Financial corporations engaged in lending - ekonomika ČNB
Aktualizace dat Financial corporations engaged in lending v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB
Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data
poslední hodnoty.Quarterly balance sheet of financial corporations engaged in lending
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Assets - total | 425 131.64 | 436 742.78 | -2.66% | 437 724.18 | -2.88% |
IND2 Cash and Deposits | 8 244.34 | 8 682.91 | -5.05% | 6 463.25 | 27.56% |
IND3 Short-term loans provided | 79 163.90 | 86 712.31 | -8.71% | 86 277.05 | -8.24% |
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents | 75 431.15 | 81 474.38 | -7.42% | 81 071.22 | -6.96% |
IND5 Long-term loans provided | 242 443.30 | 243 782.45 | -0.55% | 244 588.39 | -0.88% |
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents | 240 385.31 | 241 608.39 | -0.51% | 239 149.04 | 0.52% |
IND7 Bonds held - total | 729.73 | 684.86 | 6.55% | 766.74 | -4.83% |
IND8 Bonds held - residents | 729.73 | 684.86 | 6.55% | 766.74 | -4.83% |
IND9 Share and other equity - total | 5 767.14 | 5 592.58 | 3.12% | 5 708.20 | 1.03% |
IND10 Share and other equity - residents | 4 628.38 | 4 442.01 | 4.20% | 4 564.32 | 1.40% |
IND11 Non-financial assets | 68 165.97 | 69 464.14 | -1.87% | 69 020.99 | -1.24% |
IND12 Other assets | 20 617.26 | 21 823.53 | -5.53% | 24 899.57 | -17.20% |
IND13 Liabilities - total | 425 131.64 | 436 742.78 | -2.66% | 437 724.18 | -2.88% |
IND14 Short-term loans received - total | 65 585.25 | 69 471.16 | -5.59% | 73 439.07 | -10.69% |
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents | 54 062.31 | 57 338.75 | -5.71% | 58 486.22 | -7.56% |
IND16 Long-term loans received - total | 189 054.68 | 196 141.16 | -3.61% | 197 476.92 | -4.26% |
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents | 135 054.28 | 142 728.01 | -5.38% | 143 802.98 | -6.08% |
IND18 Bonds issued - total | 19 788.45 | 21 480.68 | -7.88% | 17 560.72 | 12.69% |
IND19 Bonds issued - residents | 19 788.45 | 21 480.68 | -7.88% | 17 560.72 | 12.69% |
IND20 Own funds | 110 605.15 | 109 871.06 | 0.67% | 107 595.30 | 2.80% |
IND21 Other liabilities | 40 098.11 | 39 778.73 | 0.80% | 41 652.17 | -3.73% |
Composition of loans provided by financial corporations engaged in lending to residents
Quarterly balance sheet of financial leasing companies
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Assets - total | 338 737.72 | 345 431.97 | -1.94% | 342 888.71 | -1.21% |
IND2 Cash and Deposits | 4 982.21 | 5 609.60 | -11.18% | 3 715.52 | 34.09% |
IND3 Short-term loans provided | 45 601.94 | 48 581.60 | -6.13% | 47 469.41 | -3.93% |
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents | 45 418.32 | 48 383.59 | -6.13% | 47 294.72 | -3.97% |
IND5 Long-term loans provided | 207 618.78 | 208 210.67 | -0.28% | 205 392.81 | 1.08% |
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents | 206 244.90 | 206 766.01 | -0.25% | 203 798.44 | 1.20% |
IND7 Bonds held - total | 109.29 | 109.71 | -0.38% | 134.96 | -19.02% |
IND8 Bonds held - residents | 109.29 | 109.71 | -0.38% | 134.96 | -19.02% |
IND9 Share and other equity - total | 3 225.91 | 3 225.56 | 0.01% | 3 195.54 | 0.95% |
IND10 Share and other equity - residents | 3 035.52 | 3 035.25 | 0.01% | 3 005.33 | 1.00% |
IND11 Non-financial assets | 64 464.96 | 65 878.61 | -2.15% | 65 695.79 | -1.87% |
IND12 Other assets | 12 734.64 | 13 816.22 | -7.83% | 17 284.67 | -26.32% |
IND13 Liabilities - total | 338 737.72 | 345 431.97 | -1.94% | 342 888.71 | -1.21% |
IND14 Short-term loans received - total | 36 932.92 | 38 201.28 | -3.32% | 40 762.66 | -9.40% |
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents | 27 188.59 | 28 006.50 | -2.92% | 27 968.33 | -2.79% |
IND16 Long-term loans received - total | 173 800.03 | 179 034.73 | -2.92% | 177 903.73 | -2.31% |
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents | 122 277.98 | 128 015.84 | -4.48% | 129 367.31 | -5.48% |
IND18 Bonds issued - total | 17 880.43 | 19 535.40 | -8.47% | 15 327.42 | 16.66% |
IND19 Bonds issued - residents | 17 880.43 | 19 535.40 | -8.47% | 15 327.42 | 16.66% |
IND20 Own funds | 78 734.51 | 77 852.23 | 1.13% | 76 136.59 | 3.41% |
IND21 Other liabilities | 31 389.83 | 30 808.32 | 1.89% | 32 758.31 | -4.18% |
Composition of loans provided by financial leasing companies to residents
Quarterly balance sheet of other lending companies
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Assets - total | 64 311.72 | 65 553.96 | -1.89% | 68 593.42 | -6.24% |
IND2 Cash and Deposits | 3 205.86 | 2 977.60 | 7.67% | 2 639.01 | 21.48% |
IND3 Short-term loans provided | 13 941.88 | 14 983.48 | -6.95% | 15 317.50 | -8.98% |
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents | 13 884.88 | 14 926.82 | -6.98% | 15 188.63 | -8.58% |
IND5 Long-term loans provided | 34 319.24 | 34 941.15 | -1.78% | 38 441.95 | -10.72% |
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents | 33 635.13 | 34 211.75 | -1.69% | 34 596.97 | -2.78% |
IND7 Bonds held - total | 620.44 | 575.15 | 7.87% | 631.77 | -1.79% |
IND8 Bonds held - residents | 620.44 | 575.15 | 7.87% | 631.77 | -1.79% |
IND9 Share and other equity - total | 1 484.50 | 1 335.24 | 11.18% | 1 494.31 | -0.66% |
IND10 Share and other equity - residents | 536.12 | 374.98 | 42.97% | 540.63 | -0.83% |
IND11 Non-financial assets | 3 464.00 | 3 349.92 | 3.41% | 3 094.11 | 11.95% |
IND12 Other assets | 7 275.80 | 7 391.41 | -1.56% | 6 974.76 | 4.32% |
IND13 Liabilities - total | 64 311.72 | 65 553.96 | -1.89% | 68 593.42 | -6.24% |
IND14 Short-term loans received - total | 14 061.51 | 13 147.55 | 6.95% | 14 005.15 | 0.40% |
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents | 12 486.54 | 11 478.18 | 8.79% | 12 278.50 | 1.69% |
IND16 Long-term loans received - total | 14 745.08 | 16 558.51 | -10.95% | 19 010.83 | -22.44% |
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents | 12 266.74 | 14 164.25 | -13.40% | 13 873.31 | -11.58% |
IND18 Bonds issued - total | 1 908.02 | 1 945.27 | -1.92% | 2 233.30 | -14.57% |
IND19 Bonds issued - residents | 1 908.02 | 1 945.27 | -1.92% | 2 233.30 | -14.57% |
IND20 Own funds | 25 972.10 | 26 174.70 | -0.77% | 25 682.33 | 1.13% |
IND21 Other liabilities | 7 625.00 | 7 727.92 | -1.33% | 7 661.81 | -0.48% |
Composition of loans provided by other lending companies to residents
Quarterly balance sheet of factoring and forfaiting companies
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Assets - total | 22 082.20 | 25 756.86 | -14.27% | 26 242.06 | -15.85% |
IND2 Cash and Deposits | 56.27 | 95.71 | -41.21% | 108.72 | -48.24% |
IND3 Short-term loans provided | 19 620.07 | 23 147.23 | -15.24% | 23 490.13 | -16.48% |
IND4 Short-term loans provided - residents | 16 127.95 | 18 163.96 | -11.21% | 18 587.87 | -13.23% |
IND5 Long-term loans provided | 505.28 | 630.63 | -19.88% | 753.63 | -32.95% |
IND6 Long-term loans provided - residents | 505.28 | 630.63 | -19.88% | 753.63 | -32.95% |
IND7 Bonds held - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND8 Bonds held - residents | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND9 Share and other equity - total | 1 056.73 | 1 031.78 | 2.42% | 1 018.36 | 3.77% |
IND10 Share and other equity - residents | 1 056.73 | 1 031.78 | 2.42% | 1 018.36 | 3.77% |
IND11 Non-financial assets | 237.01 | 235.61 | 0.59% | 231.09 | 2.56% |
IND12 Other assets | 606.83 | 615.89 | -1.47% | 640.14 | -5.20% |
IND13 Liabilities - total | 22 082.20 | 25 756.86 | -14.27% | 26 242.06 | -15.85% |
IND14 Short-term loans received - total | 14 590.82 | 18 122.32 | -19.49% | 18 671.26 | -21.85% |
IND15 Short-term loans received - residents | 14 387.19 | 17 854.07 | -19.42% | 18 239.39 | -21.12% |
IND16 Long-term loans received - total | 509.56 | 547.91 | -7.00% | 562.36 | -9.39% |
IND17 Long-term loans received - residents | 509.56 | 547.91 | -7.00% | 562.36 | -9.39% |
IND18 Bonds issued - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND19 Bonds issued - residents | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND20 Own funds | 5 898.53 | 5 844.13 | 0.93% | 5 776.38 | 2.11% |
IND21 Other liabilities | 1 083.28 | 1 242.49 | -12.81% | 1 232.06 | -12.08% |
Composition of loans provided by factoring and forfaiting companies to residents
Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 30.06.2020 | Hodnota | Předchozí | Změna | Před rokem | Změna |
IND1 Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year | 16 127.95 | 18 163.96 | -11.21% | 18 587.87 | -13.23% |
IND2 Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years | 427.51 | 540.04 | -20.84% | 625.71 | -31.68% |
IND3 Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years | 77.78 | 90.59 | -14.15% | 127.92 | -39.20% |
IND4 Consumer credit to households up to 1 year | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND5 Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND6 Consumer credit to households over 5 years | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND7 Lending for house purchase to households - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND8 Other loans to households - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND9 Loans to financial corporations - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND10 Loans to government - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
IND11 Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total | 0.00 | 0.00 | - | 0.00 | - |
Composition of loans provided by financial corporations engaged in lending to residents |
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Composition of loans provided by financial leasing companies to residents |
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Composition of loans provided by other lending companies to residents |
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Composition of loans provided by factoring and forfaiting companies to residents |
Loans to non-financial corporations up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-financial corporations over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households up to 1 year (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 1 year up to 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Consumer credit to households over 5 years (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Lending for house purchase to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Other loans to households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to financial corporations - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to government - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Loans to non-profit institutions serving households - total (59 hodnot, 30.06.2020) |
Podobné sestavy
Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
Financial corporations engaged in lending (Statistics on other financial institutions) |
Financial corporations engaged in lending (Main indicators) |
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data) |
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics) |
Currency in circulation (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities) |
Currency in circulation (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities) |
Currency in circulation (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels)) |
Currency in circulation (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows)) |
Statistics on other financial institutions (Monetary statistics) |
Financial corporations engaged in lending (Statistics on other financial institutions) |
M1 - Currency in circulation (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (flows)) |
M1 - Currency in circulation (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (monthly growth rates) %) |
Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD
Příbuzné stránky
- SHIBA INU - aktuální a historické ceny kryptoměny SHIBA INU, graf vývoje ceny kryptoměny SHIBA INU - 2 dny - měna USD
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- SHIBA INU - aktuální a historické ceny kryptoměny SHIBA INU, graf vývoje ceny kryptoměny SHIBA INU - 1 den - měna USD
- SHIBA INU - SHIB/ kurz
- Social Lending Token - aktuální a historické ceny kryptoměny Social Lending Token, graf vývoje ceny kryptoměny Social Lending Token - 2 dny - měna USD
- Social Lending Token - aktuální a historické ceny kryptoměny Social Lending Token, graf vývoje ceny kryptoměny Social Lending Token - 1 den - měna USD
- Social Lending Token - aktuální a historické ceny kryptoměny Social Lending Token, graf vývoje ceny kryptoměny Social Lending Token - 3 měsíce - měna USD
- Peer to peer lending a kauza Lending Club
- Non-financial corporations - over 1 and up to 5 years - ekonomika ČNB
- Non-financial corporations: Total loans (without overdraft, revolving loans and credit cards) - volume, Roční součty - ekonomika ČNB
- Other accounts receivable (F.8) (Financial assets, transactions, Insurance corporations) - ekonomika ČNB
- Non-financial corporations: Overnight - interest rate (% p.a.) - ekonomika ČNB
Financial corporations engaged in lending
- Základní data
- Quarterly balance sheet of financial corporations engaged in lending
- Composition of loans provided by financial corporations engaged in lending to residents
- Quarterly balance sheet of financial leasing companies
- Composition of loans provided by financial leasing companies to residents
- Quarterly balance sheet of other lending companies
- Composition of loans provided by other lending companies to residents
- Quarterly balance sheet of factoring and forfaiting companies
- Composition of loans provided by factoring and forfaiting companies to residents
- ID 0,147(124)
ČNB - ekonomika, časové řady
- Mzdy - průměrná mzda
- HDP - Hrubý domácí produkt
- Inflace - meziroční změny
- Nezaměstnanost a volná pracovní místa
Zobrazit sloupec
EUR | 25.08 0.41 | BTC | 84,703 0.89 | Zlato | 2,853 -0.82 | ČEZ | 1,023 1.29 |
USD | 24.17 0.78 | DJI | 43,840 1.39 | Ropa | 73.12 -0.35 | Erste | 1,620 -5.76 |
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 > Investice > Ekonomika > ČNB ekonomika > Statistical data > Monetary and financial statistics > Monetary statistics > Statistics on other financial institutions > Financial corporations engaged in lending
sobota 1.3.2025 17:04:02