Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions

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Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.03.2013 413 113.98
Min 30.04.2002 88 978.92

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.12.2014 183 536.35 211 709.92 -28 173.57 -13.31% 305 822.09 - 122 285.74 -39.99%
30.11.2014 211 709.92 268 141.76 -56 431.84 -21.05% 324 007.24 - 112 297.32 -34.66%
31.10.2014 268 141.76 255 236.37 12 905.40 5.06% 333 974.34 -65 832.58 -19.71%
30.09.2014 255 236.37 271 694.23 -16 457.87 -6.06% 299 785.33 -44 548.96 -14.86%
31.08.2014 271 694.23 284 712.66 -13 018.42 -4.57% 330 118.91 -58 424.68 -17.70%
31.07.2014 284 712.66 296 019.21 -11 306.55 -3.82% 328 468.56 -43 755.90 -13.32%
30.06.2014 296 019.21 318 285.41 -22 266.20 -7.00% 323 390.61 -27 371.40 -8.46%
31.05.2014 318 285.41 327 152.53 -8 867.12 -2.71% 347 243.42 -28 958.01 -8.34%
30.04.2014 327 152.53 342 103.95 -14 951.42 -4.37% 392 999.85 -65 847.32 -16.75%
31.03.2014 342 103.95 346 321.19 -4 217.24 -1.22% 413 113.98 -71 010.03 -17.19%
28.02.2014 346 321.19 337 636.66 8 684.52 2.57% 394 600.42 -48 279.23 -12.23%
31.01.2014 337 636.66 305 822.09 31 814.58 10.40% 405 746.08 -68 109.41 -16.79%
31.12.2013 305 822.09 324 007.24 -18 185.15 -5.61% 363 292.09 -57 470.00 -15.82%
30.11.2013 324 007.24 333 974.34 -9 967.10 -2.98% 345 282.17 -21 274.93 -6.16%
31.10.2013 333 974.34 299 785.33 34 189.01 11.40% 375 937.61 -41 963.27 -11.16%
30.09.2013 299 785.33 330 118.91 -30 333.58 -9.19% 354 284.60 -54 499.27 -15.38%
31.08.2013 330 118.91 328 468.56 1 650.35 0.50% 329 102.46 1 016.45 0.31%
31.07.2013 328 468.56 323 390.61 5 077.95 1.57% 339 815.76 -11 347.20 -3.34%
30.06.2013 323 390.61 347 243.42 -23 852.81 -6.87% 315 012.32 8 378.28 2.66%
31.05.2013 347 243.42 392 999.85 -45 756.43 -11.64% 289 451.43 57 791.99 19.97%
30.04.2013 392 999.85 413 113.98 -20 114.13 -4.87% 303 766.81 89 233.03 29.38%
31.03.2013 413 113.98 394 600.42 18 513.56 4.69% 339 043.30 74 070.67 21.85%
28.02.2013 394 600.42 405 746.08 -11 145.65 -2.75% 317 744.74 76 855.68 24.19%
31.01.2013 405 746.08 363 292.09 42 453.99 11.69% 281 369.51 124 376.56 44.20%
31.12.2012 363 292.09 345 282.17 18 009.92 5.22% 252 471.88 110 820.21 43.89%
30.11.2012 345 282.17 375 937.61 -30 655.44 -8.15% 280 762.89 64 519.28 22.98%
31.10.2012 375 937.61 354 284.60 21 653.01 6.11% 261 444.63 114 492.98 43.79%
30.09.2012 354 284.60 329 102.46 25 182.14 7.65% 269 112.06 85 172.54 31.65%
31.08.2012 329 102.46 339 815.76 -10 713.30 -3.15% 256 053.23 73 049.23 28.53%
31.07.2012 339 815.76 315 012.32 24 803.44 7.87% 260 860.02 78 955.73 30.27%
30.06.2012 315 012.32 289 451.43 25 560.89 8.83% 263 737.07 51 275.26 19.44%
31.05.2012 289 451.43 303 766.81 -14 315.38 -4.71% 231 389.83 58 061.61 25.09%
30.04.2012 303 766.81 339 043.30 -35 276.49 -10.40% 234 464.44 69 302.37 29.56%
31.03.2012 339 043.30 317 744.74 21 298.56 6.70% 292 307.99 46 735.31 15.99%
29.02.2012 317 744.74 281 369.51 36 375.23 12.93% 276 506.53 41 238.22 14.91%
31.01.2012 281 369.51 252 471.88 28 897.63 11.45% 285 250.85 -3 881.33 -1.36%
31.12.2011 252 471.88 280 762.89 -28 291.01 -10.08% 274 209.74 -21 737.86 -7.93%
30.11.2011 280 762.89 261 444.63 19 318.26 7.39% 287 898.81 -7 135.93 -2.48%
31.10.2011 261 444.63 269 112.06 -7 667.43 -2.85% 328 015.31 -66 570.68 -20.29%
30.09.2011 269 112.06 256 053.23 13 058.82 5.10% 383 191.09 - 114 079.03 -29.77%
31.08.2011 256 053.23 260 860.02 -4 806.79 -1.84% 316 074.28 -60 021.05 -18.99%
31.07.2011 260 860.02 263 737.07 -2 877.04 -1.09% 290 563.54 -29 703.52 -10.22%
30.06.2011 263 737.07 231 389.83 32 347.24 13.98% 251 733.79 12 003.28 4.77%
31.05.2011 231 389.83 234 464.44 -3 074.62 -1.31% 221 026.01 10 363.82 4.69%
30.04.2011 234 464.44 292 307.99 -57 843.55 -19.79% 219 036.97 15 427.47 7.04%
31.03.2011 292 307.99 276 506.53 15 801.46 5.71% 260 071.77 32 236.22 12.40%
28.02.2011 276 506.53 285 250.85 -8 744.32 -3.07% 253 752.66 22 753.86 8.97%
31.01.2011 285 250.85 274 209.74 11 041.10 4.03% 280 285.96 4 964.89 1.77%
31.12.2010 274 209.74 287 898.81 -13 689.07 -4.75% 273 236.68 973.06 0.36%
30.11.2010 287 898.81 328 015.31 -40 116.50 -12.23% 304 732.24 -16 833.42 -5.52%
31.10.2010 328 015.31 383 191.09 -55 175.77 -14.40% 369 725.13 -41 709.82 -11.28%
30.09.2010 383 191.09 316 074.28 67 116.80 21.23% 364 285.77 18 905.31 5.19%
31.08.2010 316 074.28 290 563.54 25 510.74 8.78% 344 137.54 -28 063.26 -8.15%
31.07.2010 290 563.54 251 733.79 38 829.76 15.42% 350 705.46 -60 141.91 -17.15%
30.06.2010 251 733.79 221 026.01 30 707.78 13.89% 356 967.49 - 105 233.70 -29.48%
31.05.2010 221 026.01 219 036.97 1 989.04 0.91% 326 897.23 - 105 871.22 -32.39%
30.04.2010 219 036.97 260 071.77 -41 034.79 -15.78% 278 159.66 -59 122.69 -21.25%
31.03.2010 260 071.77 253 752.66 6 319.10 2.49% 287 150.81 -27 079.04 -9.43%
28.02.2010 253 752.66 280 285.96 -26 533.29 -9.47% 277 841.18 -24 088.51 -8.67%
31.01.2010 280 285.96 273 236.68 7 049.27 2.58% 295 112.50 -14 826.54 -5.02%
31.12.2009 273 236.68 304 732.24 -31 495.56 -10.34% 303 346.17 -30 109.49 -9.93%
30.11.2009 304 732.24 369 725.13 -64 992.89 -17.58% 314 042.94 -9 310.70 -2.96%
31.10.2009 369 725.13 364 285.77 5 439.35 1.49% 318 965.89 50 759.24 15.91%
30.09.2009 364 285.77 344 137.54 20 148.23 5.85% 301 178.48 63 107.29 20.95%
31.08.2009 344 137.54 350 705.46 -6 567.91 -1.87% 321 181.25 22 956.29 7.15%
31.07.2009 350 705.46 356 967.49 -6 262.03 -1.75% 314 467.75 36 237.71 11.52%
30.06.2009 356 967.49 326 897.23 30 070.26 9.20% 311 486.10 45 481.39 14.60%
31.05.2009 326 897.23 278 159.66 48 737.56 17.52% 220 211.89 106 685.34 48.45%
30.04.2009 278 159.66 287 150.81 -8 991.15 -3.13% 211 044.45 67 115.21 31.80%
31.03.2009 287 150.81 277 841.18 9 309.63 3.35% 212 924.55 74 226.26 34.86%
28.02.2009 277 841.18 295 112.50 -17 271.32 -5.85% 225 515.74 52 325.43 23.20%
31.01.2009 295 112.50 303 346.17 -8 233.67 -2.71% 257 889.18 37 223.31 14.43%
31.12.2008 303 346.17 314 042.94 -10 696.77 -3.41% 284 204.99 19 141.18 6.73%
30.11.2008 314 042.94 318 965.89 -4 922.95 -1.54% 248 383.58 65 659.37 26.43%
31.10.2008 318 965.89 301 178.48 17 787.41 5.91% 240 883.75 78 082.15 32.41%
30.09.2008 301 178.48 321 181.25 -20 002.77 -6.23% 236 169.71 65 008.77 27.53%
31.08.2008 321 181.25 314 467.75 6 713.50 2.13% 208 464.54 112 716.71 54.07%
31.07.2008 314 467.75 311 486.10 2 981.64 0.96% 249 009.85 65 457.90 26.29%
30.06.2008 311 486.10 220 211.89 91 274.22 41.45% 230 167.10 81 319.00 35.33%
31.05.2008 220 211.89 211 044.45 9 167.44 4.34% 189 515.80 30 696.09 16.20%
30.04.2008 211 044.45 212 924.55 -1 880.10 -0.88% 204 293.95 6 750.50 3.30%
31.03.2008 212 924.55 225 515.74 -12 591.20 -5.58% 224 156.31 -11 231.76 -5.01%
29.02.2008 225 515.74 257 889.18 -32 373.44 -12.55% 210 301.16 15 214.59 7.23%
31.01.2008 257 889.18 284 204.99 -26 315.81 -9.26% 218 906.57 38 982.62 17.81%
31.12.2007 284 204.99 248 383.58 35 821.42 14.42% 213 523.18 70 681.81 33.10%
30.11.2007 248 383.58 240 883.75 7 499.83 3.11% 203 563.14 44 820.44 22.02%
31.10.2007 240 883.75 236 169.71 4 714.03 2.00% 207 129.35 33 754.40 16.30%
30.09.2007 236 169.71 208 464.54 27 705.17 13.29% 239 030.61 -2 860.90 -1.20%
31.08.2007 208 464.54 249 009.85 -40 545.31 -16.28% 218 606.89 -10 142.35 -4.64%
31.07.2007 249 009.85 230 167.10 18 842.74 8.19% 236 416.51 12 593.33 5.33%
30.06.2007 230 167.10 189 515.80 40 651.30 21.45% 242 758.55 -12 591.44 -5.19%
31.05.2007 189 515.80 204 293.95 -14 778.15 -7.23% 225 194.02 -35 678.22 -15.84%
30.04.2007 204 293.95 224 156.31 -19 862.36 -8.86% 203 508.54 785.41 0.39%
31.03.2007 224 156.31 210 301.16 13 855.15 6.59% 237 125.67 -12 969.35 -5.47%
28.02.2007 210 301.16 218 906.57 -8 605.41 -3.93% 221 892.15 -11 590.99 -5.22%
31.01.2007 218 906.57 213 523.18 5 383.39 2.52% 223 827.28 -4 920.71 -2.20%
31.12.2006 213 523.18 203 563.14 9 960.04 4.89% 244 551.27 -31 028.09 -12.69%
30.11.2006 203 563.14 207 129.35 -3 566.21 -1.72% 244 414.21 -40 851.07 -16.71%
31.10.2006 207 129.35 239 030.61 -31 901.26 -13.35% 266 721.26 -59 591.91 -22.34%
30.09.2006 239 030.61 218 606.89 20 423.73 9.34% 276 353.72 -37 323.11 -13.51%
31.08.2006 218 606.89 236 416.51 -17 809.62 -7.53% 256 184.09 -37 577.20 -14.67%
31.07.2006 236 416.51 242 758.55 -6 342.04 -2.61% 260 313.06 -23 896.55 -9.18%
30.06.2006 242 758.55 225 194.02 17 564.53 7.80% 261 412.47 -18 653.92 -7.14%
31.05.2006 225 194.02 203 508.54 21 685.47 10.66% 128 323.67 96 870.35 75.49%
30.04.2006 203 508.54 237 125.67 -33 617.12 -14.18% 125 716.44 77 792.11 61.88%
31.03.2006 237 125.67 221 892.15 15 233.51 6.87% 160 053.96 77 071.71 48.15%
28.02.2006 221 892.15 223 827.28 -1 935.13 -0.86% 107 588.99 114 303.16 106.24%
31.01.2006 223 827.28 244 551.27 -20 723.99 -8.47% 130 016.25 93 811.02 72.15%
31.12.2005 244 551.27 244 414.21 137.06 0.06% 138 751.89 105 799.38 76.25%
30.11.2005 244 414.21 266 721.26 -22 307.05 -8.36% 155 914.66 88 499.55 56.76%
31.10.2005 266 721.26 276 353.72 -9 632.47 -3.49% 161 957.00 104 764.26 64.69%
30.09.2005 276 353.72 256 184.09 20 169.63 7.87% 177 244.39 99 109.34 55.92%
31.08.2005 256 184.09 260 313.06 -4 128.97 -1.59% 179 358.55 76 825.54 42.83%
31.07.2005 260 313.06 261 412.47 -1 099.41 -0.42% 176 808.30 83 504.76 47.23%
30.06.2005 261 412.47 128 323.67 133 088.81 103.71% 173 088.59 88 323.88 51.03%
31.05.2005 128 323.67 125 716.44 2 607.23 2.07% 120 218.84 8 104.82 6.74%
30.04.2005 125 716.44 160 053.96 -34 337.52 -21.45% 126 493.34 - 776.90 -0.61%
31.03.2005 160 053.96 107 588.99 52 464.97 48.76% 152 226.31 7 827.65 5.14%
28.02.2005 107 588.99 130 016.25 -22 427.26 -17.25% 135 136.22 -27 547.23 -20.38%
31.01.2005 130 016.25 138 751.89 -8 735.63 -6.30% 136 137.95 -6 121.69 -4.50%
31.12.2004 138 751.89 155 914.66 -17 162.78 -11.01% 121 909.52 16 842.36 13.82%
30.11.2004 155 914.66 161 957.00 -6 042.34 -3.73% 155 296.83 617.83 0.40%
31.10.2004 161 957.00 177 244.39 -15 287.39 -8.62% 160 277.58 1 679.42 1.05%
30.09.2004 177 244.39 179 358.55 -2 114.16 -1.18% 136 980.82 40 263.57 29.39%
31.08.2004 179 358.55 176 808.30 2 550.24 1.44% 147 817.18 31 541.36 21.34%
31.07.2004 176 808.30 173 088.59 3 719.71 2.15% 138 824.79 37 983.52 27.36%
30.06.2004 173 088.59 120 218.84 52 869.75 43.98% 140 567.69 32 520.90 23.14%
31.05.2004 120 218.84 126 493.34 -6 274.50 -4.96% 102 412.80 17 806.04 17.39%
30.04.2004 126 493.34 152 226.31 -25 732.97 -16.90% 137 250.55 -10 757.21 -7.84%
31.03.2004 152 226.31 135 136.22 17 090.09 12.65% 167 184.97 -14 958.66 -8.95%
29.02.2004 135 136.22 136 137.95 -1 001.73 -0.74% 169 722.51 -34 586.29 -20.38%
31.01.2004 136 137.95 121 909.52 14 228.42 11.67% 167 041.74 -30 903.80 -18.50%
31.12.2003 121 909.52 155 296.83 -33 387.31 -21.50% 184 160.91 -62 251.39 -33.80%
30.11.2003 155 296.83 160 277.58 -4 980.74 -3.11% 201 886.60 -46 589.76 -23.08%
31.10.2003 160 277.58 136 980.82 23 296.76 17.01% 218 794.91 -58 517.33 -26.75%
30.09.2003 136 980.82 147 817.18 -10 836.36 -7.33% 218 038.87 -81 058.05 -37.18%
31.08.2003 147 817.18 138 824.79 8 992.40 6.48% 202 156.76 -54 339.58 -26.88%
31.07.2003 138 824.79 140 567.69 -1 742.90 -1.24% 221 079.39 -82 254.61 -37.21%
30.06.2003 140 567.69 102 412.80 38 154.88 37.26% 231 648.71 -91 081.02 -39.32%
31.05.2003 102 412.80 137 250.55 -34 837.75 -25.38% 213 382.25 - 110 969.45 -52.01%
30.04.2003 137 250.55 167 184.97 -29 934.41 -17.90% 88 978.92 48 271.63 54.25%
31.03.2003 167 184.97 169 722.51 -2 537.55 -1.50% 104 737.97 62 447.00 59.62%
28.02.2003 169 722.51 167 041.74 2 680.77 1.60% 98 323.30 71 399.21 72.62%
31.01.2003 167 041.74 184 160.91 -17 119.16 -9.30% 105 923.07 61 118.68 57.70%
31.12.2002 184 160.91 201 886.60 -17 725.69 -8.78% - - -
30.11.2002 201 886.60 218 794.91 -16 908.31 -7.73% - - -
31.10.2002 218 794.91 218 038.87 756.04 0.35% - - -
30.09.2002 218 038.87 202 156.76 15 882.11 7.86% - - -
31.08.2002 202 156.76 221 079.39 -18 922.63 -8.56% - - -
31.07.2002 221 079.39 231 648.71 -10 569.32 -4.56% - - -
30.06.2002 231 648.71 213 382.25 18 266.46 8.56% - - -
31.05.2002 213 382.25 88 978.92 124 403.33 139.81% - - -
30.04.2002 88 978.92 104 737.97 -15 759.05 -15.05% - - -
31.03.2002 104 737.97 98 323.30 6 414.66 6.52% - - -
28.02.2002 98 323.30 105 923.07 -7 599.76 -7.17% - - -
31.01.2002 105 923.07 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts (Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions)
Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts (Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions)
Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts (Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions)
Holdings deposits against central government - Outstanding amounts (Monetary aggregates - Counteparts of M3 - Outstanding amounts, Transactions)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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