Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout |
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (Previous period=100, monthly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (2005=100, monthly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (y-o-y moving average, monthly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (y-o-y indices, quarterly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (2005=100, quarterly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (Previous period = 100, monthly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (y-o-y indices, monthly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (2005=100, monthly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (y-o-y moving average, monthly data)
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles (2005=100, quarterly data)
Miscellaneous business, professionnal and technical services - credit (Other services balance - credit (in millions of CZK))
Miscellaneous business, professionnal and technical services - debit (Other services balance - debit (in millions of CZK))
Miscellaneous business, professionnal and technical services - credit (Other services balance - credit (in millions of CZK))
Miscellaneous business, professionnal and technical services - debit (Other services balance - debit (in millions of CZK))
Weight: foreign trade turnover in groups 5 - 8 SITC, year 2015=100 (%) (Nominal effective exchange rate CZK (2015=100) monthly)
V cenách průmyslových výrobců, váhy: obrat zahraničního obchodu skupin 5-8 SITC 2020 - v % (Vývoj reálného efektivního kurzu koruny (2020=100) měsíční)
Ve spotřebitelských cenách, váhy: obrat zahraničního obchodu skupin 5-8 SITC 2020 - v % (Vývoj reálného efektivního kurzu koruny (2020=100) měsíční)
REER deflated by unit labour cost index (ULCT); whole economy ; weights: trade turnover in SITC 5-8 in 2015; % (Real effective exchange rate of CZK deflated by Unit Labour Cost Index)
REER deflated by unit labour cost index (ULCM); manufacturing ; weights: trade turnover in SITC 5-8 in 2015; % (Real effective exchange rate of CZK deflated by Unit Labour Cost Index)
REER - GDP deflator - Weight: foreign trade turnover in groups 5 - 8 SITC, year 2015=100 (%) (Real effective exchange rate of CZK deflated by GDP deflator)