Visa Section Open to Public

Visa Section Open to Public

24.04.2023 / 01:00 | Aktualizováno: 26.07.2023 / 12:24

Visa Section open to public. To schedule an appointment for a visa, please follow the instructions below.


Applicants who wish to apply for short-term Schengen visa or long-term visa / residence permit:

Send an e-mail request to State your full name, passport number, purpose of travel and dates of travel.

STUDENTS Send an e-mail request to State your full name and passport number. Attach your acceptance letter from the school / university and passport data page.

Send an e-mail request to State your full name and passport number. Attach your employment contract and passport data page.

OTHER Send an e-mail request to State your full name, passport number and purpose of stay. Attach your purpose of stay document and passport data page.

The Visa Section will inform you about the appointment by a reply e-mail.

Appointments are scheduled on a "first come first serve" basis. There is a quota for employee card applications of 30 applications / year (= 5 applications accepted each 2 months) if not applying through an economic migration program.


Applicants who already filed their applications will be contacted as soon as the application is decided.

You can track your long-term visa / residence permit application:


Check the status of your application on the website of the Ministry of Interior at Application status appears on this website only a few weeks after applying, i.e. when the application number is entered in the system.

A You need the reference number of your application generated by the Embassy when you filed your application. It has the following format: ADDIyyyyMMddXXXX, where yyyy is year, MM is month, dd is day when you applied and XXXX represents the unique number of application. For example, reference number of application lodged on 1 September 2022 would be ADDI202209010001.
B If you do not know your reference number, you can contact the Embassy at

Enter your reference number and click "Verify"

Status of application

Status of application

The status of your application will be displayed.

2. If the legal processing period passed and the status of your application remains unchanged, you can check our Official Bulletin Board. If there is any administrative act which should be delivered to you in writing and we cannot reach you on the e-mail you provided in the application, it will be published there for 15 days. You should follow the instructions in the document as quickly as possible - deadlines usually apply. Alternatively contact the Embassy for guidance.
3. If the status of your application indicates approved, await the Embassy notification.
4. Before you come to collect your visa, be sure to arrange the Travel Medical Insurance.

For general visa information, visit the central webpage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Zařazenost 26.07.2023 12:07:00
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