Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční

Graf hodnot, Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.08.2015 1 059 091.30
Min 31.03.2002 268 743.75

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.10.2018 856 842.26 860 830.83 -3 988.56 -0.46% 823 391.87 33 450.39 4.06%
30.09.2018 860 830.83 862 480.40 -1 649.57 -0.19% 813 890.11 46 940.72 5.77%
31.08.2018 862 480.40 876 240.14 -13 759.74 -1.57% 812 745.81 49 734.59 6.12%
31.07.2018 876 240.14 871 455.50 4 784.64 0.55% 814 640.19 61 599.94 7.56%
30.06.2018 871 455.50 849 965.50 21 489.99 2.53% 824 506.87 46 948.63 5.69%
31.05.2018 849 965.50 840 560.40 9 405.10 1.12% 831 957.07 18 008.43 2.16%
30.04.2018 840 560.40 826 936.64 13 623.76 1.65% 845 649.88 -5 089.49 -0.60%
31.03.2018 826 936.64 812 561.09 14 375.55 1.77% 864 654.31 -37 717.67 -4.36%
28.02.2018 812 561.09 795 275.78 17 285.30 2.17% 869 709.63 -57 148.54 -6.57%
31.01.2018 795 275.78 784 229.70 11 046.08 1.41% 878 146.66 -82 870.87 -9.44%
31.12.2017 784 229.70 830 550.57 -46 320.87 -5.58% 899 155.94 - 114 926.24 -12.78%
30.11.2017 830 550.57 823 391.87 7 158.70 0.87% 903 744.94 -73 194.37 -8.10%
31.10.2017 823 391.87 813 890.11 9 501.76 1.17% 906 748.04 -83 356.17 -9.19%
30.09.2017 813 890.11 812 745.81 1 144.30 0.14% 934 352.66 - 120 462.55 -12.89%
31.08.2017 812 745.81 814 640.19 -1 894.39 -0.23% 951 378.70 - 138 632.89 -14.57%
31.07.2017 814 640.19 824 506.87 -9 866.67 -1.20% 960 790.77 - 146 150.58 -15.21%
30.06.2017 824 506.87 831 957.07 -7 450.20 -0.90% 962 345.82 - 137 838.96 -14.32%
31.05.2017 831 957.07 845 649.88 -13 692.81 -1.62% 973 821.53 - 141 864.46 -14.57%
30.04.2017 845 649.88 864 654.31 -19 004.42 -2.20% 969 799.79 - 124 149.90 -12.80%
31.03.2017 864 654.31 869 709.63 -5 055.32 -0.58% 968 249.77 - 103 595.46 -10.70%
28.02.2017 869 709.63 878 146.66 -8 437.03 -0.96% 974 831.51 - 105 121.88 -10.78%
31.01.2017 878 146.66 899 155.94 -21 009.28 -2.34% 982 142.33 - 103 995.67 -10.59%
31.12.2016 899 155.94 903 744.94 -4 589.00 -0.51% 975 492.19 -76 336.26 -7.83%
30.11.2016 903 744.94 906 748.04 -3 003.10 -0.33% 992 297.05 -88 552.11 -8.92%
31.10.2016 906 748.04 934 352.66 -27 604.62 -2.95% 988 854.31 -82 106.27 -8.30%
30.09.2016 934 352.66 951 378.70 -17 026.04 -1.79% 1 018 481.16 -84 128.49 -8.26%
31.08.2016 951 378.70 960 790.77 -9 412.07 -0.98% 1 059 091.30 - 107 712.61 -10.17%
31.07.2016 960 790.77 962 345.82 -1 555.05 -0.16% 1 057 769.01 -96 978.24 -9.17%
30.06.2016 962 345.82 973 821.53 -11 475.70 -1.18% 1 055 963.00 -93 617.18 -8.87%
31.05.2016 973 821.53 969 799.79 4 021.74 0.41% 1 044 113.60 -70 292.07 -6.73%
30.04.2016 969 799.79 968 249.77 1 550.02 0.16% 1 030 226.75 -60 426.97 -5.87%
31.03.2016 968 249.77 974 831.51 -6 581.74 -0.68% 1 055 706.69 -87 456.92 -8.28%
29.02.2016 974 831.51 982 142.33 -7 310.82 -0.74% 1 052 840.06 -78 008.55 -7.41%
31.01.2016 982 142.33 975 492.19 6 650.14 0.68% 1 031 896.57 -49 754.24 -4.82%
31.12.2015 975 492.19 992 297.05 -16 804.86 -1.69% 1 043 340.55 -67 848.36 -6.50%
30.11.2015 992 297.05 988 854.31 3 442.74 0.35% 1 040 924.10 -48 627.05 -4.67%
31.10.2015 988 854.31 1 018 481.16 -29 626.85 -2.91% 1 047 408.45 -58 554.14 -5.59%
30.09.2015 1 018 481.16 1 059 091.30 -40 610.15 -3.83% 1 025 384.41 -6 903.26 -0.67%
31.08.2015 1 059 091.30 1 057 769.01 1 322.30 0.12% 1 019 227.83 39 863.47 3.91%
31.07.2015 1 057 769.01 1 055 963.00 1 806.01 0.17% 1 018 432.36 39 336.65 3.86%
30.06.2015 1 055 963.00 1 044 113.60 11 849.40 1.13% 1 017 778.43 38 184.57 3.75%
31.05.2015 1 044 113.60 1 030 226.75 13 886.84 1.35% 1 002 416.15 41 697.44 4.16%
30.04.2015 1 030 226.75 1 055 706.69 -25 479.94 -2.41% 986 035.16 44 191.60 4.48%
31.03.2015 1 055 706.69 1 052 840.06 2 866.62 0.27% 974 948.96 80 757.73 8.28%
28.02.2015 1 052 840.06 1 031 896.57 20 943.50 2.03% 991 556.29 61 283.78 6.18%
31.01.2015 1 031 896.57 1 043 340.55 -11 443.98 -1.10% 985 814.77 46 081.80 4.67%
31.12.2014 1 043 340.55 1 040 924.10 2 416.44 0.23% 971 758.23 71 582.31 7.37%
30.11.2014 1 040 924.10 1 047 408.45 -6 484.34 -0.62% 988 386.02 52 538.08 5.32%
31.10.2014 1 047 408.45 1 025 384.41 22 024.03 2.15% 988 755.60 58 652.85 5.93%
30.09.2014 1 025 384.41 1 019 227.83 6 156.58 0.60% 973 076.01 52 308.40 5.38%
31.08.2014 1 019 227.83 1 018 432.36 795.47 0.08% 988 804.62 30 423.21 3.08%
31.07.2014 1 018 432.36 1 017 778.43 653.93 0.06% 984 913.40 33 518.96 3.40%
30.06.2014 1 017 778.43 1 002 416.15 15 362.27 1.53% 973 715.82 44 062.60 4.53%
31.05.2014 1 002 416.15 986 035.16 16 381.00 1.66% 1 006 082.37 -3 666.21 -0.36%
30.04.2014 986 035.16 974 948.96 11 086.20 1.14% 1 012 322.90 -26 287.74 -2.60%
31.03.2014 974 948.96 991 556.29 -16 607.33 -1.67% 1 007 872.37 -32 923.41 -3.27%
28.02.2014 991 556.29 985 814.77 5 741.52 0.58% 992 216.79 - 660.50 -0.07%
31.01.2014 985 814.77 971 758.23 14 056.53 1.45% 989 748.40 -3 933.63 -0.40%
31.12.2013 971 758.23 988 386.02 -16 627.79 -1.68% 965 011.66 6 746.57 0.70%
30.11.2013 988 386.02 988 755.60 - 369.58 -0.04% 961 197.27 27 188.75 2.83%
31.10.2013 988 755.60 973 076.01 15 679.59 1.61% 952 916.29 35 839.31 3.76%
30.09.2013 973 076.01 988 804.62 -15 728.61 -1.59% 965 186.02 7 889.99 0.82%
31.08.2013 988 804.62 984 913.40 3 891.22 0.40% 948 641.05 40 163.57 4.23%
31.07.2013 984 913.40 973 715.82 11 197.58 1.15% 941 976.10 42 937.30 4.56%
30.06.2013 973 715.82 1 006 082.37 -32 366.54 -3.22% 931 405.40 42 310.43 4.54%
31.05.2013 1 006 082.37 1 012 322.90 -6 240.53 -0.62% 925 371.92 80 710.45 8.72%
30.04.2013 1 012 322.90 1 007 872.37 4 450.53 0.44% 906 681.95 105 640.95 11.65%
31.03.2013 1 007 872.37 992 216.79 15 655.58 1.58% 914 765.91 93 106.47 10.18%
28.02.2013 992 216.79 989 748.40 2 468.40 0.25% 890 042.85 102 173.94 11.48%
31.01.2013 989 748.40 965 011.66 24 736.74 2.56% 875 716.24 114 032.15 13.02%
31.12.2012 965 011.66 961 197.27 3 814.39 0.40% 851 517.68 113 493.98 13.33%
30.11.2012 961 197.27 952 916.29 8 280.98 0.87% 855 628.74 105 568.53 12.34%
31.10.2012 952 916.29 965 186.02 -12 269.73 -1.27% 845 485.25 107 431.04 12.71%
30.09.2012 965 186.02 948 641.05 16 544.97 1.74% 861 045.87 104 140.15 12.09%
31.08.2012 948 641.05 941 976.10 6 664.95 0.71% 844 093.62 104 547.43 12.39%
31.07.2012 941 976.10 931 405.40 10 570.70 1.13% 825 899.73 116 076.38 14.05%
30.06.2012 931 405.40 925 371.92 6 033.48 0.65% 827 503.90 103 901.50 12.56%
31.05.2012 925 371.92 906 681.95 18 689.97 2.06% 822 547.00 102 824.92 12.50%
30.04.2012 906 681.95 914 765.91 -8 083.95 -0.88% 803 181.61 103 500.34 12.89%
31.03.2012 914 765.91 890 042.85 24 723.05 2.78% 832 606.61 82 159.30 9.87%
29.02.2012 890 042.85 875 716.24 14 326.61 1.64% 810 948.94 79 093.92 9.75%
31.01.2012 875 716.24 851 517.68 24 198.57 2.84% 791 322.41 84 393.84 10.66%
31.12.2011 851 517.68 855 628.74 -4 111.06 -0.48% 774 645.84 76 871.84 9.92%
30.11.2011 855 628.74 845 485.25 10 143.49 1.20% 767 742.11 87 886.62 11.45%
31.10.2011 845 485.25 861 045.87 -15 560.62 -1.81% 768 417.23 77 068.02 10.03%
30.09.2011 861 045.87 844 093.62 16 952.25 2.01% 816 624.44 44 421.43 5.44%
31.08.2011 844 093.62 825 899.73 18 193.90 2.20% 798 634.60 45 459.02 5.69%
31.07.2011 825 899.73 827 503.90 -1 604.17 -0.19% 790 822.72 35 077.01 4.44%
30.06.2011 827 503.90 822 547.00 4 956.90 0.60% 761 239.77 66 264.13 8.70%
31.05.2011 822 547.00 803 181.61 19 365.39 2.41% 754 222.67 68 324.33 9.06%
30.04.2011 803 181.61 832 606.61 -29 424.99 -3.53% 750 176.12 53 005.49 7.07%
31.03.2011 832 606.61 810 948.94 21 657.67 2.67% 749 320.20 83 286.40 11.11%
28.02.2011 810 948.94 791 322.41 19 626.53 2.48% 728 941.37 82 007.57 11.25%
31.01.2011 791 322.41 774 645.84 16 676.57 2.15% 725 590.72 65 731.68 9.06%
31.12.2010 774 645.84 767 742.11 6 903.73 0.90% 732 425.41 42 220.43 5.76%
30.11.2010 767 742.11 768 417.23 - 675.11 -0.09% 732 435.05 35 307.06 4.82%
31.10.2010 768 417.23 816 624.44 -48 207.22 -5.90% 762 923.53 5 493.70 0.72%
30.09.2010 816 624.44 798 634.60 17 989.84 2.25% 731 435.03 85 189.41 11.65%
31.08.2010 798 634.60 790 822.72 7 811.89 0.99% 709 131.93 89 502.68 12.62%
31.07.2010 790 822.72 761 239.77 29 582.95 3.89% 703 430.61 87 392.11 12.42%
30.06.2010 761 239.77 754 222.67 7 017.10 0.93% 707 273.60 53 966.17 7.63%
31.05.2010 754 222.67 750 176.12 4 046.55 0.54% 688 931.09 65 291.59 9.48%
30.04.2010 750 176.12 749 320.20 855.92 0.11% 658 709.91 91 466.21 13.89%
31.03.2010 749 320.20 728 941.37 20 378.83 2.80% 640 060.56 109 259.65 17.07%
28.02.2010 728 941.37 725 590.72 3 350.64 0.46% 638 656.31 90 285.06 14.14%
31.01.2010 725 590.72 732 425.41 -6 834.69 -0.93% 652 466.64 73 124.09 11.21%
31.12.2009 732 425.41 732 435.05 -9.64 -0.00% 634 904.93 97 520.48 15.36%
30.11.2009 732 435.05 762 923.53 -30 488.48 -4.00% 624 368.70 108 066.36 17.31%
31.10.2009 762 923.53 731 435.03 31 488.50 4.30% 578 362.33 184 561.20 31.91%
30.09.2009 731 435.03 709 131.93 22 303.11 3.15% 536 689.81 194 745.22 36.29%
31.08.2009 709 131.93 703 430.61 5 701.31 0.81% 544 400.36 164 731.57 30.26%
31.07.2009 703 430.61 707 273.60 -3 842.99 -0.54% 537 542.78 165 887.83 30.86%
30.06.2009 707 273.60 688 931.09 18 342.52 2.66% 531 402.41 175 871.19 33.10%
31.05.2009 688 931.09 658 709.91 30 221.17 4.59% 525 464.56 163 466.53 31.11%
30.04.2009 658 709.91 640 060.56 18 649.36 2.91% 524 922.70 133 787.21 25.49%
31.03.2009 640 060.56 638 656.31 1 404.24 0.22% 529 082.01 110 978.54 20.98%
28.02.2009 638 656.31 652 466.64 -13 810.32 -2.12% 539 239.61 99 416.70 18.44%
31.01.2009 652 466.64 634 904.93 17 561.70 2.77% 571 531.14 80 935.49 14.16%
31.12.2008 634 904.93 624 368.70 10 536.24 1.69% 586 241.02 48 663.92 8.30%
30.11.2008 624 368.70 578 362.33 46 006.37 7.95% 558 014.09 66 354.61 11.89%
31.10.2008 578 362.33 536 689.81 41 672.51 7.76% 545 001.02 33 361.31 6.12%
30.09.2008 536 689.81 544 400.36 -7 710.55 -1.42% 535 854.33 835.49 0.16%
31.08.2008 544 400.36 537 542.78 6 857.58 1.28% 535 647.74 8 752.62 1.63%
31.07.2008 537 542.78 531 402.41 6 140.36 1.16% 538 544.91 -1 002.13 -0.19%
30.06.2008 531 402.41 525 464.56 5 937.85 1.13% 537 776.06 -6 373.65 -1.19%
31.05.2008 525 464.56 524 922.70 541.85 0.10% 527 480.34 -2 015.78 -0.38%
30.04.2008 524 922.70 529 082.01 -4 159.31 -0.79% 525 988.10 -1 065.39 -0.20%
31.03.2008 529 082.01 539 239.61 -10 157.60 -1.88% 515 008.39 14 073.62 2.73%
29.02.2008 539 239.61 571 531.14 -32 291.53 -5.65% 529 623.25 9 616.36 1.82%
31.01.2008 571 531.14 586 241.02 -14 709.87 -2.51% 518 850.61 52 680.54 10.15%
31.12.2007 586 241.02 558 014.09 28 226.93 5.06% 506 397.89 79 843.12 15.77%
30.11.2007 558 014.09 545 001.02 13 013.07 2.39% 486 748.42 71 265.66 14.64%
31.10.2007 545 001.02 535 854.33 9 146.69 1.71% 465 720.08 79 280.94 17.02%
30.09.2007 535 854.33 535 647.74 206.58 0.04% 469 377.71 66 476.61 14.16%
31.08.2007 535 647.74 538 544.91 -2 897.16 -0.54% 469 884.97 65 762.77 14.00%
31.07.2007 538 544.91 537 776.06 768.85 0.14% 469 199.36 69 345.54 14.78%
30.06.2007 537 776.06 527 480.34 10 295.72 1.95% 464 163.97 73 612.09 15.86%
31.05.2007 527 480.34 525 988.10 1 492.24 0.28% 458 776.48 68 703.86 14.98%
30.04.2007 525 988.10 515 008.39 10 979.71 2.13% 447 645.02 78 343.08 17.50%
31.03.2007 515 008.39 529 623.25 -14 614.86 -2.76% 439 414.08 75 594.32 17.20%
28.02.2007 529 623.25 518 850.61 10 772.65 2.08% 443 375.53 86 247.72 19.45%
31.01.2007 518 850.61 506 397.89 12 452.72 2.46% 435 884.10 82 966.51 19.03%
31.12.2006 506 397.89 486 748.42 19 649.47 4.04% 442 790.21 63 607.68 14.37%
30.11.2006 486 748.42 465 720.08 21 028.35 4.52% 436 549.89 50 198.53 11.50%
31.10.2006 465 720.08 469 377.71 -3 657.64 -0.78% 429 811.99 35 908.08 8.35%
30.09.2006 469 377.71 469 884.97 - 507.26 -0.11% 426 788.34 42 589.38 9.98%
31.08.2006 469 884.97 469 199.36 685.61 0.15% 425 129.85 44 755.12 10.53%
31.07.2006 469 199.36 464 163.97 5 035.39 1.08% 429 958.41 39 240.96 9.13%
30.06.2006 464 163.97 458 776.48 5 387.49 1.17% 434 027.45 30 136.52 6.94%
31.05.2006 458 776.48 447 645.02 11 131.47 2.49% 417 242.02 41 534.46 9.95%
30.04.2006 447 645.02 439 414.08 8 230.94 1.87% 415 080.86 32 564.16 7.85%
31.03.2006 439 414.08 443 375.53 -3 961.46 -0.89% 414 682.60 24 731.48 5.96%
28.02.2006 443 375.53 435 884.10 7 491.43 1.72% 413 222.81 30 152.72 7.30%
31.01.2006 435 884.10 442 790.21 -6 906.11 -1.56% 416 666.67 19 217.42 4.61%
31.12.2005 442 790.21 436 549.89 6 240.32 1.43% 418 392.97 24 397.25 5.83%
30.11.2005 436 549.89 429 811.99 6 737.90 1.57% 431 176.53 5 373.36 1.25%
31.10.2005 429 811.99 426 788.34 3 023.66 0.71% 436 610.28 -6 798.28 -1.56%
30.09.2005 426 788.34 425 129.85 1 658.48 0.39% 449 721.28 -22 932.94 -5.10%
31.08.2005 425 129.85 429 958.41 -4 828.56 -1.12% 468 908.25 -43 778.40 -9.34%
31.07.2005 429 958.41 434 027.45 -4 069.04 -0.94% 468 105.66 -38 147.25 -8.15%
30.06.2005 434 027.45 417 242.02 16 785.43 4.02% 472 583.86 -38 556.40 -8.16%
31.05.2005 417 242.02 415 080.86 2 161.16 0.52% 465 291.03 -48 049.01 -10.33%
30.04.2005 415 080.86 414 682.60 398.26 0.10% 463 613.46 -48 532.60 -10.47%
31.03.2005 414 682.60 413 222.81 1 459.79 0.35% 454 727.80 -40 045.20 -8.81%
28.02.2005 413 222.81 416 666.67 -3 443.86 -0.83% 458 297.38 -45 074.57 -9.84%
31.01.2005 416 666.67 418 392.97 -1 726.29 -0.41% 457 015.12 -40 348.45 -8.83%
31.12.2004 418 392.97 431 176.53 -12 783.57 -2.96% 385 052.71 33 340.25 8.66%
30.11.2004 431 176.53 436 610.28 -5 433.74 -1.24% 382 666.10 48 510.43 12.68%
31.10.2004 436 610.28 449 721.28 -13 111.00 -2.92% 376 871.69 59 738.58 15.85%
30.09.2004 449 721.28 468 908.25 -19 186.98 -4.09% 367 779.96 81 941.32 22.28%
31.08.2004 468 908.25 468 105.66 802.59 0.17% 367 226.72 101 681.53 27.69%
31.07.2004 468 105.66 472 583.86 -4 478.19 -0.95% 359 393.84 108 711.82 30.25%
30.06.2004 472 583.86 465 291.03 7 292.82 1.57% 353 261.88 119 321.98 33.78%
31.05.2004 465 291.03 463 613.46 1 677.58 0.36% 336 144.35 129 146.69 38.42%
30.04.2004 463 613.46 454 727.80 8 885.66 1.95% 331 358.23 132 255.23 39.91%
31.03.2004 454 727.80 458 297.38 -3 569.58 -0.78% 325 469.75 129 258.06 39.71%
29.02.2004 458 297.38 457 015.12 1 282.26 0.28% 314 315.31 143 982.07 45.81%
31.01.2004 457 015.12 385 052.71 71 962.41 18.69% 304 422.39 152 592.73 50.13%
31.12.2003 385 052.71 382 666.10 2 386.61 0.62% 303 256.16 81 796.55 26.97%
30.11.2003 382 666.10 376 871.69 5 794.41 1.54% 312 980.85 69 685.25 22.27%
31.10.2003 376 871.69 367 779.96 9 091.73 2.47% 304 044.99 72 826.70 23.95%
30.09.2003 367 779.96 367 226.72 553.24 0.15% 306 089.64 61 690.31 20.15%
31.08.2003 367 226.72 359 393.84 7 832.88 2.18% 298 950.40 68 276.32 22.84%
31.07.2003 359 393.84 353 261.88 6 131.97 1.74% 288 340.28 71 053.56 24.64%
30.06.2003 353 261.88 336 144.35 17 117.53 5.09% 285 068.71 68 193.17 23.92%
31.05.2003 336 144.35 331 358.23 4 786.11 1.44% 276 869.27 59 275.07 21.41%
30.04.2003 331 358.23 325 469.75 5 888.49 1.81% 276 796.26 54 561.97 19.71%
31.03.2003 325 469.75 314 315.31 11 154.43 3.55% 268 743.75 56 725.99 21.11%
28.02.2003 314 315.31 304 422.39 9 892.92 3.25% 282 354.97 31 960.35 11.32%
31.01.2003 304 422.39 303 256.16 1 166.22 0.38% 280 411.43 24 010.96 8.56%
31.12.2002 303 256.16 312 980.85 -9 724.69 -3.11% - - -
30.11.2002 312 980.85 304 044.99 8 935.86 2.94% - - -
31.10.2002 304 044.99 306 089.64 -2 044.65 -0.67% - - -
30.09.2002 306 089.64 298 950.40 7 139.25 2.39% - - -
31.08.2002 298 950.40 288 340.28 10 610.12 3.68% - - -
31.07.2002 288 340.28 285 068.71 3 271.57 1.15% - - -
30.06.2002 285 068.71 276 869.27 8 199.43 2.96% - - -
31.05.2002 276 869.27 276 796.26 73.02 0.03% - - -
30.04.2002 276 796.26 268 743.75 8 052.51 3.00% - - -
31.03.2002 268 743.75 282 354.97 -13 611.21 -4.82% - - -
28.02.2002 282 354.97 280 411.43 1 943.54 0.69% - - -
31.01.2002 280 411.43 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs)
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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