Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure)
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure - S.1311)
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure - S.1314)
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure - S.1313)
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure)
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure - S.1311)
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure - S.1313)
TCuE - Current transfers - Social payments - o/w unemployment benefits - COFOG 10.5.0 (part 1 General government revenue and expenditure - S.1314)
Non-financial corporations - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Non-financial corporations - over 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - consumer credit - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - consumer credit - over 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - lending for house purchase - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - lending for house purchase - over 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - other lending - over 1 and up to 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Households - other lending - over 5 years (MFI loans, breakdown - loans to non-financial sectors other than government (levels))
Ostatní služby (O+P+Q+R+S+T+U) (Úvěry nefinančním podnikům v členění podle odvětví - CZ-NACE rev. 2)
Nefinanční podniky - od 1 roku do 5 let (Úvěry MFI, členění- úvěry nefinančním sektorům kromě vlády (toky))