Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.09.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.08.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční

Graf hodnot, Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels)

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Min 31.10.2010 6 073.70
Max 31.05.2004 29 329.90

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.05.2015 15 241.10 13 297.20 1 943.90 14.62% 11 769.80 3 471.30 29.49%
30.04.2015 13 297.20 13 380.40 -83.20 -0.62% 12 796.10 501.10 3.92%
31.03.2015 13 380.40 12 707.50 672.90 5.30% 13 830.10 - 449.70 -3.25%
28.02.2015 12 707.50 12 238.20 469.30 3.83% 13 712.20 -1 004.70 -7.33%
31.01.2015 12 238.20 12 767.60 - 529.40 -4.15% 15 573.90 -3 335.70 -21.42%
31.12.2014 12 767.60 11 892.60 875.00 7.36% 15 603.00 -2 835.40 -18.17%
30.11.2014 11 892.60 12 987.30 -1 094.70 -8.43% 16 095.20 -4 202.60 -26.11%
31.10.2014 12 987.30 12 968.40 18.90 0.15% 14 404.20 -1 416.90 -9.84%
30.09.2014 12 968.40 13 368.60 - 400.20 -2.99% 16 557.90 -3 589.50 -21.68%
31.08.2014 13 368.60 13 733.10 - 364.50 -2.65% 18 844.70 -5 476.10 -29.06%
31.07.2014 13 733.10 10 981.90 2 751.20 25.05% 19 564.10 -5 831.00 -29.80%
30.06.2014 10 981.90 11 769.80 - 787.90 -6.69% 17 877.70 -6 895.80 -38.57%
31.05.2014 11 769.80 12 796.10 -1 026.30 -8.02% 16 972.80 -5 203.00 -30.65%
30.04.2014 12 796.10 13 830.10 -1 034.00 -7.48% 13 863.50 -1 067.40 -7.70%
31.03.2014 13 830.10 13 712.20 117.90 0.86% 13 547.30 282.80 2.09%
28.02.2014 13 712.20 15 573.90 -1 861.70 -11.95% 13 618.70 93.50 0.69%
31.01.2014 15 573.90 15 603.00 -29.10 -0.19% 13 545.70 2 028.20 14.97%
31.12.2013 15 603.00 16 095.20 - 492.20 -3.06% 13 384.60 2 218.40 16.57%
30.11.2013 16 095.20 14 404.20 1 691.00 11.74% 16 815.30 - 720.10 -4.28%
31.10.2013 14 404.20 16 557.90 -2 153.70 -13.01% 15 996.60 -1 592.40 -9.95%
30.09.2013 16 557.90 18 844.70 -2 286.80 -12.13% 12 574.20 3 983.70 31.68%
31.08.2013 18 844.70 19 564.10 - 719.40 -3.68% 12 582.10 6 262.60 49.77%
31.07.2013 19 564.10 17 877.70 1 686.40 9.43% 13 019.20 6 544.90 50.27%
30.06.2013 17 877.70 16 972.80 904.90 5.33% 12 768.40 5 109.30 40.02%
31.05.2013 16 972.80 13 863.50 3 109.30 22.43% 12 736.80 4 236.00 33.26%
30.04.2013 13 863.50 13 547.30 316.20 2.33% 12 164.00 1 699.50 13.97%
31.03.2013 13 547.30 13 618.70 -71.40 -0.52% 10 502.40 3 044.90 28.99%
28.02.2013 13 618.70 13 545.70 73.00 0.54% 10 444.60 3 174.10 30.39%
31.01.2013 13 545.70 13 384.60 161.10 1.20% 10 668.80 2 876.90 26.97%
31.12.2012 13 384.60 16 815.30 -3 430.70 -20.40% 11 555.50 1 829.10 15.83%
30.11.2012 16 815.30 15 996.60 818.70 5.12% 10 880.90 5 934.40 54.54%
31.10.2012 15 996.60 12 574.20 3 422.40 27.22% 10 242.90 5 753.70 56.17%
30.09.2012 12 574.20 12 582.10 -7.90 -0.06% 10 182.30 2 391.90 23.49%
31.08.2012 12 582.10 13 019.20 - 437.10 -3.36% 9 119.70 3 462.40 37.97%
31.07.2012 13 019.20 12 768.40 250.80 1.96% 8 592.40 4 426.80 51.52%
30.06.2012 12 768.40 12 736.80 31.60 0.25% 8 668.70 4 099.70 47.29%
31.05.2012 12 736.80 12 164.00 572.80 4.71% 7 591.10 5 145.70 67.79%
30.04.2012 12 164.00 10 502.40 1 661.60 15.82% 9 182.70 2 981.30 32.47%
31.03.2012 10 502.40 10 444.60 57.80 0.55% 10 317.90 184.50 1.79%
29.02.2012 10 444.60 10 668.80 - 224.20 -2.10% 8 785.10 1 659.50 18.89%
31.01.2012 10 668.80 11 555.50 - 886.70 -7.67% 8 153.50 2 515.30 30.85%
31.12.2011 11 555.50 10 880.90 674.60 6.20% 7 433.00 4 122.50 55.46%
30.11.2011 10 880.90 10 242.90 638.00 6.23% 6 577.00 4 303.90 65.44%
31.10.2011 10 242.90 10 182.30 60.60 0.60% 6 073.70 4 169.20 68.64%
30.09.2011 10 182.30 9 119.70 1 062.60 11.65% 6 526.90 3 655.40 56.01%
31.08.2011 9 119.70 8 592.40 527.30 6.14% 6 501.20 2 618.50 40.28%
31.07.2011 8 592.40 8 668.70 -76.30 -0.88% 9 288.10 - 695.70 -7.49%
30.06.2011 8 668.70 7 591.10 1 077.60 14.20% 9 096.20 - 427.50 -4.70%
31.05.2011 7 591.10 9 182.70 -1 591.60 -17.33% 9 313.20 -1 722.10 -18.49%
30.04.2011 9 182.70 10 317.90 -1 135.20 -11.00% 9 238.20 -55.50 -0.60%
31.03.2011 10 317.90 8 785.10 1 532.80 17.45% 12 997.60 -2 679.70 -20.62%
28.02.2011 8 785.10 8 153.50 631.60 7.75% 12 975.20 -4 190.10 -32.29%
31.01.2011 8 153.50 7 433.00 720.50 9.69% 13 171.00 -5 017.50 -38.09%
31.12.2010 7 433.00 6 577.00 856.00 13.02% 14 147.50 -6 714.50 -47.46%
30.11.2010 6 577.00 6 073.70 503.30 8.29% 11 884.20 -5 307.20 -44.66%
31.10.2010 6 073.70 6 526.90 - 453.20 -6.94% 13 135.80 -7 062.10 -53.76%
30.09.2010 6 526.90 6 501.20 25.70 0.40% 12 929.10 -6 402.20 -49.52%
31.08.2010 6 501.20 9 288.10 -2 786.90 -30.00% 13 051.50 -6 550.30 -50.19%
31.07.2010 9 288.10 9 096.20 191.90 2.11% 12 741.20 -3 453.10 -27.10%
30.06.2010 9 096.20 9 313.20 - 217.00 -2.33% 13 524.50 -4 428.30 -32.74%
31.05.2010 9 313.20 9 238.20 75.00 0.81% 13 291.70 -3 978.50 -29.93%
30.04.2010 9 238.20 12 997.60 -3 759.40 -28.92% 13 137.80 -3 899.60 -29.68%
31.03.2010 12 997.60 12 975.20 22.40 0.17% 14 013.90 -1 016.30 -7.25%
28.02.2010 12 975.20 13 171.00 - 195.80 -1.49% 14 705.80 -1 730.60 -11.77%
31.01.2010 13 171.00 14 147.50 - 976.50 -6.90% 15 062.40 -1 891.40 -12.56%
31.12.2009 14 147.50 11 884.20 2 263.30 19.04% 15 635.30 -1 487.80 -9.52%
30.11.2009 11 884.20 13 135.80 -1 251.60 -9.53% 15 190.20 -3 306.00 -21.76%
31.10.2009 13 135.80 12 929.10 206.70 1.60% 16 202.50 -3 066.70 -18.93%
30.09.2009 12 929.10 13 051.50 - 122.40 -0.94% 16 886.00 -3 956.90 -23.43%
31.08.2009 13 051.50 12 741.20 310.30 2.44% 17 048.40 -3 996.90 -23.44%
31.07.2009 12 741.20 13 524.50 - 783.30 -5.79% 17 220.90 -4 479.70 -26.01%
30.06.2009 13 524.50 13 291.70 232.80 1.75% 18 982.70 -5 458.20 -28.75%
31.05.2009 13 291.70 13 137.80 153.90 1.17% 18 902.30 -5 610.60 -29.68%
30.04.2009 13 137.80 14 013.90 - 876.10 -6.25% 18 976.30 -5 838.50 -30.77%
31.03.2009 14 013.90 14 705.80 - 691.90 -4.70% 20 989.30 -6 975.40 -33.23%
28.02.2009 14 705.80 15 062.40 - 356.60 -2.37% 20 410.50 -5 704.70 -27.95%
31.01.2009 15 062.40 15 635.30 - 572.90 -3.66% 21 681.00 -6 618.60 -30.53%
31.12.2008 15 635.30 15 190.20 445.10 2.93% 26 564.60 -10 929.30 -41.14%
30.11.2008 15 190.20 16 202.50 -1 012.30 -6.25% 16 111.10 - 920.90 -5.72%
31.10.2008 16 202.50 16 886.00 - 683.50 -4.05% 17 300.30 -1 097.80 -6.35%
30.09.2008 16 886.00 17 048.40 - 162.40 -0.95% 17 876.50 - 990.50 -5.54%
31.08.2008 17 048.40 17 220.90 - 172.50 -1.00% 18 024.70 - 976.30 -5.42%
31.07.2008 17 220.90 18 982.70 -1 761.80 -9.28% 15 295.30 1 925.60 12.59%
30.06.2008 18 982.70 18 902.30 80.40 0.43% 15 245.10 3 737.60 24.52%
31.05.2008 18 902.30 18 976.30 -74.00 -0.39% 14 678.00 4 224.30 28.78%
30.04.2008 18 976.30 20 989.30 -2 013.00 -9.59% 14 789.30 4 187.00 28.31%
31.03.2008 20 989.30 20 410.50 578.80 2.84% 14 809.20 6 180.10 41.73%
29.02.2008 20 410.50 21 681.00 -1 270.50 -5.86% 14 040.40 6 370.10 45.37%
31.01.2008 21 681.00 26 564.60 -4 883.60 -18.38% 13 877.60 7 803.40 56.23%
31.12.2007 26 564.60 16 111.10 10 453.50 64.88% 14 018.80 12 545.80 89.49%
30.11.2007 16 111.10 17 300.30 -1 189.20 -6.87% 12 123.80 3 987.30 32.89%
31.10.2007 17 300.30 17 876.50 - 576.20 -3.22% 12 655.60 4 644.70 36.70%
30.09.2007 17 876.50 18 024.70 - 148.20 -0.82% 11 917.00 5 959.50 50.01%
31.08.2007 18 024.70 15 295.30 2 729.40 17.84% 12 286.10 5 738.60 46.71%
31.07.2007 15 295.30 15 245.10 50.20 0.33% 12 629.20 2 666.10 21.11%
30.06.2007 15 245.10 14 678.00 567.10 3.86% 13 760.30 1 484.80 10.79%
31.05.2007 14 678.00 14 789.30 - 111.30 -0.75% 13 834.90 843.10 6.09%
30.04.2007 14 789.30 14 809.20 -19.90 -0.13% 14 875.30 -86.00 -0.58%
31.03.2007 14 809.20 14 040.40 768.80 5.48% 14 782.80 26.40 0.18%
28.02.2007 14 040.40 13 877.60 162.80 1.17% 14 494.00 - 453.60 -3.13%
31.01.2007 13 877.60 14 018.80 - 141.20 -1.01% 14 550.40 - 672.80 -4.62%
31.12.2006 14 018.80 12 123.80 1 895.00 15.63% 14 400.10 - 381.30 -2.65%
30.11.2006 12 123.80 12 655.60 - 531.80 -4.20% 14 748.40 -2 624.60 -17.80%
31.10.2006 12 655.60 11 917.00 738.60 6.20% 16 748.80 -4 093.20 -24.44%
30.09.2006 11 917.00 12 286.10 - 369.10 -3.00% 18 122.90 -6 205.90 -34.24%
31.08.2006 12 286.10 12 629.20 - 343.10 -2.72% 19 044.40 -6 758.30 -35.49%
31.07.2006 12 629.20 13 760.30 -1 131.10 -8.22% 19 037.10 -6 407.90 -33.66%
30.06.2006 13 760.30 13 834.90 -74.60 -0.54% 20 195.00 -6 434.70 -31.86%
31.05.2006 13 834.90 14 875.30 -1 040.40 -6.99% 18 746.50 -4 911.60 -26.20%
30.04.2006 14 875.30 14 782.80 92.50 0.63% 18 455.00 -3 579.70 -19.40%
31.03.2006 14 782.80 14 494.00 288.80 1.99% 18 472.20 -3 689.40 -19.97%
28.02.2006 14 494.00 14 550.40 -56.40 -0.39% 18 875.90 -4 381.90 -23.21%
31.01.2006 14 550.40 14 400.10 150.30 1.04% 18 552.50 -4 002.10 -21.57%
31.12.2005 14 400.10 14 748.40 - 348.30 -2.36% 18 842.40 -4 442.30 -23.58%
30.11.2005 14 748.40 16 748.80 -2 000.40 -11.94% 22 799.10 -8 050.70 -35.31%
31.10.2005 16 748.80 18 122.90 -1 374.10 -7.58% 25 520.40 -8 771.60 -34.37%
30.09.2005 18 122.90 19 044.40 - 921.50 -4.84% 25 558.80 -7 435.90 -29.09%
31.08.2005 19 044.40 19 037.10 7.30 0.04% 25 700.70 -6 656.30 -25.90%
31.07.2005 19 037.10 20 195.00 -1 157.90 -5.73% 25 552.50 -6 515.40 -25.50%
30.06.2005 20 195.00 18 746.50 1 448.50 7.73% 25 660.20 -5 465.20 -21.30%
31.05.2005 18 746.50 18 455.00 291.50 1.58% 29 329.90 -10 583.40 -36.08%
30.04.2005 18 455.00 18 472.20 -17.20 -0.09% 27 110.00 -8 655.00 -31.93%
31.03.2005 18 472.20 18 875.90 - 403.70 -2.14% 27 152.50 -8 680.30 -31.97%
28.02.2005 18 875.90 18 552.50 323.40 1.74% 22 883.80 -4 007.90 -17.51%
31.01.2005 18 552.50 18 842.40 - 289.90 -1.54% 23 776.20 -5 223.70 -21.97%
31.12.2004 18 842.40 22 799.10 -3 956.70 -17.35% 16 639.30 2 203.10 13.24%
30.11.2004 22 799.10 25 520.40 -2 721.30 -10.66% 17 382.80 5 416.30 31.16%
31.10.2004 25 520.40 25 558.80 -38.40 -0.15% 18 588.00 6 932.40 37.30%
30.09.2004 25 558.80 25 700.70 - 141.90 -0.55% 18 653.40 6 905.40 37.02%
31.08.2004 25 700.70 25 552.50 148.20 0.58% 19 080.80 6 619.90 34.69%
31.07.2004 25 552.50 25 660.20 - 107.70 -0.42% 20 020.30 5 532.20 27.63%
30.06.2004 25 660.20 29 329.90 -3 669.70 -12.51% 18 451.50 7 208.70 39.07%
31.05.2004 29 329.90 27 110.00 2 219.90 8.19% 17 763.00 11 566.90 65.12%
30.04.2004 27 110.00 27 152.50 -42.50 -0.16% 19 725.70 7 384.30 37.43%
31.03.2004 27 152.50 22 883.80 4 268.70 18.65% 19 615.80 7 536.70 38.42%
29.02.2004 22 883.80 23 776.20 - 892.40 -3.75% 20 675.90 2 207.90 10.68%
31.01.2004 23 776.20 16 639.30 7 136.90 42.89% 17 837.50 5 938.70 33.29%
31.12.2003 16 639.30 17 382.80 - 743.50 -4.28% 18 542.60 -1 903.30 -10.26%
30.11.2003 17 382.80 18 588.00 -1 205.20 -6.48% 20 552.60 -3 169.80 -15.42%
31.10.2003 18 588.00 18 653.40 -65.40 -0.35% 18 521.80 66.20 0.36%
30.09.2003 18 653.40 19 080.80 - 427.40 -2.24% 18 695.60 -42.20 -0.23%
31.08.2003 19 080.80 20 020.30 - 939.50 -4.69% 17 372.10 1 708.70 9.84%
31.07.2003 20 020.30 18 451.50 1 568.80 8.50% 17 660.10 2 360.20 13.36%
30.06.2003 18 451.50 17 763.00 688.50 3.88% 18 732.10 - 280.60 -1.50%
31.05.2003 17 763.00 19 725.70 -1 962.70 -9.95% 19 250.40 -1 487.40 -7.73%
30.04.2003 19 725.70 19 615.80 109.90 0.56% 19 139.70 586.00 3.06%
31.03.2003 19 615.80 20 675.90 -1 060.10 -5.13% 19 544.10 71.70 0.37%
28.02.2003 20 675.90 17 837.50 2 838.40 15.91% 20 630.70 45.20 0.22%
31.01.2003 17 837.50 18 542.60 - 705.10 -3.80% 24 203.10 -6 365.60 -26.30%
31.12.2002 18 542.60 20 552.60 -2 010.00 -9.78% - - -
30.11.2002 20 552.60 18 521.80 2 030.80 10.96% - - -
31.10.2002 18 521.80 18 695.60 - 173.80 -0.93% - - -
30.09.2002 18 695.60 17 372.10 1 323.50 7.62% - - -
31.08.2002 17 372.10 17 660.10 - 288.00 -1.63% - - -
31.07.2002 17 660.10 18 732.10 -1 072.00 -5.72% - - -
30.06.2002 18 732.10 19 250.40 - 518.30 -2.69% - - -
31.05.2002 19 250.40 19 139.70 110.70 0.58% - - -
30.04.2002 19 139.70 19 544.10 - 404.40 -2.07% - - -
31.03.2002 19 544.10 20 630.70 -1 086.60 -5.27% - - -
28.02.2002 20 630.70 24 203.10 -3 572.40 -14.76% - - -
31.01.2002 24 203.10 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (flows))
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (flows))
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets)
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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Práce - Volná místa

Úřad práce, Mzda, Platy

Dávky a příspěvky

Nemocenská, Porodné

Podpora v nezaměstnanosti



Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


Města a obce, PSČ

Katastr nemovitostí

Katastrální úřady

Ochranné známky

Občanský zákoník

Zákoník práce

Stavební zákon

Daně, formuláře

Další odkazy

Auto - Cena, Spolehlivost

Registr vozidel - Technický průkaz, eTechničák

Finanční katalog

Volby, Mapa webu

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Czech currency

Prague stock exchange

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