Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

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30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Pololetní, Počet, Odeslané
30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Pololetní, Počet, Přijaté
30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Čtvrtletní, Objem, Odeslané, Šeky
30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Pololetní, Objem, Odeslané, Šeky
30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Pololetní, Objem, Odeslané, Poukazování peněz
30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Pololetní, Objem, Přijaté, Poukazování peněz
30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Pololetní, Objem, Odeslané
30.06.2024 Platební transakce týkající se non-MFIs: Pololetní, Objem, Přijaté
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Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions - Poslední hodnoty

Název ukazatele. Údaje ke dni 31.10.2018 Hodnota Předchozí Změna Před rokem Změna
IND1 (1) ASSETS TOTAL 7 707 771.05 7 657 359.69 0.66% 7 299 646.12 5.59%
IND2 (1.1) Loans to residents 5 672 843.82 5 636 735.48 0.64% 5 361 708.83 5.80%
IND3 (1.1.1) MFI 2 601 345.55 2 582 350.82 0.74% 2 500 704.53 4.02%
IND4 (1.1.2) General government 50 564.35 47 819.43 5.74% 49 942.07 1.25%
IND5 (1.1.3) Other residents 3 020 933.92 3 006 565.24 0.48% 2 811 062.23 7.47%
IND6 (1.2) Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents 856 842.26 860 830.83 -0.46% 823 391.87 4.06%
IND7 (1.2.1) MFI 314 131.32 312 535.51 0.51% 338 120.89 -7.09%
IND8 (1.2.2) General government 518 760.29 524 159.22 -1.03% 462 379.08 12.19%
IND9 (1.2.3) Other residents 23 950.65 24 136.10 -0.77% 22 891.90 4.62%
IND10 (1.3) Money market fund shares/units 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND11 (1.4) Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents 98 756.13 98 736.23 0.02% 99 612.68 -0.86%
IND12 (1.4.1) MFI 47 361.10 47 350.79 0.02% 43 874.48 7.95%
IND13 (1.4.2) Other residents 51 395.04 51 385.44 0.02% 55 738.20 -7.79%
IND14 (1.5) External assets 699 826.64 696 713.69 0.45% 671 475.23 4.22%
IND15 (1.6) Fixed assets 134 200.84 133 486.52 0.54% 126 109.17 6.42%
IND16 (1.7) Remaining assets 245 301.36 230 856.95 6.26% 217 348.35 12.86%
IND17 (2) LIABILITIES TOTAL 7 707 771.06 7 657 359.70 0.66% 7 299 646.12 5.59%
IND18 (2.1) Currency in circulation 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 -
IND19 (2.2) Deposits of residents 4 451 132.97 4 382 625.78 1.56% 4 168 064.53 6.79%
IND20 (2.2.1) MFI 126 098.35 118 996.58 5.97% 139 595.26 -9.67%
IND21 (2.2.2) Central government 151 180.59 125 555.19 20.41% 83 304.18 81.48%
IND22 (2.2.3) Other general government/other residents 4 173 854.04 4 138 074.01 0.86% 3 945 165.10 5.80%
IND23 (2.3) Money market fund shares/units 7 820.99 6 376.80 22.65% 1 502.19 420.64%
IND24 (2.4) Debt securities issued 420 374.98 415 044.36 1.28% 461 450.95 -8.90%
IND25 (2.5) Capital and reserves 721 664.84 716 366.35 0.74% 698 797.36 3.27%
IND26 (2.6) External liabilities 1 820 841.15 1 850 689.38 -1.61% 1 713 944.10 6.24%
IND27 (2.7) Remaining liabilities 285 936.12 286 257.04 -0.11% 255 887.00 11.74%


31.10.2018 7 707 771.05
30.09.2018 7 657 359.69
31.08.2018 7 654 101.99
31.07.2018 7 589 044.01
30.06.2018 7 484 730.89
31.05.2018 7 583 658.60
30.04.2018 7 528 426.12
31.03.2018 7 396 061.35
28.02.2018 7 348 942.50
31.01.2018 7 338 575.12
Další »
ASSETS TOTAL,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Loans to residents

31.10.2018 5 672 843.82
30.09.2018 5 636 735.48
31.08.2018 5 643 160.51
31.07.2018 5 571 911.17
30.06.2018 5 477 495.41
31.05.2018 5 628 096.21
30.04.2018 5 580 967.94
31.03.2018 5 473 009.33
28.02.2018 5 445 464.67
31.01.2018 5 439 179.54
Další »
Loans to residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.1.1) MFI

31.10.2018 2 601 345.55
30.09.2018 2 582 350.82
31.08.2018 2 613 973.58
31.07.2018 2 564 102.85
30.06.2018 2 504 627.67
31.05.2018 2 694 023.14
30.04.2018 2 666 625.03
31.03.2018 2 568 395.91
28.02.2018 2 555 861.31
31.01.2018 2 574 045.18
Další »
(1.1.1) MFI,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.1.2) General government

31.10.2018 50 564.35
30.09.2018 47 819.43
31.08.2018 47 153.08
31.07.2018 47 740.35
30.06.2018 43 945.86
31.05.2018 44 547.24
30.04.2018 44 696.89
31.03.2018 44 367.06
28.02.2018 45 748.46
31.01.2018 46 442.91
Další »
(1.1.2) General government,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.1.3) Other residents

31.10.2018 3 020 933.92
30.09.2018 3 006 565.24
31.08.2018 2 982 033.85
31.07.2018 2 960 067.98
30.06.2018 2 928 921.88
31.05.2018 2 889 525.84
30.04.2018 2 869 646.02
31.03.2018 2 860 246.36
28.02.2018 2 843 854.90
31.01.2018 2 818 691.45
Další »
(1.1.3) Other residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents

31.10.2018 856 842.26
30.09.2018 860 830.83
31.08.2018 862 480.40
31.07.2018 876 240.14
30.06.2018 871 455.50
31.05.2018 849 965.50
30.04.2018 840 560.40
31.03.2018 826 936.64
28.02.2018 812 561.09
31.01.2018 795 275.78
Další »
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.2.1) MFI

31.10.2018 314 131.32
30.09.2018 312 535.51
31.08.2018 312 562.58
31.07.2018 312 745.17
30.06.2018 311 094.43
31.05.2018 310 830.59
30.04.2018 311 839.22
31.03.2018 311 306.16
28.02.2018 311 006.84
31.01.2018 309 600.58
Další »
(1.2.1) MFI,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.2.2) General government

31.10.2018 518 760.29
30.09.2018 524 159.22
31.08.2018 525 859.76
31.07.2018 539 327.90
30.06.2018 534 656.28
31.05.2018 513 854.53
30.04.2018 503 541.21
31.03.2018 490 367.24
28.02.2018 475 990.03
31.01.2018 460 371.90
Další »
(1.2.2) General government,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.2.3) Other residents

31.10.2018 23 950.65
30.09.2018 24 136.10
31.08.2018 24 058.05
31.07.2018 24 167.06
30.06.2018 25 704.79
31.05.2018 25 280.37
30.04.2018 25 179.96
31.03.2018 25 263.24
28.02.2018 25 564.22
31.01.2018 25 303.31
Další »
(1.2.3) Other residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Money market fund shares/units

31.10.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
31.08.2018 0.00
31.07.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.05.2018 0.00
30.04.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
28.02.2018 0.00
31.01.2018 0.00
Další »
Money market fund shares/units,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents

31.10.2018 98 756.13
30.09.2018 98 736.23
31.08.2018 98 372.94
31.07.2018 97 555.09
30.06.2018 97 659.20
31.05.2018 97 605.72
30.04.2018 97 570.89
31.03.2018 93 877.88
28.02.2018 93 491.77
31.01.2018 94 207.10
Další »
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.4.1) MFI

31.10.2018 47 361.10
30.09.2018 47 350.79
31.08.2018 47 352.31
31.07.2018 47 321.92
30.06.2018 47 361.86
31.05.2018 47 356.25
30.04.2018 47 355.67
31.03.2018 43 843.88
28.02.2018 43 848.84
31.01.2018 43 842.33
Další »
(1.4.1) MFI,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(1.4.2) Other residents

31.10.2018 51 395.04
30.09.2018 51 385.44
31.08.2018 51 020.63
31.07.2018 50 233.17
30.06.2018 50 297.34
31.05.2018 50 249.47
30.04.2018 50 215.22
31.03.2018 50 034.00
28.02.2018 49 642.94
31.01.2018 50 364.77
Další »
(1.4.2) Other residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

External assets

31.10.2018 699 826.64
30.09.2018 696 713.69
31.08.2018 687 652.13
31.07.2018 688 367.42
30.06.2018 675 189.14
31.05.2018 657 560.18
30.04.2018 662 569.03
31.03.2018 655 548.78
28.02.2018 652 397.49
31.01.2018 651 563.57
Další »
External assets,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Fixed assets

31.10.2018 134 200.84
30.09.2018 133 486.52
31.08.2018 133 791.35
31.07.2018 133 271.57
30.06.2018 132 431.31
31.05.2018 131 940.45
30.04.2018 131 286.28
31.03.2018 130 714.28
28.02.2018 130 410.54
31.01.2018 130 164.65
Další »
Fixed assets,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Remaining assets

31.10.2018 245 301.36
30.09.2018 230 856.95
31.08.2018 228 644.66
31.07.2018 221 698.62
30.06.2018 230 500.33
31.05.2018 218 490.53
30.04.2018 215 471.59
31.03.2018 215 974.43
28.02.2018 214 616.95
31.01.2018 228 184.48
Další »
Remaining assets,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions


31.10.2018 7 707 771.06
30.09.2018 7 657 359.70
31.08.2018 7 654 101.99
31.07.2018 7 589 044.02
30.06.2018 7 484 730.89
31.05.2018 7 583 658.60
30.04.2018 7 528 426.12
31.03.2018 7 396 061.34
28.02.2018 7 348 942.49
31.01.2018 7 338 575.12
Další »
LIABILITIES TOTAL,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Currency in circulation

31.10.2018 0.00
30.09.2018 0.00
31.08.2018 0.00
31.07.2018 0.00
30.06.2018 0.00
31.05.2018 0.00
30.04.2018 0.00
31.03.2018 0.00
28.02.2018 0.00
31.01.2018 0.00
Další »
Currency in circulation,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Deposits of residents

31.10.2018 4 451 132.97
30.09.2018 4 382 625.78
31.08.2018 4 426 035.10
31.07.2018 4 406 523.92
30.06.2018 4 302 759.67
31.05.2018 4 410 059.43
30.04.2018 4 376 691.51
31.03.2018 4 302 082.02
28.02.2018 4 282 698.91
31.01.2018 4 219 999.42
Další »
Deposits of residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(2.2.1) MFI

31.10.2018 126 098.35
30.09.2018 118 996.58
31.08.2018 116 792.82
31.07.2018 130 873.54
30.06.2018 101 261.21
31.05.2018 145 720.72
30.04.2018 157 755.81
31.03.2018 152 575.10
28.02.2018 142 618.20
31.01.2018 128 393.07
Další »
(2.2.1) MFI,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(2.2.2) Central government

31.10.2018 151 180.59
30.09.2018 125 555.19
31.08.2018 146 096.93
31.07.2018 149 082.35
30.06.2018 101 718.70
31.05.2018 133 850.83
30.04.2018 133 494.29
31.03.2018 95 765.35
28.02.2018 93 474.39
31.01.2018 98 336.44
Další »
(2.2.2) Central government,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

(2.2.3) Other general government/other residents

31.10.2018 4 173 854.04
30.09.2018 4 138 074.01
31.08.2018 4 163 145.34
31.07.2018 4 126 568.03
30.06.2018 4 099 779.76
31.05.2018 4 130 487.88
30.04.2018 4 085 441.40
31.03.2018 4 053 741.57
28.02.2018 4 046 606.31
31.01.2018 3 993 269.92
Další »
(2.2.3) Other general government/other residents,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Money market fund shares/units

31.10.2018 7 820.99
30.09.2018 6 376.80
31.08.2018 5 625.71
31.07.2018 4 831.71
30.06.2018 4 033.47
31.05.2018 3 112.12
30.04.2018 2 167.63
31.03.2018 1 859.16
28.02.2018 1 579.23
31.01.2018 1 592.67
Další »
Money market fund shares/units,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Debt securities issued

31.10.2018 420 374.98
30.09.2018 415 044.36
31.08.2018 418 380.17
31.07.2018 418 852.28
30.06.2018 414 993.52
31.05.2018 414 304.76
30.04.2018 413 739.45
31.03.2018 415 740.13
28.02.2018 415 901.52
31.01.2018 415 195.79
Další »
Debt securities issued,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Capital and reserves

31.10.2018 721 664.84
30.09.2018 716 366.35
31.08.2018 712 639.15
31.07.2018 705 537.91
30.06.2018 701 178.97
31.05.2018 696 529.92
30.04.2018 700 429.90
31.03.2018 728 591.99
28.02.2018 722 015.07
31.01.2018 715 152.89
Další »
Capital and reserves,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

External liabilities

31.10.2018 1 820 841.15
30.09.2018 1 850 689.38
31.08.2018 1 837 059.43
31.07.2018 1 802 328.78
30.06.2018 1 806 153.26
31.05.2018 1 790 678.57
30.04.2018 1 766 645.02
31.03.2018 1 702 610.35
28.02.2018 1 681 262.05
31.01.2018 1 726 137.83
Další »
External liabilities,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Remaining liabilities

31.10.2018 285 936.12
30.09.2018 286 257.04
31.08.2018 254 362.43
31.07.2018 250 969.41
30.06.2018 255 611.99
31.05.2018 268 973.81
30.04.2018 268 752.61
31.03.2018 245 177.70
28.02.2018 245 485.71
31.01.2018 260 496.52
Další »
Remaining liabilities,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Excess of inter MFI liabilities

Další »
Excess of inter MFI liabilities,Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


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Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions (Monetary Statistics Publication)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Monetary statistics (Monetary and financial statistics)
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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