Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
31.12.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.11.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.12.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.11.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční

Graf hodnot, Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (flows)

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 30.06.2007 9 589.90
Min 31.03.2003 -3 477.50

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.05.2015 106.30 -22.70 129.00 - 568.28% -15.70 122.00 - 777.07%
30.04.2015 -22.70 - 101.30 78.60 -77.59% 7.40 -30.10 - 406.76%
31.03.2015 - 101.30 - 192.60 91.30 -47.40% 980.70 -1 082.00 - 110.33%
28.02.2015 - 192.60 973.10 -1 165.70 - 119.79% 132.10 - 324.70 - 245.80%
31.01.2015 973.10 1 173.60 - 200.50 -17.08% 61.90 911.20 1 472.05%
31.12.2014 1 173.60 2 097.50 - 923.90 -44.05% - 730.80 1 904.40 - 260.59%
30.11.2014 2 097.50 -1 293.20 3 390.70 - 262.19% - 124.70 2 222.20 -1 782.04%
31.10.2014 -1 293.20 - 447.90 - 845.30 188.73% - 141.50 -1 151.70 813.92%
30.09.2014 - 447.90 4 488.10 -4 936.00 - 109.98% - 271.70 - 176.20 64.85%
31.08.2014 4 488.10 48.00 4 440.10 9 250.21% - 384.90 4 873.00 -1 266.04%
31.07.2014 48.00 1 249.30 -1 201.30 -96.16% 307.50 - 259.50 -84.39%
30.06.2014 1 249.30 -15.70 1 265.00 -8 057.32% -23.10 1 272.40 -5 508.23%
31.05.2014 -15.70 7.40 -23.10 - 312.16% - 337.80 322.10 -95.35%
30.04.2014 7.40 980.70 - 973.30 -99.25% 66.60 -59.20 -88.89%
31.03.2014 980.70 132.10 848.60 642.39% 1 602.70 - 622.00 -38.81%
28.02.2014 132.10 61.90 70.20 113.41% 27.30 104.80 383.88%
31.01.2014 61.90 - 730.80 792.70 - 108.47% -88.80 150.70 - 169.71%
31.12.2013 - 730.80 - 124.70 - 606.10 486.05% - 128.60 - 602.20 468.27%
30.11.2013 - 124.70 - 141.50 16.80 -11.87% - 939.80 815.10 -86.73%
31.10.2013 - 141.50 - 271.70 130.20 -47.92% -1 223.70 1 082.20 -88.44%
30.09.2013 - 271.70 - 384.90 113.20 -29.41% 43.90 - 315.60 - 718.91%
31.08.2013 - 384.90 307.50 - 692.40 - 225.17% 853.70 -1 238.60 - 145.09%
31.07.2013 307.50 -23.10 330.60 -1 431.17% 164.80 142.70 86.59%
30.06.2013 -23.10 - 337.80 314.70 -93.16% 567.60 - 590.70 - 104.07%
31.05.2013 - 337.80 66.60 - 404.40 - 607.21% 146.70 - 484.50 - 330.27%
30.04.2013 66.60 1 602.70 -1 536.10 -95.84% - 114.30 180.90 - 158.27%
31.03.2013 1 602.70 27.30 1 575.40 5 770.70% 92.80 1 509.90 1 627.05%
28.02.2013 27.30 -88.80 116.10 - 130.74% -28.70 56.00 - 195.12%
31.01.2013 -88.80 - 128.60 39.80 -30.95% -81.70 -7.10 8.69%
31.12.2012 - 128.60 - 939.80 811.20 -86.32% - 639.60 511.00 -79.89%
30.11.2012 - 939.80 -1 223.70 283.90 -23.20% - 241.00 - 698.80 289.96%
31.10.2012 -1 223.70 43.90 -1 267.60 -2 887.47% 19.70 -1 243.40 -6 311.68%
30.09.2012 43.90 853.70 - 809.80 -94.86% 344.30 - 300.40 -87.25%
31.08.2012 853.70 164.80 688.90 418.02% -97.70 951.40 - 973.80%
31.07.2012 164.80 567.60 - 402.80 -70.97% 378.60 - 213.80 -56.47%
30.06.2012 567.60 146.70 420.90 286.91% 143.20 424.40 296.37%
31.05.2012 146.70 - 114.30 261.00 - 228.35% 1 869.10 -1 722.40 -92.15%
30.04.2012 - 114.30 92.80 - 207.10 - 223.17% -71.60 -42.70 59.64%
31.03.2012 92.80 -28.70 121.50 - 423.34% -59.80 152.60 - 255.18%
29.02.2012 -28.70 -81.70 53.00 -64.87% 347.20 - 375.90 - 108.27%
31.01.2012 -81.70 - 639.60 557.90 -87.23% 145.10 - 226.80 - 156.31%
31.12.2011 - 639.60 - 241.00 - 398.60 165.39% 6 969.00 -7 608.60 - 109.18%
30.11.2011 - 241.00 19.70 - 260.70 -1 323.35% 204.00 - 445.00 - 218.14%
31.10.2011 19.70 344.30 - 324.60 -94.28% 1 192.50 -1 172.80 -98.35%
30.09.2011 344.30 -97.70 442.00 - 452.41% 163.10 181.20 111.10%
31.08.2011 -97.70 378.60 - 476.30 - 125.81% -55.00 -42.70 77.64%
31.07.2011 378.60 143.20 235.40 164.39% -22.00 400.60 -1 820.91%
30.06.2011 143.20 1 869.10 -1 725.90 -92.34% 32.30 110.90 343.34%
31.05.2011 1 869.10 -71.60 1 940.70 -2 710.47% 416.10 1 453.00 349.19%
30.04.2011 -71.60 -59.80 -11.80 19.73% 32.50 - 104.10 - 320.31%
31.03.2011 -59.80 347.20 - 407.00 - 117.22% - 147.70 87.90 -59.51%
28.02.2011 347.20 145.10 202.10 139.28% -71.40 418.60 - 586.27%
31.01.2011 145.10 6 969.00 -6 823.90 -97.92% -77.40 222.50 - 287.47%
31.12.2010 6 969.00 204.00 6 765.00 3 316.18% 22.60 6 946.40 30 736.28%
30.11.2010 204.00 1 192.50 - 988.50 -82.89% - 274.70 478.70 - 174.26%
31.10.2010 1 192.50 163.10 1 029.40 631.15% 229.90 962.60 418.70%
30.09.2010 163.10 -55.00 218.10 - 396.55% -28.40 191.50 - 674.30%
31.08.2010 -55.00 -22.00 -33.00 150.00% 46.30 - 101.30 - 218.79%
31.07.2010 -22.00 32.30 -54.30 - 168.11% -43.00 21.00 -48.84%
30.06.2010 32.30 416.10 - 383.80 -92.24% 2 009.50 -1 977.20 -98.39%
31.05.2010 416.10 32.50 383.60 1 180.31% -56.50 472.60 - 836.46%
30.04.2010 32.50 - 147.70 180.20 - 122.00% 0.80 31.70 3 962.50%
31.03.2010 - 147.70 -71.40 -76.30 106.86% 165.90 - 313.60 - 189.03%
28.02.2010 -71.40 -77.40 6.00 -7.75% 9.20 -80.60 - 876.09%
31.01.2010 -77.40 22.60 - 100.00 - 442.48% 190.10 - 267.50 - 140.72%
31.12.2009 22.60 - 274.70 297.30 - 108.23% 806.60 - 784.00 -97.20%
30.11.2009 - 274.70 229.90 - 504.60 - 219.49% 133.20 - 407.90 - 306.23%
31.10.2009 229.90 -28.40 258.30 - 909.51% 695.60 - 465.70 -66.95%
30.09.2009 -28.40 46.30 -74.70 - 161.34% -1 403.50 1 375.10 -97.98%
31.08.2009 46.30 -43.00 89.30 - 207.67% 123.10 -76.80 -62.39%
31.07.2009 -43.00 2 009.50 -2 052.50 - 102.14% 899.70 - 942.70 - 104.78%
30.06.2009 2 009.50 -56.50 2 066.00 -3 656.64% - 974.80 2 984.30 - 306.14%
31.05.2009 -56.50 0.80 -57.30 -7 162.50% 295.10 - 351.60 - 119.15%
30.04.2009 0.80 165.90 - 165.10 -99.52% - 289.80 290.60 - 100.28%
31.03.2009 165.90 9.20 156.70 1 703.26% 98.10 67.80 69.11%
28.02.2009 9.20 190.10 - 180.90 -95.16% 362.00 - 352.80 -97.46%
31.01.2009 190.10 806.60 - 616.50 -76.43% - 117.70 307.80 - 261.51%
31.12.2008 806.60 133.20 673.40 505.56% 4 438.10 -3 631.50 -81.83%
30.11.2008 133.20 695.60 - 562.40 -80.85% 820.80 - 687.60 -83.77%
31.10.2008 695.60 -1 403.50 2 099.10 - 149.56% -97.20 792.80 - 815.64%
30.09.2008 -1 403.50 123.10 -1 526.60 -1 240.13% 2 983.20 -4 386.70 - 147.05%
31.08.2008 123.10 899.70 - 776.60 -86.32% -1 274.80 1 397.90 - 109.66%
31.07.2008 899.70 - 974.80 1 874.50 - 192.30% 1 482.70 - 583.00 -39.32%
30.06.2008 - 974.80 295.10 -1 269.90 - 430.33% 9 589.90 -10 564.70 - 110.16%
31.05.2008 295.10 - 289.80 584.90 - 201.83% 38.00 257.10 676.58%
30.04.2008 - 289.80 98.10 - 387.90 - 395.41% - 110.40 - 179.40 162.50%
31.03.2008 98.10 362.00 - 263.90 -72.90% 247.00 - 148.90 -60.28%
29.02.2008 362.00 - 117.70 479.70 - 407.56% 641.20 - 279.20 -43.54%
31.01.2008 - 117.70 4 438.10 -4 555.80 - 102.65% 110.90 - 228.60 - 206.13%
31.12.2007 4 438.10 820.80 3 617.30 440.70% -75.60 4 513.70 -5 970.50%
30.11.2007 820.80 -97.20 918.00 - 944.44% 861.50 -40.70 -4.72%
31.10.2007 -97.20 2 983.20 -3 080.40 - 103.26% - 104.30 7.10 -6.81%
30.09.2007 2 983.20 -1 274.80 4 258.00 - 334.01% -54.40 3 037.60 -5 583.82%
31.08.2007 -1 274.80 1 482.70 -2 757.50 - 185.98% -16.80 -1 258.00 7 488.10%
31.07.2007 1 482.70 9 589.90 -8 107.20 -84.54% 99.40 1 383.30 1 391.65%
30.06.2007 9 589.90 38.00 9 551.90 25 136.58% -34.60 9 624.50 -27 816.47%
31.05.2007 38.00 - 110.40 148.40 - 134.42% - 470.80 508.80 - 108.07%
30.04.2007 - 110.40 247.00 - 357.40 - 144.70% 438.00 - 548.40 - 125.21%
31.03.2007 247.00 641.20 - 394.20 -61.48% -14.00 261.00 -1 864.29%
28.02.2007 641.20 110.90 530.30 478.18% 102.40 538.80 526.17%
31.01.2007 110.90 -75.60 186.50 - 246.69% -28.80 139.70 - 485.07%
31.12.2006 -75.60 861.50 - 937.10 - 108.78% 167.30 - 242.90 - 145.19%
30.11.2006 861.50 - 104.30 965.80 - 925.98% 5 585.00 -4 723.50 -84.57%
31.10.2006 - 104.30 -54.40 -49.90 91.73% 120.80 - 225.10 - 186.34%
30.09.2006 -54.40 -16.80 -37.60 223.81% 3 692.10 -3 746.50 - 101.47%
31.08.2006 -16.80 99.40 - 116.20 - 116.90% - 124.40 107.60 -86.50%
31.07.2006 99.40 -34.60 134.00 - 387.28% 74.00 25.40 34.32%
30.06.2006 -34.60 - 470.80 436.20 -92.65% -58.80 24.20 -41.16%
31.05.2006 - 470.80 438.00 - 908.80 - 207.49% - 138.80 - 332.00 239.19%
30.04.2006 438.00 -14.00 452.00 -3 228.57% 26.60 411.40 1 546.62%
31.03.2006 -14.00 102.40 - 116.40 - 113.67% 2 169.80 -2 183.80 - 100.65%
28.02.2006 102.40 -28.80 131.20 - 455.56% - 291.10 393.50 - 135.18%
31.01.2006 -28.80 167.30 - 196.10 - 117.21% -40.80 12.00 -29.41%
31.12.2005 167.30 5 585.00 -5 417.70 -97.00% -2 209.20 2 376.50 - 107.57%
30.11.2005 5 585.00 120.80 5 464.20 4 523.34% -56.30 5 641.30 -10 020.07%
31.10.2005 120.80 3 692.10 -3 571.30 -96.73% 101.50 19.30 19.01%
30.09.2005 3 692.10 - 124.40 3 816.50 -3 067.93% -45.00 3 737.10 -8 304.67%
31.08.2005 - 124.40 74.00 - 198.40 - 268.11% 406.30 - 530.70 - 130.62%
31.07.2005 74.00 -58.80 132.80 - 225.85% -72.30 146.30 - 202.35%
30.06.2005 -58.80 - 138.80 80.00 -57.64% -81.10 22.30 -27.50%
31.05.2005 - 138.80 26.60 - 165.40 - 621.80% -43.90 -94.90 216.17%
30.04.2005 26.60 2 169.80 -2 143.20 -98.77% 1 624.70 -1 598.10 -98.36%
31.03.2005 2 169.80 - 291.10 2 460.90 - 845.38% 1 946.70 223.10 11.46%
28.02.2005 - 291.10 -40.80 - 250.30 613.48% 160.90 - 452.00 - 280.92%
31.01.2005 -40.80 -2 209.20 2 168.40 -98.15% 59.10 -99.90 - 169.04%
31.12.2004 -2 209.20 -56.30 -2 152.90 3 823.98% -1 591.90 - 617.30 38.78%
30.11.2004 -56.30 101.50 - 157.80 - 155.47% 719.30 - 775.60 - 107.83%
31.10.2004 101.50 -45.00 146.50 - 325.56% 216.50 - 115.00 -53.12%
30.09.2004 -45.00 406.30 - 451.30 - 111.08% - 481.80 436.80 -90.66%
31.08.2004 406.30 -72.30 478.60 - 661.96% 229.40 176.90 77.11%
31.07.2004 -72.30 -81.10 8.80 -10.85% 57.30 - 129.60 - 226.18%
30.06.2004 -81.10 -43.90 -37.20 84.74% 361.50 - 442.60 - 122.43%
31.05.2004 -43.90 1 624.70 -1 668.60 - 102.70% 2 052.30 -2 096.20 - 102.14%
30.04.2004 1 624.70 1 946.70 - 322.00 -16.54% -1 975.50 3 600.20 - 182.24%
31.03.2004 1 946.70 160.90 1 785.80 1 109.88% -3 477.50 5 424.20 - 155.98%
29.02.2004 160.90 59.10 101.80 172.25% - 434.10 595.00 - 137.07%
31.01.2004 59.10 -1 591.90 1 651.00 - 103.71% - 602.80 661.90 - 109.80%
31.12.2003 -1 591.90 719.30 -2 311.20 - 321.31% -1 872.40 280.50 -14.98%
30.11.2003 719.30 216.50 502.80 232.24% - 966.60 1 685.90 - 174.42%
31.10.2003 216.50 - 481.80 698.30 - 144.94% - 179.30 395.80 - 220.75%
30.09.2003 - 481.80 229.40 - 711.20 - 310.03% -76.90 - 404.90 526.53%
31.08.2003 229.40 57.30 172.10 300.35% - 142.40 371.80 - 261.10%
31.07.2003 57.30 361.50 - 304.20 -84.15% -1 002.40 1 059.70 - 105.72%
30.06.2003 361.50 2 052.30 -1 690.80 -82.39% 554.00 - 192.50 -34.75%
31.05.2003 2 052.30 -1 975.50 4 027.80 - 203.89% - 806.20 2 858.50 - 354.56%
30.04.2003 -1 975.50 -3 477.50 1 502.00 -43.19% - 656.30 -1 319.20 201.01%
31.03.2003 -3 477.50 - 434.10 -3 043.40 701.08% 985.60 -4 463.10 - 452.83%
28.02.2003 - 434.10 - 602.80 168.70 -27.99% -21.00 - 413.10 1 967.14%
31.01.2003 - 602.80 -1 872.40 1 269.60 -67.81% - - -
31.12.2002 -1 872.40 - 966.60 - 905.80 93.71% - - -
30.11.2002 - 966.60 - 179.30 - 787.30 439.10% - - -
31.10.2002 - 179.30 -76.90 - 102.40 133.16% - - -
30.09.2002 -76.90 - 142.40 65.50 -46.00% - - -
31.08.2002 - 142.40 -1 002.40 860.00 -85.79% - - -
31.07.2002 -1 002.40 554.00 -1 556.40 - 280.94% - - -
30.06.2002 554.00 - 806.20 1 360.20 - 168.72% - - -
31.05.2002 - 806.20 - 656.30 - 149.90 22.84% - - -
30.04.2002 - 656.30 985.60 -1 641.90 - 166.59% - - -
31.03.2002 985.60 -21.00 1 006.60 -4 793.33% - - -
28.02.2002 -21.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (flows))
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets)
Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (levels))
Holdings of shares / other equity issued by residents - total (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - assets (flows))
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - assets)
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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