.13 -10.91%
IND3 Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years 56 580.76 48 385.07 16.94% 39 470.92 43.35%
IND4 Consumer credit to households up to 1 year 10 570.35 10 460.99 1.05% 10 861.58 -2.68%
IND5 Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years 9 246.83 9 579.87 -3.48% 9 762.63 -5.28%
IND6 Consumer credit to households over 5 years 4 392.25 4 288.13 2.43% 4 266.96 2.94%
IND7 Lending for house purchase to households - total 7.70 7.85 -1.86% 12.16 -36.65%
IND8 Other loans to households - total 11 512.55 11 710.17 -1.69% 12 777.88 -9.90%
IND9 Loans to financial corporations - total 2 506.75 2 239.02 11.96% 2 604.06 -3.74%
IND10 Loans to government - total 96.62 85.59 12.89% 98.49 -1.90%
IND11 Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total 301.01 310.89 -3.18% 283.13 6.32%

Quarterly balance sheet of other lending companies

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets - total 64 311.72 65 553.96 -1.89% 68 593.42 -6.24%
IND2 Cash and Deposits 3 205.86 2 977.60 7.67% 2 639.01 21.48%
IND3 Short-term loans provided 13 941.88 14 983.48 -6.95% 15 317.50 -8.98%
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents 13 884.88 14 926.82 -6.98% 15 188.63 -8.58%
IND5 Long-term loans provided 34 319.24 34 941.15 -1.78% 38 441.95 -10.72%
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents 33 635.13 34 211.75 -1.69% 34 596.97 -2.78%
IND7 Bonds held - total 620.44 575.15 7.87% 631.77 -1.79%
IND8 Bonds held - residents 620.44 575.15 7.87% 631.77 -1.79%
IND9 Share and other equity - total 1 484.50 1 335.24 11.18% 1 494.31 -0.66%
IND10 Share and other equity - residents 536.12 374.98 42.97% 540.63 -0.83%
IND11 Non-financial assets 3 464.00 3 349.92 3.41% 3 094.11 11.95%
IND12 Other assets 7 275.80 7 391.41 -1.56% 6 974.76 4.32%
IND13 Liabilities - total 64 311.72 65 553.96 -1.89% 68 593.42 -6.24%
IND14 Short-term loans received - total 14 061.51 13 147.55 6.95% 14 005.15 0.40%
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents 12 486.54 11 478.18 8.79% 12 278.50 1.69%
IND16 Long-term loans received - total 14 745.08 16 558.51 -10.95% 19 010.83 -22.44%
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents 12 266.74 14 164.25 -13.40% 13 873.31 -11.58%
IND18 Bonds issued - total 1 908.02 1 945.27 -1.92% 2 233.30 -14.57%
IND19 Bonds issued - residents 1 908.02 1 945.27 -1.92% 2 233.30 -14.57%
IND20 Own funds 25 972.10 26 174.70 -0.77% 25 682.33 1.13%
IND21 Other liabilities 7 625.00 7 727.92 -1.33% 7 661.81 -0.48%

Composition of loans provided by other lending companies to residents

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year 8 878.16 9 307.47 -4.61% 9 160.11 -3.08%
IND2 Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years 8 124.46 8 209.03 -1.03% 7 930.98 2.44%
IND3 Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years 1 823.02 1 782.21 2.29% 1 645.80 10.77%
IND4 Consumer credit to households up to 1 year 4 960.87 5 580.57 -11.10% 5 981.56 -17.06%
IND5 Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years 18 034.14 18 617.97 -3.14% 18 885.37 -4.51%
IND6 Consumer credit to households over 5 years 3 207.93 3 187.05 0.66% 3 440.54 -6.76%
IND7 Lending for house purchase to households - total 666.13 670.22 -0.61% 743.43 -10.40%
IND8 Other loans to households - total 698.16 714.62 -2.30% 654.35 6.70%
IND9 Loans to financial corporations - total 1 120.99 1 063.30 5.43% 1 337.24 -16.17%
IND10 Loans to government - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total 6.14 6.13 0.29% 6.23 -1.41%

Quarterly balance sheet of factoring and forfaiting companies

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Assets - total 22 082.20 25 756.86 -14.27% 26 242.06 -15.85%
IND2 Cash and Deposits 56.27 95.71 -41.21% 108.72 -48.24%
IND3 Short-term loans provided 19 620.07 23 147.23 -15.24% 23 490.13 -16.48%
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents 16 127.95 18 163.96 -11.21% 18 587.87 -13.23%
IND5 Long-term loans provided 505.28 630.63 -19.88% 753.63 -32.95%
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents 505.28 630.63 -19.88% 753.63 -32.95%
IND7 Bonds held - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 Bonds held - residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 Share and other equity - total 1 056.73 1 031.78 2.42% 1 018.36 3.77%
IND10 Share and other equity - residents 1 056.73 1 031.78 2.42% 1 018.36 3.77%
IND11 Non-financial assets 237.01 235.61 0.59% 231.09 2.56%
IND12 Other assets 606.83 615.89 -1.47% 640.14 -5.20%
IND13 Liabilities - total 22 082.20 25 756.86 -14.27% 26 242.06 -15.85%
IND14 Short-term loans received - total 14 590.82 18 122.32 -19.49% 18 671.26 -21.85%
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents 14 387.19 17 854.07 -19.42% 18 239.39 -21.12%
IND16 Long-term loans received - total 509.56 547.91 -7.00% 562.36 -9.39%
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents 509.56 547.91 -7.00% 562.36 -9.39%
IND18 Bonds issued - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 Bonds issued - residents 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND20 Own funds 5 898.53 5 844.13 0.93% 5 776.38 2.11%
IND21 Other liabilities 1 083.28 1 242.49 -12.81% 1 232.06 -12.08%

Composition of loans provided by factoring and forfaiting companies to residents

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year 16 127.95 18 163.96 -11.21% 18 587.87 -13.23%
IND2 Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years 427.51 540.04 -20.84% 625.71 -31.68%
IND3 Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years 77.78 90.59 -14.15% 127.92 -39.20%
IND4 Consumer credit to households up to 1 year 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND5 Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND6 Consumer credit to households over 5 years 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND7 Lending for house purchase to households - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND8 Other loans to households - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND9 Loans to financial corporations - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND10 Loans to government - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
Quarterly balance sheet of other lending companies
Assets - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Cash and Deposits (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Non-financial assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Liabilities - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Own funds (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other liabilities (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Quarterly balance sheet of financial corporations engaged in lending
Assets - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Cash and Deposits (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Non-financial assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Liabilities - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Own funds (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other liabilities (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Composition of loans provided by financial corporations engaged in lending to residents
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Quarterly balance sheet of financial leasing companies
Assets - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Cash and Deposits (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Non-financial assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Liabilities - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Own funds (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other liabilities (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Composition of loans provided by financial leasing companies to residents
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Composition of loans provided by other lending companies to residents
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Quarterly balance sheet of factoring and forfaiting companies
Assets - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Cash and Deposits (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans provided - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds held - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Share and other equity - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Non-financial assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other assets (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Liabilities - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Short-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Long-term loans received - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Bonds issued - residents (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Own funds (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other liabilities (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Composition of loans provided by factoring and forfaiting companies to residents
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020)

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Financial corporations engaged in lending (Statistics on other financial institutions)
Financial corporations engaged in lending (Main indicators)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Currency in circulation (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Currency in circulation (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Currency in circulation (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Currency in circulation (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Statistics on other financial institutions (Monetary statistics)
Financial corporations engaged in lending (Statistics on other financial institutions)
M1 - Currency in circulation (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (flows))
M1 - Currency in circulation (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (monthly growth rates) %)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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EUR25.08   0.41   BTC84,703   0.89   Zlato2,853 -0.82   ČEZ1,023   1.29
USD24.17   0.78   DJI43,840   1.39   Ropa73.12 -0.35   Erste1,620 -5.76

Kalkulačka - Výpočet

Výpočet čisté mzdy

Důchodová kalkulačka

Přídavky na dítě

Příspěvek na bydlení

Rodičovský příspěvek

Životní minimum

Hypoteční kalkulačka

Povinné ručení

Banky a Bankomaty

Úrokové sazby, Hypotéky

Směnárny - Euro, Dolar

Práce - Volná místa

Úřad práce, Mzda, Platy

Dávky a příspěvky

Nemocenská, Porodné

Podpora v nezaměstnanosti



Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


Města a obce, PSČ

Katastr nemovitostí

Katastrální úřady

Ochranné známky

Občanský zákoník

Zákoník práce

Stavební zákon

Daně, formuláře

Další odkazy

Auto - Cena, Spolehlivost

Registr vozidel - Technický průkaz, eTechničák

Finanční katalog

Volby, Mapa webu

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